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Panama Canal Employees Assoc.
inform must ing this managing cerificate, Garvey In Thooratical And Colon Practical Journalism.
WORKMAN Printing And PubWASHINGTOV. Bez nRelease of Marcus Garvey From ning with the autumn quarter 1927 lishing Company.
In connection with the new Im erses in theoretical and proctical Atlanta Prison.
migration law affecting the journalism, including newspaper On Mondey evening next, the 3rd of this month, the ing for the Panama Canalisand and feature writtos, and newspap says. It is very gratifying to note the persistence and rustracion of West Iodians werk writing and reportine, editorial The NEGRO WORLD in its issue of the 17th ulto.
Ianagement of the WORKMAN Printing, and Publishing Panaina Rilroad but residing in pra practice, will bHow nd Stationary establishment will meet prospective share the cites of Panama and Colon, ard University water the direc evident earnestness with which Negroes in high station olders of the proposed incorporated WORKMAN Printing and Baton Hugh is here pub hed lish, assisted by several expr. for clemency for the Hon. Marcus Garvey, the imprisoned the foll sw ng oirenlar issued from tion of the Department of Eng. hroughout the nation are making their voices heard asking ablish ng business, to take a decided step with regard to for general information: enced newspaper men connected e incorporation. We are hoping that this announcement Balboa Heights Cz, mith prominent daily and week founder and leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Vill be read by as many of the coured people on the September 26, 1927. ly newspapers.
Association. If the authorities, misled at the inception of thmus of Panama and elsewhere as it can conveniently TO ALL CONCERNED: The University has readied for Mr. Garvey incarceration, entertained any a thought that each; to facilitate this, each reader is requested to pass this Or colore West Indian long time the constanly inerens the release of the man is not the heartfelt desire of the py to a friend otherwise inform him.
employers who live in anama ing demand for the introdi. Negro people of this country, th y must now have different In taking this forward step we have no apology what pad Colon are hereby advised that of such course into it curr cul am views. Through ut the land thinking Negroes and the Pandu tw No. 13 of 1926 re. and as early as 19 is u pros Negro press bave joined in a remarkable appeal to President ver to make tor being late. as some of our people hive extens ve. en thinking. We are early. We have been here in large af et their residence in the Reputy course in journali mn but inude Coolidge and the Department of Justice to pardon Marcus numbers for the past twenty three years and througılack lic of Panama, The provi ions of quale teaching facilities prevented Garvey.
of business ability, foresight and cooperatio. up to the the law exempt employees of the its introduction The Negro World prints below a few notable com.
sresent time we have not succeeded in exarting ourUnited States Gover ment During the the past college year, elves in any way to cause the other connunities to take pamma Railroal Company. Tos however, at a series of lanchens ments which have buen mide on tais all engrossing subject as the can art of their fim givea at The University and during the past week: 15 seriously as a competitive entity, except for economic es. Such cuployces, however, atten led by the Dean of th The Assocrated Press on August 31, 1927, says: reasons resulting, for the most part, from our eficiency as re tihey reg College of Liberal Arts the head Warren McCray, former Governor of Indiana, having employees, our splendid morale and the pressure of our love to and one prom nent new paper federal Penitentiary, is expected to be released on parole of of English complete ten year term in the Atlanta population upon subsistence. While we have a preponder of the Province in Panama or Co.
lon for of compie was It is further stated that the ince in numbers, in business we are a negligibl: quanity. The Panaina. census and to co particularly by Messrs from the prison late today.
