
PAGE TWO improv adopt orange JAMAICA will be elected in a short time, This bas special reference to the till residents woich even in norwal periods have found their United Fruit Co, Are water supply inadequate. Thus measuring their dificu ty hy Negotiating For what is being experienced in the low lytrg levels of tbe wa Banana Land. where water can be bad for a very short duration at times, the bill residents must feel this The CLEANER understands shortage acutely. The that the United Fruit Company ing of the local water supply will Er likely to acquire while they be taken up with all earnestness can, further lands for the plant and undoubtedly the question ing of and banana industrlopment of the wil be brought up at the next sittiog of It is said in some quarters taken for granted that that this desire is a result of the the St, Jamer Board will ctivities of the Jamaica pro a scheme of sup;ly which will ducers Association in endeavour not necessitate pumping, and ing to secure crop contracts for ll be moderate in cost and in fruit that would be so to speak oat is respect the Jchn Hall Wor the oven market.
cester source will meet all It is said that surveys are requirements.
13 Ao address bas been prepared where banana land is available and will be presented to the hon.
to secure as much as possible to member for the Darsh by the meet future demands. Claren residents of Granville Districe don for instance, hardly touched in appreciation of bls e forts in before by the big Corporation seine Schrough the Hon, memgetting water for bas been investigated, to say ber efforts they bave been potbing of other places on the map where the fruit might be relieved of a considerable bard.
grown to advantage it irrigation ship, creeps in either through goveri anent sources or otherwise. No Improvement to gotiations have been proceedia with a view to the pur Harbour at Present chase of Albion Estate in Thomas by the United Fruit Time Company and it is said that ere long the deal will go through And the estate will be going as a Schemes in Connection bacana producing centre.
With Falmouth And Manchioneal Ports Montego Bay Water Turned Down May Be Settled.
MONTEGO BAY PROBLEM Montego Bay, September 14. Indicatiors point to the St. The GEA NOR understand James Board adopting that the Goveroment have decided John Hall. Worcester to turn down, at last for the source to augment the Montego present the two schemes which Bay Water Supply: and there is were put up some time ago for every reason to believe that the the improvement of the Machiorate payers will annrove of this nial and Falmouth barbours.
course of action. Not only will It will be remembered that the the supply meet the present mb rs of the gislative needs of the town but the work Council both for Portland and THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1927 to assist the Department of TRINIDAD Agricul ure in the collection on arders for citrus stock. It is STILL ON SALE surges ed that orders should by placed at once with the DepurtAcreage In Orange mnt of Agriculture so that the were say barseries may ba West Indies Cricket History And Grapefruit In established without delay You are therefore invited to Trinidad Tobago eu in and returned the attached. AND Form to me as early as possible, THE QUESTIONARE.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Port of Spain (Aug. 31. The Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages following the text of the Circu. The Questionaire is directed lar dated 129:6 iost. addressed into two sections, dealing reto all members and others interspectively with oranges (budded Summary of Contents: ested in the fruit industry. by and a seeding) and grasefruit Mr SHBnning Secretary of rudded and seedling The column referring to bumHistory of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
the Fruit Growers Association of Trinidad and Taboga: ber of trees requires information Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, The Fruit Growers Associe relating to bearing trees; ana Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, tion of Trinidad and Taboga non bearing trees with approx.
which was formed in the early inate age. Columns are provi.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, ded fro of the year hasing reached knowo) crop list season; acreage parto Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual a further stage of deve is desitious of acertaining the entirely devoted to Players ac eage solely devoted to the and ora caltivation The last calumn of this Quescultivation of grapefruit and Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and oranges, the number and varie tion may be described as an order Interesting ties of these fruits and the column. It requesta inforination prospect of individual develop. Legarding the variety and cumber of plants required (if any)
Price 50cts.
The Assoziation is anxious for 1925 and 1929 with tsense minder that orders should be sent direct to the Dedartment of Secure yours now there will be a great rush Trelawny and their respective Agricolture early, There are there final questions for them, parish Baards strongly urged on the Gwernment the neccessity aske. Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN of carrying out in provements to (1) Are the trees grown for tbe harbours of Manchioneal commercial purposes?
Panama and Falmouth and the Govern (b) is an extension of fruit.
mert went very carefully into growing anticipated. c) If se, to wbat exteut uader?
It is now arnt that the (1) Oranges Government are not at present prepared to proceed with either (3) Grapefruit scheme, but that it is more thau The questionnaire when filled likely that further steps will be in is to be returned to The Sectakon is connection with the retary, Fruit Growers Associa.
WHITENS THE SKIN scheme for the improvement of tion of Trinidad and Tobago tbe Montego Bay Harbour Byx 28. Port of Spain.
a very lurge ar ao!
Creme Blanc Mirette bacanas under cultivation parish of St James and the grow Demerara Issue Marvelous Cream ing importance of Montego Bay as a shipping port is bing felt.
It Port of Spain, Sɔpt, la corPrevents and removes freckles, moth patches, wouid not surprising there fore, it the matter were to be nection with thGorgetowo sun tan, and other skin blemishes nught up at the Autumn Ses S: weroge Ssbeme impse it is sion of the Legislative Council stated that all efforts at an amSOLD IN DRUG STORES when proposals might made icable settlement have proyed for the carrying out of father ucavailing and that Messrs, Wild (Continued on page 7)
the proposals.
Th reta in the ine Parochial surveys, Get a Complete Electric Service Installation Now AND PAY FOR IT WHILE YOU ARE USING IT We will make you a Lighting, Ironing Cooking Installation for ONLY TWO DOLLARS DOWN You pay the balance in four small payments as follows: INSI ALLA Down First Second Third Fourth TOTAL TION IN Payment Month Month Month Month Room 00 65 65 1, 65 65 60 Rooms 00 40 40 40 40 11. 60 Rooms 00 2, 90 90 90 90 13. 60 Rooms 00 35 35 35 35 15. 40 Rooms 00 65 65 65 65 16. 60 Thermax Pound Iron 00 00 00 00 00 Liberty Burner Stove. 75. 50. 50. 50. 50 75 We also sell Toasters, Percolators, Grills Two Burner Stoves, Waffle Irons, Ranges, Fans etc, on these terms.
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