p. 8


PAO FIGHT THE SORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 Look Them Over a TE The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. was SOSTENCE and!
round, by loud speakers ipcion of them Jew 122 their three THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store Jakie DRYCO MILK Tomorrow Races SPARKLETS SSD SS15 Tunney Retains Heavy Weight Crown The Panama Jacky Club Continued from page one ffs a verv interesting make a big noise in public, Gene Tunney, Teavyweigh rum of events for to John Chinaman ha always been minr of the world. Success nows Sports at Juan branded as Undesirable by fully defended his title against the attatched the Panamanian immigrat on trace, 19 Jack Jamnica, Dempsey from whom be authorities BW.
Selen Taces wills how. which plare wrested it a year ago, Tupney won have the decision over bis opponent after FEST RACE honor to bave been boru, tried to ten of the most gruelliog rounds brand John and some others of championship fight ever Fu inags Purs 125 undesirsbles for similar reasons corded in the United States for a 96 for which the Panamanians have 29 branded. ECONOMIC; and long time, According to radio informatiou 99 the Jamaicans even wanted to received here on Thursday night Mar. 118 bave gone further; they wanted during and after the fight, Tuaney Dinciale 126 o place some handicap on Job Boney Dew esined eight rounds of the 94 Photo Albums lei mate busines! All that ouly Scrap Albums scheduled although he was helped Joho to hold hands tighter SECOND RACE to his countrymen s, and it is Vellum Pocket Books understood that he now has some Stenographers Note Books the count of nine. Farlongs ur 125 fight The news of the Chih Day in the parochial government received all over over the Ischmus, was also told that OI 90 my Writing Pads Children Toy Books round by 193 a number of CHS of the United by means of radio broad casting at several stations, States hate the Jews and call them 124 Excuse That does and relayed to outstatiuns from Dardanela 115 funny names 138 adversely affect the Jews FunAccounting Day Books where it was di tinetly beard datuentally like John, the Jew through The THIRD RACE know their 001008 telephone also cooperate in disno Furlands. Pars: 175 erroneous dese semenating the news Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles 126 affect them seriously: Bandera The interest token locally in the under La vitiinidad 120 stand this more about the fight was keen, the fighters having Sir Harry bout even supports 124 that if they were to withdraw all Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Tumey it is said, will receive Celis money from the banks anu on million dollars and Dempsey Rula 125 ter repositories of the United right hundred scd fifthy thousand San Cher Mouth Organs in two siz 113 states that chantry would autofrom the gate receipts whien matically so broke. understanu totalled nearly milion FOURTE RACE suilfuriner but very recently the dollars Jews to the Uarted States con Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives 62 Furlongs. Parse 175 pelled Henry Ford the richest an Cor 112 in the world to retract some little CHURCH SERVICES (92 100 unpleasant things suid abou them and many other items too numerous to mention Ki GII 115 for which he was respousible.
Olejda 126 Tiba 90 am of the opinion that such And so, upon a little reflection, Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity little names is FIFTH RICE andesirable should not cause West ludians Peter by the Sea, La 3ac Furlongs Purse 123 bere to get all bt up but Mantins 10 45 a Holy rather, should hulp them sharpen Eucharists and serman 11. 30 am Trlino 130 their wits and tre gthen the weak The Rector Μην 90 links which now biod them tuChurch. Don Simon 90 Retwer. And then, further, it is Choral Evensong and sermon, Candlewood 105 our duty to respict the law of a 30, m. The Rector, civilized cou try within whose 93 Central Avenue Panama City MULLARE. Rector 90 do 5s we take up residence.
Silver Spray 461 Ζιρο 111 BIRO SS SS SS S03Exe St. Barnabas Empire, St SIXTH RACE HINTS FOR IMMIGRANTS Bartholomew s, Las Cascades Furlongs. Purse 175 St Simon s, Gamboa Rosa 95 (Continued from page 1)
NEGRO BUSINESS At the above named 95 Missions of employees who intend to take Celia 95 the Lay Readers in charge will ravedad 126 up insidence with them in the conduct Mantins Church School Continued from page 11 Mpirada Canal Zone or in Panama. Other 121 and Evensong at the usual time Dudoso 100 than emplovee and those depenI cannot believe that Negro dent upon them, all immigraots business institutions have given JT MULCARE SEVENTH RACE must give the immigration author.
Priest in Charge evidence of 22 jucludes, much scientific study to the value Fions Parge 250 ities at either port of the Canal of advertising. To to land in Cantones ove adverNegro, business as AMERICAN EPISCOPAL tising is to indicato something Cap Alvarado 113 CHURCH by which simply does not exist.
Bolsheviki 113 a Panamanian Consul, Where DRYCO Food Budgets for advertising in Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity who Don Alejo 126 there exists some doubt in the business program are us a rule the minds of the the quarantine officials last our calculations, and what as to an bat St: Paul Church, Panama an irom grant rights to land needed more than ever is a union For beld the in Panama he by these as iestitutions, seeking to Rev. Nightengale D Rec.
Regulation to Control authorities be and subsequently reach Negro public through 6a u Holy Communion The referred to the Secretary of ForBabies Aifairs of Panama Rector eign If he is Elimitation, consolidation, co. 10. 15 Mantins Mr FR (Continued from page 7)
denied landing he is returned to operation. these three should be Atwell. Lay Reader he island.
at this time watch words in the Except in cases of quarantine pat tory to formal fubmission world of Negro business.
