
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, SE TEMBER 17, 1927 PACE SEVEN The Best Tonic in the World o the. sissa sise, SSSSSSSSSSSS Sissi SWSXSSSSSS Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products And ceased to It gives eatle B55) se BARBADOS THE WOODMEN OF UNION, Continued from page 2)
public life iu Barbados bas had FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION its effect upon him, as it bad upon so many o her well Inter: VIGOR TONIC tioned adminstrators. This is not Join Today. It Protects You While You Live to be wondered at. The preval!
ing trne in bigb circles is This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend reactionary, in middle class and Your Family After You Are Dead lethargie, in the poorest class in ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, different Adidst all this, what Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies must a Governor du? StatesmanImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up like utterances and views awake run down constitution.
no echo. Seed scattered by the FOURTEEN COON REASONS wayside is not even devoured by tbe tame, villatic fcwl of Barba It promotes digestion, improves the appedos. It remains to rot. It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to The most publie spirited Gortite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
people 5), 000 monthly eroormust begin to wonder It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur The Endowment Money is used only for whether it is worth while to Dose. One small Wine glassful before meals cnce.
spend laborious days in thinking sick and death claims.
out high questions of state. Oce or times a day It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims might as wall enjis the best other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home climate in the world, under the 4, its educational features appeal to all Race Office best conditions imaginabl. JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your clai Where is the sense in trying to It donates annually to Racial schools.
belp peopla who will not help 13. You do not have to die to win themselves? In some other place It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members Bath House one might do well to be enerthan any other concern of fits kind rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to getic. There is something to be Its rates are within reach of all accomplished. But 00 this members, 95. full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had ancient and ever British rock, to non memders, 15. 00 Half course Sucea an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 750. Rooms, a Governor will only ka enemies of bis immediate associates, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, and the rest of the people not even acknowledge bis efforts to belp them. Regular Assortment of 80 Sir William Robertson THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW to judge by his speech, bas worry. Tuere is nothing to be gained by being The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states an Englishman ang bnger, so Sir William his bocome a SUCH AS and our membership, extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organi badian zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a TONICS, SO PS, VANISHING CREAN, SALVE, whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
TALUM POWDER. ASPERINE TABLETS, employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Death Of Percy Leverick. SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty The HERALD of the 20 ulto.
says. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
Last Monday there was in The Workman Printery terred at the Westbury Cemetry DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB the remains of Mr Percy Lever 93 CENTRAL AVENUE ick Supreme President artist Supreme Custodian and newspaper illustrator Mr. Leverick was a young man of promise and bis Panama City Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas death cat short what might have been a creditable For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country career. As a lad he started to be learn Book bind ng at the AproAD Notice to Correspondents.
CATE. His skill DSC SOWO Ses SXSWOSYSSO SOSOVO 018 in Hung Up By Wrist drawing bowever, was soon ma le evid ant Contributors and correspondents and be obtained employment as are asked to send in their contribu.
cartoonist of the WEEKLY ILLUS. tions not later than Thursdays to TWO CHILDREN TORTRATED Papr and of the insure publication. This is Ampera TURED ba BARBADOS STANDARD. His work tive and must be adhered to brought Linia touch wib mady, prominent figures in Cruel Woman Sent To Gaol.
the island and Ledy Gilbert Carter was kind to him with my name!
advice and s s! ac.
You are an old lady who will Another c19e of cruelty to Mr. Leverick was a bichelor, not walk where salt is thrown. children was tried at the Polic but leaves an aged mother and (In a slightly lower tone. do Court by Mr. Greenidee. Th sisters to mourn his los.
