p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1927 CHURCH SERVICES KONGOLENE will srtaighten any hair in 15 minutes without the aid of hot irons or combs.
FOR SALE AT THE PHARMACY 149. Central Avenue Panama and at The New Drug Store 5th and Street Colon.
STICHTIG 90 Somme BOGLE Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE O, BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON to BUD park Neroes.
Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
culating machines, Numbering machines, Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing machines and all other technical machines.
124 121 New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed Work done by expert up to date methods trial will convince you this is no empty talk, аштита написанителни мониториннатининг тантана Winte 126 and soon.
Negro resid CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE Decistis south, 112 od 126 Side people Tomorrow Races Kansas League ReA race card has been news Battle To Oust arranged for tomorrow af. Negroes ternoon at Juan Franco Park the feature of which will be Be terment League Takes the last race of seven fur. Up Task Started by Greenlongs to be run by Chombo wood Association, Openly Gordo, Able, Copi lenine and Arlequin Also there Declaring its Aims to Drive will be a mile race by five Negroes out of Neighbor class native ponies, hood.
The program is snappy and attractive and should draw (From the Kansas City Call. an unusually large crowd, Using the rezently started mye.
Program: meat for more park space on the the East Side of the city as an exFIRST RACE euse, the East Central Betterent 692 Furlongs Purse 123 League, a white improvement asso is officilly renewed the Lady Lucy 90 ciation, has of Chiqui 104 fight to get Negroes out the die.
Ζιρο 120 triet known as kouod Top.
Don Simon 92 he league met night at Candlewood Hall, Twenty seventh SECOND RACE street on Jackson avenue and discussed plans of the campaigę.
69 Furlongs. Purse 175 Dhole 126 NEED PARK Cazina 115 As usual, the excuse was that a Coburg 95 park was needed. It happens also Barla 95 as it has happened before, that the THIRD RACE very land needed a park is the land on which Negroes are living furlogs Parse 175 lt sems that the land between Marcela 93 Twenty eighh and Thirtieth Bol beviki 123 streets and Jackson CleveCopi 126 land avenu is ideal for a Tribuno This la douced or being Fal Play 95 brught by The Kitty will gro 105 set lemert bas existed for thirty FOURTA RACE Sears the e. school. the Book er Washington, serves the disOne mile Porse 123 trict Negro children have grown Cccocba to mar hood there and have startF.
103 ed their litle ones to the Booker El Chichi 126 Washington school.
lardanela Inico 90 NOT BASHFUL ABOUT URPOSE The East Central Betterment FIFTH RACE League is not a bit brehful about Furlongs Perse 175 stating the purpose for which it Zalmera 104 wishes this lood condemned. It TUM 123 these Negro residents La Nena 95 kicked out of the neighbourhood Sibee RION 103 atement in the daily papers Mad Stenbel)
90 Tuesday sud the league bad con Celia 39 cerned itself only with one project cerca SIXTE RACE which is an attempt to remove Fulrougs Purse 123 re idents from the neigh126 banrhood and forto a race barrier.
Picadilly 90 10 will be reelled that the LinAssociation, out Aue DW 123 attempted to get the park board to do the identical thing the Eust Mayoral wish and tailed 125 The move is merely the renewal Un Nueve 98 of an old fight by wbites to take SEVENTH RACE the home of Negros in these Furlongs Purse 250 blocks. The agitation previously Choubo Gordo on Abel 121wool Improvement Association, 95 Although it was planned to reLenine 112 quest the park board to condemn Arlequin 126 the land at its westing yesterday, the request had to be postponed because the board did not meet.
Man who Came Back GREATEST NEGRO (Continued from page 1)
Continued from page Ita present prosperity, prestige, MAN WITH DAZED LCOK. and success has been whieved Joseph Hall, a collier, who knew ine methods of H Rutherbecause of the conservative bus.
both Mr, and Mrs. Callister, was ford President Treasurer, sw in Manchester when he saw Rutherford Secretary. Georral man who strongly resembled the Manager and the official staff missing man, but he looked thin which runsounds and and frail, and had a dazed look it them supports his eyes.
The size the facilities ard He went up to him and found strength of National Benefit en that he was soetually Herbert able it to render its policyholuCallister, Hall per uaded Callister ers the highest type of Insurance to acco. npany him back to Tyl. serviee wih ample safeguards, desley.
