
The best in the World grip Phon Mass above the that any For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phospherine (Ashton Parson. water Mr. Alexander Alcee died at the ctoria Hospital on the morning of Saturday, 13th It stant. The body was conveyed to Soufriere by motor launch en Saturday afternoon and was buried in the Roman Catholic Dalers on Sunday morning The ceased was a native of Soufriere and up to his death kas Clerk ir charge of McFarlane Junior and Company branch store there. In his early years he had been a teacher but kaving the bead teacbership of the Fond St. Jacques Schcel in the Soufriere district, he joined the form of Macfarlane Junior with ch he has worked ever see.
Of a kind pa ore. Mr. Ale was popular with all classes young and old in the community Soufrire and the spect in which he was held was evidenced last Sunday of the large number of people who attended his funer al, tilling the little church almost to overlowing.
The deceased leaves wdow. x du, hters (one marice) and. Er in asomo Guaranteed by Law No. 157. of the Republic of Panama, and machinery and embrace, Hepth: wprld and and many, that have doze only a quite the an hour to moc This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness. Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
10 promotes digestion, impropres the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, from cars beld to shine DOSE. One sn:all Wine Glass before each meal or times a day.
Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitimate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, printed matter explaning for what diseases it should be used, how it should be used, how it should be applied and what doses should be taken.
The work of reconstrucing the burnt out area has begun in Castries. St. Lucia, ar amongst the early builders is Mr. Geoage Garcon Editor Proprietor of he VOICE OF ST. Lica, The Relief Funds have been distributed by the Commitee appoint.
buted assistance for the purpose. Peculiarly, bas en: refused Mr.
Gordon despite th fact that he was a heavy loser by the desruction of the plant of the VOICE and is said to have suc.
riticed his property to save one of the Government buildings.
ST. KITTS ad The Government of St KittsNESIS is tuising loan of 10, 000 for the erection of an electric light system for the town of Bassetterre by means of deberture bds issued at 20 each bearir gibterest at the rate of prent per aurum pro.
SOLD BY Board Heavy And ConBARBADOS tinuous Rains.
Brilliant Barbadians Continued from page 2)
small pools of water or a trickling strea in in a big chasm be Jottings by a wayfare, Urder the caption Osca:ion came a maddening torrent and following appeared in the charged with bamboo debris WEEKLY Herald of the 17cb and movable otj ets of all des ulto.
it overflow its backs its for pretty nearly It would be interesting matter entire record of Barbadian course through the city. But the if the But the scholars at the leading British to find a quick ontlet owing to the Crown, was one day pubimpetuous stres was powerless Universities and in the service ut the fact that the tide at bib lished in detail. It would make water mark is much level of the mouth of the river. excellent reading. And doubt The result was that the area West Indian clan The would surpass between South Qasy and the the scholastic successes us. In parly we hare sea was converted into Into a lare many sons to be proud of and lake and from eighteen icebes to four feet high suspect that even Jana e, with poke the neighbouring her approach to nearly a million business places causing thou sands of dollars worth or damage ticular stars achive dion, would rival the of the bright par of dur 160, 000.
to provision stores and sweeping out to ea many Teenidge, Good neares 10 goat and leathered crcature in are a trinity that any partes in would its relentless lay claim coope, bus, barrela, and Co with pride, and there are others.
ieg utensils of the thick puli: little less well.
tion whose bouses ac join the one han these. Grave ale.
banks were swept away, The appointment to a senior position roads were impassable for OD Exainin vion Board for tratite and Indian Civils Srca Exam! buses were foured to enur the nation wh ch KLOW and, perhap, elty by St Josepb Road. Along still is the barae is 10 station to the eastern evtremity cannot be oth wise than prou the railway stamine the colous of the area, motor esce at this added distinction which up and the tram, serbe Graven was suspended along this point. matical gentus has brought to aves extraordinary mathe Quite apart from ide damake bis homeland. Nay bis intellec: done by the water, lbe flood tual star continue deal river brough: own a great of sediment and the mud lay as blæsell and the glory ondin med for the bonour ot thick as halt a foot to two feet on birthplace, of his the road, while some of it found Ils vay into machine stions and the Brewery and Alston SW The Girls Second millar caused damage to the macbility, Grade School.
Another Day Of Tor PROPOSED CURRICULUM rential Rains.
