
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927 PAGE SEVEN VIGOR TONIC The best in the World For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phospherine (Ashton Parson)
Ske non corrosive Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the Republic of Panama.
Escb Tied This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
shut oft DOSE. One snall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day, Extras wric 328 C Lobo CRICKET AT BARBADOS BRITISH GUIANA Local Cup Fixtures Georgetown Brigade.
Harrison College vs cut and dr. ve in his own delight. The Georgetown British Gulful fashion waking bay of the ana re Brigad: have recect y Wanderers.
Pickwick bowling. No other obtained three Merryweathers member of the Spartan stood op Everyman Fire Suds enfor. gines, file 18 and Evelyn bowled for 27 CENTURY BY INCE Dewly patented The position in which Spartan each of which has a capacity of extinguisbers. Tha engles found themselves at the end of 20 gallons are used for the fire (From HERALD 201h Aug. the day play, 295 for eight wic protection of cii storage depote, Warderers winning the toss kets, was a personal triumph for oil works and other establish against the College batted on a Browse.
ments manufacturing or u ing perfect wicket Challenor and Free Cricket By Pilgrim. in large quantities liquids of Ince opened. The boys were highly inflamable nature. Escb lucky to get George for 46 Queen Park was ag in the engine consists of a steel when the score was 76. rendezvous of a large crowd last cylinder the interior of which 2te joined lace and together Saturdsy. Spartan with 297 for is coated with they tanged the bowling about wickets resumed and Pigrim metal. The cylinde: is kept during a partnership of 104 rons provided. surprise for the nearly filled with two solutions Skeete was eventually bowled by Pick team for a are Clarke for 81 and Ince reached the spectators. He cut and mixed, thereby generating carble century before being caught irove with the utmost freecom bonic acid acid gas imprisoned ins When stumps were drawn thading a very useful score of 33 thick oth which is exceedingly Wanderer score was 271 foil before he was rua ou Hayling eficacions in extinguisbing pe5 wickets.
also went for the bowling and ignition.
and o. fires sad preventing Wanderers carried their score closed for 844 was not out with 18. The innings engine is of 271 for to 328 for when mounted on a pair of light Captain closed bis innings and EPARTAN 1ST INNINGS wheels and has forgei steel sent in the School boys. Staart A Browne Ibw Hutcblnson 156 which form part of the cylinder.
axle arms welded into arges and Innies opened and bad car: EL Bartlett Kidney the score to 40 when rain Phillips 48 well as 30 feet of hose with drag handle is provided as gun.
interrupted play. resumption the bad wicket considerably wo. Gibbs run out 11 metal screwed connections and 27 Den D Evelyo Hutchinson affected the play of the batsmen gunmetal nzzle.
and lopigs fell ibw to Ince for El Ward Hoad A h)se carrier 18 fitted to the 34 Play closed with the score Hutchinson 18 upper part of the cylinde, upon at 68 for w cket.
MW Clark Hoad which the hoge is arranged in WW Reece run out il convenient manner for read, WANDERER IST INNINGS WRzeca Bad l bandling. Challenor sub Clarke 16 A Pigrin run out 35 1e enging bus been placed at Ince Eighill CD Stuart Hvad h, Market police station in Marshall 111 Hayling not out 18 19 proximiy o the two risole Skeete Edwards 81 22 stations, oge under th Comis. Burton Etwards 17 sarias Dapartm:ot which W: Alleyne Eighill Dear to anotbar gasoline station Total 10 344 ind the other will b) sent to Innies Ince sub Ioniss 10 BOWLING ANALYSIS Isharahapa, North West DisK. Mason e Marsball Inolss 0 M, C, Ince aud Olarke LO Wood 14 63 Phillips e Walcott Edwards HPhillips Georgetow Sewerage 12 23 A. T, Klessel not out 22 ELG Hai 2143 73 Muddle, LR Hutchinson 24 Extras 72 BG dlard 0 120 Total tor (9 wkts. 1 31 DELEGATIO IS WASTED Gocdang did not bat.
