
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1927 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages barrel twoand very is the JAMAICA West Indian Conference In Barbados Starvation Is Goal For West Indians In Guba Jamaica Representatives Will be Selected at These Days.
Autnmn Session of Under the above caption tbe Council following appears in the GLEA: TWO NAMES MENTIONDE NER of the 30:b ulo. There is no work in Caba for the West Indian labourer. As a matter At the autumn session of the of fact the market, so far as Legislative Council the question labour in the cane fields and of the representation of Jamaica roads are concerned, is over at the coming West lodian Cocstocked and the Jamaica Gov ference will be brought up, says ernment wonld be acting in the the GLEANER.
best interests of the population. Ag newspaper readers are if it were to prohibit imigration aware, following the West Indian nf its nationals to the neighbour. Conference which took place ing republic in London several months ago, it This substance of a It It was decided that a Permanent erwmunication received from a Secretariat should be established gentleman who is thoroughly as well as a bureau which would a conversant with the situation in deal with closer Plationship Cuba and who goes on to say: between the various West Indian think your paper would serve colenles, and to name as far as a very good cause by insttuting a possible, a more unform relation strong propaganda againat emi in. in respect to Colonial adminis ration to Cuba essecially now, tration.
would appear that the Cuban Government intends to arranged that the Conference It has now been detinitely coforce continued restriction should take place in Barbados in As a ca:ter of fact that emigration January of the opinion to of next year, and three Cuba should be prohibited, as to represent Jamaica. As the representatives will be selected the labour market would now Conference will meet before the appear to be overstocked. They are thousands of Jamai. Council in January next, the egular session of the Legislative cans bere starving wiih no prog Governor will submit proposals pect of the situation being relieve to the Legislature to provide the ed to any great extent in the necessary funds for Jamaica to present crop The be represented and the delegates beats out information that those who be selected arbados. for them will in time been published from time to time in the GLEANER In spite William Morris and the Hon. It is more than likely that Sir of all advice to the contrary Nash will be Jamaicans are still emigrating to amongst Santiago de Cuba and they are Jamaica delegates.
going there to starve. Cuba is no El Dorado for Jamaicans at Woman is Struck by the present day; it isn even a poor house. No work in Cuba Lightning Do money and no money means starvation. It would seem that the time has arriv. The Correspondent to the when the Jamaica Government GLEANER writing from Retret should take some decided stand ou September 24: says: Yesin the matter.
terday afternoon at about four Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 yearsi Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
o clock, Mrs. Unice Henry, of Hibernia District, last WednesCharles, in this direct was struck day, several trees were struck by lighting. It is understood by lightning, seoding beavy bits that she was cooking in ber of tbemi bains away.
kitchen, snd went outside to take Some days before a barbed some water from a barrel, which wire lence near by was struck.
was under coconut tree, lew chains of the wire were On takirg off the barrel, the lightning flasbed and killed. The heavy rains bave cover of the compl tely burnt out, and a Cow struck ber She fell speechlese badly dug up the roads in many to the ground, little boy who sections escec al y where mar was rear her was also struck. was used in place of stones tor but received no serious injury. metal.
Two fowls were killed The seme food statt in the kitchen Record Banana Shipwas scorebed. When the woman was taken up it was discovered ment made that from the right side of her head to berfw. it was badly burnt. The Tucurinca ID short time a big crowd gathered Sailed For Bremerhaven Dr. Myers, at the St. With Over 117, 000 Stems Ann Bay Public Hospital was called. He arrived to quick time and did what he could for ber, BIGGEST SHIPMENT FROM ISLAND IN ANY ONE It is understood that from the time she got the stroke sbe did VESSEL not regain consciousness Uotil some time this morning. It is believed that she may recover.
Th HERALD of the 1st ins cedar tree was also struck says. record shipment of ba by the lightning Danas left Kingston yesterday afternoon for the German market, and it is believed that no Also Kulled By Lightning one vessel has evar in the past weighed anchor with so many bunebes of our staple product in Сате Valley Sept. 29. Aber hold.
young woman named Margaret Over one hundred and seven Alexander was killed at Clark teen thousand bunches of bsson Ville by lightning at about nanas were shipped on the 12, 30 today. The unfortunate Tucarincs of the Elders and woman who w19 soon to be a Fyffes line, wbich sailed shortly mother was cooking in ber kitch after o clock yesterday after en when she was struck. She poon from the No. Railway screamed and ranļin the direc Pier for Bermerhaven. The big tion of her bouse. but befort liner arrived in Kingston on she got there she fell and died. Wednesday morning from RotThe deceased sustained a nasty erdam, and during that day, wound in the forebead presuma Thursday, and yesterday, she bly as a result of the fall. was being loaded. Carloads of bananas being brought in Lightning Plays Havoc by trains, and the banana carrierà reaped a small harvest.
Other large single shipments Bethany, Mile Gully o. are anticipated in the immediate Sept 27. The rainfall in these future for the German market, parts since September has been but the Tucurinca has now aboormal. In no one month for the proud record of lifting the years now, has there been so largest cargo of bananas from many electrical storms occur Jamaica in a single bottom up to ing over these districts. In the the present time.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama WHITENS. THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes means SOLD IN DRUG STORES 13 123V0X43VB0304294 Last Day of Special Offer!
Over 250 people have availed themselves of our Special Offer of Complete Electric Service Installations for LIGHTING, IRONING COOKING AT DOWN 200 And four small payments with the monthly Current Bill THERE IS YET TIME For you to get an Installation on these terms if you act quickly FUERZA LUZ


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