
19: SEVEN came actual Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products in the led balance to of nearly of the The Workman Printery been 38 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 soko 600338539 3:asi 035583593 PARPADOS The Best Tonic in the World THE WOODMEN OF UNION, Continued from page 2)
Lgislature of that island recentie FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION wich Appears in the ADA CATE of 17th ulto, says: VIGOR TONIC The revenue from a care Join Today. It Protects You While You Live to the year 1926 27 amount to 2397. 462. Accumulated bal. This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend and Your Family After You Are Dead ance excluding Special Reserv amennyed at the 31st March 1926 ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies to 116 535: making a total with tb addition of the year reveImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up oue of 533 997. If the Expenditure for the year a run dowo constitution.
which FOURTEEN COON REASONS to 418. 710 be deduced from this sum, it will be seen that the It promotes digestion, improves the appe1. It is a Union by the people and for the Our busidess amounts approximately to amount of the surplus balances tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
613 people 000 monthly at the 1st of April 1927 was 115 297. in the General Estimates It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur The Endowment Money is used only for for the current year the antici Dose One small Wine glassful before meals chce.
sick and death claims.
pat revenue is 396, 070 wbile or times a day It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims provision is made for a total other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home expenditure of 395 406 leaving 4, Its educational features appeal to all Race a balance in favour of 10, 861 Office Th JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy addition of tuis to the lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claims surplus at 1st April 1927 It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win sbows that the accumulated bal It gives employment to more Negro girls anees at 31st March 1928; should 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House than any other concern offits kind it the estimates be realiser; rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to amount to 10, 664. Its rates are within reach of all members, 951. full course (21) baths Io my address at the opening We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 Half course of the last Sessiɔn of the Legan extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 750, Rooms, Islature. pointed out that alGrade Department 00 to 00 per week, though the figures given in the General Estimates indicated Regular Assortment of obable surplug at the 31st of 1927, of 139, 692, ada THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW expenditure approved by the Legislature but not included deral Estimates would The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states. SUCH AS e likely to reduce that estim and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organi 79, 702 already mentioned the actual TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a balance at that rate was 115, TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
It gives 287. The difference in tbene SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, two figures of 36. 000 Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 is due first to the fact that tbe with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty rerende of th year exceeded to estimates by. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
ibat there were svings in or more than 12. 000 dinary expenditure as os provided DR, KENDALL, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE JNO. WEBB la the General Estimates and Supreme President Supreme Custodian finally that it bas not possible to expend so mucb Panama City was anticipated on certain of Post Ottico Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas the authoriz a ex raordinary works, Viz, the Venereal Disease For information address, 1. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this countr Clinic and the Bele Pumping students body at the opening THE AIR BIKE Station on Graduation Day of the new secs soos The Public bt of Barbados Class President this year and Medical Buildiox. He became amounts now to 501, 000 and the way enroll member of the Continued from page Sinking Funds provided for its Chi Lamda Kappa Fraternity.
security are invested in Stock Mr. Farrel, wbo fotends to The inventor claims that the the total cost price of which 267, 191. Provision for the pract ce in Port of Spain. will total weight, when in full work payment of interest and contri seek inclusion in Sporting Club 10 order, wili not exceed a hundredweigbt, and that it can bution towards Sinking Foods football XI.
be sold from 60 to 70.
for these Loans is included each year in the Estimates 31, 000 Experiments that have been The credit of the Colony is Squall Hits City made with a quartersiz: model have demonstrated the practical there fore in assurance position value of the loyention, and a full vis vis its public debt. Atten.
tion must also be drawn to the Alarming Moments In 9:23d machine has now been of funds reserved for Marine Square.
Constructed, with which further experimeuts are to be made.
Special contingencies, particu.
lars of are supplied in th It has been patented in Czacho Treasurer Monthly Statement TREE FALLS ON MOTOR Slovakia. Other patents are of These funds amouct CARS.
being taken out in Great itain now to 154, 725.
and in other parts of the world. Me Septimus Reren is acting Honourable Members will, A sqaril whien Portunate for the inventor in Great Britain.
feel sure, join with me on the was of brief doration swept over improved form to which these the City on Saturday shortly monthly statements are sub before uoon with great suddenmitted to the House. It would, Dess, cansing arm slong the and telephone wires were re1 suggest, be a further advau.
tage. If expenditure sanctioned in water front but doing little in damage.
Iospection of the fallen tree addition to that included in the crown sbewed that the cora bad General Estimates were shown The morning opened raw and started to decay in a supplementary statement. wet with a continuous drizzly but cleared up about ten o clock.
About 11. 15 beavy douds were TRINIDAD were Regulation to Control scuddling across the southern horize and shortly after the wind rose and blew with great Manufacture Sale And Mr. Farrell intensity from the south east.
The driven rain thrushed into Distribution of Food business places along Sonto laed Quy and two sheets al Balvant de Under the Caption Ratha Iron wera lifted from one of the RETURNS TO THE COLONY. Railway adminstration buildings Town, the WEEKLY JUARDIAN and turled across a space to publishes the following. It is forecast that asrly nex Distinguished Howard seth 185. Sume slates blowa from Mendes year will see the operation of a Graduste.
building at Marine Square, new set of regulations enabling while several stores suffered the Health Authorities effectively The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of from water damage before they to control the manufacture, sale the 3rd Inst. saye: could secure their goods. and distribution of almost every Mr. Edward Farrell, In Marine Square tree of food. The principal returned from the United opposite Fraser store suddenly element in this general control States of the 8, 8, Maraval to snapped. The crown was broken will be the setting up of a stanbegin in Trinidad the practice of oft by the force of the wind dard of physical fitness for every Bis profession. He contact Societies was about 26 feet from the base. It one coming in with accompanied by Mrs. Farrell.
purging tbe tore a way two electric wires and foodstufts thus Mr. Farrell, son of the late thick telephone cable wire different food trades of undesirCity Engineer, will be remer. Two motor cabs waich were footballer and an drawn up in the stand hara 69 them suspicion. Trialdad ali road athlete of exceptional had a narrow escape from being will then have joined baods CAN BE HAD AT ability and by bis achievement completely smashed. The fall. With the neighbouring Republle at Boward University where in ing branches crashed on to the and other countries lo recogalJune last he graduated in bood of the first car. 1658. tion of sound principle, an first in order of merit Rugby, owned and driven by essential concomittart to the The City Authorities have hoopossesor of intellect broken and the front part of bimself lua equipment not inferior to the car badly dented. Samad bean tardy with this new his pbysical prowess. who was at the wheel, ieaped which ought to have been passed Leaving Trinidad in 1921. be out frantically and was unburt, over a year ago. There is now entered Howard and distin The second car, 2781 owned and ever the old saving upon which guished himself there both on driven by Baadrat Sigabit to fall back that it is betier late damage to the right than never. The positioy to day atbletic tain fender and front part of the is that a bill bas been the Varsity track team and as The first mentioned revised by the Committee apa student, He was a prominent bonnel.
pointed to this task and it will member of the stylos Literary car was its rued.
Society and was selected by the few hours latter. carts from go before the Public Health Oommittee Faculty of Medicine to deliver the City Council removed the for approval preqoyan address on behalt ef the fallen branches and the electric Continued on page 8)
existence which Inge Accounts.
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly article of resonably Duttias The Workman Stationery Store


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