
THE WORKMAS. SATURAT, SEPTEMBER 17, 19. PAGE TAREN Swind in der det er til rettes ties termini de les terrain with and are not the store times we want this Isthmian Cricketers.
British Honduras Reafforestation Scheme PAST AND PRESENT Panama LUCKY STRIKE man business For real enjoyment, smoke a delightfully blended LUCKY STRIKE cigareite.
Lwi wwwürdüwübindininiwwwwwvididididid www bibidwin man Mechanic LUCKY Colony by that fox Lowey. Continued from our last Issur. BY Elcock)
It is well know that he is a (JIM TOWEY)
man with small mind and a It is not generally known that mediocre ability, and coaseJim Towey wbose name today is quently tru hfulness by no synonymous with horse racing means forms a part of this was once a cricketer, became man cha arter, and none should be more aware of it BOX Acquainted with him shortly than his principale, for it is IT TOASTED after my arrival on the Isthmus and today can recall with pleacommonly remarlsed that his sure the many happy hours wa management of the company bave spent together, both on and affairs is not a financial success, off the cricket DOC are they carried on in a Honest Jim, as he is called by strictly Eugilsh style, or principle. Does it not Follow thit a the sport wiiters of the local who is unsuccassfal in newepapers, much to foster this great sport in Colon will He managing a public be egually unsuenapans was always well supplied with directing Gyerament and the implements of the game, and cause the latter to come bankit a Club was short of a ball, rupt. Prevarication and equivopair of pads or a bat, they had bat to find Jim and cation seems to be the keynote request the ot his ma his mapper of loan of their deticiency, and it coaducting wouid te immediately suopred It has been a great surprise to About twenty years ago tbse who recall the speech of Sir Mr. Martinez of Frame Fecd, Samuel Hoare (now Air Minister fame made one of his several in the British Cabinet) when in visits to Colen he was approached Belizz and at at the St Joba scboclby a delegation of cricketers re room, the largest sbara holder in qucsticg the donation of a suit.
the concern.
when he able trophy for competition he advised among otter ibings, that the umong the many clubs tbat bad Government and the people of sprung up as it were overnight.
this Colony patroniz? all British Mr. Martinez, whose interest Industries and labcur, and then in cricket is known throughout for his Company to appoint a the West Indies, quickly respond ct rank Grman extraction You ll enjoy them from the first to the ed by sending cup. cannot as Manager of their affairs in now recall the names cf the clubs the Colony in preference to the that took part in that competi.
former sys en of employing last puff tion, but among them was the educated and cultured Boglih captained by Gentlemen of business qualiticaJim Towey. Jim tean, though t100s and intelligence to the not of chirpionship class, was detriment of the prestige of STRIKE Like many individuals who can their own Countrymen, bis Com.
never themselves become chamhow pany, and the Taxpayars of this plops in their line of sports, are It toasted stumbling blocks in the paths of Again, the appoitment is others who aspire to reach the inconsistent wib the policy of dieposing of the other clubs in top. The C. after easily heese the speech made some years ago Your Throat Protection by Douro Hoare, Chairman of he competition, got tteir first setteck wbeen they met the Methe Company, at a dinner given by the Company in honour of charic C, afded and a betted his visit bere when addressing curning old those present, Mr. Hoare stated It was mainly through that his policy as Chairman was his bawling and the stubbor to see to it that all appointments batting of the Lynch to pcs tions such as that of Arcbie acd Milton that they Manager would at all times be managed to beat us. Jim bowled alloted to thoroughly English with th a rouad arm motion that ard educated gentlemen. It is made the ball go with the swing Ibere fore hard to understand of bis arm, and it you did not the present situation in view of play with an absolutely straight the fact that it is commonly ba. you were destined to fall a known that the present manager victim to this tricky youngster possesses neither brain nor In being enapped up by a experlı ce to justily his apLUCKY arrarged slip field. Time and pointment.