It is remarkable to note bere No account could be obtained that the enterprising and ko.
from Callister as to where he has ahead Negroes of the United ben and what he has been doing States did not seek to have their xud it was evident that he was business publ shed in any otner bob mentally and physically ill. cwspaper but a Negro Publica.
Ex was removed early in Mireh 10 tion.
Leign Union Hospital, where he has been ever since.
Before he disappeared he had Dr. Nathan Rowe a war pension of 31 a week, and the Leigh Board of Guardians had PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON for some time been endeavouring 11th and Bolivar Sts.
to get him officially recognised as COLON.
alive and they have also been try.
ing to get the peusion back.
BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chase National Bank They bave now practically sueceeded in both, for at their meeting Office Hours: a. to 12m a letter was read from Mr. Fearnly p. to D.
the Bolton borough coroser, who! P: 0, Box 854, Cristobal, C, held the inquest on the drowned man, stating that instructions bave OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 been sent to the Superintendent Drue STORE TELEPHONE 154 Registrar for Bolton to correct the death entry relating to Callister letter was read also from the NOTICE Ministry of Pensions stating that The WORKMAN can be had the Guardians wll be paid Ela at the La Boca Restaurant and at ek towºrds the cost of Callister La Boca.
Hou e No. 971, Ja naica Prado maintainence in the hospital since he was admitted in March last.
Thus has ended a long correspon FLOWERS dence and a host of explanations, Abogado. Attorney at Law Notice to Correspondents. OFFICE: No. 44 ST Contributors and correspondents BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY are asked to send in their contribuTELEPHONE No. 1377 tions not later than Thursdays to Practicing before all the courts of iosune publication. This is impera.
tive apd must be adhered to. the Republic since April 1914 No. 93, Central Avenue Offer of Loan To Rebuild AMERICAN EPISCOPAL (ontinued from page 6)
CHURCH men and was Instrumental in, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity SAVING THE LIQUOR STOCK St: Paul Church, Panama In the Government Bond. The Rev. AF Nighteogale BD Rec.
Governor afterwards appointed a Holy Communion The bim member of the Fire ReRector lief Commitee and he was in 10. 15 a Mantins FR charge of the food distribution. Atwell. Lay Reader Mr. Boggias said it was his 10 30 a Holy Eucharist own first visit to St. Lucia and sermon The Roctor be remained in Castries only for 12 pm Holy Baptism a day and a night. The town is pm Church School beautifully laid out, be observed, 730 pm Chora! Ev. nsong and from a sbioping polot of sermon The Rector view do not tblak there is another in the West Indies to St Alban Church, Paraiso beat it. But the cultivation in St Lucia is limited as compared CANAL ZONE to Grenada (A, Nightengale From a business point of view Priest ia change 8am Holy Echarist seremon also it is far bind Grenada pm Church School This is pretty well borne out by the limited amount of Insurance 730 a. Choral Evensong which was in force at the time and address Mr. Osborne, Catechist of the fire. There is only one firm that know of that is ping St. Matthias Mission to rebuild, but there may be Peter and Company say LAS SABANAS they will rect new primi es (Rev AF Nighteogale)
and intend to use Gurnent Priest in Charge materials but Min vielle and pm Church School hastanet are undecided.
730 pm Choral Evensong and addresa Mr. A Richards, Lay There are still a lot of ople Reader, shel ered by the Government at Vigil in the old military bar.
racks across the barbour, St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity Fruit Trade of St Lucia Holy Communion 6a m, The Rector And Grenada Manttus 10 45 a Holy Eucharists and serman 11. 30 a.
The Reetor Holy Baptism 3, 45 pm The GUARDIAN of pt Church School, 00, says: statement of coneida Choral Evensong and sermon, able interest to banana RPOWP 30, m. The Rector, in St Lucia and Genada has MULCARE. Rector been made by Mr. foran of St. Brnabis Empire, St the Ocean Dominion Steamship Corporation: Mr.
