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consummation 01 Ne which how his mor tion with it, and re Trans Continental Flight Business in the World Opons Aviation School Advertises in Negro First Meeting Held Monday With At Califoruia Newspaper Should be Watchwords in World Favourable Prospects. According to a Press despateh ance Company of Wushtigten The national benefi Lile in urOf all Negro Ventures.
by the Associated Negro Press, in an Advertising Campsien As announced in last week issue of this paper, an from Los Angeles, California, of soine proportions as wireted initial meeting of the proposed Workman Printing and boy who was the fisst colored av. There he greatest Weekly Nekte business enterprises have practically no potential value as Ace Foreman, THE PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE New York, Sept. One hundred small, sickly Publishing Company was held in the offices of the WORK, iator to attempt a trans continen: newspaper of the United States to over against the amalgamation of such a group into ten, or MAN Printery on Monday evening last and attended by tal flight, is preparing to open a carry the story of its success to fewer, militant business enterprises, backed by ample capiseveral prominent members of the coloured community, aviation here Foreman The proposals in connection with the incorporation of the is verv eapable of instructing With the tal and manned by efficient men and women. So says present Plant into a stock company having been given out prospective airmen, as he received Mareb 16th lust, of the purchar Emmett Scott, secretary treasurer of Howard University, by Mr. Walrond, proprietor of the WORKMAN plant, bis education in aeronautics as of the Standard Life Tour in an ar icle entitled The Day of the Financial Merger the sense of the meeting as to the desirability of a represen the tutorship of Jessie Longbrake, blossome ont as th burgegt Negro magazine published in New York City, and which is pay under Company, the National Bemti which appears in the October number of the MESSENGER, a tative Negro newspaper in Panaina at this time and, if such one of the West best airmen.
gro Life Insuranc. ospany and publi hing a series of articles on Negro business.
a paper is desired, the advisability of taking steps to Owing to world. wide interest the Gre test ro. Bu ines procure same, was taken. There was an unanimous in aviation, a considerable number Enterprise ia the Worll.
After reviewing the numerous almagamations and response in favour of such a paper; as to the advis of Negro boys and girls have an National Benefit was mergers of prominent firms and companies in the general ability of taking the initiative to stand up and strike nounced their intention to enroll founded by Samuel Ruther business world in late years, and writing enthusiastically low and a pupil will havet to practice constantly. It in unanim ts y opportune. The status of the colored people here in busi the instruction of Ace before he is Insurance on his book. Itu area amalgamation, he says. If a scientflc study were devoted ness, their purchasi power and the effects of a sincere eutrusted to flying alone. achievement in reclaimi stan to this subject of the merger of Coloured Life Insurance and direct appeal to them and for them with a better news.
paper ownes and published by their own people were York Guder the auspices of the it meant the restoration controls thy would be brought into being a tremendously Foreman started from here this dard fe was not only a nem. Companies as well as the consolidation of the strongest past winter or a fight to New dous business underinking but banking institutions which the race at present maintains and thoroughly gone into CP. but having a very gro ownership, and control of an For such unanimity of expression fn favour of a com poor plane, was only able to reach, instituc on that was at one time large life insurance company, destined to take its place mon cause, we feel highly gratified, not specially because of asf far as Chicago from whence be the pr. de of the race, with the New Yrk Life the Equrable Assurance, the the momenteous question which was being discussed, bnt returned by rail. Continued on naur 8) Prudential Life, and the great Metropolitan Life Insurance also because of the fact that such expression of opinion as Companies. What this would mean to the race is incalto the desirability and advisability of the coloured people culable. In the first place it would mean a program of exerting themselves for independent action is so strikingly LEADERS IN THE MAKING intensive advertising which would redound to the benefit healthful at this time when miny are painting us as being of the Negro press which at present is the medium through shiftless and incompetent, incapable of taking independent Much has been thought and sai is the attitude of indifferener, which most of our affairs reach the Negro public.
initiative to carry out anything substantial towards our own of the leaders who are; mich too, aloofaess, and even disgurt which cannot lieve that Negro business institutions have progress.
Da, be sad and thought about some of these tramed and sited given much scien fic study to the value of advertising.
our Owing to distractions which were responsible for the leaders to The leaders of the That To speak of Negro business as, over advertising is to young por ple of ours take absence of many to whom invitations future are degree frim a respectable univer. indicare scmething which simply does not exist, Budwere issued, and now in the making. They enjoy it should make them uncocpred gets for advertising in our business progrants are as a rule although some of these communicated their regret for not exceptio quch as the leaders of so disgust hem with the race that the least of our calculations and what is needed more than advantages. The best abou their pa being able to attend and their willingness to accept what schools, people, that it should ever action taken by those present, it was nevertheless bygone days and those of the they are serry of their identifica ever is a union of business insti utions, seeking to reach thought advisable to call another meeting on Thursday of the people they are to lead are ence them to live a li dreamt of, are theirs. that it should influ the Negro public through the Negro press.
next week, the 15th. At that meeting it is hoped that all advanced in intelligence, aloof from the less fortunate of Elimination, consolidation, cooperation. these three have been issued as well as material possessions, and every their people is those to whom invitations should be at this time watcl word in the world of Negro others who may be interested in the venture will be other element consequential to real perhaps not of the superior educt business.
progress. Our future leaders live, tion they have receivel, but of the The Mangement beg through this medium to thank all of the world bistory.
so far as we koow, in the best day persons who have received it.
those who attended last week meeting and confidently This people needs and is more West Indians Are Registering.
expect that they will return, with others, on Thursday, shoricomions and mistakes of their desiring competent leaders. ComThey have before them the and more seeing the need of and fully prepared to take definite action.
