
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 PAGE FIVE SSSSSSSSSSSS CANAL ZONE NOTES Letter Of Appreciation Have You Ever Thought of It? La Boca Pars Rirls Brànch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, did through.
extricated only after The British Pharmacy 00: of ATLANTIC SIDE Cultivators Has Rev. Williamson Hord Time La Boca Clubhouse Empire, Sept. 12th, 1927.
As a result of the beavy rains Rev. WILLIAMSON that have been falling, cultiva How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from The regular monthly rally on tors in the Chagres Volley north tha Pac ie side will be beld, at Baptist Mission House, of Gatun bave been unable for the Boca Clubhouse on Sat Colon, the past few weeks to bring your Physician Prescription?
urday Res, and dear. Sir:Septembr 24. at their banana crops out for sale, o clock. volley ball game will be We the officers ard members used by many of these col The The means of transportation plaved between the St Agnes of the Empire Baptist Church, of Gatun and the Poyllis desire, through this medium, to tors are very inad quite.
If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the Whatley gi ls of La Boca. Gane express our appreciation and more fortunate ones are those bandling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, will sta at four click All gratitude, for the manner in who happen to be in such girls are urged to be present.
wh ch you have officiated as places us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
location that they can bandle locum tenens their products by water. but Spending their two weeks. Rev. Wite, during a blastot there are sence in the on furlough.
ere are very many 50 are school vacation with Mr. and far fron water and have to use Mrs. C, Williams are the As living recipients of your horses on the trail cr foot path.
Miss D. and DeFrietes instinted services in the face of this is a very slow 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, of Colin tremendous difficulties. sbould method of vina ering as yon Miss vaneau of Ancon iwomen. the dry seasons the pligters are the work of (Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, was the bouse guest of the testify to the fact that you have we can truthfully able to bandle the fruit to some Misses Jump of Jamaica Prado on all occasions, filled your extent, but in the rainy seasons JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
during the early part of the the trail is cloggy and the animals find it impossible to week returning home Thursday: appcintments promptly: that with All three young ladies attended you service has been simply make their way 10 SEKXX3 OEKOEXES SONDEx sexsexs X55X35XSERE tended delightful and pleasureable, and the Athenaeum many cases the borses stick in clo Juniors and that it was most the mud for considerable lengths conscienIt was 1, 100. Ata tiously rendered and acceptably of time and can be one at the the junior members acquitted received much labour and themselves well. The visitors The good work you have done with great difficulty: one were much delight wich the and carried on here the effecoccasion in trying to avoid the interest taken in literary work toal ministry of the sacred word mud the animal fell over a outelde of school by thelr friends will ever be fresh in our memory hedge where he sustained minor and your sympathy and kind irjaries and damaged the entire load.
consideration, especially in cocWomen Life Problem Club e das from this locality tipto nection with our forthcoming When the cultivators began to perbap3 new and strange surtake up lands in this vicinity it was a popular belief that roads Holds Successful Bazaar. membered by us.
roundings, will always be re.
were soon to be built, and with COLON that blief masy started in, and In conclusion, we sincerely now after Who is to be the next lucks trust that you will have grace many years things ncedy one to recieve a little helo sufficient to keep you faithful are the same, and perhaps worse as the trail becomes more from the Wewen Life Problem unto the end, that you will have broken up year by year. It is Club is rot yet knowo: In aos a glorious reward and an abun.
hoped that mora ad quite means evant, in th: very near future dant entrance into the eternal IS NOW LOCATED AT of tran: portation wil be pro be Club is kely to have a few kingdom.
vided in the near future.
doll. rs to donate to some indtvida We beg to associate with this wvidual or their 11. 1154 11th STREET crgan zıtion, as as their letter the name of efforts to raise money, for their liamson your, beloved wife and Mrs. WiColon Wesleyan Methodist organiza ion by way of a Bi zsar. help meet in all that pertains to Church.
Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK held at the Clubhouse on the the work in which you are now afternoon and night of the 17th The Sunday bool of the Instant, did not meet si failur engaged.
From two o clock on the Where our customers will receive the usual aboveWA Colon Wesl yan Church will We beg to remain, Dear Sir, mentioned date stalls in the Yours sincerely and respectfully bold its Anniversary Services courtesies auditorium of the Clubhouse A. CUMMINGS Senior Deacon to morrow and Monday Sept.
ware deck w th pretty band 25th and 26th. REID Secretary.
worked masy On Sunday there will be three bebind which lodious Oa behalf of the Empire Baptist services 11, and 30. The members of the club waited on Church)
Pastor of the Church Rey C, Cousins is will be the preacher, LOOK numerous purchasers. The sale FOR THE SIGN was, howe er. 10. as success. Acting Secretary Making At P. the Children will refol as was expected. quite a lot cite and sing.
of the goods baving been loft Good Special Hymns have been BRITISH PHARMACY osc.
prepared and Hymn Sheets The affair on the whole, bowH.
and Children Day tags are on ever. was a success from an Williams, who is taking the place Eale for one dime.
am asement of Dut a financial Secretary Netly, the On Monday evening at 30. tandpoint, as the ship wills latter being on Vacation in the the School will render a Cantacontained many variety of fishes United States, is ta Fresh Boquet For Chil. which certainly an used the nu. popular with both the residents dren Day, consisting of merous tiberner; and ther of La Buca end patrons of the Songs, Drills, Exercises, RecitaDr. Fred Sterling there was the Hot Tomales Clubhouse. It is understood tions etc. cbcstra which furnished dance that even the movies has been bearty Invitation is given BOGLE THE NEW YORK DENTIST au ie, playing at one time as made more attractive owing to with 182, BOLIVAR STREET nany as six elcses to a zz his tact in suppressing the us in celebrating thesa Festivi.
soterious noise making by undis.
tles, Silver offering will be Bolivar Street No, 12. 174 ciplined boys and glils. Mrs.
