p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1, 1927 99 90 prants, шостом Hip?
a giving the puble ble from the bl. ch the press a: whether under Garvey that of national repuwe but now ho to belags 90 inlino Abel Tomorrow Races Disappointment With Negro Press The World Over KONGOLENE Fire Relief. Contined from Page 1)
The weekly attraction in Garvey was right; This is certainly a white man horse racing at Juan Franco country.
Park tomorrow afternoon will srtaighten any hair in 15 (Continued from page 7) Whatever Negro editors and other leaders may includes eight races with a minutes without the aid of interviewed His Excellency are think of Marcus Garvey, there is but one way for the six furlong feature by Abel, disappointed in having been human brain to think of this obvious partiality of our De.
Arelequin, Lenine and Bol.
hot irons or combs.
fered loans Instead of gilte.
Comment has consequently been partment of Justice. Garvey in this case is not an indivisheviki, Nearly fifty native vered and adverse, but in our dual, but a symbol. At the very lowest estimate he deserves ponies and imported thorughFOR SALE AT THE opinion premature. The public as mu consideration as McCray, former Governor of breds are in line to run, rain is in the dark 13 to the actual Indiana or shine. Here is the entire PHARMACY funds at His Excellency aslard as to whether an lope The Washing on TRIBUNE Girvey had created, bis written line up. Look them over: FRST RACE 149. Central Avenue Pannmi and at rillan was obtained, and the says. Tb re can be no useful and spoken utterances in promote amount of bat loan. The dona purpose served by the continued ing the orginization, his opinions Furlongs Purse 125 Honey Dew tions to the Fre lief Fund ba e imprisonment of Mareus Garvey, as to racial relationships and his 109 The New Drug Store been pubile hd from time to time says William Hickens in a commu conduct during the trial nication to the New Repablie 11 The Mayoral in the Dess, but as to ascese will be recalled that Garvey is makes with refere nee 10 Garvey point that Mr. Pickens 126 51h and Street Colon.
Lady Lucy and nla by wbich relief Uo Nueve whether tuan or gift, are or will QW per ng a five year sentence associates and advisers deserves Gratico 102 be collocated, the public are in the Federal prison at Atlanta more than passing notica. In Pistol ignorant The public kaows on conviction of the elarge of addition to the quotation given 108 that an lovestigation of Claims using the mouils to defraud above Mr. Pickens says: SECOND RACE Committee was appciated to esti Mr Pickens thinks that Garvey of Marcus Garvey was tot mire Furlons Purse 125 mate losses. Rad suggest mea had no intention to de raud. that of a criminal tba a half a duzen Fap ates of relier, and that that he was a type 99 BOGLE Bures Committee has 92 pubmitted of Dardanela whose lex. cou did not contain the ated with him in the Bl«ck Star 107 rep»rt to His Exc ll ney since word irupoesi le; that he under: Line business project. His worst Chicbi 121 Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 bis arrival, but the publie do not stood very little of the law relat. admit that enemies, if they are bonest, mut Excuse Mo 126 know what that report suggested to and whether is sugges ios have that some of the starkes working the subject of Cococha the maits, but 115 We do not know how inclusive THIRD RACE beat or wil be or will not be for Garvey organizaion him in the Black Star Line business NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE the with acted upon. Ach cul seperare civ Furlongs Purse 175 BOX 649, CRISTOBAL TEL. 147, COLON Fal Piny Garvey advice atid not bare faits 121 know that it was a violation of the project is but it is a matter of presert Is Up Dhole that college 124 aw to sell inore stoek ww. er the common notoriety able to reveal. Th. corj ctural conditions and these tellows are men and professional meo who bad Burla 105 Facber da 90 Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal. es sotmek for cleare should allojll wro vever even enjoyed exc«p ion. alvontages of tate of opinion in Castries to Marcela educated sought aid culating machines, Numbering machines, 114 obtained Si put in.
and confident ciu. The public Billy Dennis employment 117 Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, by It is hoped that an enlightened edu a on women po icy or not Brave Lassie 126 cannot say, is rendered a poten public opinion will agree with Mr. tatioa loaded him with flattery FOURTH RACE Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing tial camp capable of being Pickens that Garvey las been pun and adulation; Farooke Purse 175 machines and all other technical machines.
ceived by any per. on wiling ished enough; that every conceiv. languishes in Chombu Gordo 196 prison, and like fcient assert with EU cor able douand of justice bea Causar, there is none so pot to Copi 116 fidence that he knows the fac roet, and that he be saatel either do hin Verence.
Such, how Dxle 101 New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed The barometer of public opinion a con: mutation of sentence or a ever, is is the lot of many hunun Carcaj da 125 indicates elanie ur. certain, may be pardun or a parole, Oecurrencia 113 Work done by expert up todate methods guarante of good weather are all the facts of the cast, most per Pockens that he pleads the case of cyclonic weather. The Burest Without being cony pant with It is gre. tly to the credit of Mr FIFTH RACE toe fiets. Will the au boriti o ple who give any thought to the Garvey at the time when arvey Farlɔngs Parse 123 trial will convince you this is no empty talk, not bumeur the white with the matter had the prinful impression needs it and is in no position to refacts of the watter?
