p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1927 Labourers Look Them Over he is a The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody:Scrap Albums Stenographers Note ooks Writing Pads Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books. Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, 132 1:2 an tonest er event job.
course, THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store bave to 100 euro Here is a Good Position Tomorrow Races JOIN OUR Compares Coloured JEWELRY CLUB Nearly half a hundred native and imported horses With Australian Men are to furnish the weekly entertainment at Juan Franco The mo ning Herald of Sydoev Park tomorrow alter. oon.
Australia, published the following: Eight races are on the card, never did have murb to say the feature being the last rece in favour of the nigger as a work of seven furlongs with er, but having seen Australians working cargo at Townsville and sheviki, Chombo Gordo, ArBowen, am filed with respect for lequin, Do Alejo, and Canbim. la comparison with them tones to compete. Toe line.
team engise.
up in general is an excellent DI CHC Farquharson, a sur one and promises a real geon from Jamaica, British West treat to the patrons of one of It is the easiest and surest Photo Albums lodies, made these comments Panama best amusement way to own a value able upon arrival in Sydney from che Dorth yesterday. Di Firqubar.
and lasting piece of Jeweky, Vellum Pocket Books son is travelling round the world, Here is the entire program. Watch, Clock or Silver ware and reside. for lespite everythingmay return to Australia to FRST RACE Only 00 a Week Children Toy Books Australia is God owo happy Furloug Purse 125 country, he said.
93 FOR 25 WEEKS Barba Rja What a wonderful country it is a Fap 90 Join now and solve your he added, But what terrific handiE Chichi 108 Christmas gift problem, caps it has, particularly in unions Excuse Come in and talk it which seems to have exceeded their Cococh usefulness, and have power to SECOND RACE over at trespass upon individual rights and Furlongs. Purs. 25 FULLER privileges. In North Queensland Hondy Duw 101 122 Central Avenue the position is absurd, the men Leaw working the shio was oa Pistoi 32 Panama City were not doing Diecisels 114 Give me the lazy bigger every Mayoral 129 Jakie 129 Oi conceded Dr.
Gratico 90 WHITE HAIRED NEGRO quharson, it is perhaps nos Scout Knives. Meador Knives just that should so criticize such THIRD RACE (Continued from page 5)
a friendly place Australia is Furlongs Parse 125 wonderful, and it has a few things Chiqui 95 after a time perform this and many other items too numerous to mention to learn. For instance it is ridZapu 126 miracle of burl up baudkeri u ous for white men to work in Iver Spray cblets with my breath.
the tropies or sub tropis if 103 Candlewood you would rather Dave North 113 REGARD AS WEALTHY Queensland cal ed. tbst in the Fenomeno 96 He was born in Jackson, Tenn.
nurtest part of the day be surk Don Simba 114 where be attended scbool aud should be done in the early moroFOURTE RACE grew up, For seven years he Dex and late afternooa: You it was a locomotive engineer, when Furlogs Parse 175. be says, thanks to the Lord to improve your exportable products alo, 103 special protection, be survived o, if you want to Brave Lase get by. in this world of keen Ual tones 106 collision and derailment.
Kiny G!
108 His sugges iɔn that Mr. Dawes 93 Central Avenue. Panama City Cap Alvorado Your meat for instance; with it 125 recogn zy his miracle with a gift, Carcaja 1a you are under a tremendous haod.
125 waich was genily but truly cap in distance, and really it is Leite 115 refused, by no means indicates SsKoste05 Socos SA He owns an not a bit betur than Argeo. ine FIFTH RACE ibat he is needy.
beef. At least it is no better when entire block of residences tbe Furiages Purse 15)
vou see both at Smithfield mar railroad district, adjoining bis Celia ket.
home Bandera at No. 1531 Rayburn 1131 avenue, and by thritty living bas But yoor Australian says: Dudoso 126 Dr. Hubert Edwards WDAL about accumulated a competer ce which our wool? TO a R:volosa answer that one only bas to reler ached)
pakes him a rich man to the community. His bome is filled PHYSICIAN SURGEON to tha eurides South Africa is msk.
