
THE VORRMAS SATURDA) SEPTEMBER 17, 1927 PAGE FOUR Symphony Concert Huge Success THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applicaWALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes sama, de of public interest invited. Box T1, Pacana All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of De Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicasix Weath. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
bre 8Cc.
We do not undertake to return rejected corresponence.
When a man Buys a a this city, 23 The Liberty of the Press the palladium of our rights JENUIS PACKARD SHOE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1927 FIRST MOVE IN THE NEW IMMIGRATON LAW lice) Glee Singers Packande SHOE and SHOW WINDOW ment, by Tere has been quite a little stir in West Indian circles during the past few diys, caused by the following notice in connection with the new Im nigration Law, which has been posted on the various billboards about the city: All persons of probibited immigration resident within the territ ry of the Republic must present themselves to the offices of the Governor of the respective province of their domicile, during the usual office hours, to be inscribed in the census ordered by law 13 of 1926. The nationalities of prohibited immigration include Chinese, Japanese, Syrians, Turks, Indo Orientals, Indo Aryans, Dravidians and West Ind ans and Gujanese of the Negro race whose lauguage of origin is not Spanish. Those not complying with the present order will be liable to the sanctions prescribed by law. Sgd. WALTER MYERS Chief of Immigration Section.
Panama, Sept. 1927.
Owing to the several protests against the new law, by representatives of the various communities who come within its pales and the announcement from high local official circles recently, that the new law had been found inconvenient to operate, it was thought that the measure was held in abeyance, and West Indians especially, and all others affected thereby hid actually forgotten the awkward inpost which caused such a great stir during its promul.
gation in 1926.
But the official announcement of Mr. Walter Myers, Chief of Imm gration Section, has come as a thunder bolt from a clear sky and it has agiin tended to perturb the not a very settled state of our people bere at present. It is not for us to deal with the merits or demerits of the official order as it stands failing as it does to convey any information as to any given time when aliens are to present themselves for registration the period of time, whether within one, two or three months.
As there is, wever, no other alternative but to bow to the inevitable, West Indians must realise that they are to comply with the law and present themselves at the Governor office in whatever province of the Republic they may be residing and get registered by giving their me nationality, age, place of birth anith information that may be required in connection there with.
As we understand it, there is no money to be paid at this time as the present registra ion is slely for the purpose of getting a census of all those aftected by the new law. Registration commences right away and wl conti ue every day until complete. For the benefit of all those who may not know the Governor office in this city, it is upstairs the Alcalde Office, opposite the La Mascota Store.
of our rəst soube The coloured prople on the Isthmus, West lodians in particular, bave taken another step forward as evidenced by the recently distinct first class musical programs they have been presentgiven at the Excelsior Theatre on Sunday after con last by the Panama Symphony Orchestra, the foremost aggregation of all West Indian instrumentalists sin assisted by other attists including Mrs. Olga King, noted soprano, Mis, Adela Walker Headley, one of the capital foremost sopranos, Miss Jena Moulton of La Boca snd Mr LA. Davis, late of the Kingston (Jamaica)
was a decided suecess from all sngles The affair was a truly classical one another of the kind which is destined to supplant the onre prevalent but now fast disappearing combinatie sh who merely play musical instruments and sing songs but show no sem.
he feels better every time he wears it, blance whatever of artistic ability or scientific skill.
for the recollection of quali y It is not goiog far to say that each item on Sunday. program was rendered in gool style and with remains long after the pr ce very good effect. The Orchestra!
numbers indicated the result of is forgotten.
technical practice by gifted mu sicians, which reflects most credit.
ably on the ability of Director Garfield Murray.
Lack of spaee prevents mentionSEE OUR ing each itam, but outstanding among them were: the Flute solo The last Rose of Summer Kimmen, by Mr George Ahbett; for all the latest Models the vocal solo My Mother Bids Me Bind my Hair. Haydn, and Italian lle D:ll Acous. the latter with orchestra ancom ancompani CARLOS MULLER by Mrs. Olga King: The Jewel Sone from Faust by Mrs.
Ad. Walker Headley and the Violin SOLE AGENT solu Czardas. Monti, by Mr. Martin Rodrey, The innovaLinn of Ti vetor Murry was well recievel solob 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE PANAMA CITY while his pinno accompaniment of Mrs. King solo My Mother bds me bind my hir. Mr De was superb Davis showed signs of some training especially in his Tenor while Miss Moulton is grad.
ually moving up the forward ranks HIGH SPOTS cocks bliss voice also lent valuable singers addition to the program, On Panama Canal The progre was to Operations most appreciati e audience of ween five and six hundred people including almost all the SAY, According to the report of the leading Wot Indians of the city Gerner of the Punta Cano ad tea by towns, many Panamaon Panama unalopratio nuns and a prickling of white maintenance for the uonth people.