The Pickwick accepted the TRIP TO LONDON task set before them tb thels Ioniogs declared uual indomitable spirit. They BOWLING ANALYSIS opened with Taril og Di Ho Contractors Claim 1, 200, 000 who played carefa ly unt TarM, 0 Damages.
liton was caught by Ward of R, Edwards 304 100 Pilgrim for 18. Kidung toed Stusit 10 39 Hoad and tesch GOVERNMENT FILE WRIT hy played Innise 22 8 li close of player ngn 03 FR 0, A, Clarke 30 67 their ba for 36 anb 30 spect Talous 19 irply. Both these batsmen gav In connection the George.
chances dec. Marsbal 1 town Sewerage Scheme impassi Walcott 0 15 Spartan missed their opportu the Damerar: DAILY AGROSY In this matcb also no points pity of obtaining three points ounces that all efforts at an were awarded. Wanders failing from first ioning: lead over amicall settle. ent bave proved and that to get the schollboys out. Rain Pickwick. Ruin during the days wild Company, the contractors Messrs interfered with the Oplay and play greatly impaired the wicked who have given notice of their damaged the wicket, but the and only faulty in catching saved the Pickwick.
intention to proceed to law. will College managed to hold out.
die their claim during the week HARRISON COLLEGE IST INNINGS PICKWICK IST INNININGS. for 1, 200, 000 dainager. DeL logiss P Tarilton e Ward Pilgrim It is stated that the Municipal Ince 34 ELG Hoad C Reece delagation consis ing of Messrs.
Pilgrim 30 Bayley, Cancon, Thorne L Stuart e Phillips Challenor 45 M Kidney hit wk Pilgrim 80 and Crane aiter seven weeks stay in Loodon at the puble LA Walcott Carton Lo Woode Pilgrim Hayling 14 expense, have left Eng and or Challenor R Hutchinson Gibb; E Good man Pilgrim h ie return urney to DemeraD Dee Marshall Skeets C Stoute run cut Mason A Heath low W Reece JR Edwards not out 23 Phillips not out 29 ACTION BY GOVERNMENT 38 AND TOWN COUNCIL. G Clarke w kb Inc B Goodard Plgrim 14 BL Thorntop Klessel C Lobo not out Georgetown August 31st PCB Challenor 24 Extras 14 further develo, ment in the SP Edgbili e k Skeete Sewerage Scheme imbroglio is GB Hunte lace Skeete Total 241 the filing by the Goverment and I Gittens not out 17 Connel yesterday of a Extras 17 BOWLING ANALYSIS writ against the contractors Messrs. L Wild Company OM Lid, for the custody of the mal Total for wickets 163 A Pilgrim 35 14 635 OW Race Vi erial, tools. Implements and EC Talma did not bat CB Stuart Ola and 50 000 damager.
BOWLING ANALYSIS D Evelyn 3 10 A Harling 15 27 ST. LUCI Dr O Gibbs 10 32 G Challenor 34 15 52 L Ward 0 18 K Mason 40 22 35 MW Clark 90 HW Ince 35 2036 Disappointment With OS Burton 11 16 Fire Relief TW Alleyne 3 0 DEMARARA ISSUE OC Skeet 41 2 Writing editorially (Continued from page 2)
question of the relief to the fire Spartan vs Pickwick and Co. the contractors, who of the 20th August says:sufferers the Voice in its issue have given notice of their inten.
tion to proceed to law will tile by expressions of hope in the The week has been sigpelised Brilliant Century By their claim during the current first place and secondly by disap.
week for 1, 200, 000 damages. point connection with cable received last night states the measure of relief which the that the Government and Town public expected from BROWNE AND BARTLETT Council bas filled a writ for 50. given and granted to the Colony funds. PARTNER 000 dollars damages.
in connection with the disastrous fire. Reports and rumours are Spartan won the toss and batnumerous and various but do tled under the best conditions at The Director of Agriculture at not affcrd adequate grounds for Queen Park last Saturday be Trinidad hss just received offer any sound discussion of the fore a large and enthusiastic of 40 cents per pound for papois question.
Crowd, Browne and Bartlett leaves from prentleman Papers His Excellency has seen many of who bave both been doing splen York. He hopes to take 100 hection witba hoon por rebuilding lost property conand piled up 137 before Bartlett provided he can secure a regular cetes grants were also dik russed maraigh this season, again opened pounds of dry leaves monthly: The last un derstood that in some was taken by Kidney of Philips market. Fifty leaves dry to a and sometimes made alternative for 48. Browne had given one pound, stems excluded. No chance at 14. Thereafter he as mention is made as to the use to to loans. Many of those who Sumed control of the game and which they will be put. Continued on page 8)
Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitimate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran printed matter explaning for what diseases it should be used, how it should be used, how it should be applied and what doses should be taken.
SOLD BY JAVIER MORAN AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City 80 1 unavailing 90:8 30 Look Them Over là ra, Town 90 56 1 12 01.
The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. Photo Albums Scrap Albums Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads Children Toy Books Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention on the THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue :Panama City


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