At a me ting, on Tuesday, of The same paper in its issue of the scord Grade Girls School the 14 says: Further exce: Vestry of St. Michael, there was Committee appointed by the tional y navy rantall in the considered the proposed scheme noriban tange to the east and north of the city bas been of the Euzstion Bard for the responsible for several thousands of the school.
establishment ma sgemert the Anong of dul ars damage since Sunday of the sch when South Quay was looded. of the Education were the following. That Sunday the Maraval River the School shalib call the a so known as the St. James Victoria Girls School. Ibatlase ver overflowed iis tanks and the Governing Beds of the School caused considerable damage to of a Chairman a ad cultivation along its course four members to Le The Wild blew another annully by the Goverror appointed ard quattr yesterday and a heavy. une to be apie COWL pour wbieu dretched the annually by the Vistry of ortt western bills, ai the skin. chael trat de Gerning lands at used a have to Hical lood extensive and deniss the 11 stress and other mistresses. d) Thu The Maraval River tose higher the lies for tution nou than any one remebeis iants xosed 103 nor be lower hin years. Long besore reaching the 2. and Cl, shall be raid Mucora po Savat it was over eru inally iudvance and. lorlog its bank and by the time that the cu riculun shall be the flood reacb. ds Jaizes follow. bridgeibe Dole of the surroundReid ng, Writing, Aithmetic, ang area as a sua cr dark cul the glsh Language (Grammar cured wasir.
Composition and Literature. rraching the James History, aphs, one dero bridge the curent Ewerved and Loguage at least, Domestic it undated the low lying lands Economy (Needle xo Laundy to the east. Brien savaiah work and cockery. Physical and the road to St. Clair were Diil, and Cou mercial suti cts soon urder three feet of water (Book keeping, Shorthand, Typeand the main stream, diverted writin; ris Uritira east of the bridge, flowed south were correspo; dener, through the area cccupied by The Committee decided, after transport train beyond Tragar full discusion, to recommerd ete Road that the rane of the school To the west, the flood reached should the St. Michael he 28 far as Log Circular Road, Girl School; that twami embers The water left the main strea in of th: vestry should be appointin anoihr directiva also: it ed to the Governing Body instead flowed across Tragerete e ad of ons: and that estiu, Ferch and invaded the low lying lands ard Spanish stoald be iught in the neighbourhood of the Latin to be a seral subj ct, Church of Theresa. The and the pupl to decid: wiether river was considerably wid French or Sparish will be taken ened and a rumber ef bamboo trees growing on the banks Motor Car For The was uprooted and taken out to sca, It is stated that the river at Bishop Bentley Four Roads was also in flood atd much damage was done to cultivation in the Diego Martin dis COLLECTIONS BEING MADE trict.
There is an evident determinaThe Trinidad Government tion that the good impression Coastal steamer Belize bas been made by His Lordeh Bishop engaged to make a morbidos tablishment of a tirm and lasting Beutley, should result in the es.
trip to leaving hera on Friday afternoon bond of affection between Dr.
30ib instant, and retnrning on on Bentley and the com muity. An Monday morning. October d. corral effort to raise funds to present says the FORT OF SPAIN GAZETTE the shop with a Motor Car is of Inth instant. This should be tal amount of the required 18the latest. a splendid opportunity for persons mou desirous of visiting the land mount has already been raised.
and His Lordebip will no doubt apof the for a short holiday. There wi. be an orches. Preciate the spirit which has tra on board and the ship will been ma iſested.
serve as the passengers hotel while at Barbados. Rtur: Rent Receipt Books in Spanish tickets are price at 16 00 with cabin accommodation and 10. 00 and English Sold at the Work.
without cabin accommodation. man Office.
JAVIER MORAN AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City sball cosist from S. It is rumoured, says the UNION MESSENGER of St. Kilis. that the Secretay of State for the Colonies has given instruction that all Civil Servants upon whom the nonuor of an E has been conferred are to be allowed the sum of 25 per annum to enable them to support the dignity of the Decoration DEMERARA Ller a arta shall aos 99900003 Mance Look Them Over Death Of Dr.
LANDS MEDICAL SERVICE CO Biarch years and at last year or per Chell Medical be The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody :Photo Albums Scrap Albums Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads Children Toy Books Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention Antigua, September 3rd.
The death took place last night after a short illness of Dr. E, a Brach. son of the late Bishop Dr. Branch han been in the Medical Service of the Lewand Islands for 37 at the time of retirement on oficer and Medical oicer of District No.
lu consequence of the shortage nt doctors he had to come to the assistarce of the Government and was acting as Medical 0:ficerul District No. at the time of his deaib.
British Guiana Medical Service DEATH OF RESIDENT SUR GEON OF PUBLIC HOSPITAL Dr. Field, Resident Surgeon of the Public Hospital, Georgetowa, British Golana, died in the Ceneral Hospital Barbados at 30 a. Sept. 3rd.
Dr. Field, who had been Rege ilent Surgeon of the Public Hos.
pital, New Amsterdam, Berbice.
had only recently been appointen to the tame position at the Public Hospital, Georgetown.
excersion flying fish THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue Panama City The Demerara ARGOS is threatened with a litel suit by Ben Woolford, member of the Court of Policy, who is claim it 15, 000 damages, as a result of an article appea:ing in that paper of 28th August 1927, entitled Topics of the Times. by Urcle Stapie.


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