Fenomeno 103 ibat Garvey sentence was un ward bim.
Candlewood 113 антитамошинрамнина u ually severe; that the judicial The parole of former Governor Colgai 115 miud (u coach usly perhaps) was MeCray of Indiana, who was con Jakie 90 The Cas ries Town Board illuenced by considerations other victed of the same offense fraduSilver Spray 113 than those involved in the specific lent use of the wails for which DJ Boa charge of using the mails for Garvey is doing time is a coop 126 Ζιρο Here is a Good Position 00 Tuesday fraudulent purposes, suc ar: the cuous precedent for exteuding clemorning at 11 aim of the oranization which meacy to Garvey.
116 o clock, His Excellecer met the SIXTH RACE members of the Castles Town Furlongs Purse 250 FOR REAL WORKER. Bosrd when the Bcard idar. cial Death of Mrs Marie CHURCH SERVICES 130 position was, we understand, the Arleguia 123 malo topic. Yesterday there Line 107 We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable mea was a meeting of the Board to Simpson Bolsheviki 90 And women, in whic an excelleot income from side earnings, consider a communication from AMERICAN EPISCOPAL the Acting Colonial cretary to SEVENTH RACE even to PART TIME werkers can be made. During onr 35 The death is recorded or CODI ECLion with that meettog. Mrs Mari years in business we have appoi tel over 518, 000 agents who Farlongs Purse 75 CHURCH Hon. Razon, Acti8 Simpson wije of Mf Chee 115 supply our househol nees ity to our customers in every counWalter Simpson an employee of Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Chairman, Messrs D Cadet, the Pauama Brewing and it friger; Bandera 93 try in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over G and ard Hon. Lad Ritinijad 107 30 years and have achieved Financial Independence. Increas Westali re present. We have ating Company for the past 15 La Chiquilla of years, when and occurrence took not been able to obtain a copy o place on Mondri ht the 26th St: Pul Church, Panama ing locul dermode and repeat orders, makes necesary to Tibia 126 Zilamera the Acting Colonial Scretary Ulto. Mis Simpson win a ba Rev AF Nightengale D Ree.
116 appoint more locul representatives in many localities in the COM Unication, which was taken live of Kings on, Jamaia and.
Bir Hary 95 United States. No special experie: ce or carital required. as read, having been previously came a Holy Communion. The EIGHT RACE Straight fowind, ligoibed business. Why tot represent the circulated am ordning the members came to the Isthmus about 22 Rctor 10 15 m Mantius MFR Furlongs Purse 175 largest and best known honse of its kind in the world. Send lency said that the Gvernment Baptish Church and was in active but we und rstand His Excel years ato. She was a stanach cel meruber of the Panana National Wei Atwell Lay Reader Gravedad 126 us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau was going to instalan Electric 10 30 ru Holy Eucharist Rivul:osa 91 will send you tull particulars When we arpoint an agent Plaat to light Castries and service of that religiou, budy up sermon. The Rector Billy Dionis 119 we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes of your loan is to be made to the Board to the time o ter death taking pm Church School Celia 35 for the purpose ol rebuilding advices held on the 18th ulio, 88 sermon The Rostor purt in the last Anniversary sarlocality, etc.
730 pm Chora! Ev. 23ong Carzina 117 oiling B: dge, High ad coud mirada 109 Address LPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, Streets, also be Crau The ing away just says after when WATER FAMINE AT (Attention Clerk No. 1438 (You) Street D: is to undertake ibere her almost sudden death came as building or the streets.
a shock 10 her relatives aed friecds she appeared to the St. Aban Church, Paraiso BOCAS Lloom health.
CANAL ZONE INNOCENT MAN SLAIN dence in tha valido ia di triet at!
The cortege left her lite resi Continued from page one. A, Nightengale HOWARD UNIVERSITY Destructive Tornado eyes and a thing truch Priest is charge to be 10 pm on Tuesday the 27th desired. also, do they answer very ulto. for the Bapuist Church 11 am, Matins and address (Continued from page 1)
well for dainty feet; but they is no followed by a large number of Mr. Osborne. Catechist Continued from page 1) pm Church School way atone for the periments quite extensive. He was trained Cablegtappie news.
to frost where they knew a highly incensed sympathiseis who had gathered las itude and neglect in the in the theory of journalism at Louis a. came through yes: gang of white ruffians bed pay their last respects to the 7:39 m Choral Evensong set deceased. At the church Bro, address. Mr, Osborne.