July 1927 13 194 persons were e top oyad in the op ration and maintenance of the great interna. Excursion Trip Through troval water way of this number, 945 kere Gell om; loyt es au Canal 10, 45 Silver ciuplopes, TICKETS ON SALE NESILE MILK Occupants Of Quarter Plans for the trip through the On the 31st of said month the Pantma Canal on Thanksgiving Looks Good, or nts of Parami Caoal and Day nex. Novembr 24 are Panama Rilroad quaters num proceeding satis acto: ily. Tickets Tastes Good, bered 20, 791, composal of 6, 949 have been distributed and can Ai ricans, 2526 of whom were brad at the following places: a women and 2, 378 chilDicho Is Good 76 children; und 13 673 West Punt, Alo. eul Lords. Fuller om 92 were men and 32 warnen Ba be Skov; San Miguel; Oscar UNSWEETENED. and lidi in of whoin 49 were men, lewelry S ore, 500 women and 988 child en No kman Printerv; Central Ave. Ave.
Agard Tailoring Emporium Does Good. Canal Earnings mbl y Sore, JS dlar hall; SR in Immons, Ancon Ave Cumberbatch Bros THE BEST MILK carred tolls 215. 515, 99 from Secretary. NLA, During the month the Canal July Av; Red Tark lubhous. Boyd, Gatun, five hundred and nine cum nereial FOR EVERY stips, pius 141. 51 for the partouse No. 997 La Boca 2; age A. R EN bers, Bobbs. OCCASION.
actio syn ILO. th, August, tolls colletion s, and Patten, Cristctucunted to 274 116 06. This! Colon, Tickets must be »moun wita exception of 75 51 Pi for before Nov. 15th. In cl eet from small nunches wa order to avoid any disappointreceiveu from five hundred au ment.
orty three commercia vessels.
Schoolboy Fine Trific During Fiscal Score.
Year CALL IN AT The Voice of St. Lucia states: Flag of twenty five nations The sc re of 212 luns by Reginald were represente! Io the tratfu Clarke (st.
Vincent) against through ibe Canal during the year Gren da in the Inter schools which ended Jure 3) 1927, Irelet match in St Vincent outuber of trans. ts, the total foi recently ia record for the Tournle sear of which was 475 itea ament and probably a record for tales was credited with West Indian schoolboys in inter this number paying 12 720 477 95 matches. Such score is out of a total tolls coll. e iou for the rare even among English public No. 93, Central Avenue year of 24 228 830 Grea: schoolboy. and has never been Britisa caute text wih 1, 35i made in such a long standing ship which paid 452. 527 anaual event as the Eton Harrow GOOD SELECTION OF Che two nations which came nex match at Lords.
in order were Norway and Jupan Clarke is a son of Mr. Clarke NEW BIBLES with 265 and 165 sh ps, respective nur druggist, and played for St.
ly, Mary College in the loter Schools ournament at Grenada in 1925, Hymn ayer Books Rent Recript Book 1: wish and English Sold at the Work Advertise to the VORKMANS it will bring you goodresults.
Don Say Milk preserted Nestle Milk NESTLES men 050 Place: Simpson 40 STERIUZED Central MILU Snapshots (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
Don be afrai to say something commendable abu the one in the race wh) is doing some hing; it will certainly not hit your stock in trade, and will convince the public th you are broad enough to siy agi wurd for your fall man. Oklahoma Eagle.
S; Inherited traits are hard tovercome, but they can be Counteracted and overcome, if you have the determination and the will to do it. Rich nond Planet.
The sceret of success in business is not such a secret after all It means to buy judiciously, to keep expenditures below the amount of cash taken in, to offer to the buying public the bet service possible, to use part of profits fo improvements instead of investing in luxuries, and to never become deceived that it is unnecessary 10 keip your name and your wares before prospective buyers. Charleston Messenger.
The Negro will keep vigilance, equanimity and hope and even though his bood is spilled to the four winds and he is burned at the stake in mockery or justice the worm will turn. The conscience of American people will awaken. even as the American people will awaken even as the leaven, leavens the unleavened whole. Indianapulis Recorder The Workman BOOK STORE 203school Man shall live by the sweat of his brow, is true, ani the man who really ki ows how to, is the man that enj ys the sweetest extstence. People work who get now real pleasure from their labours, while others derive the greatest benefit, that of seeing their money go for the things, the sensible things that th ir heart desires. Western American man Office.


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