
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 Life Law Society THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA Celebrates Sixth Anniversary, Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applica.
WALROND at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Papana, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama RP All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Joe Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tlon but as a mark of good faith.
Three se.
We do not undertake to return re25 jected correspondence.
When a man Buys a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS SA FURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 РАСК.
SHOE. under Vocal Hora he feels better every time he wears it, for the recollection of quality remains long after the pr ce is forgotten.
West Messrs. Why the Silver employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus have never been given vacation with pay, as has always been accorded the Gold employees of both these gigantic organizations, has never been made clear. Ten or more years ago there could hardly be any logical argument for bringing about such a condition, although the need then existed, because the Canal organization had not yet reached a permanent, working basis, as it was just emerging from the unsettled conditions characteristic of the building of all gigantic schemes. But now that the Canal is completed, its various departments centralized and the management is able to direct its operations along lines of some of the most thorough systems of modern times, it would appear that this phase of the Silver employees welfare should be given some attention, The coloured employees of the two organizations mentioned above are mostly West Indians, a high percentage of whom have been in the continual employ.
ment of either organization for the past fifteen years, including not a few whose employment dates back from the day the very first United States steam shovel dipped up the first bucket of soil, initiating a work, the result of which is now in reality the foremost foreign accomplishment of Uncle Sam.
It may be argued by opposers of fair play that the large number of coloured employees would be too un. eldly to be handled for the purpose of vacation; and that the smooth operation of the Canal would suffer to some extent when a large percentage of these employees are granted leave of absence at the same time. Even if such views were taken, it would still be equitable if no other middle course is found to be practicable that as a very last resort to help a good cause, some provisions be made to grant leave with pay to employees with, say, ten or more years of unbroken service.
The fact is however not being overlooked that, in any case, consideration in these respects, in favour of the employees would entail additional expenses; but such expenses would seem to be too well justified, for several reasons, to allow of any dissenting argument.
The construction of the Canal exacted very much more in human life and vitality from the coloured emyloyees than from any other, not excluding the North American owners. Hundreds of the silver employees are now asleep in their graves having been hurled into eternity prematurely as the result of railroad accidents, dynamite explosions, disease contracted in the disease laden slums which were existent in nearly every locality here in early construction days. The life blood of many of these people stained the foundation of the gigantic locks whose chambers now accommodate great ships as they move from ocean to ocean; hundreds have been crippled, mentally and physically, many of whom have since died while others are Still living and able to substantiate these truths.
Is it therefore, not equtiable that some leave with full, or even half, pay, if not to the entire silver stafi, then to the old timers, would be justified and in order?
If nothing better is possible, then leave could be allowed employees with, say, ten or more years of unbroken service, and those with less service could not, in any way be dissatisfied that some tangible appreciation of long and faithful services of veterans of their ilk has been recognized by the Government. But on the contrary it would act as a stimulus for those of less service to qualify for the same, Gold employees, whether they were or were not born in the tropics, receive vacation with pay. Silver employees receive little vacation with no pay.
not sayiog that equal provision should be made for both classes of employees; we are cognizant of the fact that citizenship rights claim priority in all such cases; neither are we attempting to map out a course of procedure by which the Government should grant some vacation with pay (full or part. but we deem it a matter of right to call the Goveroment attention to this meritorious case, especially in view of the small pay these employees receive and the very heavy depreciation of vitality they have suffered from years of continual labor for such a great and rich country the United States of America.
The spirit of benovolence and the regard for life and Law which prompted the founders of the Life and Law Benovolet Friendly Society have succeeded in deueloping what is now regarded as a great and still growing entity in Panama. This was evidenced on Sunday afternoon last, the when the Life and Law 1800 lont Friendly Society celebrated its sixth anniversary in the Pana ma Capital Friendly Society hall in Gonobap. li. The event was attended by several invited guest 30d the society membership o.
several hundred men and women.
At three o clock the members in uniform, heeded in a procession by the Beneficent Band, marched into the spacious hall, and then on to half past seven o enjoyed mixed program of Over fifiy items addresses are id and instrumental numbers chairmanship ley President of the Panama Capital Friendly Society, the largest friendly and benovolent society among coloured people on the Isthmus. well prepared annual report which was read by the general secretary revealed a healthy society. both Dumerically and fit ancially, and credited also with SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW bavi taken care of all its sick aod dead members in a most sati factory manner.
for all the latest Models West Indian insular societies on this end of the Isthmus were all represented, as well as some religlocal societies and the ious organizations, numerous other CARLOS MULLER Among those who gave prominent addresses on on the soeiety achieveSOLE AGENT ments, as well as on the marked social advancement of tha Indian community and on progres general Missionary of were 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE PANAMA CITY Perey Ethiopian Secret Moulton Edgar ས བ ཀ ར ས ས ཀ McCarthy, George Roberts and a representative from St. Vincent Commandery, Knights of St, John.
