
STETSON HATS For the World Best Dressers de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads LA MASCOTA Ambitious Young TAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1927 Appreciation Merited THE WORKMAN By Mr. Hunter At St.
Peter s, La Boca Last Sunday Mr. Hunter, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaCatechist of St. Peter Church, WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes La Boca, was given the privilege Avenue, Panama, de ol public interest invited.
to deliver three addresses at the PO Box 74, Pausma All copy for publication must be above named Church, in view of written on one side of paper only, and his approaching departure from Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of the Canal Zone to join his family One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicain California, SIX Mouths. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
The first address was delivered Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reat the Morning Service, the secod jected correspondence.
at a Special Service for the Church School children, and the third at The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS the Night Service. All the services were well attended, and the addresses delivered most helpful SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1927 After the afternoon address, the Rector, the Rev. T Mulcare, GARVEY AND GARVEYISM.
made some plensant remarks re.
gard ng Mr. Hunter work in the mendent since 19 5, paying Schools, a Assistant We have never commented editorially on Marcus Garvey, the recognized leader of thousands of Negroes the high tribute to his eficiency, dili world over and conspicuous world figure who is at present gence and faithfuluess, There is no article of men wear that has the worldMr. Phillip Clarke, the Seere serving a prison term in the United States of America, having been found guilty of using the United States mailing wide reputation of Stetson hats.
tary of the Senool, on behalf of the teachers and pupils, read a privileges to defraud, in connection with his efforts to splendid add ess. The address, inacce a line of steamships; neither have we ever commented In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue together with a purse from the on the Universal Negro Improvement Association African teachers, was presented to Mr.
Communities League, the organization which Garvey Hunter who heartily thanked the Rector and teaehers for their kind formed in New York City some years ago to nurse the seed of his world wide propaganda for a square deal for Negroes, of fashionable men who know what what and inspiring expressions relative to bis services; also for the purse and to enthuse in the Negross themselves a consciousness in men headwear.
which should enable them to exert their manhood so as to After the presentation of the win and hold a respectable place in the general order of offering at the night service, the things. We have however, reproduced from time to time We have the same styles here as are now being Rector spoke in glowing terms seasoned articles from the pen of eminent writers on the of Mr. Honter Catechetical work, pros and cons of the leader and his movement: We bave worn in the style centers of the World.
not only at La Boea, but also at Taberoilla and Empire been criticized by some of the members of the movement construction of the Panama Canal.
during the for having refrained from commenting on it, while others For all that he had done at St.
criticised us for some of the articles which we reproduced.
Peter the Rector specially tbankNever having given any offence, in fact, we therefore hive ed him, and exorted him to con tinue to hold fast the profession of no cause to offer an apology.
bis faith, and do all in his power Be that as it may, we are at this time giving our ex CARLOS MULLER to extend the Master kingdom on earth.
pression, in brief, on Garvey and Garveyism: Marcus Garvey, a native of Jamaica, and a typical Negro, SOLE AGENT Following the Rector remarks is a symbol of a truly sincere, if not practical, leader. That a letter from the Church Committee he is an outstanding figure whose operations are taken into was read Mr.
by Phillip Clarke 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY serious account by prominet leaders of several countries the Secretary expressing their.
appreciation of Mr. Hunter cannot be refuted, Having struck a note which realeases an uncompromising demand for equity to. Negroes the gether with the missive, was preservicees. valuable giít, toworld over, and having succeeded in broadcasting this sented by the Secretary on ehalf to all the world in connectio. with his famous four word of the Committee as an additional token of their gratitnde.
phrase, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, his uiterings could not but have touched, and more than tha. left an Mr. Hunter, though apparently indelible impress both on the mind of the man of colour on Negro greatly affected, fittingly rulito the Rector remarks and the kiod.
whose behalf he pleads, and on that of th white man with ly expressions of the Church whom he pleads. Porter by Day, Editor al Committee Marcus Garvey propagandi have had far reaching Night.
On Tuesday night, the 4th inst the Rector gave the ougci effects. That basic note if his: EQUITY FOR THE Nw York, Sept. 23. M. chist a fitting Send Off, at which NEGRO. is fundamentally us but the system which The Wendell Malliet, ambiti us were present merubes of the Choir he evolved for the social and economic freedom of his West Loan Ngro of this city, and the Church Committee, rael.
people is impractical although not entirely bid of some is citionally anb dextrousers of the Sunday Scrol, and virtues. This fact is too well kaown and too publicly aired DRYCO Food inasmuch as from o clock pon members of the Altar Guild. At to require further comment here; it has been admitted by until midnight be is editor of the paper del of the this function several short addresses West Indian Statestrin. a a were dehvered Refreshment was for Hun no less than, some of his most ardent followers, both For weekly newspapar locally and abroad. But in fine, Garvey has not sown an devoted to ter was the progress of his race while made a few remarks, after which he then lavishly served. The host unhealthy seed as far as Negroes are concerned. The seed from 9a, to p, each day of race consciousness which is helping directly and inBabies the genial West Indian is porte requested his guests to unite with prominent drug store him in prayer on belali ol directly to pull the dirk veil of lethargy from the path of the in both.