STRIKE again th y would lick us and The final result we are not in Jim would laugh each time, tell.
ITS TOASTED doubt about, but it is lodeed ing us that it gave biun greater bordering on crimioal negll.
pleisure to win from us than be gence for the Governmert and wculd get from inscribing his its Councillors to continue to team name on the cup.
permit tha Taxpayers of the It was fortunate for us tha, Colony to foot the bill.
they did not possess a really We know that we are voieic strong team, as al:hough they the opinion of the vast mjr.
could defeat with monotonous ity of the people of British regularity the apparently invit.
durae, but we do not rxpect the C. C, they would fall Government to believe tbls.
like ckaff before the wind why However we challenge the communama AOA AMANMAMINANDOMONTAMINATAMANNAAAN DAANAN NAMANDIOS competitten. Truly they were they met the oher clubs in the Government to bare a plebiscita taken on the question as to wheteam of giant killers. Jim who ther the Forest Tu. and the et: Terrible Railway is getting on in years, is present scheme of reafforestacarrying on today, although his tion should be abolished and the activitie slead in a diferent direc.
DASS SS SS SS SS Sexo Orosco money allocated for that pur Smash In England Feessa ticn. The will to win is still expend on he is still a man of surprises as struction of roads a: oth. communications. London press despatch Any turite will tell you. He has This plebiscite shoul te taken states that one of the worst cultivated to the highest degree to record the opinion of every railway accidents Great B:itain the babit of winning when he is least expected to do so even by 21 years able to read and write occurred on the night of August his greatest partisan.
the Engli language, who fiber 24:5 on the Southern Railway. OF owns or reats use or lazd of between Duntɔn Green and whitever annual value.
Seven Oak, Kent We sball no doubt te met The Express from Cannon Two Men Beaten And with the argument that this Street Station to. Folkstone and plebi cite will entail beavy cost. Dal carrying 350 passengers Burnt In Baltimore.
not exceed a thousand dullars. London businessmen who reside. mostly. What is this amount compared on the southern C019t, left the Knocked Unconscious And to the buge total involved? line after the crossing points jast IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF in order to back up our outside Cutting, and three of the Dragged to Deserted Coungtale di ements more strongly, eight corridor coaches including try Cottage Where as we bave received a Pullman car, wera completely offers from influential citizens, smashed.
we are prepared 10 Inde. aily CLOTHES WERE SET AFIRE, Thirteen passengers, Seven of the Goverment the whole cost wymer, ive men and a boy were of the plebiselte in case it should killed. 22 seriously burt and a Victims Succeed in Leaving turn out that the result of the voting is in favour of the expene pumber of o hors, including Building But Die From Lord and Lady Lewisham Their Injuries.
diture on reafforestation.
suffered minor Irjuries. At the The form of questionnaire time, th: traia was travelling at should be as follows:57 miles an hour, which is well Baltimore, Aug. 20. Tortures Are you in favour of abolish withio th speed allowance on similar to that committed by the ing the Forest Trust and the the portion of the line where the Suitable for Lodge Business savage Indian, today were empresent scheme of reafferstatior, ployed in a supposedly bootleg the money thus saved to be. It is generally sappɔsed that feud expended by the Government in the disaster was due to the track Knocked ue conscious and dragthe coastruction of roads, Capals. being damaged by torrential occurred ged to a deserted country cotWaterworks and other commu rain storms, which during the afternoon. AT THEtage where their clothing were saturated with kerosine and the ewait with interest the house set afire, two pitilessly result of our challenge. It it be Notice to Correspondents.
beaten men Equirmed their Ignored, we shall return again Contributors and correspondents scorched bodies to the outside.
and again to tha charge until by Though not burned to death in some means or other we force are asked to send in their contribu.
the trap their assailants planned, the Government to ascertain the tions not later than Thursdays to they died from their burns and wishes of the people, and to abide linsure publication. This is impera.
tive ard must be adhered to.
KOSO by such wishes. Continued on page 6)
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