
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 Isthmian Cricketers Sidrit ühiwinieri British Guiana Deputation. PAST AND PRESENT (BYS. C, ELCOCK)
LUCKY STRIKE with the funda thereughly familiar wiwibwüriwwiiwidia Town important de produce And the QUALITY never varies such and 30 taken With Spent Buzy Time Interviewing Secretary Of State The Lordon Correspondent of the Tricidad WEEKLY GUARDIAN writes that paper the following which appeared in its issue of the 21st. ulte: Since they lanned in England Dearly a fortright ago, a buzy time has been spent by the putation sent over by the Georgetown Council British Guiana, to interview the Secretary of State, The mission of the delegates ie, of course, to try and smooth out the position and to secure the resumption of work on the scheme to which Geocois committed work was suspended and the Government and Town Council beeme threatened with costly litigation will be familiar to your readers. Nor is it merely the cost of the litigation which worries Britlsh Guiana. It is the delay. estimated by some people at a a period of two years. In the completion of a project so essential to tba bealth of the people of Georgetown wbich would result from a law suit.
The Hon. Nelson Cannon, the Hon. Crane, Messrs Thorne and Bayley. Towa Clerk. are accordirgly doing their best to restore reltalons with the contractors who, am assured are inspired by by no vindictive feelings and are on the contrary perfectly willing to come to an amicable arrangement for the continuance of the werk.
Yesterday the delegation laid their care before the Acting Secretary of State, Mr Ormsby Gore (Mr. Amery baviog started On his tour of certain sections cf the Empire. Mr. Ormsby Core was accompanied by Sir Samuel Wilson. Sir Gilbert Grindle and others.
Apart from the two points already mentioned the purpose of the delegation was also to lay before the Colonial Office proposals for (a) allocaling the cost of the schme in view of the (b)
raising the loan for repaying advances and for cor.
pleting the works, and (c) institu ing an er quiry into the causes of the great excess of the actual cost of the scheme over the orig.
inal estimat The proposals to this end are imagine al eady public property oltce the ground was covered in a letter addressed by the Town Council to the Govere.
ment of Britise Guiana on June 16.
The delegation stated their case and the decisio) of the Coloaiel Ortice will be made Klown later. The nature of tbe decision cannot be anticipated but the delegates are hopeful.
LUCKY STRIKE les of La ricketer, CP day, and rames VERRITT FENWICK BARBADOS.
Among the nams of those who are treing to revive cricket in IT TOASTED Panama City, you will find that of Sam Merritt. Sam is one of the pioneers of Isthmian cricket and one who of this great game. His wide experience should be of great benefit in the getting together of a team which might truly be representative of the Pacific side of the Isti. mus, Only QUALITY could produce that In Barbados he was a member of that famous team of professional cricketers, captained by mild yet distinctive blend.
Il illie Shephered, known as the Fenwick a tears that would bave hurtled the best the island could if given the chance Although they were not all professionals the entire the entire personnel of that why once a man becomes a the team were counted as thel Bar!
LUCKY STRIKE bados Cricket Challenge Cup smoker he stays a Committee be admitted to play LUCKY STRIKE smoker.
in the first class matches, which were played exclusively by ama:eur cricketers, As a member of Shepherd Ask for your favorite package team he toured some of the other colonies, isclading Trinidad and 50s 20s 16s British Guiana and always quitted himself in a criditable manner. He was the stumper of Alway Fresh and admitted of no liberties being his Lowlers. And what bowlers he had to contend with. To be able tu stávid up to bowlers of the Barbados and West Indies ар It toasted Cumberbatch also of fame, Iwo of the fastest bowlers of their many others whose Your Throat Protection cannot now recall, was a feat which stamped him among the topnotchers of that time.
It is a well known fact that to le selected as an umpire by the Barbados icket Challenge Cup Competition for the first class games one must be more than a good cricketer as the position calls for a thorong knowledge of the rules formule. ted by the MaryleLone of England, governing cricket in all its phases. As Sam a number of years with satisfaction (LUCKY you can readily see that he must have been a veritable encyclopae.
STRIKE dia in matters pertaining to cricket.
ITS TOASTED As a boy he had the pleasure on numerous occasions of wateking the Fenwick C, at play. have witnessed many keen struggle between themselves and the other teams that played in the Frame Food Cricket Complete hailed with wild acclaim wherever the ruling of the team, the new and believe even to this day bhati was in Merritt Lrain those great schemes were hatched that frustrated the plans of the opposing riles.
WILD NIGHT AT SEA oooooo Many a time have seen them SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in difficultirs, and would ob.
zerve shepherd conferring with (Coatined from Page 3)
Som before calling the team together to devise means whereby knee deep in potatoes, and at they could extricate toemselves every reli a wave of them surged from the perils of the situation from one side of the ship to the My first game against Sam on other. As we started to climb OFthe isthmus was played in Gor the ladder to the potato lo: kar on gona in 19. or 19:18 bowled the poop a cascade of potatoes uncommonly well that day, got: The writer lost some of his rained on us and beat us back.
ting wickets for 33 ruos interest ia po atoes, and so did gainst an acknowledged strong the Chiel Steward when be elioteam and was told he had not se such bowling ped and fell full length amorg them.
since he left. Barbados. To me Was praise, deed, coming Thanks to the skilful manner!
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF such au able expouent of in which Captain Matheson and the game, Since that time his Oficers handled the situation have bean recipient of many and navigated the ship, no one another glowing compliment for was injured and no real damage both bowling and batting, but was dong to the Maraval. Great none that stands out in my mem praise is also due to the Eory as that paid me by Sam in gineers who, down in the Inferno that old park at Gorgona, below, kept things golng in spite The Pacifis side is fortunate of the rolling ship which did all it in having such a well knowd au could to fling them into the mans thority to guide its footsteps: wiriipg cranks.
of whirring rods and and if there is material at hand on which to found a successful Early morning tea and breakteam, there is no more fitting fast were served at the usual Suitable for Lodge Business person to be entrusted with the time, although all the stewards task of so doing than the same had been up all night. It takes Sam Merritt.
more than a mere hurricane to upset the routine of the Maraval. AT THE BOWEN Notice to Correspondents.
TAILOR Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu.
No. M Street San Miguel tions not later than Thurs:lays to insure publication. This is inpera.
Panama City tive apd must be adhered to.
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Friendly Societies and Secret Orders hy Sam that that was from MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS London, Aug. 22. The extraordinary prospect of ti e rider of a pedal bicycle being able to rise from the earth at will and fly from hill top to kill top, or evade the discomforts of a piece of bad roadway by elevating his machine a few feet in the air and skimming over the obstacle, is open ed out by the invention of a Viennese engincer, named Michael Ristohar He calls his ingenious macline which will shortly be put through a series of stringent tests, the alı bike, ard be claims that it is possible to rise with it 3, 000 feet in the air and travel in a straight line at a speed of from forty to fifty miles an hour.
The machine resembles a double framed bicycle, with a superimposed frame, on wbich are set a series of planes, which can be elevated at will by a lever at the bandle bars.
It is driven by a propeller at the rear of the bicycle, worked by a chain round the hub of the wheel.
The propeller is elevated so that it is clear of the ground when the bicycle is being ridden on the roadway along wbieh it can travel in precisely the same manner as the ordinary pedal (Continued on page 7)
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