in fact, should have headed its Pulitzer School of Journalism of toroado which swept out that following the raport of the faight on the le of the departed Mister at. informing program of new works Columbia University, and after place on Thursday, killed 69 euing of the wounan, and left him which he said bore marks of And so long as prohibition is not waris was empioene in the person injured 150 wrecked in the colungarded within a few minutes and be to her religion St. Matthias Mission in force bere, selon will the city editorial offices of two New York 5990 baldides and damaged pro minutes the helt lese Pounds, Jr.
population drench itaeli with At the termination of this newspapers and as a reporter for serty to the extent of 75 million was eized by a gang of unmasked LAS SABANAS Jebydratiog (al:oholie) beverages. sveral others, whites and whisked off in service the funeral march (Rev AF Nightengale. wbich always call for much, and men connected with daily and The wind is reported to have automob, le.
was played and tho certage left Priest in Charge too, of the precious weekly ne rspapers of Washington attained a vulocity 90 miles an for the Herrera DIES ORRIBLE DÉITH pm Church School liquid in order to restore the and Baltimore have offered thei hour to its acco npanied by terrific 730 pm Choral Evensong and balance.
hearty colast resitng place by Bro Millo address Mr. A Richards, Lay swe pung pedestrians off When located again Pounds, Jr. who eulogised on the exemplary! fe Reader.
of English in giving these courses, to houses blowing butomobiles about a point about a mile and a half touch tho heart of many present.
The Woodman Union feet lifting roofs from was found hanging from a tree at led by the departd sister woich the extent not ooly of giving aus! uprooting trees at will: The porto, of Wilmot. Iudications The benedictio was thru proProsperity Lodge, No. 3112 lectures from time to time on the entire police force of the city num death. rope had been thrown body was laid to rest were that he had died a painful nonpced by Bro. Brows and the various problems Seventh Day Adventist assembled io general session under but also of allowing the students were called out to intep in rescue across a limb of a tree aer the Gremen STRET The cundelence of the commu ROAD Bear Isthmian Park Panas the Supervision of Br. Flowers CALIDUNIA of supreme dupty at the Edith Cavel hand After acquiring a first work an oppowledal dall, distributed the Beneficiory work at their ruins feeking the bodies of the Pounde Jr. neck and the victim sister, of journalism rescuers where seen searching the one end having been tied arough husband and eight children and mew goes out Certificare and Policies Con newspaper plants.
Sabbath (Saturdas) 945 a.
vering 500. after death in dead and making heart breaking raised but a few feet fro:n off This undertaking on the part of efforts to free the injured still the ground. His Not gone from memory grade and 16 weeks sick benefits Sabba Schoo. 11. 158. Geowas broken, he died from strangulation.
Not gone froin love after becoming a financial member Howard University will be the Linned beneath the debried eral Worship Spanish But you to a falthful home above. elass; on the books of the Supreme grand th attention of large numbers of means, it is hoped, of directing The bedy of the lyached you Dodge. The entiro. membership college trained Negroes to the Dr. Nathan Rowe remove it. The coroner cut the huag from the tree unt. brod 30 in. Society, recieved same with smiles. At the colimited daylight, no being made meeting 30 pm. Junior and NOTICE opportunities offered Senior Slaudard of attainment conclusion many were put through them as a vocation is the field of the PAYSICIAN AND SURGEON body down mysteries of the Woodman of and pronounced The WORKVAN can be had Class, p. Vespere.
Pounds bad met death at Union. They then retired jouranalism the banted at the La Boca Restaurant 11th and Bolivar Sts.
hauds. of parties uoknown.
Topic for Sunday night Oct, 12.
the banquet hall where the Royal House No. 971, Ja muica Prado 1927 How much room in the Queen assisted by the vice Royal SPARKLETR Wheu questioned, the woman La Boca.
life boat is allowed for baggage?
Queen treated the Bros. and BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE that made the aceusation that led Sisters present to a joyful time.
Chase National Bank (Contioued from page 1)
much wis said by Bro Alexan.
to the death of the innoceat youth, hought there was a Negro in the Office Hours: 9a, to 12m Birdie McGuire said that she was Notice to correspondents.
der Sanches Orator, and Bro. practised from the time when the p. to pm.
not sure that she saw a Negro in room. Jolly Escort. Several licate Lord gave unto King Solomon O, Box 854, Cristobal, C, ber room. She said sbe and her wines were served, after which the endless riches while there were, it Pounds and his father, Tom Contributors and correspondents busband were awakened by some Pounds, bad worked on the Mc are asked to send in their contribus function closed with the passing of is presumed, thousands of poor OPTICÉ TELEPHONE 320 moviog about in her room and that Guire farm for a number of years. tions not later than Thursdays to Cigars by the Supreme Deputy people begging around the very she became frightened country where old Solomon lived. Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154e screamed.
Bro. Flowers.
and Neither had a bad reputation and insure publication. This is imperaShe said that she both were well known here, tive apd must be adhered to. 10 Lixbi Other newspaper dolláre.
au solemo very much the body was committery where tion with the the Departmenlerin ma a Deck not to to COLON,


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