
The Prosperity Tailors MARAVAL IN HURRICANE Pandemonium On Flooded Decks.
WIRELESS DISABLED CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Fine Wo. By Officers and Crew Ltd shipping West DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER ty Work Done While You Wait journey TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled correspondent writes to the Trinidad WEEKLY GUARDIAN 18 follows. The bundredth and twelfth voyage of the Maraval to Trinidad wil! live log in the memories of the passengers scd personnel wbo made the passage from New York.
Sunday, August 21st, wae a glorious day, clear sky. rather hct sun, and sea just pleasantly teaving. The day passed as all other Sundays pass at ses, in illecess and looking forward to be fol scene there came an end. loto this this invisible sceptre in the form of a wireless warning, telling of an disturbance Title Song un noticed by the passer gers gers, tbe crew was sent their several ways removing awci gs and boat covers, putting extra lasbiogs on boate, derricks and otter moveable gear.
Twards erenlog the sky be.
came overcast and dirty looking the sea rose considerably and an om dit us bom in the rigging told of a rising wind. The setting pale was wet, and gave fortbR radiance which cast weird tints across the olly sea, all be sbades of pink parple and red tha stern sky spoke all too of the coming storm. Ai the clear sun went down the sky overhead cleared in a remarkable manner.
but the borrizin was Wed with masses of heavy sombre clouds.
no to a deep Through Indian AWAY Canada Looks To FLOWERS West African Trade Abogado. Attorney at Law And Eldar Dem water and Co.
Are Evid: ntly Quite Ready to OFFICE: No. 44 sr Supply Transportation, BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1317 POINTED REMARKS Practicing before all the courts of Statement by Head of Steam the Republie since April 1914 ship Company at Aunual Mee:ing Held in England The Port of Spain Goz tte Dr. Hubert Edwa ds of th 14 ulte, says:The recent ordinary general PHYSICIAN SURGEON me:ing of the Elder Demo: and Company Special Studies in Diseases of line is of some inter: st to the Women and Children: It diep, though at present BOLIVAR ST.
the line activities FRONT MASONIC directed are solely directed to supplying adequate TEMPLE COLON neet the remarkable expar op PHONE 409 of West Africa which indeed bas been the main business of the company for the past years. This line is now one of 13 DOW one of bave no doubt that ihe subsidiaries of very yal Mail Corporation, and its and the was the great earnest search is being made to Lrl Kylsant Chairman is, of course. Lord obviously wishes to discover in Kylsant, Over twenty yaarys order that the Elder Dempster ago, when Rougal Matbeinterest in terasts confined to may afford every Indies and the River Plate, the possible assistance in fostering Eder Dempster p:ople made, trade between Canada and West under the late Bir Alfred Jones, Africa Tbose corcorned in a determined effort not only to the matter of the Canada West capture the Ryal Mall West Indies reciprocity pact from the Indian passenger and cargo services, 5ot to fight the United West Indian view point should Fruit Company monopoly of not neglect this little straw the Jamaica banana trade. At which may vars probably sbow that time the Elder Dempster the people not only received a very blowing.
exactly way the wind in and Eaglish Governments for large aubeldy from the Jamaican direct service with the Mother Cuntry, but operated both t e Constant Spring scd Myrtle Bink hotels, and certainly dia great deal to advertise Jamaica in Great Britain. Bat. It proved successful in its bid to oust tbe Royal Mall from the position of general contractors to the West colories, thugb iis activme Ities bad not a little to do indirectly with making Tripldad the leidquarters of the Rɔyal Mall Se vice, a luxury for which we paid for a time some 18. 000 year. Now the Royal Mall people hava practically should say comparatively speakspeaking, or ing, followed Elder Dempster out of the West Indies, and the latter bas, as say, bocomo a subsidiary of tho former and concentrates once more entirely on ita West African seryices.
Here it finds MARVELOUSLY RICH FIELD as ocean carriers. Were It Ouly for its pala kerbel and palm oil industry West Africa would always be that to Eider Dompster. But West Africa 18 no Jonger content to be mere suppliers of palm kernel and palm oil. Last year the export of cocoa beans from the Gold Coast reached record figure; cotton and coal have been coming from Nigeria in ever increasing quan tities, and manganese ore and other minerals are more than holding their own, while each West Africa colony is dev liphcg micor industries successJuls. The Gold Coast Government is building a fine new dep sea barbour at Takuradi, and vary where in West NICR the stoady opening up of 1a way and road transport is being continued by tbe Government and in instances by toe Elder pzople themselves. Th: Eder Dumpster management are very cognisant of the fact that West Africa is becoming a factor and greater importat: ce in woull comme ce.
It is very significant that the mioJon of Canada, wbieb one wauld thh would concentrate for it.
tropical supplies on We West turning a flirtatibus eye on Britisb West Africa; and catar losies are wloking the Britisb West African back. The Elder Dempster peo ple are going to try to maka the flirtation engagem nt ard marriage, and Lord KsIsant toła the sbarebolders at this particclar meeting of a little obstacle stood in the way One the gaid, wbich is detrimental to the na wal growth of trade between Canada and hieb British West Indian under more favourable coudi: cocoa is le ported into Canada ties thap eoeos from British The West Alrica. If it were possible hers to find some way whereby tish West Africa could be placed on an equal footing with British producing countries in regard to ibe export of cocoa, the development of this braneb of inter lmperial trade would be faeilitated.
TIVOLI BEER showing for somebostly duhe footicg on deck lighis (A NEW PRODUCT) driven into DO before SWEET SISTER TO SILVER SPRAY some The barometer Sark steadily and the wind rose until it reached Fo:ce 19 wbieb is over 75 miles per bour and literally bowled, through the rigging with eldritch shrieks, wblppirg the sea into spray, wb. cb hurtled across the decks with stinging violence Vivid lightning lit up the scene with moment men tling to hold their what time they doubly secured won.
Pieces, etc. Pandemonium of the Saloon Deck, the moon Sky izbts were ripped 120 ring flasbes as water fused with awe S the hayo. connection boxer, mysterious tbuds and crashes told of besildoreaklog loose and rolling being once more fastened down, and above all the wb le blew with a mournful cadence as the wicd pulled on its cord.
At this point half the wirek. sg aerial was carried away. Braving the turricane Operator Goord clear away the lasbing ecds of wire and with but halt an serial succeed in como unl cating with both New York and Port of Spain. few minutes later the remainder of the aerial was swept away. A5 ut this time the barometer suck as low As 28 inctes and the Seven Fumes saem tu be luused upon the Marava. Towards daylight the wind dropped and dawn sbewed the decks cluttered with the remains of mule pens fortunately empty not been carried overbörd. Txo and such odds and ends as hid Te on the poop which had been bodily picked up and dog from their chocks, must have been lost but for the wonderful magner lo which Chief Officer Birch and his crew fought tooth and nail with the living storm on those beaving decks as they secured these ponderous masses with temporary lasbloge.
AVALANCHE OF POTATOE3 Even such perilous times are cot without their busbour When Lbe hurricane was at its worst and all Hell seemed let loose, the Chief Steward complained to the writer that what worried blm was the safety of his potatoes, Potatoes! Ye Gods! Potatoes, and the wind blowing 75 miles an buur! Bovever we decided to Inspect his cherished fruits of the earth. Battling our way aft, drenched to the skin and picking our way over wreckage We found potatoes. Potatoes were everywhere. We were sto (Continued on page 61 lifeboats of Tudies, is quite LOV IT that sigri TEST


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