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CP Special o Insufficiency of Confidence in Ourselves THE WORLIN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN WORKMAN YOUR BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK ANC VOL 16 No. 10 PANAMA, SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1927 PRICE CENTS Organization To Produce Pic GOVERNMENT OF ATTORNEUZA. DE United Interest In The Workman tures Starring Negro Talent Printing And Publishing Exclusively.
ment an ed Santa ularities 000000 CUBA Defrauded of Million Had Interesting Experlence Dollars at Santiago With Tricksters The following Pr despatch Had Attorney William from Havana Cuba appearing in Desouza of La Boca, as a layer, an the Jamaica GLEANER of the 7th abnormal living for large sums o inst, will be read witb interest.
monry with little or New Company To Produce Fea. The government has been de bort other than those the collects Continues to be Manifested. Pros.
frauded of more than a million from his clients, he would have lost tures and Comedies as well dollars at the Santiago de Cuba all the hard ca. he had on him on pect us Will be Issued Soon.
Quarantine Station, according tal Saturday evening last, and prob.
as News Weeklies.
a report mule yesterday by Chiefably more.
Maximo Gomen Toro of the Inclemet weather prevented the holding of the second Apparently members of the band With the formation of a new company known as the Gutierrez de Cels, Treasure Department, 19 Secretary of tricksters wno used to operate meeting of the proposed Workman Priating and Publishing in Color, and in whose traps many Company, which was announced in last week issue of Famous Artists Corporation of America, organized for the The careful investigations maile residents and foreigner purpose of producing all star Negro pictures exclusively, a bv Go. nez Toro shows that since loat hundreds of dollars, are out sous, however, were present to seek information as to what fell and this paper for Thursday, the 13th. Several interested pernew note in motion picture production has been sounded, 1923 not less than 120, 000 immi for business in definite steps have been taken.
for this new company will not only produce features and grants have entered Cuba through Mexic this city approached Mr.
In view of this continued interest and the unanimous comedies using all star Negro talent. bnt news weeklyes the port of Santiago, who paid the Dsouza on Central Avenue on entry head tax which was Sturday as well. These news pictures will cover events of Negro not turned over by the quarantide kuired of Evening last and an approval of those present at the first meeting, of the desirahim interest all over the world, a thing hitherto never attempted officials to thu Treasury part Doctor absolutely unknown to the advisability of launching out at this time, all of which is in the residence of a bility of a better West Indian newspaper here and the by producers of Negro pictures. Desouza, Recognizing the real feed for an organization that can It is estimated thatšio the four huen in the langue of tervaty accordance with the views of the Management, detinite furnish exhibitors of Negro pictures with features, comedies years over 900 000 dollars was tos, was suddenly relieved of much steps are now being taken to form the Company. All the and new reels devoted exclusively to Negroes Famous collected by the Santiago de Casamentele rain by the unexpected preliminary routime requirements have almost been compleArtists Corporation have built quarantie station through the apperance of an interpreter to ted and in a few days we will be ready to print and distriorganization fully head tax ad about another 10. 000 Ip him out. The three walk, bute the prospectus which, we are sure, will be hailed with equipped to supply this great demand, regularly instead of dollars ihrongh the 10 dollars and talked. The Mexican delight and satisfaction by the majority of our well thinking promiscuously, as has previously been the case.
head tax collected from the sugar halted when they got near community Reliable men bebind a reliable organization will carry mills for each Antillian entered for Ana Pazı and preteaded to have gone into a building to enquire for It is unnecessary to further stress the fact that the out the policy of the company to supply exhibitors crop harvesting work.