We have let slip by golden opportunities which we their identification certificates No Jones and o Waiker Parole Bjard recommends his release and that Attorney could have seized and which would have made us today dance will be made for sucbres, the Baltimore Afro American anu of General Sargent approves it.
wners of extensive and valuable city and suburban pro istration or for the issue of the the Washington (DC) Tribune, American Negroes, take notice. Here is a big American perty. Those opportunities are almost gone. Mark well; we that the immediate introduction of white man who was a sure enough criminal, and no doubt have not said that they hive GONE, but that they have al dhe employees, way present into three courses in journal. in. was anywhere ab but it. He used the mails to defraud, not out Panam 1OST GONE! We are still in time if we will act quickly, evidence in the form of commissiry office enivitable.
of igronance of the law, bit to cheat the law deliberately, The people who seized almost all those good opportunities books, service records, or other Tha University is fortunate in knowing all about what he was doing. He sought his own and are now sitting pretty. had business foresight. But we evidence, to slow their status as securing able teaching staff for personal profitan the deed.
this work in to have had twenty hree years to read, mark, learn and in employees.
its English teachers, Professors Marcus Garvey in truth was not a criminal, but a wardly digest sufficient matter to have developed some of Any sprcial cases requiring Turner, Jason Grant, Je, misintormei visionary His iginization abused the use of hose business eyes. Let us now act.
adjustment may be brought to the a hent nog noe moet ek bemu ve gece in Hunton, it has eared the mait in a much smaller way then did McGray.
As is almost generally known, the WORKMIN Printing tary in writing for consideration the service of Professor Albert was not seeking profits in a personal iness. He was, Establishment has been a going concern in one of the best Becka, whose exueriene usa of course, seeking glory in a visiory cause, and it is most McILVAINE.
business sections of the Republic of Panama for the past praeitieilewspapir in has been likely true that he hardly und:rstood the legal importšof his Executive Secretary (Continued on page 8)
ixteen years. It has survived all other efforts of West stock selling.
Indians here to produce a West Indian newspaper, and Grvey has served more than one third of his term, oday, while it is not a mighty cosmopolitan daily, it is SPARKLETS for he not only went to prison before McCray, but his nevertheless an influential representative of our pe ple, term was only five years while McCray w. is ten years.
ind our only true represeotative in the local field of journalMcCray went in last and came out first, although McCray ism. It is our atention to make in a more influential force. BY WCK)
term was twice as long as Garvey s!
we want to join our journalistic hand with the Negro Press the world over, in Iping to further the progress of our extra diy tentally; my This week, gentle reader, am way: bis sceptre and controls a Garvey 19 a bigger man, better known around me ta naltitude of things, and ran the world than McCray ever could have been, more people lubricant has unexpectedly rug ver034 a little information on how famous than all the Governors of Indiana put together, Walrond, proprietor of the WORKMAN Printing out. 00 Sunday morning last he gols distribute the gold supply And yet Garvey is still in prison, while Attorney establishment for the past sixteen years, will be at en attempted to grind oa of our world. It sys that aboa old a Monday meeting, as a matter of fact the meeting will be machine agged, then refused mone ary purposes, and that this the white man, who had ten times more chances than quaruer of the gold is used for Genera! Sargent religiously recommends the release of presided over by Mr. Walrond.
absolutely to budge. With some includes the amount whih is held Garvey to know better and who was a far greater All prospective shareholders and well wishers who urging finally go it to turn over, as bullion to hiek paper money. criminal.
may not have received a regular circular will please accept and to (Continued on page 8)
this as a formal invitation to attend th3 meeting on Monday any way readable, credit it to a fact. gondo, in elite it reader, onemachine; that the paper curreaey you get is evening o clock atthe WORKMAN Priotery, No, 93 normally, three cylinders do the not real money. just certificate of Central Avenue.
work, the real money which is deposited INNOCENT MAN SLAIN BY MOB WATER FAMINE AT BOCAS DEL TORO discosal, fonnd that could only of hiaher mitha ties and armei With the limited energy at my in gold and silver bullions and taken care of by a p? culiar eys. em Wilmo, Ark, Sept. 11 in concentr te on the gros defects in guard. The remainder of the THE GLOSSOP HARRIS CO. innocent coloured citizen tances to curry or their hearis what of that well knowo medium of used in jewelry, gilding, in gold the present system of distribution world supply of gold is said to be BY COGNO lynched by a mob Thursday night Dear here after a report had been Much like the children of Israel, might better be conveyed to their exchange. MONEY. feel that leaf work, dent:stry, etc.
