
The baulige from Braz is very little different to tbat from enough to make a factor at all considerable to the price.
Brazil Can Ship Ba. Joven, certainly not diferent STILL ON SALE 14 per Stem The Pimento Crop. West Indies Cricket History nanas at Cost of Mr.
Clyde authority on the banana question better care parts on Coole, way fo mation, for BARBADOS Curt: But this is exactly what will happen if the Governor decides to appoint Mr. Williams The West Indian to act temporarily as judge of the West Iudian Court of Court of Appeal appeal.
GOVERNMENT POWER Commentiog editorially under There is no doubt that the Governor has the power to the above caption, the ADVOCATE AND in iis issue of the 12th alto, appoint Mr. Williams for the Imporial Act wbich established says: Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 We have heard un ar to estrusted to him the power of the West Iodian Court of Appeal the effect that it is bis Excel appointing anyone whom Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages ney intention, owing to some thought capable of performing be diff culty lo procuring the service the dutie Bot in the exercise of the three Chlef Justices for the ot this power, His Excellency is Summary of Contents: sitting of the West Indian Court of in duty bound to observe the Appeal which is sheduled to proprieties. His position is on of History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years) bear certain appeals in this the presert occasion admittedly island next month, to appoint difficult. Oaty Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, two Chief Justices Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Acting President of the Assis from the neighbouring Colonies Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, 00 are available and Mr.
the Appeal Bench for the ocet have filled the vacancy tant Court of Appeal to a seat on Attorney General. Foyder the who might Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual wish sion cior. We would hardly have bave filled the Players but given the rumour any credence proprietv is on vacation. In this th authorit tive source to His Excellency that way out extremity it bave eppeared Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and from wh:ch we Interesting for it tened most ques might be found by the appointteable proceeding. Not that we went of Mr. Williams. But be Price 50cts.
question Mr. Willian bus, to put it colloquially, jumped competer ce to fill the appoint Gre.
At out of the frying pan into the mect. We are personally well William Robertson will trane 80 doing Sic acquainud with the outstanding gress one of hyse unwritten but Secure yours now there will be a great rush of unalterable laws of the Bar on ability and deep knowledge of altera porsessed by Mr. Willams. which the whole administration for them.
He has on more than one ocean of justice rests. There may be Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN on given us excellent service in Deres persons who that exlegal we, Panama ver without tear of cantradito pdience of the moment is of ic. More inportance than a mere cion that he is the equal of formal precedent: but such per and superior of oota few of of sons do not realize how sensitive those who hold the the bigbest offices in the West Indies and finely balanced a machine is But unfortunately Mr. Williams our oystem of justice.
does not hold one of the highest Betscode or may upset the whole balance of the machine there oftices. He is aj judge, can be no doubt that the appointbut a judge of an inferior Court, meat of Mr, Williams would be WHITENS THE SKIN and will be the first to recor: a bsd precedent.
niza how inappropriate it would be for the President of the Court of Appeal to be called Colonis Finances upon to review the decisions of Marvelous Cream the Chief Justice of the colony.
Williams holds a position Prosperous Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, and logous to that of a Court Judge in England; and it sun tan, and other skin blemishes would be most extraordinary, positioa In refering to the financial nay: in possible for Country Governor in his speech om he o Barbstos, the SOLD IN DRUG STORES Court Judge to be required to review on appeal the rulings and at the opening of the decisions of a judge of the High (continued on page 7)
end to.
Competing with Jamaica Fruit In England Which Cost Harmous, Sept. The Pimento Crop bas been the largest Per Sten to Load.
for many years and it is indeed painfal lo see the quantity that Th? venture of Lord Vestey is spoilt as one travels by the in purting Brazlian bapapas on road, the Eglish market will cause Jamaica growers interested in The proparties are paying as the same direction to realise that such as per box to rather in here is a very serious potential the pimento and vat a good deal rival in this field when a tew will be spoilt. The pesantry ure tre beginning to realiza wha: facts are considered. Says the wood law the Produce Protecta GLEANER of the ulto.
tion Law is and are taking much in a bo knows Brazilian conditions preparing their throughly, yesterday quoted for produce for market. Mr 8: us a faw tigures which will show Iospecror of produce was bow serious that rivalry way in these on Saturday in 02 become.
specting Ipremises and granting Brazil can put bananas on Bedjimin at Wembley Park on erificates. He staved with Mr bard sbp at a cost of 4 ner Fridy night last and visited bench for the Eoglish market. Greer Pond and nearby districts Messrs. ders and Fyffes put on Saturday.
ting fruit on board in Jamaica 1gr the same market cannot Mr, Benjamin, Inspecpossibly do it for less than per tor of Portsea, Southfield Sept, buneband of course they both 5, Euerybody is busy about the sell for the same prica in taking in of the pimento crop England.
many of the older beads say The Brazilian banana is a that they have never seen bigger and beavier fruit than pimento bear so well, Little chilthe Jamaican, just es good look dren can make or more per day ing, and very much similar in according to the amount of piv flavopr.
mento they can sheil. It is not The total output of Brazil last surprising therefore thal the teachers year, was nearly twelve mill on poor attendance in their schools, complain about the stems host of this truit bas been going so far to other South The local buyers purchase American countries, only the sur pimento at 5d per lb. but at 6d; plus being sent away it is only per lb when the weight reaches quite recently, the 50 lbs, and above. gentleman advent of Lord Vesty that grow says he hopes to make 60 or 70 ers there have began to realizace bis crop.
that their is a large potential market for them in England an the continent.
Notice to correspondents.
Once they do realize it, there is almost no limit to the amount Contributors and correspondents they can put on the market, for are asked to send in their contribu.
Barzil is an enormous country tions not later than Thursdays to with simply thousand of acres insure publication. This 19 imperaot laud suitable for growing ba tive and must be adhered to.
law ho will argue and The judical Abad judical indeed with Creme Blanc Mirette County torone Get a Complete Electric Service Installation Now AND PAY FOR IT WHILE YOU ARE USING IT: We will make you a Lighting, Ironing Cooking Installation for ONLY TWO DOLLARS DOWN You pay the balance in four small payments as follows: INSTALLA Down First Second Third Fourth TOTAL TION IN Payment Month Month Month Month How much Room 00 65 65 65 65 60 longer will you do Rooms 00 40 40 40 40 11. 60 this, now that you Rooms 00 90 90 90 90 13. 60 can have all the Rooms 00 35 35 35 35 15 40 comfort and econ5 Reoms 00 65 65 65 65 16. 60 omy of Electricity Thermax Pound Iron 00 00 00 00 Liberty Burner Stove. 75. 50. 50. 50. 50 75 We also sell Toasters, Percolators, Grills Two Burner Stoves, Waffle Irons, Ranges, Fans etc. on these terms. 00 for only 00 DOWN We shall be pleased to give you further details of our time payment plan if you will call at our Showroom, Santa Ana Plaza DO IT IT BETTER ELECTRICALLY FUERZA LUZ BabaSPAANDEDERUMINEN


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