
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927 PAGE FIVE CANAL ZONE NOTES externen in the imagestion de San SS SS SS SS SS SS SS BOCAS DEL TORO La Boca Pars Have You Ever Thought of It?
NOTES City. The growth of population jastutside the present City bourds has given rise to problems which cannot now be controlled by the city laws and regulatione.
Short School Vacation With only one week Vacation include the Garrison Colloden The proposed extensions would preceding the re opening of the Rad, Pine Rya, Carringtoa LA Boca Coloured Shol on Village, Bark Hall Village and Monday next, the communis part of Black Rock The time bus experienced the effects of of bas the charge from a three month rea ly arrived for such an echo vacation which, ine improvement to be made, Cuschbols for coloured children busy enough the opposition hab is were established on th) Cana! will not be the direct result of Zone, was in effect until the ex any fear of complications or of tension of the school year, as rdship to residents, but will far as it affects the coloured he due chiefly to fear of the schools, from nine to twelve consequences of extending the months, effective July 1st of voting list of the city. But resthis year.
idents in the tenantries will also experience some hardship if the Association Heads to Meet probibition of pig keeping is extended, At Cristobal ment (BY OUR CORRESPONDENT)
Sep. 26. There have been no rains for many days now, How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from with the result that both public and private tasks in this city your Physician Prescription?
are being exhausted of their supply of water serious situation faces the community, and it no rain falls within the next few days, the local GoverrIf not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the will bave to find and handling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, adopt some measure of relief.
This morning the United Fruit places. us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
Company who are always benefactors to the municipality in Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, times of drought conveyed supplies of water to the city from Moccaw Hill.
11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, learnt that that there is shortly to come here an Ameri(Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, can engineer wbo will go into the details of the scheme that has been planned for supplying JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
the cty with water. It is also learnt that Maccaw Hill bas 3:03 SE esses sexsSsSsSeo been definitely rejected as the source of the supply The Cricket Field.
It is understood that the next Rent Receipt Book in Spanish meeting of the Board of Direct ors of the Panama Canal West and English Sold at the Work.
Indian Employess Asscciation man Office.
Voll be held at Cristobal. Since Ibe organization of the Associa tion, some three Boca bas bee been the Headquarters, In iact it is still the Headquar!
ters although the local District 13 intinitely smaller than that at Cristobal. Oa this account Bocs will will miss on this occasion the presence of the delegates from various districts of the Association wbo used to congregate here at least twice a year to discuss problems with woich the employees are faced.
INSIST ON The Athenaeum ST.
CHARLES cricketer of 01 The Becas is credited with having registered the higbest score since the season opened some weeks ago, baving put up 70 runs, and that in their cup fixture yesterday at Almirante spainst the Unity CC Ucity won the toss but elected to send is the visiting team to bat. As the outsit Bocas had not an easy time; for the minesweeper Blake that all round Farm Two, bad charge of tbe bal! and was ia real Rod form lore many minutes had passed two ekets went down for noblok, and 36 was registered only when the seventh fell; eventually 70 was reached at the close tbe ioning which covered 33 bours thaoks to William and Morgan, who scored, respect, velv, 31 and 21 runs.
The honesters seemed to make at the beginning of their innings a bold challenge for suprewacy; they at any rate made a better opening and had to their credit 30 runs when their tifth wleket fell. But something of a misfortune attended them: the sue ceediok bat man was penalised for log befae. and a bluntrLusal on his part having been made, toka her with an undue delay of 17 minutes in the game, the umpire declared their intings closed and named the cas combination victors, Tbe W38 represent led by Bill (Captain) Trotman, Batley, Morgan, Williams, Recall, Fraucis. Noel Pearce, Brown and Dixon, The Atbenaeu in held a very instructive meeting on Tuesday evening last. Mr. C, King read a ten minute address on the life of the Ngro leader and statesman, Toussaint Overture, native of Haiti, after which the body resolved itself into form and discuss:d the subjsot. Resolved. That diligstu dent will gaia more informatioa from reading than from observation. The weight or opinion, including that of the President Mr. Sweli and Secretary Cyrus, favoured 03scr.
reference to tha soalety intention to publish a magazine this unonth, and thereafter, quarteriy. President Sew. ilar.
nounc that owing to the fast that the Dew literary Leagu which resul. ellron the receat Cristobal Convention of literary and musical societies, bas in inind a shnilar project, the Achenseun will hclirits plans la abeyance REGUES. NET ON ST. CHARLES NSWEETENE Bocas ce EVAPORATED MIL Miss Cox Makes Visit Miss May Cox of Colon was the house guest of Mr. and Mss.
Alfred Roguet of Trinidad Street during the early part of the weeks. ebe returned on Wednes day evening, Church Activitias.
Gec. Richarde, Asst. cretary of the La Boca Aih naeum, who was being treated in the surgical Ward in Ancon Hospital for the past thres Weeks fur a bad cur he received at the B:la Vista Batbik acb 10 a broken butue was discharged on Thursday last The Brand that has stood the test for years.
The Anglican Community of ibis city (St Marup) who have been all along making strenuous efcrts to augment their buil ing Fund are now plaanion crip to Sapadila Cay on che 8t must ag Further mean: et rais. money undertaking. was initiated by Mr Ander son one of the lay readers of be Church.
DRINK IT EVERY DAY Colon Sept. 28 Orieket fixtures for tomorrow call for matches between Sussex and Silver City at the Mt. Hope Oval and between West End C, C, and Pickwick on the Coloa bageball parx.
AND anOK Porristas and Clia:istas aru beginning to show their teeth at each other. This Lorning six youth, avowed Porristas apparently were drawn up in che Alcades Court for molesting the Government. It appears that the defendants others, had chartered car Le purpose ot propaganda in favour of Dr: Balasiario Porras, the rival cald. date 10 Sordon Cihari for presidential honours and bad became menacing in their accuamations, They were each sentenced to six days in juil, Unpleasant Sequel To Save the labels for Valuable Premiums ¡Continued from page Friendly Societies, Mr. Clyde Williams, woo has promised an investigation: Toe result should be of interest.
Proposed Extension Of City Limits Dr. Arnulfo Arias SANITARY AND HIGHWAY LAWS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Removed his Clinic to CenEFFECT ON ELECTORAL tral Avenue No. 137 half REGISTER.
block away from the up toWe learn that the Covernor date. Drug Store named in Executive Commitee bas for some cocalderable time had unU. Pharmacy. Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours: 8, am to 2pm 30 to 30 Sundays, Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE 538 ADVERTISE In the Workman Dr. Nathan Rowe PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 11th and Bolivar Sts.
COLON, BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chase National Bank Office Hours: 9am to 12m to p, O, Box 854, Cristobal, OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 IT PAYS


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