Dot know that.
defendant was a middle aged Eas Are you an obeah woman, or Indian woman who hang tw what. Do you know Mr. Har little boys aged seven and six by TRINIDAD ris! Bring hin here, He their wrist to a mango tree.
knew that am a quiet woman. The Magistrate ordered the number of children and youngsters to ba placed in the Vampire Woman. Othere were teasing you with Tacarigua Ophanage and sent sali? No.
the woman to jull. for three And you made a grab at one brutal that as a deterent t)
months. He said her act was so Mobbed By Children In The of the. Again raising her others, although it was her frit voice. No, sir. you were not conviction, he could not do otheStreet.
there. God is not for you. God wise than in prison her, will punish you.
of San Juan, the Joseph HER TERROR OF SALT The Magistrate: You must complainant went to Priz?
Dot preach in here.
Rad where the children lived am not preaching. Sir hate with the ladian woman who was The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the to see a liard (lar. sir. To Mr. their aont. They re orphins 20th ulto reports the following Limble) You were not there and bad been the care of this under the above caption: Com (Laughter)
woman for three years. Inspecmonly called by the name of The Magistrate: You must tor Power to the Magistrate Mother Mary, an old woman who is reputed to be soucou answer the questions. He was what the Policeman discovered not. but defendant has The woman tied their two yant, or vamp re, complained to told him all about it.
hands together. the Inspector the Magistrate that she Then Mary said thi; My said, and suspended tben attacked in St. Joseph Road.
mother did not teach me to lie from a mingo tree with just the The Police charged Laura will not answer a liard, Sir, tips of their toes on be ground.
Wilson, but Laura denied tbe in God trust, She said that they were in the assault.
explained that Mr. Lambie: Wasn the de shop but the constable fourd ibe Mother Mar, was afraid of ferdant laurbits when you bela bigger of the tw) still hanging salt and, knowing this, a number on to ber? When bawled We do not know how long of small children began teasing Murder! didn you catch bold they had been suspended ber and throwing salt about.
and pinch me, too?
Poor old Mary, wno would not of me His Worship: What tortur. aughter)
cross the salt strewn street, She is unft to have charge of a grab at ber tormentors Mr. Lambie said he was afraid them.
but caught hold of Lɛura instead be would have to stop.
The Inspector; agree. They Hopkins went up and Then the queer old woman satare her sister children.
found the alleged soucouyant in on a side bench and rumbled on The defendant, Josephine pitiable state. There was salt The Cries shouted for a witness Boodoo, labourer, a married wo in ber mouth, eyes and all over and she muttered, There was man was asked if she wished her head and bodice. Besides no witness there. Gad a mercy! make a statement and replie.
this, her face on both sides was Inspector Power informed through an interprater: seratebed as though someone Maglstrate that she bai the Wiat an to say? She had seized her by the jaws in an reputation of being what was continue los: some things attempt to force them apart.
knwn locally as a souciuyan. from the buse and was a bit Mary (her correct name was This was person who left th angry That was why cilit CAN BE HAD AT Angelina Emanuel)
dressed in a body at night and came a vam just to frighten then meddey of nonedecript garments pire. The belief was that it Sbe stated that she had a told her story from the witness Roxcouyant was salted while children of her own.
box in a highly excited way. this state, the spirit would not be The Magistrate in ordering felt as if was she told able to re enter the body. that he woman should be lock: the Magistrate. She forced Mr. Greenidge dismissing up, said he must mik an examopen my mouth and put salt in charge against Laura Wilsor. ple of her to others who migh: it. Laughter. the sald that the old woman bad a be lik minded. WEEKLY Mr Lambie attempted to mania on the subject of salt and GUARDIAN)
cross examine her, hut the gar: he could not rely on what she rulous old woman fatly called said. It was no use saying anyhim a liar for bis contrary eug: thing to her as she would simply NOTICE gestioos and in the end refused start talking again; but he wish to answer; so he had to abandon Laura to try and prevent the The WORKMAN can be had his purpose.
children in St. Joseph Road, it at the La Boca Restaurant and at People call you Mother Mary Mary came there again, from House No. 971, Jamaica Prado La Boca. Screamingly) That is not troubling her. ATTENTION!
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH was.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders, and Friendly Societies made a deading, The Workman Stationery Store


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