COLON, It was pleasing to note thr Williams is also proving just as taken at the doors on Monday Box 771, CRISTOBAL, pteres taken in the efforts popular. To meet the couple is right, h) Club by the Secretarioso like them All the collections on Sunday NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE TELEPHONE 247 COLON of other Clubhouses and their and Monday are in behalf of the funds of the Sunday Scbool. BOX 049, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON wives; as far down the line as Gatun Cluthuse was represeut. New U, Council in ad. The men folks of La Boca Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
Dr. Nathan Rowe and Panama also gave liberal British Guiana.
nelp. It is understood that News Notes culating machines, Numbering machines, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cretary Wiliams of th: Clubhouse cooperated well with his soccer ded Mr.
Mr. Wilbert Bonney who Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, 11th and Bolivar Sts. the members aborato prepiration of the Club to Gilson as Consul for the United States being made by the entertaiaAdding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing COLON, make the affair the Euccess it in British Guiada, arrived in ment committee of th: Iunmacumachines and all other technical machines.
that colony on the 21st. ultimo.
late Conception Gathedral to Chase National Bank Those wbo operated stalls in Mr. Blake kft the colony recenthold a Bazar in the Parish hall.
Office Hours: a. to 12m cluded Mesdames William Jump ly through Ill bealth, corner of 5th and Cash Street New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed p. to p. Evans. McCres; Bandey on the 14th, 15th, and 10th, Richards, O, Box 854, Cristobal, wboba: Pate, Cumberland had proximo, in ald of the reconWork done by expert up to date methods King and 11, and Misses Alice sevateen years servie in the Etruction of the Cathedral.
OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 King and Unica Simmons, Mrs American Consulate has been DRUG STORE Telephone 154 Doris Evans, and McKer zle sola tine Republic, and for the past Walters, and the Misses Consul for six years in Mexic, seven years in Rosario, ArgenThe St. Lucian Welfare Society trial will convince you this is no empty talk, the rigbts to the fish in the wells. The Nu, will celebrata lis 1st annithree President Florence Smith was years in Edinburgh versary tomorrow. There will Small general supervisor, be high mass at the Immaculate California on laave of absence, was recently id Conception Cathedral by Rev.
and it Fr. Francis at 30, a at 30 was arranged that he DENTIST should Athenaeum to Discuss afterwards go m, the Soclety will meet at the MASONIC TEMPLE Cartagoza but before his leave Loyal Shamrock Lodge ball 8tb, Important Subject, had expired he was appointed to and Streets where the various Office Hours: 8, am to 2pm British Guia na in in an 30 to 30 Но island soceities will be repre. RESOLVED That dili Ho had conference with the Sundays, Special Appointment gent student will gain more har Washington before coming out authorities at the Department of Masonic Temple ilth St, formation from reading than her tight match is expected to PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Why throw away your old, but no ject set aside for routd table whəm be also bad from observation, is the sub here and on bis way be met Mr. Blake la with take place to porrow between the PHONE: OFFICE 1664 discussion at the Abaeum on a Wanderers Cand West End confarence.
base ball doubt interesting, books when you RESIDENCE on the Colon 538 Tuesday evening next. It is Asked by the Daily ARGOSY apparent that much discussion about his policy with relation to can have them neatly bound at for can be developed from either applications passengers Dr. Arnulfo Arias side of this question, as it is under the quota law, Mr. BonThe portion of sidewalk bewell known that abundant infor. Dey said be understood that tween Folk River and Silver PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON mation can be derived from enough applications were in City which was torn away by both omreading and observation for six years. It was therefore the Munleipal Division during Removed his Clinic to Cen Mr. Kicg is also an tbs practically useless for people to the laying of the pipeline to was relaid during 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tral Avenue No. 137 balf program for a ten micute adiress block away from the up to the great negro al numbers just now as they were wake application for quota the past week to great Toussaint Overture, Little pleasure of pedestrians to whom Opposite Cecilia Theatre Drug Store named Miss Eana Smith will give a practically closed and womla be passing vehicles were a source piano selection and Mr. McCau for years, ot much discomfo:t and danger. Pharmacy.
ley Bayde, famous promo:er of excursions; who is also a mem.
ber of the Club, will sirg a song.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish The Canal 7one schools will Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and Mr. Bayne, in bis former days, and English Sold at the Workweek boliday English on sale at the Workman was Staionars Store.
famous as a baritone. man Office.
Acting cretary proving very acting si are Rece, WU.
Scotland. He to Book Binding!
Bentid Truidad park. THE WORKMAN New Cristobal on tbe date.
close for one commencing Monday the 26 bı Advertise in the Workman It Pays.


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