Cuburg 110 with book, oli pertaining to the FOR REAL WORKER.
iug, aod the excellent wool that Special Studies in Diseases of SIXTH RACE ble, of waich bels great Patagonia is now producing.
Women and Children: student.
022 Furlongs Purse 175 Speaking of his home, Dr, FarWe are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC quherson said that while no doubt Marcela 119 And women, in which an exeelleot income from side earninge, the United States would greatly Oscurrencia PAN AFRICAN CON126 TEMPLE COLON R, desire to have the British Wed Loreaza 98 even to PART TIME workers can be mide. During onr FERENCE PHONE 409 xtu 125 years in business we have appoisted over 518, 010 agents who Indies, the people both white aod black, were very loy to Britain 117 supply our household necessity to our customers in every coun The Unnion Jack was ao emblem Gravedad 124 Continued from page one)
try in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over Tribuno 124 BOWEN worth living under, and they for both races in this our mother 30 years and have achieved Financial Independence Increaswould have no change SEVENTH RACE land, ing local demands and repeat orders, make. nrce sary to TAILOR Furlong6 Purse 175 (4) This convetion indorses in appoint more local representatives in many localities in the nonVoice Toachor Hore 113 to the resolutions of the No. M Street San Miguel Bu la United States. No special experience or capital req tired.
37 European Couference recently beld Panama City Straight foward, digoified business. Wny bot represent the Kimberley, and expresses MID recent arrival from Jamaie: Zlatner largest and best known house of its kind in the worl. Send nguine biope that a continuity is Mrs. Steadınso who is said to of ue your address and the Manager of our appointmeot Bureau races of will send you full particulars. When we anpoint an agent CHURCH SERVICES bave been conected with ta Chapel in La Nina u Africa will serve a good purpose in evolving a racial.
we furaish free samples for Triul Tests in the hopes of your number of years, and is an expert EIGHTH RACE (5) The convention bumbly re locality, etc.
Pouteenth Sunday after Trinity. voice culturist. It is understusi Mrs. Steadman, whe is at Farionge Parse 250 quests the Union Goverutneut to Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, Peter by the Sea, La Boca present desiding in this city, my 109 communicate ite pešition to the Bulse Viki decide Unit. States Goveroment to give give lessons on the Voi.
Un Gods to 98 (Attention Clerk No. 1438 (You) Street Holy Communion Gam If So, there is no reason why Arleq 410 128 have clemency in the prolonged The Rector the lady should ic carceration of Marcus Garvey, not take Du Alt 120 President of the 1, wh Th3 Litany 10 45 am Holy success of her profess10u 38 a side Cuntouts is now reported to be suffering Eucarist 11 in The Rector hne, if nothing more, cousidelog Holy Bapt sm, 730. a the healthy interest whics muy or fro:n astbun, in Atlanta Peniten Church School, 30. our people are Dow taking lu CHARTING IS BEGUN tury, WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Choral Evensong an sermon, cl 19:10al and Bientiae singing (Contined from Page 1) SPARKLETS m. ae Roctor, area was surveyed by Panama St. Mt bews Day Wed 19d.
Canal engineers for private ii. Continued from page 11 the 21st lost. Holy Co. nunion St. Matthias Noi:si. terests, and a la ted survey of themselves up, not of course by am the water adj cent to the eutrance trying to fool society with empty MULCARE. Rector LAS SABANAS to the Coal was made by the dress, poinpous talk and boasted (Rev F Nightegale. Rochester in 1924 Consoli academic intelligence, but wih No hot irons or special combs required St. raabys Priest in birga Empire, St 45 Ja 10 of those eurveys still leaves the aequ rement of real character Holy Communion large areas anchar eid, and earthly goods in large enough Bartholomew Las scades pm Church School SOLD IN DRUG STORES pm Choral Evensong and The work of the British in Pa quantities. In seeking to acquire st Simon s, Gamboa addre: Mr. A kicbards, Lay Bay WAS retnarkably these, however, it thould be kept Mantins aod address, Church Reader.
