
build Castries, LOCAL CUP FIXTURES PAMANA Wanderers vs Empire wwwww Turned Down By Inbabitants.
LUCKY STRIKE Town Still Stands Desolate, With Business Section And Residences Lying in Ruins.
innings Lucia LUCKY STRIKE you know Why Panama cigarette taste Is changing.
Agents accept LUCKY STRIKE 83 如门 出一阳 Your throat Protection ananananananananana St. Lucia on the Government of militaryne formerly used as ºn wwwbiti individi Clarke and is bricks and 7 ment of tinty thousan NITS TOASTED.
WHOLE DAY FOR 176 RUNS IT TOASTED Port of Spain, Trinidad, Sept. Building operations Wanderers gave a miserable have not yet display of batting against Enpire been commenced in Castries, the of St. Lucia last Saturday at the Bay grounds Ince who has succeeded Collywhich was ally destroyed by fire on the night of more as Captaio, won the toss last. The town still stande y 14 15 and took out George Challenor to desolate, with the business secopen the innings Gilkes was tion and the more lucky to bowl Challenor with residences lying in ruins.
pretentious Jeg break when the score was 18 the score was to The bowling got on top the batsIf you know why so many Mr. Perey Huggine, who paid men alter that and although flylog visit to Castries wbence Grifith left at the tea interval he arrived by the Biskra on to attend funeral yet the rate Friday en route to Grenada told of scoring was as por as could Experienced smokers prefer be wiehed. Ince played sound ta lve yesterday that be undera Tricidad GUARDIAN represerstood the Gov of 44 and Edwards and Inmect of St.
Phillips had offered to lend money 42 ard 37 respectivegot is. At the end of the day play to the inhabitants for reconthe score was 17 for wickets struction puruos88 at the nomiWanderers backed up at the cal interest rate of per cent, but the offer bad been refusod.
Bay the following Saturday and carried the score from 176 for OFFER FROM LONDON to 265 for wickets. The Captain The St. Lucia Government be theo declared his innings closed.
understood bad been informed WANDERERS IST INNINGS by the Colonial Office that ad.
vances not exceeding 100, 000 Challener B. Gilkss 13 would be made by the Crown Ince cand b Miller 44 per cent, Sir D, L, Jobnson Sharpe James, the Governor, decided he Clarke 13 C, Skeete lbw Griffith would the offer and lend th Edwards Merritt the money to the people at per Mull 42 cent obtainicg the amourt nee ded to pay the extra per aorton e Sbarpe Gilkes 41 cent. from a local fund of about Pallipse Merritt Grif6th 60 20, 000, the nature of which was It toasted not stated. Batson Griffith 40 Mason not out 17 Major Honnett who visited Dr. Skeete run out. Trinidad some time ago in bis Gooding did not bat.
yacht Su aine, took Me Huggice from Grenada in St. Lulca last Extras 17, b5, b 26 week. Major Honnett has par chasi from Total 265 the Marne on BOWLING ANALYSIS barracks wbicb for OM RW years had been offered for sale Griffitb 20. 3 46 without tinding a bidder. He has 11 33 bad ha three of then dismantled Millar 22 50 is olfering tte Sharpe 12 20 other materials for sale for reW. Merritt 11 26 construction purposes in CasB, Martindale 3 tries understood Major BonB. Gilkes 29 612 nett to say that he had sold only about 700 to 750 bricks in lonings declared closed.
Huggins lostries, Mr. stated.
Empire followed after the tea LUCKY the ofber hand the Goverr.
interval and lost five wickets for STRIKE 105 runs Larrier and Morris con of Grenada bave purchased of these bricks tributing 32 and 30 respectively, and Messrs.
26 thousand. This srs. Higgins and Co.
