
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1927 PAGE FIVE sosesc ATLANTIC SIDE White Haired Negro ResegWANAL ZONE NOTES Have You Ever Thought of It?
La Boca Pars ll be repairer The British Pharmacy COLON BRITISH PHARMACY Larger School For Silver PERFORMS AMAZIYG FEATS City, Amorg the passenger Fail ng With Linen Handkerchief It is welcome news to the in the Panama Railro steinWhich Puzzles Vice babitants of Silver City, Cris.
chip Ancon on Tuesday next How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from tobal, tbst eight new room are will ba Miss Tabel Jickins. President Dawes being added to the Silver City di laughter of Mr. and Mrs.
School. Work was started a your Physician Prescription?
Charles Jenkins of the Ba BREATHES ON KERCHIEF shoi time ago, and it is expec ed Qur a tine Annex. Aliss Jenki AND IT BURST INTO FLAMES hat the new rooms will be ready goes to the Land o Oportuearly in October Ditle, to join ber Aunt who has Since the reopening of the If not, it is well to rememb? that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the been a resident there for Memphis, Tenn. Aug A school in July last, the sbift bandling of Prescriptions, through years of experiene and ligent application, number of years. Mr. Jerkins spectacular fest ot gerdemain. is a nitoral d Ameriean aiti Rerformad by a strong, whitesystem bas been in use and bas 62; he formerly lived in Nhatred Negro steel car repairer places us in the positiog to serve the blis with every degree of satisfaction.
ben tbe cause of mueb Inconveniene to the parents as well York with bst mily but took up for Vice President Dawes here residence os tbu Canal Zone recerily, when be breathed upon as to the te. cber and this move Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, leveral on the part of the authorities is years ago. Miss Jenkins the Executive handkerchief and bigbly commended.
be leaving behind a host of the linen suddenly burat into fri nds who wish for ber flames, bas created wide With the sddition of the eight SOU 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, a.
speculation as to the nature of the or rooms on the building, there will be acomodation for about 100 entirel trick. The performer himself. Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, wa out the rich Dew children and two additional ca Athenaeum program who is a minister of the Church teachers on the stall These, on Tuesday evening last, Next God in Christ, and conducts bowever, it is understood, will JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
week ll be. Juniors Night services and revivals in his spare not be new men, but will be und it he junior members live up time insis is that the phenomenon transfered is a direct manifestation of the from the Empire other past 568: assessos SSSSSSSSS Prtor auces colored schools as that settleO good prograin is in sore loc thi soi is of the Lord.
went is soon to be abandoned.
entire memb rship and literary friends wh attend the meeting Watson, had been presented to Tba Negro, the Rev. Wills eacb Week.
the ce President us be was News Notes alla station, Watson has for train in the Grand From two o clock this after been in the employ of the Illinois noon the Women Life Problea Central Rolroad for the past The weather on this side is at Ir Bent rather uncertain. Son.
Clab of Boca will comecet hirty six years, twenty aloe of sh ne, alternates sbowers, Many their 02 annourced ziar. them as a steel car a wet evening is preceded by an The sale of hand. ade housebold and despite his sixty four years usually bright working and someti the other way arourd powerful of will be commenced sebe doing is exceptionally after the doors are thrown open Vice President physique He asked for the Rev, R, Wade, will be the to the public, ard pretty young and taking io bis great gnarled handkerchief preacher at the Colon Wesley het a will be at band to wait hands, he rubbed it swiftly bechurch tomorrow, morning and upon the bu numerous customers tw sen his finger tip for a few night, woo are expected to patroniz seconds. Toen boldiag it cupped this well intentioned effortot in his bands he blew on the linen joint concert by th Fraterthe women of the cummunity to and a tla ne spurted us, to the Has removed from 11. 115 Bolivar Street Dal Choral Union of Colon and collect mon y for charitable pu atter Jose Luer in the afternoon Dawes.
mystification of Mr.
the Springtide Choir or Silver City is announced to take place h: Tumalis Orchestra wil TO at Liberty Hall, 11th street and 11. 1154 11th STREET Ji. pense NEN ONE FOR DAWES so pe of the lates Broadway tomorrow evening ta ce busie; and from tben on Well you got feated for cummencing at o clock, An Corter Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK om dolgot it is expected that your handker shtet, the tire bevy of young ladies will breathing artist said lacon eally attractive or usical program is in During through the gates Guess you got to buy yourselt store for all who attend.
Where our numerous patrons will receive the same ve god time. veral o: be another one.
attractions have been arranged The alliatce Literary acd for the entertainment of the examin Watson bands and The Vice President baffled courtesies as heretofore Debating ciety will bold its au. nerous pat ons xested.
meeting on foun rregular weekly that no preparation bad Tuesday the 19. inst, at the been u ed. After tell this one Cristobal Silver Clubhouse at Pres dent Whyte gets in Washington, ll have to get a. The main feature of the you to come up there to keep LOOK FOR THE SIGN scrap basket Vote of Confidence them from giving me the laugh, evening will be he told him: discussion. Members and loyers of literature are expected to Whyte, Presi lent of the Giess can come sub sala full number Panama Ca al West Eudes Em the preacher steel wɔrker, ad ployees Association was ven ding If you could give me vote of couidene by the Li Bocale. u le of thusord dollars you NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES aistrit of Association at a hive good Inck, aud ll pray for NE business me me ting, Leld centl La Boca. ll tcink it ov. r, said Mr.
By President Whyt policy in Dawes.
