
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1927 LA MASCOTA When a man Buys a PACKARD Packard DO SHOE without a to Cricket Crowd In THE WORKMAN Runs Umpire.
Keen Game With West Indlans vs. Bermudians.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applica.
WALROND, the office No. 93 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, do of public interest invited.
New York, Sept. tborougbly scared umpire fleeing PO Box 74, Pasama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and before the attack of 000 anery Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the same of Negro cricket fans at the New Yori Oval, 150th Street and Joe Year 40 Cy. the writer, Not necessarily for publice Gerard Avenue, Bronx, sester.
Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
day afternoon and a police call Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return rewhich drew the reserve squad jected correspondence.
from Morrisania Station to the field gave the ancient Britieh The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS game distioctly American touch.
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 But the tear bombs the reserves had were pot brought THE PANAMA CANAL EMinto use. The umpire bad made record time to the fence on the Gerard Ayeque side of tbefeld vero PLOYEES ASSOCIATION.
and was last seen dropping over the wall.
Beslis loffa fortber puren Zor the farlits In a leading article commenting on the Panama Canal the disappoint ted crowd returned to the stands West Indian Employees Association when it was first orand the game, continued under ganized, we opined that the Association would, dedicate its he feels better every time he wears it, protection of six patrolin and 30 arbitrator.
activities to promote the best interests of West Indian employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad.
for the rocollection of quality. The Dear plot started when We were not disappointed. It is a fact that there was the the ampire, who departed without formal dedication, and this was followed immediately by leaving bis name and address, remains long after the price made a decision favourable to a grasping of the spirit of the movement by a few hundred the West Iodians, who were fifty employees who took advantage of its enlightening rays.
runs bebicd their opponen s, is forgotten.
Within short time, however, the Bermudians.
there came a Alter boolrg.
the crowd, en masse left its decided drop in active members and the general interest in seats and started after the the Association began to wane, This is an exhibition of arbitrator. He left without insincerity of which no intelligent lot of people can fel further ado wben the score stooi proud. The cause of such attitude on the part of approxSEE OUR SHOW WINDOW 147 to 97.
imately 7000 employees is difficult to understand. It is apparent that something is wrong. somewhere; but on for all the latest Models Colombia Has Little whose shoulders the wrong rests, whether on those of the directors or on those of the thousands of able bodied Work For West labourers living in an enlightened atmosphere crammed with activities of the highest order, we do not know.
Indians Now, There is only a negligible few who, out of sheer CARLOS MULLER ignorance of the force of organized efforts, can say that According information such an organization can achieve anything. Such unwhole.
SOLE AGENT received by a GLEANER represent.
some expression of opinion on important questions may be ative recently, Colombia, Scuth America, bas very little to offer in reasonably expected from such people. We are with the the shape of work to the nonmajori y, for they possess the proper spirit of the age, 87 CENTRAL, AVENUE PANAMA CITY native, and especally to British believing that an organization as the with West Tudians, today.
a distinctly sound program to follow, can be made in o a Qrite a few people have been truly representative body and thereby a progressive in emigrating to Santa Marta and tellectual and economic force. But what is the net result other districts of Northern Colombia of all these beliefs, expectations, prognostications and recently in the hope of getting remunerative and the opinions? With exception to a very lively Cristobal Colon People To Register GLEANER has been informed that district, the other units of the Association are either dead in several these or disgracefully weak. This is almost unbelievablel In Their Antecedents. parties have had to appenito viewing such depression, we are not unmindful of the fact relativee here for money for their that as a community, West Indians here have not yet to the shores of their repatriation The BALTIMORE SÚN reports island bicme.
attained that coveted standard to which many others hive the enartment by Georgia of a risen and from where they see and are able take advan savs ge law requiring registration It is pretty expensire for the pocket of of the ancestry of ev ry prson in get from Kingston to a Colom tage of the benefits to be derived from unity and concerted ordinary labourer to action. Rather, and unfortunately, it is the idea of many The the state, in order to prevent the bian Port and, and as said before marriage of errone of Negro and there is little if that to belp a common cause each contributor must first white antree ents. The bill was all for foreigoy work there at be guaranteed equal interest. But it has never been quite Food passed in the last session of the oured West Legislature and has been signed by ple, said a es Our Coso, and it is highly improbable whether it will ever be so in the near future.