EMPIRE 1ST INNINGS This firm in Trinidad bas bought a hundred S, Larrier Mason 82 thousand as well as a quantity Morris Edwards 80 of Iron C. Trotman Mason work. The Grenada branch branch bas also purchased 4000 Martindale Edwards 11 sheets of galvanized Iron Of Clarke not out 22 course Major Hopnett wbouw Griffith lbw Mason ihe possió lities intended the Gilkes not out scheme primarily to benefit St, Extras bl Lucia.
Major Honnett it may be re.
10. የጥጥጥጥቀጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥsalad was at Castries when the Total (for wks)
ffre occurred and he gave valuable assistance in fighting (To be concluded)
th flamer. He landed bis yachts.
for 119 runs at call of time. Continued on page 7)
Pickwick vs St. Anns PICKWICK IST INNINGS PH Tariltop Mayers The Kensington Ground was MAN AND WOMAN Bellamy 44 none of the best and Pickwick ELG Hoad e Rogers on winning the toss sent in St. Griffith 39 Anns. They were upable to (Continued from Page manage the bowling and were all M Kidney Evelyn Cuke 112 between woman and woman.
in an hour and fifty minutes LO Wood Mayers Bellamy for 88 runs. Pickwick dia better Badley Bellamy 11. Woman is more dependert Hoad and Tarilton Opened and E Gsodman R gers upon social approval; more pcput together befora Tarilton lite, considered and kind; richer 25 was caught at long oft for 44 E Healtb rubb Rogers Phillips Rogers in the qualities that make for Hoad fell soon after for 39 and Stoute not out altrulsm and morality.
Kidney and Badley batted out BEGoddard e Evelyn Rogers IS NOW LOCATED AT 12. Woman is more religioue; time man more skeptical ST ANNS IST INNINGS 13 Man is more intellectual, but CA Evelyo e Stoute Hoad Total 291 less intelligent.
HA Cuke Hutchinson Evelyn Kindney Hoad 14. Woman is cleverer, surer 12 BOWLING ANALYSIS HM Rogers Kidney 0 RW Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK and more practical: No man uoder thirty is a match for a wcButchinson OHM Rogers 22. 2 875 man of twenty. B Kiog spd Houd 0 Bellamy 18 52 Where our customers will receive the usual 15 Woman Datures more raT Clarke stpd Hoad 26 EB King 0 21 pidly; man more fully. Clarke e and Phillips 14 Griffith 10 36 ME Mayers 18 W Clarke 0 courtesies 16 Woman is more conservative. Grifith stpd Hoad ST ANNS 2ND INNINGS 17 Fewer women are geniuses E Armstrong wk and fewer are idiots. Hutchinson MS Mayers Wood 18. Woman inspires art, but selC Bellamy not out Hutchinson 10 don creates it. Evelyn Wooù Hutchinson 38 LOOK FOR THE SIGN 19. These diferenees are 8Total 83 A Evelyn Hoad Hutchinson quired rather than inborn, and BOWLING ANALYSIS HM Rogers e Wood Pbillios 28 are visibly diminishing as a wcOM RW Clarke not out man passes to a wider and rapidly LO Wood changing life. 2 18 IT Clarke Wood Goddard LR Hatchinson 13. 1 27 E King. not out It can scarsely be expected that any reader will agree with Hoad. 12 22 Extras IN Dr. Durant on all these points Philips 21 and there may be those who wilt Pitk wick after dismissing St. Tetal for wks. 119 with bim in all of them Anns for 88 on the previous (To be Concluded)
good way to start aomething in a Saturday and putting up 144 for mixed gathering would be to read wickets resumed last Saturday the artiele aloud, rather, to begin and took the total to 291, St Anns Rent Receipt Books in Spanish reading it; the debate will start then entered upon their second and English Sold at the Workalmost immediately, and it would ennings and had lost five wickels man Office. WORKMAN It Pays be lively enough to prevent any further reading CIGARETTES MADE IN USA The British Pharmacy COLON 22 Extras 18 11. 1154 11th STREET oର run out 53 0 BRITISH PHARMACY differ ADVERTISE IN THE


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