
New York (I N. The dealb kaall of the frivolous flapper, the sbek, cake eater and drug store Cowboy as business factors may bave scunded at last.
John Brophy, busines man and corporation head, has swept bis personnel clear of all its callow cubs and bobdedhaired steorg. and has replaced them wh workers whose ages go up to 70 years. Yauag people are too erratic, declares Brophy, who beliyes be has started something that will appeal to thousands of business men as just plain common sense. Kids want to make millions in minute. They work a few weeks thon quit. They don want to spend the time to learn their business they expect to in on Older people are better ac.
quainted with life. They know fortune is not to be made in a second, and they re willing to study their trade and work for what they get He looked satisfiedly over the ra ks of his employees, most of whom are gray baired.
Basiness men buon must come to tba realization that the ideal employee 18 at least over 45 vears, How foolish it is that so many people of this age have bitbezto been turned away from jobs in offices where they could give far greater value than Work Done While You Wait Dothing a that a TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Manager vailed in younger folks. tbe coxoxo Our office is a haven for these peole. won have flap.
SEKS X58 pers or cubs who think they know everything, and won let anyone tell them anything. want clder people. because they have more experience, more Doise and more solidity, and they re far more deperdible. Any o person who wants a jcb can call on me. That the type of employee we want arcucd bere.
Washington New Two Men Beaten Letter Continued from page 31 BY CAPT. FREDERICK wounds a few hours later at a JONES hospital atb cane before they could give a cohcrent story of Special Correspondent of the theire attack.
WORKMAN John Harrahy, 86. and Chester Pugh, 33, each the father of several children, are cause of the nation wide a. the victims of Baltimore most tention given the Sacco Varzatti atrocious crim. They case at Boston, it is disirable motoring to a shore resort outthat an expression of public view side of the city early to day, through some well known pub they were able to tell the police cist at our nation capital reflect when another machine blocked what may well be considered the their path on a lonely road.
consensus of American opinion three mez, each bulting a pistol, on this much talked about gal commanded them to get out drama. The following question and when they did they were wils submitted to Colonel struck on the head and body with Winter, of hington. locally, buts of pi tols.
na iorally and internationally Harrahy said he remembered known as a publicist of high no more until he felt intense repute. His answers follows.
pain. He found his clothing a(Q) In view of the world wide fire and the room ablez. Pagb agitation on the part of red a li lay beside him. He shock him cals in this and other countries and in their misery they tore cff in behal! of their fellow anar. their clothing. The times leapcbists. cco and Vanzatti, what about them, they said, and seems to have been th ir real they managed to crawl to motive in detranding clemency window and fall several feet to on the one band, and spreadicg the lawn.
terrorism on the otben. A) The Commonwealth of Mas.
sachusetts is to be congratulated FLOWERS on the final and logical outcome of this atfair and the weathering of a long continual storm of pas. Abogado. Attorney at Law sion and abuse raised against its OFFICE: No. 44 ST consti ured courts and exºcutive eandel. If the mandate of BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY courts have been un seemingly delayed, that phase TELEPHONE No. 1377 of justice 80 essential to protection and welfare his pre Practicing before all the courts of end. It criticism were offered, it sbould be that the Republic since April 1914 the matter was too long drawn out thus alfording aliens and disloyal groups the opportunity CXS se to twist the meaning of delay and formulate propoganda against our national govern.
When we consider that there is no group of people anywbere, that holds human life so cbeaply and the orderly processes of law and courts in Euch supreme coutempt as these self same anarchists and red radicals, we must agree that their protestations are utterly devoid of sincerity and without a:ista ol merit. these vociferoua disciples of Lepin and oʻziky pretest against the wholesale murier.
the execution without trial of Russian peasants whose only offense is that they are opposed to the bolshevistic regime? It is only America or some other s) called med and capitalistic radical. that the red sets up a plea for un baised unprejudiced court of trial, and then when only one of their to!
be on trial mane or felony, Hue compassionate consideration for the sacredness of man life is not a under whatever Dama that group anarchy, may be parading, there is, there fore, but one reasonable conclusion as to the wh: fore of this clamour Tore or at terrorism. Any belief in the success of communistio ana:cbistic revolution in this courtry.
must be predicated on the supsed di loyilty of a large nur ber of our own people. Ridicals.
whether of foreign or home grown variety, seek to promote their use by undermicing breakiok dewa moral eni religions concepts, preaching and disloyalty to Kovernment By creating a sympathetic furor in favor of these two li confessed doarctists, ih radical leaders have been able to test out on a Jarge scale, the effect of their disloyalty breeding propaganda and their doctrines o of Bismard werd revolutio upon cerain groups and classes of our people. They bive been able to count nasas 80 speak, by observing the reac.
tions to demands for special consideration for the condemned Sacco and Va zatti, and their apparent effort at terrorism.
The expression of sympathy for those two men, convicted by our courts o: Wanton murder, lends encouragement to those wh) advocate the overtbrow of our form of government, and the substitution there.
fore of a reiga of anaruby, blood shed and coafusion. W)
For the cond time witbta decade, the great naval powers of the world have, by their actions at least ull us that they do not appreciate our gratuitous concern about th ir naval affairs. Of course Great Britain and Japan were nice about it, they were even polite, but why did the payal arms parley fail?
What will be the probahle outcome of this failur. Ca. TIVOLI BEER in weaken or a own ilk happens for high crimes or (A NEW PRODUCT)
ta tenet of har bu executive Expenditures: wby and Isomony rand attempt up with SWEET SISTER tain Thayer, Washington representative of that great fraternal crganization The Wood men of tbe World, was asked this question. He replied as follows: The failure at Geneva was the logical cu come of conditions und which the conference was called together. Each conferee de it plain that his particular government did not wish to or reduce their navy by a single gun or stip. Each represen tative was apparently unable to convince bis tillw conferees that they should be satisfied with a smaller navy. Any gesture toward armor tonnage reduction or implied desire for such or the part of the representatives of eat in or Japan, was PAS ut of di ference to the branch of ou. twa government and ne our seemiog wish for in naval Tha conference broke each representative la the best of bumor each knowing that for the time at ast, bis navy wculd remain alloat on the bigh seas t5 glory ard bonor undim med fit to fight again if necessary ard o guard the commerce of the world.
It le uplikely that there is any II tined desi e on tbe part of our Ameren pe pl:t)
see the principal arm of our national peaca fense weakened or bec) ne less efficient, We are mo e likely to thick in terms of past glorious aud the future necessity of an adequate, well equipped American Navy. Per naps our own states zen would a lesson from the gesture it Gentya: they may conclude ibat it is is wrong to sink perlec:19 god battleships, and that our people love their navy well and efficient enough to justify enough to keep it big, strong their faith that it is able to protect American interest at home and abroad. If this view is taken, we shall feel well repaid for the abortive though well intentioned effort at Geneva. fostering exce XSXS SSK ti ne TO SILVER SPRAY ach evement con mu learn a to 10 CONCE misguided LOV IT 99 He (after the show. Let me kiss you good night.
She: m saving my kisses. Then let me add a couple of your collection.
INTERVIEWER (to successful bu.
siness man. have called to learn the secret of your coparelleled sucBusiness Mao: Just one moment!
please. Are you from a newspaper or the police?


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