
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1927 PAGE FIVE Have You Ever Thought of It?
of Dringend eunder treatment isted by SOS INSIST ST.
CHARLES Lots of other will be provided for attractions eman. Richest in Cream of LII ATLANTIC SIDE members who have been s) badges SexSS Sassyisse Illness Of Commander ly bisled.
The group is duly recognized Watson.
Inter Schools Exami by the Parent Body, being in direct communication with it nation.
and tbe legal representatives on The many friends and well wishthe field. All who wish to follow ers of Commander Watson of the The yearly inter schouls ex up in the support of its proorganization will please liok the Colon Boy Izstitute will be mination under the auspices of grande How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from sorry to know that he is ill at bis residence, the Colon Teachers Association will be held at the sc. Joseph The Charter No, 877 his been your Physician Prescription: On Monday night, 3rd inst, the school room, corner of 8:b, street removed from the Eleventh Commander had a sudden attack and Broadway on Saturday the Street Hall, and its whereabouts 29th lost. The exaviers will be is still a mystery; but as the which necessitated the calling in Mr. Commigham, late propery of the A.
of the medico; who pronounced teacher of the Cristobal colored it shall be cated in time.
If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the the case not very serious but pres.
school, who crib several days of rest. The now resides in 1h Parent Body does not handling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, Jamaica, and holds a prominent recognize any rebellioua sets, or work of the Institute is still being position in religious and educa. any who have been disobedient places us in the pition to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction. carried on, as the boys are now tional circles. It is understood and violators of its Laws as preunder the capable handling of that the Association has devised seri Teacher Reid the second lo Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, seribed plan whereby the examination therefore, those who have been by its Constitutin Command at the Institute, while may be carried on to insure the made to believe otherwise, must the financial and other affairs are satisfaction of all teachers and 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, taken care ar by the Commander daughter Miss Inez Watson, aspacted that a large number will tution scholars co. cerned. It is ex and now the truth, get in line and be governed by the Consti(Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, her sister, Kathleen Watson.
participate, as this medium of testing the ability of the pupils Garvey name shall no longer The entire community, bas ex.
JS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
pressed deep sympathy, and is becoming more popular, year be used as a smoke screen for trut that before long the Comby year.
Raft mander may be back on the job The monthly meeting of the SimoJ. E, Robe. SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in which he has achieved so much Association is an nourced to take success for the past years.
place on Saturday tbe 15. iust: wben important matters in cluding the coming examination Excursion Train will be dealt with, Under the auspices of the CoFather Time and His lon Chauffeur Association, an excursion train will be run from Colon to Panama and return on Family November 3rd. 1927 Panama Independence Day, Train leaves At Colon Wesley Church Colon Station at 003 m, sharp, ON stops at Gatun and Balboa.
Mbars of the Colon Wesley Leaves Panama Station at 10. 00 Chures are working hard to making same stops.
clear off the remainiag debt on grand baseball game will be the new building. To next at 100 stboian Park between effort in this rection Songophone gesit entitled Mayor Fatber Time and His Family, which is announc to take place ibe benefit of the pleasu pleasu:e seek on Wednesday night tue 19. ts and the Maragement is mak.
Inst all efforts to make the day Father Time is portrayed as outing enjoyable, Get yon ticka guest of his children, Brandet9 early to avoid the rush.
children and great grandchildren, the sea 300 months and day respec iv. ly. The members Fatber Time family enter the CANAL ZONE NOTES platform in order of birth during wbich appropiate music is render. d, a last of all cunes La Boca Pars Father Time, who is fittings welcomed by each one. atar Old Timer Leaves For which he is the recipient of numerous gifts.
States Father Time ad bis fapi BRAND in reallity leaders of colAnother old timer has departlectiog bands, and the gifts Mr. Hunter, popular presented are teacher at the Government collect A spirit of whol som floured school and prowice competition is thus to tridad NSWEETENED gure in social and ruligious cir.
the lead ng collectiris viven les saild from Balboa on Wedseat of bocour near Fu. be esday last for Los Angeles, Time.
California, where he will join bis The entertainment derive Its e and children who proceded name from the songophone band him there some time ago.
The which will take a pominent part leparture of Mr. Hunter is is a in the music of the evening The distinct loss to the community pageant is an original id a of the As a whole as Il as to the sevRev. Cousins pastor of the aralganizations to which church and is arrage in a was idenulied. The Lodge Exmanner to provides rire musical elsior of Oddfellows. Boca, and lite ary treat for all who in which he was a high ranking attend.
officer, beld a pleasant reception for him at the la Boca Clubaouse on Monday nigdt. At the News Notes dock he was seen off by a large number of friends and wel There will ba three cricket matches this week as tolow: Victoria vs Kent o, at Athenaeum Quarterly Gatun. Westmoreland vs Sussex The Brand that has stood at Mount Hop; Silver Ci y vs Syllabus Wanderers at Col baseball the test for years.
The quarterly Syllabus of the On Tuesday night the 11th La Boca Athenaeum was present.
inst th: St. Vincent Ad Society ed by the program Comitee at of Silver City will unveil their PERFECTLY SAFE NO BACTERIAS last Tuesday meeting and aproved; new banner. rieb musical it will be published as soon as it program is being prepared for is released by the society. The the bocasion and a sermon will weekly programs contained therein indicate that for the balance of be preached by the Rev. T.
Carter. Tne small fee of 10 cents DRINK IT EVERY DAY year be o reuthe society meetings will uousual interest Two debates is charged for admission round table dicussion, several addresses, including some of AND A, Local ten minute duration for the purpose of practising the members to News Save the labels for ject, are among the important fixed Then there are vocal and For the benefit of those who instruinental numbers assigned, are desirous of knowing the Valuable Premiums which will be augerented from truth about the opera ions of time to time if necessary.
Division No. 877 of Colon, the High Commissioner for the Republics of Panaina and Costa Rica Mr. Solomoa Rose The Jamaica Society has issuad the following iaform ation:The above nam Division is 192 The Jamaica Pevident Soci y represented by the following is showing much progress uappoint:d and installed officers; merically by th: attendance as Mr. Charles Hudson its meetings generally held in the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Small President; Mrs. Alice Community House. ganiz a Lady Presiden. Mr; Richard ADVERTISE DENTIST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON by A, Leonon less than a sear Bruce, Secretars. Mr. Paul ago, there was an immediate in MASONIC TEMPLE Campbell, Treasurer, finx of members. This pase bae Office Hours: 8, am to 12 liam Rowe, Trustee, and Mr. Removed his Clinic to Cenbeen fairly kept up, which ind. 30 to 30 pm Benjamin Sargeant, Chaplain. tral Avenue No. 137 balf cates that the society will in Do Sundays, The Division under the above block away from the up toSpecial Appointment distant future be one of the Masonic Temple ilth St, named officers is at present opDrug Store named strongest, if not the strongest PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL erating at No. 10, 155 Hudson date.
organized Insular West dian Pharmacy.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Lane, until matters are adjusted PAYS IT groups on the Isthmus.
properly, with the remaining RESIDENCE 538 ST. CHARLES the annout 40 EVAPORATED MILK wishers park.
and upus items.
Acting Carson In the Workman


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