Refreshments were served during Aviation in British the program Here is a Good Position a Guiana Mrs Inniss Daughter Sail For FOR REAL WORKER.
Among the passengers who left We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men the Isthmus this week for New and women, in which an exeellent income from side earcings, York were M18. Innise and daughThe Demerara DAILY AGROsy ter. Mrs. Inniss is the wife of Mr.
even to PART TIME werkers can be made. During onr 35 of August 28, poblishes the Samuel A, Indiss, ex principal of years in business we have appoi ted over 518, 000 agents who following from a correspondent. the Canal Zone Government School supply our household necessity to our customers in every coun At the present time, when so for coloured children, at La Boca, try in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over En Uch is being broadcast about Mr. Inniss was considered one of the alleged retrogressive poli the most qualified teachers who 30 years and have achieved Financial Independence Increascies of the powers that be it is taught in the Canal Zone coloured ing local demands and repeat orders, make It nece sary to indeed heartening and pleasant schools. Teacher Ioniss now keeps appoint more local representatives in many localities in the to know that within the past two a private school in Panama with United States. No special experience or capital required. weeks our local Goveroment has marked success, and was once a val.
straight foward, digoified business. Wny tot represent the undertaken some very progressive ued contributor to this paper.
measures in connection with its The WORKMAN extends bon voy.
largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send ordinary routine work. aga to Mrs. Ionirs and daughter us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau th? Surgeon and wish them continued success will send you full particulars When we anpoint an agent General trip by air to Kamabos in there new home.
we furaish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes of your there have been two other locality, etc. urneys male by Government oficials Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, ordinary ourse of their jobs.
Notice to Correspondents.
The first of these was that of an (Attention Clerk No. 1438 (You) Street officer of the Forestry part. are asked to send in their contribuContributors and correspondents ment who by making preliminary tions not later than Thursdays to survey from the air of forests to be charted in the Northwest insure pablication. This is imperaDistric, was sble in the pace of tive and must be adhered to.
WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR a few hours to determine the arst suitable jumpiog ot spot the Pomeroon at Charity, and expedition the West Coast of Essequedo at Contra Crespo and the direction in which thy y Sudie, and thence over the sea should proced, s, as to re skirting Wakenaan and Dauntthem weeks and perhaps months less to Georgetown.
of useless wandering amor gst No hot irons or special combs required apparently never end ng swamp The flying time on tbls rout districts.
was under two hours which An interesting point about the shos the possibility of reaching SOLD IN DRUG STORES North West trip is that it is the Trinidad in under four, tirst occasion on which the The other flight of recent date Faires seaplane bas visited was that completed on Monday those part, the 22nd, when for the fourth Leaving day the 13 inst, aga. the Colony aviation an exchange lape had aligtted on the Aroka of Government wireless operaRiver by Mabaruma stelling st tor3 was made by air between 11. 15 and ibcidentally was balt Georgetown and the station et way oa the direct rout to Trini Apoeri on the Rupununl river.
dad, Mr. Parker, the official who Io the ordinary course of journeyed up on this occasion, events the straight trip to Mab. was also the one to go when the aruma from Georgetown would fiost exchange was made in 1925; take about two hours but on this and that trip over two years ago occasion diversion from the was the first journey made by No. 93, Central Avenue direct rout was made to a point alr to the Rupununi District, so some 45 mila inland from the that the Government Electrical coast in the region of the upper Department ean claim to have at GOOD SELECTION OF reaches of the Walni River so as least one pioneer of progress to embrace a large area in which amongst its staff.
to make NEW BIBLES observations. Hense the prolonged flying time.
Favoured with fairly good weather the plane on Monday On the return trip on the flew the round trip of 540 milesHymn Prayer Books following day a course was set (measured as the boat crawls)direct to Georgetown following in hours 20 minutes, and it the Barima River and cutting that is not progressing what le?
Followi aerial in tbe for the next bext ground We are CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE ADVERTISE In the Workman IT PAYS


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