10. 30 am Holy Eucharist sermon. The Rector to the parent Council. Thenes, it detention, West Indians traveiling Prescribed by all Doctors 12. Holy Baptism will go to the Central Board of as passengers were never accusHealth and from that body to th tomed to be held for immigration MAY BE CALLED TO PAY p Church School considerent, Soveral features los procent du tebe prese cotre lipo pluced upon tbeir freedom 730 pm Chora! Evensong unnecessary MOTHERS. To have your baby robust and om sermon The Rector een deleted. The most ob of travel by the new Law tend to healthy feed it on Dryco Milk which is (Continued from page 1) Wednesday, Holy Communion at jectionable was the introduction some extent to irritate especially a who 10. masure rired solely in Sterilized with Ultra Violet Rays While it cannot be denied that Evensong and address, 3p pm The interest of rublic bealth of quarantine exations.
business is bad in Panama, it is Thursday Feast of St Machael charges to ben fithe municipal neverthelass felt that Panama and All Angels Holy Communion revenue, This raised considerCanal coloured employees living at a. able controversy and threatened Z, TIME INSPECTOR FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES.
in the cities of Panama the mai the barmony of the Council. It jority of whom are poorly paid is pleasant to St. Alban Church, Paraiso har that it is coloured people should not be proposed to exact nothing for Continued from page expected to pay for the deficiency CANAL ZONE 1b9 Certiticite of titress and ble for the Panama Canal to meet Release Garvey Is Cry caused by the Such depression.
And on the other hand it appears (A, Nightenga e registration. Also erased. it is the emplovees half way by paying Teported is the portion that them werkly or forti ightly, the Priest ia charge as if the scheme suggested to 18 am (Continued from Page 1)
would have included all those practice of letting out books would collect duty from the employees Holy Communion, erhandling fruit and vegetables reduce considerably. if ont cease mon Rev AF Nightengnle pm Church School 10 ber gistered and certif ca ed altogether; for in many cases the declare his belief in the sincerity of Marcus Garvey and his is practicable.
7:30 Choral Evensong and would bave been Absurd provision and one imensh drawn on the pay check after right to freedom. Legal punishment has become perseseremoo Dean Melcher possible or extremely difficuit boat of proportioare paide ise quite cution. Negioes are worthy, loyal and valuable citizens Notice to correspondents.
needs of Thursday Evensons address of enforcement apart from the the employees on and perfecte be in every country in which they reside. Negroes throughout hardsbip that would have been resorts to Jetting out tooks to the world are asking the release of Marcus Garvey. Will Contributors and correspondents zarowa on the numerous people his cash demands. their prayers prove to be of no avail?
are asked to send in their contribu. St. Matthias Mission deriving a living from growing, buying and selling fruit and proper representation be made to ation have worked unceasingly for Mr. Garvey Many are of the opinion that if Members of the Universial Negro Improvement Associ tions not later than Thursdays to release insure publication. This is impera.
LAS SABANAS vegetables in the markets and the authorities they (Rev AF Nightengale)
willing to pay oftener, and thus they believe that the cause is a righteous one. His release Priest in Charge might be Many outside of the association have joined hands because tive avd must be adhered to. pm Church School Briefly, the aim of the project help to solve the problem, is to demand that those enxaged will encourage Negroes everywhere. Only history will 10, 000 Per Week Tax 730 pm Choral Evensong and disclose what his release will mean to his people. We are in preparing food, manufacturing From Dog Races.
address Mr. A Richards, Lay articles, such as bread, cakes, NDIANAPOLIS RECORDER Reader.
appealing to Negroes everywhere to do their bit.
cornectionery, drinks, etc. for (NEGRO WORLD) Dutch West India Cable Co public onsumption; and others connected with their sale and despatch from London dated Sept. Seventh Day Adventist delivery must be of good health (Continued from page 1)
Charged With Cutting to serve 30 days in jail and 25 00, It is CALIDONIA vouched for by certificate The American people, in sound estimated that the STREET Car Tires fine. His father appealed the Treasury is receiving ten thousand ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana.
signed by the Medical ficer of logie, can ill afford to ridicule the to Court Health. Toen by means of fundamentals of Garveyism. The tained Attorney Carringten.
a week in entertainment ma.
pand betting tax from the boom registration supervision and best minds even among Negroes Sabbath (Saturday) 945 The case was tried at the Ds in grey hound racing Race meet. Sabbath School: 11. 15 a. Genchrek will be maintained And have known this truth from the Domingo Iglesias, 14 year old son trict court at Ancoa yesterday, ings in various parts of the country as compulsion is the pivot of the beginning. With the Negro fire. of Roberto Telesias, a prominent and Judge Martin reserved c«e on have been ia progress at least ten eral Worship mn. Spanish proposed new order the desired fly, it was destroy. Garvey lest he Panaman an citizen in social and until nine o clock this morning. weeks so that the Treasury durlse elass; change ought only to be a us. With the Nordic, political circles of Panama, was ar. Several prominent Panamanian that period has benifited hy about 30 Society, matter of time.
rested and tried at the Balboa officials, appeared at the trial as on hundred thousand pouuds.
meeting 30 Junior and it was destroy Garvey, not for Magistrate Court on Saturday, Chracter witnesses; among therin Senior Staudard of attainment he 16, 1927 alleged of Class p. Vespers.
Rent Recript Books in Spanish may do in the days to come. The ting of the tires of Captain the Supreme Court of Panama; Is of the Municipal Council of Pana Topic for Sunday night 25th inst car fuulamentals of Garveyism are Schloming at Ancon.
and and English Sold at the Work greater than any program the He Jose Angel Casis, God final and gleatest exhibiwas found guiltyard mael Oriega, Circuit Court Julge Secretary to the Major of Pana tion is soon to be ataged.
man Office.
American Negro bas produced. sentence by the Magistrate to of Panania; Filos. rs dent ma.
What is it?
speak of The 118 Panata; among other our porquines the Negro press.
have 80 bill at 730 pm ment 16 says: eclsipse ma


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