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41 Liebe Vacation for Canal Silver Employees THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK ANC PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. PRICE CENTS C: PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 927 Plans For Corporation Pro TIME NEGRO Release Garvey! Is Cry of INSPECTORS BUSINESS gressing Slowly But Surely Negroes Swys Negro World First Meeting of Possible Share. It is understood that during the Appeals Have Gone Up From White And Black Men And Women The World Over.
Raid Cristobal Commissary.
Should Amalgamate Ample Capital.
that appears on years, and right to scue aties it well strongest would past few days frequent raids have One hundred small, sickly bui holders To Be Called been carried out at the Cristob. Des enterprises have netically October 3rd, Commissary by the time inspectors in potential value as over acast for the purpose of discoveriog he amalgame. ion of such a group illegal purchasers, and that during into len or fewer, mulivant byutus these rails several books have enterprises, backed by me Mr. President: we are reporting progress. This is a been contiscated.
capital and manner by The continued imprisonment of the Honorable Marcus familiar phrase used by some committees in reporting to Many employees. it is claimed, in to and women. so save ima Garvey has become a thorn in the flesh of the Negro people their respective organizations, orally, on what they have make it a habit to let out com Howard University, an art the real condition of the Negro, bis pathetic, social and Scott. secretary prisutne througnout the world. No single incident has emphasized been appointed to study and report. We find that we are missary coupon books, tooth estated the Day of the Financial political weakaes, as the relentless grip of the American in similar position as such committees, and so this week which is a violation of the contest Merger.
the book, and we are reporting progress in our preliminary plans to incor which Government upon Marcus Garvey is doing. Millions of ter reviewing the numerous black men have cried out in grief and supplication for his part is as follows: It is porate the WorkMan Plant. We are sure you have read further stipulated and agreed that amalgamnations, and mergers release and not one word of sympathetic understanding, last week announcement in this column with the utmost this book is not transterable spd prominent firms and companie in interest, and that it has caused you to study a little deeper if presented by any other than the che geueral busines world in lae consolation or encouragement, has come from those who the virtue of such saying, Rome was not built in a day. subscriber it may be taken and the The reason that so many of our people criticise This is further use forfeited. of several oil og enthusiastically are able to grant the prayers of these earnest suppliants.
the Negroes inrura the The appeals for he release of the Honorable Marcus the agreement to to which the companies, and the great economies Garvey, which began shortly after bis imprisonment, have adversely the ability of the few who are struggling to set up employee his signature and advantages that would scene come from black and white men and women throughout the big business, is that big business is not so easily conducted everytime he signs for bis book from amalgamation, he says as seen by the mind eye of the layman. If a few more tives of the government se quite this subject of the werger his friends and tollowers; but, in the past months, even end, that being so, the represruta la scientifie study were devo ed world. When he was first imprisoned, the petitioners were stop to study within rights in to colored life friculty encountered in setting up and carrying on repre that this agreement is kept up. as the consolidation of the belief in the unfairness of his continued punishment. Three is bis sworn enemies have come forth and declared their sentative business, much more cooperation than is at banking institutions present given to the few lºading ones would be forthcoming as a source of much anooyance to who On the other hand it is regarded which the race at present main years ago none could have visualized the situation which On account of the inability of a greater number of our the legal purchaser to be requested tains and controls there would now exists. The Negro of today takes it as a matter of be brought inso being a tremen course. He understands. So far has race consciousness people to perceive below the surface of business, the subme his book for inspections to dously large life insurance com progress among the Negro peoples of the world. Marcus more. efforts of the few who are not in a position to finance and puuv, destined to take its placle Garvey is a Negro first and everything else afterward.
The practice of transfering with the New York Lite, the Friends or enemies, all Negroes are his brothers in expand big undertakings in a short time. And so, one of standing among employees, and tial Life and the great Metropolitan persecution and adversity.
coupon books is one of long Egaitable Assurance Ance, the Pruden the reasons we run this column weekly, and expect to constitutes a problem which is Life Insurance companies. What If Warcus Garvey never does another splendid thing, view the efforts of the few, which are destined to raise the what can be gathered on the incalculable. In the first plae, He wrought so well that his work can never be undone.
continue it for some time longer, is to help these people to perhaps dimeult to handle. From this would mean to the race is he has made an immortal contribution to the Negro race.
common standard of our community, more seriously.
