
PAGE SIX THE VORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1927 now ቅጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ LUCKY STRIKE clothes explosion Rive at bousing Rodney?
Ret to work.
eirls these are responsible for the delightful aroma, the mellow smoothness, and cool smoking qualities of LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes.
Wii Wiidiii iii WWE WW System They re kind to your throat West Indian National State interests this video is trans wit Die In London Fire, Day Girls With Clothes Ablaze August 1st Designated as Jump From Factory Most Fitting Date.
Into Canal. Contributor signing CARLondon, September woTON writing in the Port onman and three girls were burned Spun GAZETTE of the 28:h to death and six other people August, says: were lo jured by fire which The decision of Trinidad to started in a flim waste products accept the let of August as the factory to day. The building National Day for the West IT TOASTED backs on to Regents Canal and several girl workers with Indies is, to my way of lbloking a wise one. Some of the speakflaming, jumped from windows ers at the inaugural meeting to the water and ware saved by quite obviously did not know swimming or by the aid of barge wby that date was celebrated by s, Vincent, but it seems a reaTbe cause of the fire is a myssonably suitable one, especially tery but it started in tha windas far as Trinidad is concerned.
ing room of the factory and was chronological outline of West followed immediately by a terrific Iudian bistory wou The factory was least half a duz:n approximate The finest tobaccos, carefully destroyed in incredibly short dates; 8) bound up with the Lime, and the flames had ignited history of the Commonwealth of other buildings the Great Britian are the greater blended and expert workmanship garage of a firm of upholsterers events of the Antilles. But it and a lacquer work studio before each island clang to a diderent fire engines were eyen able to date, nothig would ever be done of any valne, There were fourteen men and victory over de Grasse off Dymio.
in the slim factory wben fire 103, which saved the British broke out. Kitts White, one of West Indies, bas been vigorousbe girls wbo escaped from the Tv advocated as a suitable dite.
winding room, tearfully describThis took place on the 12th April ed the scene. Το my mind, the most truly We were winding films and approximate dale would have some of the six girls were slag.
been th 12 of October, when ing at the work. Suddenly Colombuslan elon San Salvador saw a ball of flame like a great (Watling Islands of ha bafootball wbich seemed to burst Das) on bis tirst vovage for that and fill the room. It was like is essentially the genesis of the vision of hell whole of the West Indies as May Tapp and screamed they are to day and its celebra tion would have revealed no sad and ran out, leaving the otbers LUCKY STRIKE or shameful memories. But any huddled in the further corner of the room.
day is better than no day, and the 1st of August reminds us For few moments screams Dotoniy of the aboli. ion of were beard from the trapped slavery and the establishment of It toasted girle. Then the forewoman tho prenticesbip Mrs. Grace Bartlett, fought ber when the taxpayers of Great way out with clotbes Xtre and Britian paid West dian planttheo tafell dead ers 5, 853, 975 for the freedom Tte bodies of the three girls of 265, 290 slavas in spite of were found by firemen in a angry legislators and threats of corner of the winding room, cessation by the colpist but also their hands clasped.
four years later of the total abolition of slavery by th cessation of the asstem. It is not, think.
450 Aliens Have Been date of which the free West Murdered Indians of 1834 or 1838 could By have been particularly proud as Smugglers.
a wbole tbough they were nota.
ble and nobie exceptions to the ALMOST VIOLENT OPPOHavins. Cuba, August 26, SITION Four bundred apd figly allen LUCKY in an attempt to smuggle themto the proposals of the British selves into Government. The first of Aug the United States, STRIKE died before they reached the unt is really more suitable to American coast, baving been Trinidad. however, thrown overboard, tt is alleged other day. It reminds us of the by the men who had arranged days when wə were The Island of Experiment and the to smuggle tbem Inland, name of Trinidad was alnost continuThe allegation is contained in a ou ly in the mouths of the finan.
report by the Havana police, who cial ministers of the British had been investigating the smugGovernment and backers of the glivg of aliens traffic, and who opposition. We can, also, with state that out of 800 foreigners, no loss of sentiment, make th chielly Greeks and Polea, wbo 1st of Angust our Discovery left Cuba clandestinely for tbe Day. It is perfectly true that it United 350 bave was on the 31st of July the amanan momma Namannammannannreached their destination.