Hoffmann Bartholon. ew s, Las scades who is now in Castrine, makes it St Simon s, Gambca appear that the Empire Market ing Board are about to embark Morning and Evening Prayer on a practical fruit development with addresses, Cuerch School and scheme affectiog those two Confirmation Cla s, will be son colo: dueted at the Usual time by the Percy lloggips who met Catechist.
Mr Hintiminn in St. Lucia last T MULCARE week told a Trinidad GUARDIAN Priest in Charge representative resterday about the littraplars as far as they ba! teen discussed with him.
Seventh Day Adventist Mr. Ifmann who is connect STREET CALIDONIA ed with the traffic branch of the ROAD oe: Isthmian Park PanaOera, Dominion Steamship Cor ma poration informed Mr. Hugeins Sabbath (Saturdar) 45 a.
that the com to put on any were prepared Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genor six refrigerator eral Worship Spanish which will be subsidised elass: by the Empire Marketing Board for West Indian Service. Mr. 30 in. Society, 901. declarid rd that the meeting 30 pm. Junior and Marketing Board bad sior Staudard of attainment decided to purchasc ban gay on Class, p. Vespere.
the spot in St. Lucia and Grerada Copic for Sunday niget Oct. 1927 and would arrange for aris ting Are Wealth, Power, Wisdom the tbem on the o her side probably greatest things in the world?
in Canada do not know. Mr. Huggins Church of God Or Sanctified said whetber these plans will Church Calldonia.
msterislise or not, but Mr.
mann was in St. Lucia for the purpooe mentioned. He might Sunday oct. 9th a. Prayer come to Tripldad.
Meeting 10 am Children Service TRINIDAD MAY BE IN IT Preacher Bro. Simpsoc 11 a. Divine Worship.
The Ocean Dominion Steam Dediration Service 730 mn. Gos ship Corporation who are repre pel Service Preacher Bro. Ried.
sented in Trinidad by Missre. Juan Diaz 11 a. Preacher Alston a Co. Ltd. operate Elder Beckford Lords sup freight service between Montreal per will be observed at 30 serand Port of Spain. It is obvious vice by Bro, Daugherty that a fleet of six refrigerator a Silver City Canal Zone 3, Steamers It intended solely for Sunday School Service by the frulte trade wouli not find it Bro. Battleshield.
profitable unless they were paid enormous subsidy which is On Sunday Oct 9h at pm.
altogether out of the question to there will be a dedicatory Service call at the two islands of of an osgan for the above church of Windward Group. It seems when representives of lovers therefore that other colo music and other religious hodies Dies, e. Trinidad will be in will conduct the musical part of will be present. Bro. Romain cluded if the arrangements are the program all are welcome to successfully completed.
see and hear this unusual new Trinidad contribution to a tone.
fruit cargo would consist principally of grapefruit and oranges NEWS NOTES at the start. T)e area col ivated in grapefruit hus in recent years been considerably extended and shipments made to London bave (Cantab. Barbados Mr. Greasel, received favourable comment.
Scholar, 1916. ard Asstant to The Director of Agriculture to the Astron mer Royal, bas recently suggested that a grading been appointed Senior Matheand backing plant abould be set matical Examiner to the Indian up by the Goveromeat and a Civil Service Board of Examiof the Fruit Growers ners.
Association of Trinidad and Tobago have interested themselves in a scheme for coperative selling citors (Intermediate) ExaminaThe legal portion of the Soliwbich is awaiting the decisi of the Empire Marketing Bo ra Hon was sat during the week by Mr. Headley. articled to from wbom It is hoped to receiv Mr. Trimingbam. Mr.
a sbosidy.
Bartlett. articled to Mr.
Patterso) and Mr. L, Thomas, Advertise in the. WORKM iN it will (articled to Messts Carrington bring you good casults.
and Seals. 104 was carried on by Copi GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books shine.
Here is a Good Position FOR REAL WORKER.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men and women, in which an exeellent income from side earnings, even to PART TIME workers can be made. During our 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply our household necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 years and have achieved Financial Independence. Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make t nese sary to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. straight foward, dignified business. Wny got represent the largest and best known honse of its kind in the world. Send us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars When we anpoint an agent we furnish free samples for Trial Tests ia the homes of your locality, etc.
Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, Attention Clerk No. 1438 (You) Street and only lissly th Book Binding!
branch Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Opposite Cecilia Theatre


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