At National Theatre circulated that a white woman in as they journeyed froin Egypt to homes through underground pipes; for the past twèn y years, have still. Monday Night.
hasa the community had been frightened when its been contribuing a man share How accurate that information by a prowler who entered her thirsted for water and they do so public watering places, having all to the ruuning of this cruel world, is do not know, but də know bedroom window and who the now many time times, but no remedial gone bane dry. ese thirsty but the world in turi has not that the system of distribution duration trekers are placed under suffer been as to have recom now is operation is rotten. Mon Repertory Company is here again The well known Glossop Harris wornan suid, looked ke a Negro measures of even short ance of a pan or two of water from pens pensed me proportionally. Some ey is idea capi alized and case. It would appear. government offices where scores of one said once that the more one lized DENIES GUILT.
monopo. The company need a few no introber Suite just duction to the Isthmian public, Sa pleio fel upon gets ou government is quite in different to selves are datly in service. The of it. That doesn seem to work enough sieve through to the latter year their tour here was most on the farm of the white woman.
massthe times and again brought to the sides.
situation. The local press has thing is certaily disgusting to both well in my case, It does nt Peeble desperately for and use to successful, especially in the Canal Ofisers went to his horn and work that way, either, with a Zune his bed Fortunately for Bucas del Toro, more people with whom it is just keep their internal machine func houses whenever thry appeared. mule him accompany them after where they packed the Club aroused him from attention of the authorities the matter of a modern water supply it is situated in one of the raiviest the opposite. the less they put in toong for the purpose of parform the year they are introducing he had denied almaya ile ire connect for Bocas has even parts of the tropics; but this is not the more they take out. Posing satisfactory work for the some new plays together with tion with frightening the white reminded tt em of the one hundred a fixed or an eternal condition. The sibly, am misinformed in this classes; the gods reserve thousand dollars wh ch is said to worid is in a state of tax and before knew them or heard balance of the money to have some old successes, have been voted by the National ch inge, and weather conditions about them they may have been a good time among themselves, It is understood that all the LEFT UNGUARDED.
Assemtily about year or so ago here may at any tiine be reversed making some genuine contribu. and store up in iron boxes to Company bookings for this season Presumably the officers, wire for water supply and the nerds of a growin: population, and now they are reaping serve no useful purpose. The are at the National Theatre were going to question Pounds further scheme for the city but it is as tion. Besides. mu:t exert increasing the interest!
In my case, it may fact that a year after year men they appeared ok all houseks the about the murder. Ins. eid, how though newspaper comment avail. pressure on whatever sources of be that started to invest late. unearth large quantities of gold, year before packed houses. everthey silver, Monday prisoner and drova hinted witheit not kuowing its business or and for all time.
kind if investment and the inst metals which could be converted night with the brỊlliant comedy 15 not alive to its duties. Continued on naur 8)
tution in which have been makinto monry, and the poor la The Inst of Mrs. Cheyne. which It is a bad case of a modern Thus the question of a modern ing the investment were bothbouring man whom the Bible ran over a year io New York avd adequate wator genuine.
for Bocas is as refers to as being worthy of his London. Others to follow will still to stick to the gated and supply system unsafe system of a water supply by urgent as it is imperative. Finely After having pizeon bolod a in poverty, isa lincomprehensible. The Merchant of Venice. the almost sold. Altogether, it will be bite is still heading to the grave include the Shakespearean class. e already the house is said to be West watchment from the skies; a worse paved streets, we are having worthless manuscript. picked up and can hardly be reconciled story of which is popularly knowa good opportunity for Indians to see some of the world case for it when its wom infolk are them now, do look lovely to the the Pathfinder, a luminous little weekly publisbed in the vicority suppose that was the systein Tickets for Monday night play best plays by some leading world obliged to go treking lorg s(continue) og page 8) where President Calvin Coolidge Continued on page are being rapidly taken up; players, the suppose you are aware of the Wits ki bave ever been applied to this that master minds and Winston an system wman, tion city, an sich as Bocas to be and


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