Three doctors of the Heath the Dostor, bus returnet thin a Workman Plant is and always was a going concern; it has of Negro pictures annually with six features, twelve come Department and several ininor few minutes saying that he was been this way for sixteen years, in consequence of dies and twenty six news reels. all devoted exclusively to employees of the Santiago de su unsurcessful. He then pathetical tical which investors in its development will not be taking Negro interest guaranteing at the same time that all ca a quarantine station are said on planned that he hader baratter: a maximum but the miaimum of risk, if any risk at all. releases will be on time.
to be seriously implicated in the cow de who owed a certain eoBacked by such men as Albert Millman president, matter. As a result of the irrego sineer in the United States 3, 500 with their investment We are not at all ambitious at this time to run a daily only di covered general and that the transactio. as are who has been in the motion picture business since 1991 shake up at the quarantine station kuown to the Doctor who unfor: newspaper in Panama. Such a venture needs an outiay of. locate of at this im. He (the Mexican)
Sault treasurer, a man of sound business judgement and place withid a few days.
Many thousands of Jamican having to leave the Isthmus early realize, and, in addition the time is inopportune for such a years of experience: Murry Beier Vice President, associatthe following morning, would be gigantic venture among coloured people here.
But we are ed for many years with a number of the leading motion helped to make up that missing million. Continued on page 81 anxious to develop a better weekly newspaper which will picture companies, Phillip Greenberg secretary, a wellin course of time develop into a bi weekly or tri weekly know figure in motion picture circles, Famous Art st: will publication. Our ambition is to produce a paper representa.
supply exhibitors of Negro pictures with only the best PEACE ASSURED BY IRISH TREATY SAYS MR. DAVID tive of the sentiments of Isthmian West Indians. We are teatures and comedies, in addition to which they have initiating such a move with the assurance of your cooperainnovated the famous Negro Newsreel, the only neusLLOYD GEORGE tion. It is a foregone conclusion tbat you will like such a reel made devoted exclusively to events of Negro interest all over the world.
GRAVE CRISIS AVERTED BY TRIUMPHS AT ELECTIONS paper and, therefore, your moral and financial support will be requested to bring it about. special cable despatch from London dated October LOOKS LIKE CANAL PHOTOGRAPHS TO ist, to the CHICAGO HERALD and EXAMINER, quotes Mr. SPARKLETS IS COLON PUTTING David former of AUTHORITIES BE FURNISHED as saying. The result of the Irish election, if taken at the ONE OVER PANAMA face value as a fight between the defenders and the asail By Due to the fact that there was a May House all Their Em Canal Employees For ants of the treaty, would have been a matter of grave significance to the British Isles, and America, with its millions for this column, had made up my continuance of dearth of material It would appear that in ployees in Canal Zone Registration of men and women of Irish blood, would necessarily have mind to ask søme aid of my cousin Colon the method of regis. Circular issued on Tres been concerned with the inevitable developments.
Cespedes Burke who always has an tration of aliens differs some.
According to the attached majority of only six for the treaty would have been accumulation of verbosity, which wh it to that obtained in memorandum sent out during day last by Mr. Mcthe early part of the week to Ilvaine, Executive Secretary so precarious as to place its life in serious jeopardy. debice freely expenedo lino entering to Panama city.
of Ancon laundry; or Geo latter heads of Departments and offered aid to Canal West which the existence of the agreement between Britain and and absentwinerts, lexicographer place as far as we of the Panama Canal, has feat of the Cosgrave government and another dissolution, in Nathaniel know profesor who there is no fee of demy friend Sid manded there in charge of Silver, Rolls, it the Republic of Panama, who victory for a discredited government, would have ended in out box tim in his would appear that there is or Johnnie Ferreira, eh the supplying of ph graph corner; or pion elocutionist who takes bis pen the disposition of the Panama are now called upon by the repudiation of the pact between the two islands.
at the present time, whereas Canal Authorities to have all Panama Government to fur If two thirds of Ireland deliberately broke away from in hand to boost foreign interests we understand that in Colon their silver employees live nish three photographs each the British empire and proceeded to establish a separate only; or George Westerman, the fee is demanded along Greek, for registering in accordance and independent republic in southern Ireland, it is safe to budding Tex Rickard with three photographs. It is in the Canal Zone.
