
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1927 TRINIDAD Scholarship Results, STILL ON SALE Mr. Louis Seheult Queen Royal College West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923. AND A Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages is 1709 class bool JAMAICA extended motor bns service.
To this connection the company have been carrying on certain Old Age Pensions Investigations and II would not be in the coming year Question they were to introduce the motor bus service. especially in those populous areas wbich are MAY BE BROUGHT UP pot served by the tram cars.
AGAIN Quite a few motor buses are at present plying for hire in Kingston and lower St. Andrew.
The GLEANER learns that and they are all doing exceeding before long the question of Old well; and if the Public Service Age Pensions will be revived. Company were to introduce mo It is felt by charitable institu tor busses in conjunction with tions that people over sevenly their tramwny system ad it years of age of whom tbere are almost certain that they will not a very large number in the they will receive the full support isladd should receive dole of the public: GLEANER.
from the Government, if they are in poor circumstances. It is argued that in many cases these Man Killed by Light.
aged individuals are paralyz a or otherwise incapacitated and ning at Grange Hill because of this are subject to the utmost misery lo England th: d Age The GLEANER corresponPension is 10. but those inter Ident, at Gaange Hill, writing on ested in the matter think that Sapt. 20 B15s. Heavy raing even 6 rer Werk would belp with thunder ard lightning have considerably to relieve those who en very frequent here since would require this aid.
the beginning of the month, The Salvation Army. in some At abont p. tn day a man countries, have what are known bamed Richard Smith met with as Eventide Homes, where old very sad death from a stroke people are admitted aud cared of lgbtning. From information and spend their last days in received, Smith, a man of about compsrative comfort. goca 50 years of age, was working number of the of When the rails those Homes are old age sioners, and to them the words: started both men took shelter in At eveptide it shall be light the house. Smith was leaning have a great significance against the door when he was struck and died outrigbt. The oțber man escaped ninjured.
Public Service Co. The house caught fire but willing helpers quickly extinguished Will Run Motor Bus the flames, Much sympathy is It for the Service With Trams relatives of the unfo tupate man Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years, Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
ara at the University. He and in the Goverument pupil at Government Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Success At Toronto University WILLIAMS SECURES UNI VERSITY SCHOLARSHIP The WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 10th u to states that Mr. Luis The Government received a Reheult, son of Mr. Louis Sebeuit, Cacao Agronomist of the cablegram on Saturday to the cal Department of Agriculturel effect that E Williams of has distinguished bims. It by Queen Royal College had won securing in his third rear at the to, University Scholarship for Faculty of Forestry, Toronto 1927 and that J. Cipriani, University, seren distinctions late Mr. P. Cipriani and Mrs.
of St. Mary College, son of the a dh ee passes averagleg over Cipriani, had won the Science of the maximum marks obtainable de obtained prsti səholarsblp.
bonours and tanked firet in Wiliams, wbo comes from his class. Mr. Scheult beaded napuna is a splendid athlete and bie clas: in his first and champion sprinter of the College won Williams is the nephew of Mr.
the Island Scholarship in E Jones, Headmaster of the Science group in 1923 While at Pinces Town St. Mary. he was recogniz to School, under whom te was a be a leadi sports man, taking a lat North Trace Government keen interest in football swim School and afterwards at the wlog, rowing and xing. Princes Town was al o the chief of the Se: Scbool. He won the third place Scouts. He was selected by his at the Exhibitioner ExaminaUniversity as its representative tion in 1919. Williams father is in tbe later Varsity sculling now a surgeon practising in the raca this year, and is a member United States.
of ih. Rugger team, members of the Sparks family, Heavy and Continous who assert that the money was buried at a property called Rains Junip by their grandfalter, M, Martells, a ytiag refu: Considerable Damage to gee, who came to Jamaica early in the eigh eenth century.
East and North of city It is learnt that the second proved unsuccessful LARGE AREA INUNjust as tbe first: but the Sparks are still hopeful that they will DATED the money; and they are olaning to carry on further The GUARDIAN of the 13tb uld Bring operations. The parties ties to states that heavy and contiuer deavouring ung to ralas in the hills to the east unearth the supposed buried and north of tne city occoring at Treasure, but itey are seeking to sponsible for the flooding of ba get wbicb, s stated were conveyed under upper portion of South Quay ube will of their grandfather and the district, and boh banks also a sum of money which is of the lower reaches of the Dry alleged to have been deposited River. The Dry River which at by tbe deceased in a French normal times is a collection of Bank. Continued on page 7)
pei a kitchen.
search bas pot find WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette We not only definite Although the management of Still Hunting For the Jamaica Public Serv. ce Com will not make any Buried Treasure.
statements, from what the man on the street hears, it is clear that any application which the Th2GLEANER understands that company wigbt make in the a fu ther search for the supfuture for a renewal of their posed buried treasure of 18, 000 Tramway franchise, will mean in the Port Royal mountains of a limited tram service and an St. Andrew has been made by Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes SOLD IN DRUG STORES 07508 22enneXRXWA 3756856175677 SPECIAL OFFER ENDS ON OCTOBER 15th DURING THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS YOU CAN HAVE COMPLETE Electric Lighting, Cooking Troning Installation 200 FOR DOWN ONLY PAYMENT With four months to pay the Balance in Small Installments THIS OFFER WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th If a Representative does not call on you before Saturday come to our Show Room, in Santa Ana Plaza and ask for details.


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