thorough but the hydrographic in mind that everybody will tot schoul at the usual time by the survey inethods of that time and become rich, iudependent or af.
si DENIES COERCION OF Lay Readers Gatun Residents To St, Alban Church, Paralso tbe equipment were not so ad fluent, tut that, as some must as now. The charts in use greater than th: rest. when warn Augment Reward JT MULCARE CANAL ZONE at present show some geodetic it is found that a y, or ontinued from page (A, Nightengale distortions, and some shoals and race possess doctor Priest ia charge dangerous rocks are not shown, or lawyer, of mecbane, or affair at the next session.
American residents of Gatun AMERICAN EPISCOPAL 11 a Matins, and address Mr.
and the scale is also too small for artist, or thinker, or leader, or Secretary of Foreign Relations are subscribing ve dollars each CHURCH Osborne Catechist practical ue.
busisness min, they should support Alfaro anncunced his reply to to an amouut to be offered as an Fourteen! Sunday After Trinity pm Chureb shool The inereasing use of these him and thereby strengthen the Minister Garay, ordering a cate additional reward to the person 7:30 tu Choral Evensong and waters, due to the heavy traffic to pillars upon which they may easily go ical denial of the statemeat as or persons givins evidence which st: Patil Church, Panama seremon Dean Melcher and fro. the Pacifi: Coasts of the build reco. u zed prestige which completely false and absurd. will lead to the eapture of a midAmericas. both North and South, will be to the credit of the entire has led to the project for a com comuunity or race. lobis own denial wa made by the State assaulted Washington, Aug. 27. flat pight narauder bo unmercifully Rev. F Nighteogale D Rec.
and Mrs.
CA a ta Holy Communion. The Seventh Day Adventist plete su ihis will also. the tonight to published Clemens erican residents of Rctor in the apartments 10. 15 a Mantins MFR CALIDONIA STRESC States Navy in connection with the social inequality in public places. coercieve measures bau been ado at hali past two o clock in the Atwell. Lay Reader ROAD Rear Isth nian Park Pana munocuvreing of submirine in pted by Francis White, n» As morning of the 5th. inst. The 10 30 a Holy Eich uist sistant Secretary of State, or other Government of the Canal Zone defense of the Pacific entrance to Panama Well Represen departmeat officials in the negoti has already offered a reward of Sermon ſhe Rector Sabbath (Baturdas)
tbe Panama Canal, ted at. on of the peading treaty Sabbab Schoo. 11. 15. Gen12. Huly Baptism with 505.
eral Worship u. Spanish British Consulate Notoo covering relations between pm Anpiversary Service of elats; The flag of the Repu sl of that couarry and the United States, was sent to the Panama Senate tbe Life and Low FS 30 in. Society, The British Consulate at Pana Panama was represented on Oue particularly in reference to the but was returned with the hope pm Churca School meeting 30 pm. Junior and 30 pm Chora! Ev. nsong that it might be modified ia sutre ma would like to know of the hundred and fire ships wbich said Canal 2002.
Senior Staudard of atta nment whereabouts of William Augustus 66. 844. 25 io tolis. Argentine, Highest officials joined in the particulars. Since then the matter sermon The Rector Class p. Vespere.
Cummings, of Jamaica, a mason Greece, Houduras, and Mexico assertion of the Foreign Minister has rested, with Panama making no Wednesday, 21st Feast of St rich temperance program by trade, who has been resident in were represented with one ship of Panama that the story was definite move in the case to the Matthew Evangeist. Holy has been arranged for Sauday Panama for several years. false and absurd. The treaty Sta:e Department.
Commuoion, am olgh. butis ودان. a هل أند 1ti با هامة אוטוב 10: 120 Don European 93 South 90 Contra Crespo nama quate an in uge be a communi a good a be of the per tu value to the Uaited maintains to marked degree. reportan Alexical newspapers that that ma 945 am Pabama cova each.


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