This subject it does net of the employ be it would meania program of intelli Nu trials, no dis burugements. no sergregation, no oppression is an age of united efforts and mass production.
always the desire which to let out his coupon book to redouod to the begebie of the now can dim the pride of the black man. Marcus Garvey The Management is positively not prepared to blow any another, but circumstances at time Negro press, which at present is has awakened his people. They are proud of their colour horns announcing anything that it is not reasonably sure of force him to it, and many a time the medium through which most and lineage. Tney apologize no longer because they are achieving. We have been trying to be sure to have one the man of bonest intent suffers. of oor affairs reach the Negro black. Burning with zeal himself, thing done well, before starting another. This system may It is believed that were it possi public.
he inspired them.
Fearless, he has made them brave appear slow to some people, but those we must enlighten Continued on page Continued on page 8)
The continues imprisonment of Marcus Garvey is a to the fact that all who drive in swift automobiles generally shameful thing. It is shameful because it is so unreasonsail to see many important landscapes.
able. It has no parallel in modern history. Negroes of In any event, the first meeting of the proposed corpora SPARKLETS the world who have gloried in their vaunted progress and tion of the WORKMAN Plant will be called sometime during power need stop and punder. What is happening to next week or early the following week. We are hopeful (BY WCK)
Marcus Garvey could happen to any Negro who stood for that, from the encouragement we have been receiving and what he stands for and who is willing to fight for Negro the support which we expect from our people, the Those heads, as stomachs, are ment of the prefix un denotes freedom as uncompromisingly as he has fought for it.
plans laid at the coming meeting will mark the era of an Dot sure the best, only an absence of the quality effort to effectively weld our people on the Isthmus Which nauseate all, and nothing able. which is nothing but designated by the adjective desir.
Friend or foe, no Negro needs to be ashamed to together for the big but pleasant task of fostering a proper (Continued or page 8)
can digest. Pope.
public announcement of spirit of cooperation for our moral, social, educational and never did get anyway het up always been present.
presence of a quality which has HINTS FOR INTENDING IMMIGRANTS.
economic advancement, over the new immigration law wbién designates West Indians, with The people of the United States To better farilitate entry or reINDIANAPOLIS RECORDER DEFENDS GARVEY thers, as uadesirable aliens. of America desired West Indians MAY BE CALLED TO The ooly feature If these entry into the Canal Zove or the fure about the law here, they still tesireus which dislike is that which people were to designate us as Republe of Prosma, on account of PAY DUTY And Points out Inconsistency of Persecutors propose to forcibly seperate brendesizable aliens That would their emigration de pornich limits of West Indians from his money. to us; Einployees of the Panama Ca.
is a natural dislike which, when fact that would be arrant nonsenre and other foreigners, the following, THE GARVEY MOVEMENT IN TENNESSEE.
jepte reticons are not give mikor the elemente de bapters they would thin house does not cover in details bel bisbes. Panama are likely to all particulars, is given: asked to par The Indianapolis Record of most ridiculoas terms of the organ ing up with a liteet fight the Many error sites on womage during my of the Panama Canal, as well President Chairi approves the always felt like baek telligent people; committed an almost neces aary for an employee personal property purchased from Zone August 30 says. of us object to word The community around about reference to the titles, Te ralia cere in the Law to desiroate us with with Action Governor Burgess of the Chattanuoga, Tenn, has recently refer Canal Zooe, to in understood to have been discovered the Garvey movement, monies and the appeal to mystic others for the it appears. Without boving the 18m and glamour which beset the ing our emilf restrict the Panama Canal Zone or Doctor certificate of their status before in a petition to bim during Lost reliable and uubiased reports Negro mind. It appears that the country to this couotry, and to Mini South, United States leaving the Isthmus. If an em this week by the Panama Associaand ploye, the certificate should sertion of Commerce.
