
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1927 PAGE THREE Loyalty to The British Empire Before League The Prosperity Tailors To Ask Britain To Guarantee Other Frontiers Would Mean Disruption of Empire DISARMAMENT QUESTION Birmingham Reporter was the ughter of Archdeacon. Londou will see a good deal of CALLS FOR UNITED the West Indian cricketers ACTION close up so to speak, fo. apart from the practice matches at.
of The Negro Press on Im will play Susrey at the al on Dalwich and Maidechead, thy prison ment of Garvey May 12, month later there will be a THE RELLAS OF MARCUS match against Mi estat GARVEY Lord s, followed in August by another at the Oval, There will be festival matchs at lkestone The Negro Press seems to be and Scarborough and at the coming to an unanimous aceord moment Worcestershire is the in its opinion es to the release of only first class county with which Marcus Garvey from the Federal a fixture has not been arranged prison Thera will be a two days Certainly, there are much match against the Civil Service worse criminals out of the prison at Caiswick, in June, and th Iban Garvey, and while tbis bas tour will be brought to a con no baring on his case, nor does clusion about the middle of it. Xires any reason why be Sep en ber.
shou be released, there are circumstances attending the imof Garvey which CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Former President of The Assembly Spoke on Behalf of Canada Whlch Was Faithful DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER True foret falls in tavor of bis Dr. Hubert Edwards Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Manager We slowly, 2560 the fact that only Britain rous Acording to information made PHYSICIAN SURGEON public recently, his crim was more tecbicical than real and his Special Studies in Diseases of conviction cane more as a resul woman and Children: of lack of able defense though BOLIVAR ST.
is owo contiderce in bis iono FRONT MASONIC une far reaching effects co t an frou te wilfulness or of his TEMPLE COLON crime. It is also noted that bis PHONE success had incited some bitter antangime, polit cal and other wise, which helped much to in Auerce the sentiment of a large BOWEN group of groe; and white against him.
TAILOR The present gowing sympathy for Garvey might be motivated No. M Street San Miguel out of the reliag that he got an unfair teal thrngh the inflerce Panama City of enemies that feared s eventual pɔwer ia local politics, is certain that jalousies of this kind existed, and considering SOKO XS SCKOOS be was convicted on one count out of an array of serious charges, there is every reason to think of him more as a political prisoner than an actual dang culprit. It is evident that being broken in health from the effects of prison regime, dere ves a better fate than to die in the toils cf prison bardships, It appears that there is preponderant sympathy in favour of his releass and this Publication sees no reason why it should not joln the voice of the Nagro press in its efforts to have bin par.
In many respects Mr. Garves has had rather remarkable career. In fact, bis bold on his hollowars in prison and out of it is a coadusive evidenco of the strength of the man. Perhaps The la scale on which his operatius were carried on had in uch to do with his failure, and his consuming ambition to make himself a superior spectacle overcame the sense of buziness efficiency and propriety that be might have developed in the cauree of bis operations. Judged by any fair test, be is acknow.
12dged to bave shown no signs of criminal motives There bas alwasy been much in Garvey and, with all that there was against him. lie had the spirit of a great leader, though he may have laeked sume of the Kood common sense that one ts in the echool of experience, From allt reports, bis ambition to serve hus su ferei orly in pr:portion to the setbacks given by his piion term. He is stiil Marcus Garvey in spirit, ard may atter all, become a practi.
cil man and carry out a worth whila prug am, Let him be released.
TIVOLI BEER Geneva, Saptember 12. Sir Austen Chamberlain in tbA course of his much applauded speech before the Assembly of the League of Nations during the debate on security asked it there was any country which bad done as wuch to guarantee the frontiers of other countries as Great Britain.
Sir Austen contended that to ask Great Britain to guarantee all frontiers in addition to ber curar tee of the frontiers of France, Germany, and Belgium was impossible as it meant asking nothing less than the disruption of the British Empire.
He stated that bis loyalty to the League was profound but his loyalty to the other League which was the Brit sh Empire came first.
In suggesting that the fallure of the three power naval conference, due to lack of preparation and the absence of sufficiers basis agreement. Sir Austea concluded should work patientls, even it as the greatest and quickest results are not achieved by burrying.
As a proof of Great practical steps toward disarmament, he pointed out that both the navy and the army were much und pre war levels and at the budget of the armed to ces was sprually decreasing, He a ked if any other country had done as much Referror to Arbitration and the undercurrent suggestion that Great Britain was stopping the it was unable to participate in progress of the League because Nil the plans framed, Sir Austen declared that Great Britain arbitated more grave questions than any other country in the world. In his peroration Sir Austen warned tha Assembly to be beware against piling obligation on obligation and sanction on fanction lest they made of the League a living tomb.
FOREIGN POLICY Geneva, Sept. 12 We make the League of Nations the basis of all our foreign policy, declared Sir Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary, receiving the entire presa bere last evening. In our relations with no matter other country we are always. Inspired by League ideals, he continued.
Geneva pt 12. Hon Donduraud Government leader in the Canadian Senate and a representative of the Dominion of Carada at the Assembly of the League of Nations, declared at the s mbly to day that Canada has remained faithful to the priuciple of abritration though this had been successful in several other case in the pas Notably with the United States when she bad lost considerable territory Senator Donduracd said Can.
ada was fully in accord with the activity of the League of Nations The Senator referred to the problem of the minorities in Europe and emphasized that the first duty of the various states was to bring contentment to their p: Dondurand Senator.
WAB received with applause when be ascended the tribune to speak appearance stimulated interest in the proceedings and many delegates who were on the point if leaving the chamber returned to their seats when they heard that the former President of the Assembly was about to speak in the behalf of Canada.
The Senator epoke in French. NEW PRODUCT)
DOO His apie LOV IT London Will See Good Deal of Islands Pepresentatives, London, September Lord Harris, the veteran Kentish ericketer, it will interest many people to learn, bas again placed his ground at Belmount near Faversham, at the disposal of West lodian cricketers, who are viating this country next year.
It is to be hoped that despi his years bla lordship will be 77 year he way possibly be induced to make his appearacce at the wicket among the Band who are to meet the visitors from the West Lord Harris was many years ago Governor of Bombay, and be bas acted as a Lord ir Waiting to the Jast three sovereigns. He bas relatival associations with th, West Indies as his mother FLOWERS of Brothers Elodies.
Abogado. Attorney at Law OFFICE: No. 44 ST BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Practicing before all the courts of the Republic since April 1914


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