
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1927 PAGE THREE Queen Marie May Enter Convent The Prosperity Tailors Paris Sept. telegram from Bucharest announces that seen Marie is planning to enter a content.
The charming widow of King Ferdinand has been pushed into the background by Jean Bratianu, the Premier and political King of Reumania, as he does not wish anyone to interelere with his control over the Regency. The Queen is deeply chagrined by this treatment.
Queen Marie be also bad a quarrel with Bratianu over the elocation of the boy King Michael She wishes to supervise it, while the Dictator wants ber to bave nothing to do with it.
It is said that the Queen has now decided to become a noviti ate in an old convent of the thodox Church in the Carpathi ns, where she has often gine for a rest in the past, Queen Marie refuses to confirm or deny the report, du Nord class King George Yearns 10 Ride on a Bus Butcher Goes Mad In of a stora centre soon enough to enable her to avoid it. Paris Train Passenger accommodation so far planned is only a joke, accor ding to Mr. Spanner. If the Attacks Travellers With technical design of the new Knife Severs Jugular Vein proved faulty, Mr. Spanner con British Government airships Of a Bank Clerk cluded, forty or more men would probably lose their lives on or AND ATTACKS TWO GIRLS after the trial trip, CLEANERS DYERS Train Slows Down And Maniac Makes Escape; But Later On Notice to Correspondents.
He Is Captured, No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Contributors and correspondents Paris, September wo are asked to send in their contribu.
English ells had a terrifying tions not later than Thursdays to PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 experience in a train from Paris tive avd must be adhered to insure publication. This is impera.
passenger in their compartment albutcher, nt mad and attackDYEING, CLEANING PRESSING ed people with a butcher knife. Dr. Hubert Edwards Before the tralo left the Gare in Paris at 30 pm a OF THE HIGHEST ORDER sto at man, about 35 years of age, HYSICIIV SURGEON took his seat in a second in corrido compartment Specicl Studies in Diseases of which were two Englsh girls. In the Women and Children: next compartment ware tive en Work Done While You Wait among them Belet, a bank BOLIVAR ST.
FRONT MASONIC clerk, who was his way toj in bis wife and family as the sea. TEMPS Colon side at Cayeux PHONE 409 TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED The train had just passed Creil when the stout mau, whose manner had seemed somewhat strange, addressed the girls in BOWEN Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices insaltiog terms. They went to Ladies Garments carefully handled abotber compartment.
The man followed after a few TAILOR minutes, brandishing a butcher knife, and the girls barricaded No. M Street San Miguel REID Manager themselves in and pulled the Panama City alarm signal Belet went to see what was Advertise in the VORKAN it will wrong. The stout man, who was bring you good results, fariously kicking the door, torped upon him and, with a blow of bis koffe, severed his jugular vein.
0:ber passengers, including an es SEXESOCSO 358 255x58 CE SEXSSX Englishman armed with a golf club, rushed up and tried to disarm the madman, but he held them at bay in the corridor while be opened the door and pushed body on to the line, guard fired at the with a revolver but missed him, and then, as the train was slowing down, the nadman on to the lice and disappeare.
Analaron mas rais and all night gendarmes and police, asajated by civilians armed with shotguns and forks, beat the countryside.
The hun: was at its height when three gendarmes came across a wildeyed, stout man hiding in the long grass behind a hedge at Gannes, near Breteuil.
They e verta him with their Volvers, shouting Hands up!
seemed possesed of flerculean strength, hurled himseli ugon them and would bave made his escape bad not civilians engaged in the chase ru hed up and overpowe: ed him He has been identiti da Lacien Sudilleco, a butcher, living in Paris he London. rt 17. One of the ambitions of King George is to ride on top or London omnis some day from one end of the town to the other If this dream is to be real d within the next few months the King may bord bns ons diredtly in front of Buckingham Place, as buses now stop neer the palace front gates, which is something buses have never done before, even in the days when buses were drawn by horses.
Buses have been brought to the front door of th: King town rooidence ow og to changes if the West End traffie due to the tearing of Picadilly, which is undergoing repairs for the first time in sixteen years.
One of the favourite outdoor pastimes of the King of Spain, when he is in London is to mount a bus top incogn! to and ride about the town seeing the sights and hearing what tbe people are talking about.
Queen Victoria always longed to have a ride in London orderground, but never did, and King Edward hd hopes for years of miogling wiib the er wds at races, without being recoised, and making some bts himself, but procrastinatio bbed bim of this experiene his victim murderer jumpet SILVER ESSES SEXSXSEX DX hot th SPRAY Maracaibo Oil Boom.
Impressions of Bishop of Trinidad RAPIDLY INCREASING DEVELOPMENT Condition of West Indian Immigrants.
No Future For The Airship BRITISH AUTHORITY SAYS PILSENER travelling side they are IS GOOD DRINK The Bishop of Trinidad recently spent over a month in Maracaibo, the centre of the Venezuela oil industry, which he toured, coming into close con tact with economic and social conditions.
His Lord ship was awas for six weeks, He left Trioided in the Flandre on August 3, by way of Curacao where he spent tive hours in transit. On bis return journey he stayed five days in the Dutch colony at Piscaderao which is beautifully situated on the sea with particular facllity for bathing, tennis and other recreations. He reached Trinidad on Saturday last, taking passage in the Macoris.
Discussing his visit to Maracaibo with a TRINIDAD GUARDIAN Hs Lordship referred at first to his stay in Curacao, Replying to a remark that it was reported tha: West Indians were tlocking to that making arrangements to travel to Mar.
acaibo, be said a number of West Indians bad travelled as far as Curacao trusting to be able to continue their journey from that Island. This course howvarhe added may cause great disappointment as well as much trouble to our bard workCuracao It is probable that those who are prepared to do manual work might find it in Curacao, either in the oil refinery, or in the phosphates quarry or ia domestic service. But the num(Continued on Page 6)
Lindon, Sept. 20. Aeronauti cael circles were stirred today by a vigorous attack on airships made by Edward Spanner, an authority on naval architecture, a former member of the Royal Corps of Naval Construetors and assistant director for Warship construction during the war.
Mr. Spanner paints future mammoth airships in colours of almost sersational pessimism, commercial He declares that they have no possibilities tbat not worth their cost, that they are dangerous and compars unfavourable to older types of transport.
It might seem strange, said Mr. Spanner, to make such statements when the British Government has been pursuaded to spend money building two air ships of 000, 000 cubic feet capacity and America bas decided to embark on building one of 6, 500, 000 cubic feet, but most papers on airships were prepared by men keeply interested in airship programmes and were not submitted to serioas There is no resonable proof, he holds that an airship, can be rendered immune to electrical disturbances and there is strong presumptive evidence tbat it would be destroyed. There is not, be goes on the slightest proof that it would ever prove practicable to advise an airship of the possible patb and position representative, port instead of through FOR EVERYBODY ever, be criticism ing Consul in


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