The matter. it been human miod is indeed short on seems, of as the to merchants are truly Universal Negro Envoy Extraordinary aty As this view comes present number bere.
community where reflection, the word would seem to me as to how some of their col upon bis return; and reemployed suffering from more are less acute Association has been forbidden to the ease of Κυ Klux depression. This with carry with it some should hold meeting in the ci y of Chat the degree of leagues managed to have so lot a tanooga. The orgvuization, it ait empts at an ap seal to the mys offense. Person lly, do not do their heads, and how long they he is going on temporary leave and merchants have attributed, to certain extent, to a competition of sway teet appears held meetings after it was to expects to return to take the offence; in fact, a literal believed it would take them Srbidden to do so. week or so over so many sutelligeat people interpretation of the word reveals regain sanity and retract. deace with his family on the the Panama Canal Commissiaries operated on the Canal Zone for ago the local authorities broke in Nordics thoroughly im ued with offence. Really, the PanamaCanal Zore. These certficates are the convenience of the Panama To come back to the origina! As a role given by the Executive Canal and Patama Railroad emog o melting place of the organ the best of the world greatest nians have NEVER EXPRESSED. question: As have indirectly ex Secretary of the Panama Canal, ANY ization WEST pressed, my sense of pride in myplopees.
The press reports (white) have DIAN IMMIGRANTS.
West Iodians leaving from the Our The Americau people seem to sence in their country and their self ie not wounded in the least by Employees of and of Panama should got do Railroad have a legal right to pur!
it that the over 2calous and more know little or think little of how boseroreted that they had desired an undesirable alien by a people Secretary of Foreigo Affsirs of commissaries but hundreds of these er jess misguided underlings of the the fundamentals of Garveyism first cousuling, chase om the Chattanooga branch of the Los Nibe to velice pod oplevelser paling us. Now that they have come out who have never expressly the the of the. meeting place was raided. The rt cry of Africa for the Africans and say that we are not desired by me. food that am not singular Pamaina through the Director of employees are compelled to live in them does not, on the other hand, see Such little things do not immigration, Panama, and pro. Panama through lack of housing sult was a pitched battle in which nativity for black people, Wing man cure from him the necessary paper facilities on the Zone, But the saltenbers of the 1, organizu sounded by Garveyie chose gone should study the meaning of the Taketa, who also come under the as indicate that they hate us. We seem to worry John Chinaman, which ll permit their re entry the por Abdul Singh, nor Najama Canal authorities in them bendom several oficers were around the world. The slogans are word DESIRE and its derivitives. provisions of the celebrated Low Pasama are to.
As the immigratioa laws of alios quaters for all its emwounded aud also a few fatal ties known in Asia (Japan. India, Es The Panam»nians are quite aware phere may be blauses in the Law enforced by Coal Zone immigra. Panama land and house great extent gloyees is, however, the gain of The Chattanooga white press im pet the most of Africa send. sono ese of the fact that West Indians have which call for some diplomatic tion authorities, al immigrant of oweers who islands wax ricbrout of rentals charged mediately proceeded to investigte the isla the seas the Garvey movement. And like a cries are paralleled by a nativity been, and are, decidedly useful 10 protest, but those silently. refer from the West Indies must first these employees.
be for the Jews, great section of the American pub India for the native and Egypt. Asia for Asiaties, The other alternative petitioned helping to be developer their country: 10 BM. Minister Plenipoten prove to the latter officials that has been on several occasious tiary and Envoy Extraodiuary for they are either employees of the for, is a reduction of existing imof her bekend and long way pure for the Egyptians. And they are experienced publicly by some of their reviewal and necessary action, if Canal returning from leave, pros. port duties so as to lower prices in lie, Chattanooga press gons ther to dtseredit the Garvey love. keeping the best minds of the foremost leaders of thought. And he does not review and act, if pective employees who have been the cities to a closer proximity not a few of these people now bold action is necessary, will the given authority to laud, or families with those the of eommissaries ment, its leaders and its program. white world awake at night.
that we are a most valuable asset The local wbite prese speaks in the (Continued or ngup 8) to their country. The employ. continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
30000000 irremediable It is in procure ict Joba from our 011 Improvement reflection.
from in dependent it lodicate that business the a a ore 38 desired


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