with Panama Law No. 13 of predict that the British government, whatever its political whom Young has won over for his somewhat strange that Panas Section; or my venerable friend premature to anticipate what mand Thises addidians from emples the washingtonw government regarded secessica of Paris et photos teacheloriga lagging behind in this most 1926. complexion, would view this action in exactly the RH of ma the city be intention of the the Panama Government has the Southern States.
authorities, but as the old added another financial burWilkins of Colou, optimistic pessi important matter whereas KNEW WHAT EFFECT WOULD BE mist and vice versa; or Elijah the Colon is going ahead and saying goes that there is den and tend to open room In heart Mr. De realize that such Mrs.
bistorian and writer; or collecting the fee preparatory Prophes Smart Chubb, we kind of view through next. According to the from the British commonwealth.
never smoke without fire for speculation as to What would be the benect of any attempt at complete severance not to the issuing of citizen cerglasses dimly, a whole sale Executive Secretary Cirleast, my Lilliputian friend George Further consideration of the facts and figures of the and reviewer of current events.
the ex Churchman, conversationlist exodus of Canal and Rail. cular, however, the Panama Irish elections make it clear that the electors of the Irish But recollected that McCauley if such is the case it is not We are of the opinon that road employees from the Canal will furnish requisite Free State have no intention or desire to secede. Assuming Bayde, the black La Boca Jew (as officially authorised as sam terminal cities of Panama and photographs at twenty five that all the supporters of De Valera are secessionists an ar as money counting is concerned would surely have been done Colon to the Zone in the not cents each to the employees un warranted assumption even then two thirds of the votes and intrepid promoter of distant future.
affected or members of their declared for the treaty.
on land and sea, is preparing to MEMORANDUM FOR ROLL family.
tal e several hundred people KEPER The Circular reads thus. The Labor party and the for all practical purposes. through the Panama Canal on the mondites although they were in What about Mr. Da Valera and 24th of next month, THANKSGIV: Court John. Wallace ROUGH HEAD OF DEPARTBalboa Heights, opposition to the government.
ING Day, for pleasure, protit aud MENT OF DIVISION October 11, 1927, were definitely pro treaty. That bis followers sigut seeing No 9111 A, Silver Employees Quarters.
means that on a vote taken They did not fight on the issue TO ALL CONCERNED: the new Dil Eireann on the of the treaty. This is very well According to Mr. Bayne, a Pig There are frwarded herewith WILL ME TO NIGHT copies of silver rolls under yoar This office is informed by the straight issue of repudiation of pointed out by an exceptionally time is in store for those who are general weeting will be held charge These rolls have been Panama Government that West the treaty there would be a ma well informed writer in the STA prepariog to make the trip. There paper by inches, Indian emplovees of the Canal prity of at least 36 in favour of TIST. who unless am mistaken store begresabimo de luxe music tonight at the above named Court with columns indicating data de and Railroad residing in Panama the pact of 1921. That is equiv is himself no Irishman who took calore, refreshments. pretty girls at 730, embo varno moderno sired with respect to eachesimplorar los colorear troue registration therein Benishy pa majority of 140 in the predom, the struggle for Irish with. delovningearls, bleppers, mately Meinbers are askad to be cotxe audi died whese data are desired for is required by Parma ebrer pho of over 100 in the American British parliament.
sheiks, announcers and inter on time. Visiting Brothers from of He says that It is not gen thrown in to take the excursionists specially invited to attend, as pretere; and then a special train the various Sister what aaditional quarters would tographs of themselves for use in House of Representatives: Aerally recognized in Englan from Colon back to the Capital in there are matters of vital impors (Continued or napr sufficiently emphatic majoity continued on page 4)
tance to be discussed.
the the other nor are own chann (chat) it is the printed on men Courts are purpose of

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