Governor G, Hardman. Toda cont cent For to a newspaper man svesterday, It is quite time it be generally known that any Enforcement of the law rests are a picular lot. You have high estimation of our community is based on its biggest with the State Hсalth Department unly to tell them the truth that achievements, that it takes brain leadership to achieve Babies and it is quired that the state there is no work for them in a truly big things, and that it is of vital importance that brawn health off cer prepare printed certain foreign land, and they are forms on which everv eit zen of the certain to meet with hardship help brain. la fine, if the common welfare is the aim, it is state must give available informa there to that country.
and immediately they go imperative that brain and brawn work together, with brain tion as to the race of his do ancestors and leading. The labourer must take this view of his economic any mixture wnich may have you want to keep them life the opposite is not only decidedly wrong, but pecured, fa lure to give correct in there. They go away, their eyes MOTHERS. Let your babies benefit by formatio. being punishable as a are opened, and then there is a dangerous. The big achievements of the few are invariably modern science. Feed it with DRYCO felony, wail to the home folks to send credited to the community to which the few belong. AS an example: Were the Panama Canal to place the proper the only milk on the market, Marriage licenses may be refused over and help us e er we perish.
if proof of the racial purity of Jann cans are suffering greatly monetary value on the services of a dozen of its efficient the applicants is not on file, and in Cuba to day, and still they West Indian employees, by granting them 60 or 75. or Sterilized with Ultra Violet Rays is expressed that the law keep on going to that Island thereabouts, of the compensation which their positions, if will cause many residents of Georg Republic.
ia to journey to other states in held by American employees would bring, the result would order to be married. Commenting be nothing short of a distinct credit, not only to the Consult your Doctor editorially on this new Georgia BARBADOS dozen employees directly affected, but to the West Indian anti intermarriage low. the BALworkers in general. It will, of course, be bard to reconcile TIMORE SUN 8178; FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES.
this fact with the views of some people but, nevertheless, it Altogether, it is one of the most savage laws relating to marremains a fact.
Unpleasant Sequel To riage ever enacted. Yet we are The is a splendid organization in a informed: Printer Lad Death, splendid locatiɔn, free of handicap except for the limitations Such a measure is absolutely which the employees themselves may place upon its sane necessary in Georgia, according to and legitimate activities. Abundant proof of what it is abie WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR its advocat if white blood is to Soclety Secretary Refuses be pure.
to do for the employees, both individually and collectively. We hear this with mild surprise To Pay.
lies in what it has already done for them with not more than We bad laboured under the imabout one sixteenth of their numbers enrolled as members pressioa that white people in REGISTRAR CALLED UPON and but a mere handful active. Yet there exists among the Georgia are opposed to marrying TO DECIDE employees a high percentage of those dangerous negative Negroes, We had no idea that No hot irons or special combs required savage laws are required to preelements, apathy, inertness, indifference, suspicion and the ient them doing so.
The WEEKLY HERALD of the like, which should have been years ago overcome, destroy.
27th August Says; A0 ed and replaced by the positives: ambition initiation, SOLD IN DRUG STORES pleasant sequel which Dr. Fred Sterling arowolng of a printer apprecarisen from the death by earnestness, trustfulness.
There is grave need for a healthy West Indian EmTHE NEW YORK DENTIST tice named Arthur Alleyne.
ployees Association as a medium through which the needs The lad, the information of the employ es can be taken care of intelligently. The 182, BOLIVAR STREET Fons. was member of the Fladders Juvenile employess hive such an organization in the present Associ, situation is acutely dangerous from more than one angle, and Adult COLON, Friendly Society. and ation, but in spite of all that it has done and is capable of for the impression will be made on the authorities that the the doing, it is weak from lack of proper support. What is employees are properly taken care of in all respects, Secretary. Mr. Harmon Branch and Box 771, Cristobal, has refused to pay the customwrong? Where is the wrong? Who is responsible for the on the other hand there will have existed no organized funeral benefits until the TELEPHONE 247 COLON.
e wrong? If the present officers are found to be incompetent representative force for protection against a common danger.
father who makes the or are not desired by the majority of the employees, and if this is the kind of inaction that encourages other groups of claim can furnish a death certithe employees need the Association, then let the latter join the workers to be consoķidating their efforts to oust West Indians Notice to Correspondents.
ficate. This is obviously imposmovement and with their votes remove those responsible from respectable positions. Other organizations of the kind sible, sinca as will be readily with others whom they here and abroad are really POSITIVEŠ; therefore employees are asked to send in their contribus from the Yeawas The mateerbas remembered the unfortunate the inertia consider more competent. If, on the other hand, the mass should not allow such a useful medium as the Panama tions not later than Thursdays to been laid before the r»gistrar of lad body recovered of the employees are sleeping while competent leaders are Canal West Indian Employees Association to be insure publication. This is impera.
at work bearing the brunt of the fight, then the entire NEGATIVE.
tive apd must be adbered to. continued on page 5)
DRYCO MILK of the pro believe They the belief kept Contra Crespo un bag


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