parting Negroes in almost every corner of the world, cannot be killed; but Garvey method of propagation, irrigation and vocations, and for fear that they Goodbye and Hanu anaking of endeavour insuti following, and the fitting function fertilization is not that which will in our opinion, cause the cient to appease bis Zal for seed to velop into a robust tree and bear fruits advancement, during odd mo For bis good works in this part abundantly. Fortunately, however, his method does not MOTHERS. Let your babies benefit by ir of the Master vineyard contain any absolutely destructive element, hence, it can be copious draughts, a series modern science. Feed it with DRYCO cf Hunter will be remembered for treatises. politics, superceded by the digging out of the unsuitable fertilizer the only milk on the market that is mics, sociolo, philosophy and attend him.
econc many a long day. May good lues and replacing the present system of irrigation by a more th ology. Ou side of this the practical one and cause the cow poorly nourished plant to Sterilized with Ultra Violet Rays edito: porter bis nothing to do.
take new life and probably grow into a forest king.
He bas barely found time once Ganal Zone Notes since 1918. attend the theatre Garvey business and financial transactions have been Such intensive application to prompted, more or less, by apparent grandiose ideas, Consult your Doctor science and educational classics, Aguinum Ball.
possibly a result of the unexpected gigantic proportions into ba of course, given Malliet which his movement suddenly developed. This is borne background for an opinion upon FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES.
Misses Orville, Riley Cumberthe American literary beights of land and Webster are completing out by the stupendous schemes which he organized with today, and he is recently quoted plans for the grand ball which is the help of laymen with not even ordinary business qualifias saying: Fiction is not truly to be given by the Aguinum of cation, let alone qualification in high financing which is an educational, to my mlod. It con. Boca. They are being assis indispensable factor in a super venture as maritime sists of resetions to life that are ed hy Messrs. Ellis and Brown.
willingly or not, in their essence commerce.
humorous and there WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR are no Next Tuesday evening there Visibly, the operation of the I, is a failure: in fact it is not.
authors worth reading in perl will be two addresses at the La Handicapped by the limitations and ca todły with the exception of Boca Athenaeum, one ten minute restrictions, and in some ways extravagance of an inflexible Thecdore Dresler.
He is the addrees on Home Management. Constitution, it affairs are subjected to misma nagement.
great American povelist. He is by Mrs, Florence Smith, and On the other hand, the branches have to remit to the Parent a master, and am sure that he another by Mr. Wesley, will be accounted the igus of be subj ot of which is not Body in New York too high a percentage of their collections No hot irons or special combs required Wells.
knowo. which should be retained iocally for developing business for All of whicb would not be of the direct good of the members. Hence, these branches much eignificance were it pot for Baby Girl For The Mulcares have not been able to operate in a way to appeal to SOLD IN DRUG STORES the fact that there is many another Mallie. whose talents inany serious minded members of the race whose cooperativu wouli undoubtedly add materially to the progress of are striving on a part time basis.
There is another addition to the other side consuming itself the Mulcare family. An eight the people whom the movement elects to represent. In in the economic causes life, pound baby girl was born to Rev.
addition, the national aspect of the movement seems selves possibilities for achieving the greatest and noblest as a porter, bell bop, elevator Mrs. Mulcare at the st.
irreconcilible with the views of many.
things possible with the human family.
operator, hall boy, laborer, Peter Rectory at 12. 50 WedReferring specifically to Marcus Garvey, Desday afternoon, Moiher sud In fact, Garveyism is far from being a failure. The present program as laid down by Mr. Garvey, however, does conscious of the fact that notwithstanding his present Panama Glee Club To baby are doing well.
not make a serious appeal to the majority of intelligent incarceration for an offence which arose out of the cause Meet Negroes. Nevertheless, there is almost general sympathy which he is shouldering for his people, his name will go Dr. Fred Sterling toward the cause; and truer titan this, there is an undying down in history as one of the few, if not the first, Negro to Members of the Panama Glee underlying fact that Garveyism is an indirect asset to the have really aroused his people in common, and caused them Concert Club are bereby re THE NEW YORK DENTIST 182, BOLIVAR STREET their dark skin as an index to racial inferiority and unfitness common good.
meeting will take place at for the higder accomplishments of life. Girveyism is Geddes Hall on Tuesday next CULON, 11th instant. There is much to Box 771, CRISTOBAL, destined to ultimately consolidate and solidify Negro Advertise in the Workman It Pays. be done and the cooperation of sentiment the world over, enabling them to see in them all is needed, TELEPHONE 247 COLON DRYCO MILK which Mr. Hos ட க in success The Malliet is Vehicles of are ents Malliet absorbs.
Contra Crespo we are ele.


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