Columbus tirst saw Trioidad and The remainder, so the police turned aside from a course that would bare carried him to the say, were thrown overboard by Carib Islands already well knowo the smugglers when their vessels were chared by Cuban or United to him to reach Galeota Potnt that of the 12th October, bas not NIS Thence he proceeded westwardy even been considered as far as States coastguard boats. U, and we know that on the 1st am aware. Expect that is ir August he not only landed on another connection by Spain.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and iidad for Presb water but The forthcoming Barcelona exEnglish on sale at the Workman Stalouars Store.
must bave beheld the lowlands of hibition, which is to be elghu te Orinoco for the first ti ne the times as large as Wemblay and day before he passed thruugo in which twenty five Spanish dadlans, Barbadians, Grenadians she Serpert Mouth into the American nations will participate COLON and so forth. In nother way waters of the Gult of Paria and is planning Its opening day for cao national aspirations come to without being aware of it, landed the 12th October 1928, the cen: anything. The and planted a curge of the cro89 on a bead tenary of the day on which West Indies has been described land of Paria. have alwaya Coloumbus in 1492 first sighted as baving been slavery, sugar thought it somewhat of a of a mistake the New World This date would and all sorts of things. The that the lot of August rather have had my vote for the West IS NOW LOCATED AT than the 31st of July, was not Indian National Day first. last REAL CURSE OF THE WEST kept up as our Discovery Day, and all the time, but the 1st di INDIES One doubts if Columbus ever August is probably a good second saw Trinidad on the 31st of Ju: any single day throughout the choice. Anyway, agreement on 11. 1154 11th STREET bas been, think, the overthough, Alouza Perez from the wbeering local patrotism that so main top of the admiral ship West Indies will be such a step sectional zrs us that we never that has Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK did so. Columbus bad been con. In advance of anything can get together as tha West stantly ill on the voyage, suffer ever Indies or the Antilles and which lng not only from goat bat an should be the last to Where our customers will receive the usual is not altogether due to lack of intlamation of the eyes wbich cboice which receive approval al inter colonial communition. It rendered him almost blind. But aroud, share Mr. Inniss courtesies was just as wben the on the 1st of August be made opioion that it is a Mall Steam Packet Co very luiden excellent and experienced inter is the Atter date for the lavour of the Antilles, but am cclonial service brought us withcelebration of Discovery Day. It afraid it is too late in the day to much easier reach of one 18, at all eveuts. whether orber correct the embarassing position another, To LOOK FOR THE SIGN Columbus unwittingly placed us the people share my view for not. Perhaps it is as well, for the Indies it has never been case of The us more we are together the broadcelebrate Discovery Day and only possible confederation that er we ll be BRITISH that one always hear over in National Day on the 1st August can foresee is of the Islands of to quote the refrain in these days of competition the Greater and Lesser Antilles England when community singpublic opinion will not endorse separately. And sbould not Lesser irg starts at a football match twc day boliday, uward each care to be described as a other sporting occasion. But a event seperately. That is why Antillian while my friends in National Day must help to bring say the day is suitable for Jamaica were discribed this desideratam about.
There Trinidad though were native Greater Antillians! Anyway fore, let us all try to celebrate it or colonist of any other West am not ill content to be discribed befittingly and not arguing any Indian Island doubt if should for the rest of my days 18. lor ger about the suitability of West Iodiar. Antillian or West be especially enamoured of it; this day or that day or the betIndian we must be if the moveand tbe ter day. Let us make it a day ment foreshadowed by National on which in spirit, at any rate we MOST SUITABLE DAY day is to come off and cease to WORKMAN It Pays are really together West Indians Trini.
for the whole of the West Indies, deseribe ours:lves all Antillians all. ITS TOASTED than any CIGARETTES MADE IN USA dibinibike The British Pharmacy occared before it at any bed Royal that we in West PHARMACY a ADVERTISE IN THE 88


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