
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1927 PAGE THREE President Coolidge MAY VISIT HAVANA The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS bice No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 of the DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER According to a press despatch from Wasbington, President Coolidge would like to attend tke Pan American Conference at Havana in Jaduary but cancon not decide 89 far in advance whether it will be expedient for absent himself at that time it was stated at the White House to day.
An invitation was extended to President Coolidge by President Macbado of Cuba, wbo came to Washington personally last May for that parpose. Scretary Kellogg bas made plans to attend and is endeavoring to persude the President to go. The to be ben tary is anxious bis Latin American policy and believes the Havana conference will afford such an opportunity Other mentioned as possible members of the American delegation are Senator Borsh, Chairman of the Senate Foreng Relations Committee; William Maccrackea; Assistant Secretary of commerce for Aer onautics; Dr. Leo Rore, directou of the Pan American Unlon, and James Brown Scott, President of the American Institute of loternational Law.
Work Done While You Wait aliens They Smuggling Of Aliens Dr. Hubert Edwards From Cuba Into PHYSICIAN SURGEON SAID TO BE INCREASING Special Studies in Diseases of Women and Children: Washington, Sept. 15. As a BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC result of the increase in the TEMPLE COLON smogeling of aliens from Cubi and other islards in that region PHONE 409 torino into Florida, a business that bas Browo by leaps and bounds since the passage of the new immigration quota law, a further expan. BOWEN sion of the Coast Guard patrol in Bouthern waters is now underconsideration by the Secretary TAILOR Treasury No. M Street San Miguel heefres the delved bere are lo that Coban immigra Panama City tlon has increased enormously in the past few years. and that large proportion of it is made up water that is now beltg banded of persons who are barred under out by the bootleggers.
the law for various reasons and who go to Cubs seeking favour NOT SEEN ANY MORE able opportunity to gain Illegal admission to the United States. these days, or else there is no Either the stuff kills quicker The Florida bootleggers band new crop of drunks coming op, ling illegal immigrants are well for you don see them around financed and organized, it Is any more.
asserted, and have fixed rates The prohibition bureau is for carrying various classes of charge on an tightening up on enforcement all Average of 750 a bead for land over the country. Right here in ing Japanese, Chinese and Hindus New York State over one hunit was added, and the rate drops dred and thirty stills have been to 300 for Greeks and Italians put out of business in the last two months, Sometimes sale guaranteed. In other cases the If you know of a still or fugitive alien is forced to depend brewery anywbere, write to upon his own devices after he Lowman at Wasbingtos and he lards at a Florida port. will answer your letter right One of the Government de away.
partments is now investigating The world was not made in a information that How come to it minute, but we have the leads to the conclusion that bounds on the run.
a big conspiracy bas been hatched to lind larga bodies of Russians in the United States through the island of Cuba.
In landing volawlul aliens in Cowes Florida ports the Immigration smuggler usually employs fast motor boats, although sometimes the work is accomplisbed by putting them aboard In steamers, as stowaways.
number of well authenticated Instances wonen roden have been of According to odicars to information ob tained here, considerable basiness has beeb up 10 importing women for immoral purposes, and ringe engaged in this tradic are known to be well establisbed In Havana and other Cuban citles.
Official reports indicate that some Cuban authorities do not always lend co oporation in preventing illegal immigrants from leaving Cubao waters for the United States Instances have been cited where Cuban police have been found soliciting contraband for immigrant smugglers, TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled delivery Ex Kaiser Predicts Great War By 1937 REID Manager rom that Press despatch from Berlin dated September 14th states tbat Prophecy of another world war before 1937 has been made by the former Kaiser in 80 inter view with the London correspondent of the Danish newspaper Dagens Nybeder, and carried in the German press to day. He is quote: Jealousy between netions is steadily growing. Eitber tbe League of Nations is blind or bas its eyes bound, We will experience a war which will last only a few days, perbaps only lew bours. New submarinos, airships, exploslves and frightful unprepared gases will come wipe out It is reported the former Kaiser added that his greatest wish is to retura 88 ruler in order to teach the world how to insure permanent peace.
regular being as wives or brought over politips?
built SILVER Polish Bride Dress Scerdalised Priest And Halted Wedding The Effects Of Prohibition.
SPRAY appeared Dar zie, Sept. 14. most drastic step to enforce the order of the Churcb that women wear more opaque and less abbrevia.
ted clothiog was reported to day trom Samter, Poland. At a wed ding the bride and bridesmaid gowns which were not only too much decollete and abort, but were elso transparent.
The priest indignantly refused to perform the marriage cerrordering the women to leave the cburch and attiretbemseves decently. As new dresses could not be procured compromise was finally reached. The bride and ber attendants bad to don alter boy robes, then the knot was tied.
nony Thirty Thousand Required To Dry Up New York State.
PILSENER MEN AND WOMEN IS Buffalo, Sest. Thirty thousand Federal probibition agents would be reguired to dry up New York State in the face of the open cpposition of local officers, Assistant secretary of ibe Treasury Lowman sald bere today.
Low man expressed doubt that the Federal Government should shoulder ao enormous and under taking. At a fleld day of western New York Metbodist Episcopa)
congregations be said. Under the leadership of Alfred Emac uel Smith, our Governor, who wants to be President every law on the statue books of New York State dealing with the liquor traffic was repealed except the provision that it is a misdemeanour to be found drunk in a public place. Evidently that provision was overlooked, or it would bave gone too.
PLENTY GET DRUNK am receiving hundreds of letters from people in New York State complainlog that John or Jim or Jos did not bring home bls pay last week. He us. it no food to eat. Can you close for drink, they say. We bave up the rum bole where he gets dronk. That is the kind of work that would now be done by your pollce officers if Governor Smith bad not signed the repeal bill. Notwithstanding all this, temperance is making progress in our State. All the old druoks are dead, Even they could not stand up under the alcohol and GOOD DRINK There is abundant material for discussion In Dr. Will Durant article on Men and Women in the September American Magaz ne. The article is divided into ninetcea numbered sections, in wbicb tbe author argues tb)
following theses: Women understand men better than inen understand women. Women is bi logically the more important and fundamental sex. Man is more acquisitive and adventu: 018. Man is more pugnacious and violent; woman more tenacious and subtle, Man is more active, woman lazier; the more she receives, be less she does. Womao surpasses man in love, and is surpassed by him in friendship. Woman is more social, men mora solitary Woman is more talkative. sbe is a sieve for secrets. Woman is more imitative, more addicted to custom, convention, fashion, fade.
10. There is more difference between man and man than (Continued on Page 6)

    World War

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