predecessors, Here, them nutshell, a re their advantages in a petent young people from the During the early part of this week the Governor office If scbools, with book learning and in this city was literally packed with West Indians who preSovereignty Of Panama Canal there is not reason for fear, common sense, course, and a sented themselves for registration, since they have realised there some of our leaders in the making in and replace the 1500 peter that it is inevitable they do so.
concern that tence, faith and pride, mit step It is a knowa fact that (FROM THE PATHFINDER. may not plan out to be the kind leaders. Their superior lea ferabip there is no more law abiding people than the West Indian. will justify and estab:ish them.
he is noted for his respect of law and order wherever it Dr. Eusebio Morales, prospe, and within that terr tory guaran Now, education is a mighty tive candidate for president of teed the United States all the good thing for a leader to have, ually efficient young people in knowledge, but at Here and there we find unus is constitutionally established and is brought to his the same time he Parama and delegate of that ce un rights, power and authority which but the kind of scholas:ie training business, in the professione, in the tenacious to is doggedly try to the League of Nations, took the United States would possess that educates the young man and trades, doing sup«rior work. But believes the insistence of his rights if he it up yo himself to ask the leagar and exercise if it were the sovereign woman away from their people just unfotunately too often their inter.
that there is any infringement thereon, 10 formaliy tell the world that the of that territory. to the ent re naturally seems to be the wrong ests ends with bir employment especially if he is told that such in the case.
And Panama Canal. Chiari punited earlier Republic of Panama the pres »nt Panaman cabinet sovereign of any the kind of. afar from peoplemay right, power and it is it needs remedying, because ashamed of them, criticising them, were ill advised.
deny that Patana desires scela autboity within the Zone men it is a dead certainty. taat he who denying them the rich service tl ey action. Our own State department tioned.
gets away from his people caucot could give.
Since, however, they have been correctly informed and bas a is the guarantee of our cover lead them, right to intervene in such an all eighty in the leasehold which We are ia for the bust eiucatio have come to see the advisability of at once complying American matter. Consequently, confuses the situation Perhaps such education as the for our young people that their with the law, there seems to be no letting up in their rush, the apped has been tabled.
average mind.
big universities of this country and money can buy and their talent and it is feared that thre may be denser crowds to be seen However, there is or should be Under the same treaty the Europe can give does greatly open can take, but we pload for it to yet than those witnessed this week, lined up in front etween the United United States has the right to the eyes of our young people capo draw them closer to the people of the Alcaldia, waiting their turm to register. This prompts ates aud Panama over owners tip secure unlimited addition terri aber el frontare teenagegitu tionget rather than alegiate them from us right here to deplore the fact that there are a number of of Zone, Republicdegrees institutions.
would be wise acres frequenting the less informed West strip across the Isthmus bordering the Sovereignty over all its territory and deficiencies, the weakness and Panama wants complete open their eyes to sce the faults Indians and posing to know everything about whatever Though inany people mais comuns not honderde hipere idea on tako se best training should do this. But Man who Came Back them to belleve that they are giving them good advice with laggardness el ecause we built this famous and induce dati persone denten not to with this ability through edu crops up, simply preying upon their credulty by making of people.
water way it is ours, the fact is that enter a tentative agreement not to to determine racial characteristics the unfortunate result that very often these poor people States De ver has claimed owuer. abrogated in 1921 by President and cond see races as the After His Funeral more are placed in awkward and inconvenient positions, necessiship; we only lease it, they belong in tating the speading of hard cesh to extricate themselves, The treaty of 1903, under which consequently, ill feeling in Pana, ment should come at least three Barbados Agricultural Reporter of conjunction with the former advisers. And between civ lization and achieve The following is taken from the This of course is done by the aid of other individuals in the Catial was built, is more or less ma is augmented by a proposed me of a fifty fifty proposition. In treaty between that nation and important things to the Negro August 22:37 a deepening and the spoilts are divided but the poor West Indian pays the exchange for guarantee by the the United States which would youth. First, Herbert Callister, who formerly Snited States of Panama Inde still further bold Panagia to the strengthening of his interest in his lived ate Gank street, Tulcestry, pip r, pendence and for a money col: 1993 prek tvas Tacenfuct atlantie and resolute determination to help in our officialke falileiba pand itas is sideration of 10 000, 00 outright new pact was drawn up and signed then Third, the real ability been added in the amaziog drama appeared, and then some monthstody as that of her busband and thought that the chapter and an annual rental of criticism. It has yet to be ratified, help them.
Do long as tecupat. co cogli. 000 in secret has in itseli evoked much Secretary of State Kellogg claims of a man presuma yly drowned. later the much decomposed body after the inquest she buried de and Panama gare the United States, in. this treaty is intended to the young people who are fortu ow in the care of Leigh Board of Lodge, Bolton. about five miles young Tyldesley collier aod lived Sone time later she married a beber. ciat may be stated thus who returted to find that his wife of a man whose features were unre. Tyldesley Cemetety, use, occupation had married again Callister is cognisable was found in Bum worth and control of the Zone of land restrict American commissaria: nate enough to go through the best frou Callister home.
happily with him until the spring and Poland under water for the activities in the Canal Zone, so ne universities ought to feel Guardians.
the keenly the o! ligation resting upon Some scars on the body strongly of this year, Then Callister came hawker of carthenware, Culls.
construction, mantenance, opera. thing that merebants to life.
tion suitation and protection of neighboring Republic have long them of racial leadership and ter left his home and bis wife on resembled those of the missing Contis, ued on page 8)
puid canal of the width of 10 miles desired.
uplift. Extremely to be regretted July 26. 1923, He Completely dis wan. Mrs. Callister identifie. the room for nod questions wbether the to the and Bat Panama Canal education Coolidge.
are and anu an perpetuity the Very 10


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