Commenda ion. It is but fi directing the Association was dl Sine the Vce esident and becoming as long as we live HEMMUNE Dr. Fred Sterling countries for the by the press come teperire ham partial ubservers and bave opportunity to give dys before by an anonymour ave watched Watson bonour where bonosr is due. BOGLE THE NEW YORK DENTIST ariter under the initials AN is miracls and insist that no he lork expected and purporting to be a prisident, cu preparation is used on either app a ed in the persons of Senor 182, BOLIVAR STREET La Boca. The writer asked the band bands or Tbe Maestro Pilipe Rotali, and President eleven questious scme apparent scientific explanation is Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 CULON, Senorita Erelia Silcedo, on which were very irreveant to that Watson, with his tremenTeacher of the New Providence Box 771. RISTOPAL, Z, the President official business dous muscular development and Spanish School with the Ass Jciation and therefore control and bis tough bands, NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE TELL PHONE 247 COLON All credit is accorded them for pereoorl.
It was ex Cornened by long contact he with PO, BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON the manner in wh ch they have steel beams, riduces a plece of pressed in some quarters that th writer mo:ive was to a Very lisen to beated under in a few their charges; juotwith greut extent actuated by many seconds of friction between his standing the turbulent nature of Dr. Nathan Rowe of Mr. Whyie r. Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
articls tioger tops and then by blowing the tote, they now exhibit that which tend to throw the blume ou cuaxes a fl. me.
bebaviour and school discipline culating machines, Numbering machines, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON te einployees lack of interest in which is the result of love and Watson himself would seot at firmuess Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, ibeir common welfare.
11th and Bolivar Sts.
this explanation.
Wile the correspondent almost fanatically religious, he Tais marked change has been Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing COLON, emanated from Boc, under the says: first learned to know obtained within the short spac machines and all other technical machines.
BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE afore mentioned initials which the Lord wben was twelve. of four months and a half which to us Chase National Bank later developed to be saw din in is pleasing surprise Isaw din in a shining beamot Office Hours: 9a. to 12m Maxwell no such person seems to wht. He gave me three words Colonists, when we consider the New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed p. to pm.
8:atue of the young dy and Le residing at that place, As a aod told me they wee in the consequence, and as the writer 26th chapter af Mitbew found O, Box 864, Cristobal, young gentleman tas not since disclosed bis identity. them there, each the last word in They have suce eded to comWork done by expert up to date methods OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 the President of th. Association three diferent verses. Then randing not only the respect PRUG STORE TELEPHONE 151 the questions.
has not seen fit to reply to any of thought the Lord would show and love of the children but bave His special favour for me and trial will convince you this is no empty talk.
won the esteem and admiration and interested parties. Continued on page 8)
Toose of us who have visited Successful Musicale At Small the scho! during worki: hours. nder then our congratulations St. Peter manner xtended a cordial wel DENTIST come for the success acbieved; Wishto th3 audience, and ing them tbe e jiyment of their expressed the hope that they MASONIC TEMPLE would enjoy tbe Program imwell carved vacation of Fiteen Office Hours: a) to 2pm Toe Musicale given uuder tbe mensely and go away feeling diys, and continued success 30 to 30 wben th y sball bave retu ned.
auspy of the Choir of St. absolutely satis tied.
LA Pter Church, Sundays, We theretore coco mend them Special Appointment Wednesday night last, was a It is not our purpose to comMosonic Temple ilth St, as ll as tbe Sabool Board for uccessful atful. Al. bough old contributors to the Program, as ment on the renditions of the PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Why throw away your old, but no Jupiter Pluvius threatend earls We say to them, Au revoir.
the afternoon shower heavy laden columns might not PHONE: OFFICE 1664 vengerce upon us, be was Robe disposed to give us the royal RESIDENCE doubt interesting, books when you 538 Ready Witt enough to shorteu bis aetiviti se thereby wipning our uusuinted the many acco. nmodation required for Lize plaudis tor the ideal weather would like to write.
things we can have them neatly bound at Here is a story of the rearly Dr. Arnulfo Arias which pre van de broncs helt to say that the Or bastra, Suffice witt of Lord Duling, right the balar. cs of Choir, It appeared that one day while PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON evening.
trying a case he was disturbed by contributors were at their best, Lorg belo e the bour Removed his Clinic to Centarth 8, the sacred editice was ciation Evinced by the large for and richly deserved the apprea young man wo kept moving in 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tral Avelue No. 137 Lalf billed with music rers of vary audience Young Man. exclai red the learned Judge at last, you are block away from the up toing ages, precisely: It was 10 15 o clock wben the a good deal of unnecessary date Opposite Cecilia Theatre Drug Store the Roctor, the Rav. Mol Rector tbacked the audience for name care, annour ced the opening their postlåsh patronage, and Milord replied the offender U. Pharmacy.
bymn Hark! Hark, My Su and offered the closiog prajes which was surg very beart. Is and proneunced the Benediction.
have lost my overcoat and am by the Choir and audience to The Recessional Dyma was then WeH came the witty reply friends Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and D: Smart go old setting. sung, aud our tried English nu sute at the Workman after which sboru prayers were parted, lo»king exceedingly people often lost whole suits in here Stationars Store.
read: The Rictoria briefl please اه you luts.
considered kupt Zalously, of Book Binding!
Воса, its sletion.
ia THE WORKMAN the rate of the court.
At 8, 30, making hat are you cong?
trying to find it.
Advertise in the Workman It Pays.
without all that fuss.


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