
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN BATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1927 Demerara Editor Accuses Portion Of West Indian Press.
LUCKY STRIKE bas said about while the turn will LUCKY STRIKE overwhelming Mangalia ngomis pamin pihamaalinguagganan niyang maghanap ng mga panahon declare of the libels COM with ments wwwwwwwwwvidiki inspired the we But we as or worse. Sa Says the porter: Verdict Based Upon What part of the British Guiana ElecHe Terms Gross Calumnies ulves; but it is entirely due to a new orientation of Colonial Of Articles In The Argosy policy, er der the Conservatire fice Government, wherein militant THE CASE OF BARBA Imperialism is prepared to take IT TOASTED DOS.
the part of reason in the conduct of Home as well as Colonial Allars. Well, we had not trng THE REPOSITORY OF RES. to wait; as we see the Jack Boot PONSIBLE POLITICS HAS BEEN ASSAIED BY DOWN COME DOWN UPON BARBAING STREET Dos.
Jamaica brast that s house is in soch perfet order that notbing They re Different The New DAILY CHRONICLE of can happen to it. Well, may be.
Demerara, says editorially So thougbt Barbados; but there We bave observed on the part has come an awakening in the They re Betterof the West Indian press with a latter place, and from a recent few notable exceptions, a general number of the Ag icultural ReThey re Fresh tendency to sbrug their shoulders porter bitter things have begun at tbe fate now confrontifice. We have betere bint hat to be about the Colonial Of British Gulana. Accepting.
versions of the DatLY ARGOSY. if the remainder of West Indies that the politicians of British and quietly by Gulsha are guilty of That the secret of is the most British Guiana Coustitution slns against morality, being raped, that their tur decency and civilisation, our come as sure as tomorrow suncontemporaries that rise. We do not claim to be there is Do health in us, and fully seizod with the cause of the that the Secretary of State bas Barbad complaint; but the success.
no other alternative! We trust comment seems bitter enough, however, that when the Electives and we therefore quote copiously have completed their case for from be ar icle in question, presentation to the Secretary of State, and any We pare by the unkind refer.
West Indian LUCKY STRIKE that document, that there will be of the irresponsible in politics paper takes the trouble to persue ences to British Guians, which to pers we we are told is the resting place some revision of present Barbados and the whole more or less general verdict: Indies are entitled to quote il est It toasted verdict based entirely upon the of that sort regarding British calumnles of Mr. Samuel Lupton Gutara, for thes only take sentimalicious the which munity continues to regard come from within They re Kind to Your Throat complacency indulgence, in own bou se bold; from much ths as same source Even poor Mr. at time a stalwart one champion Commissioners Rearlimentary How of constitutional progress and ever, suppose that tunes bave compelled him to resbar Feedom, now that decayed for evenados je may is the repository of the accept a paltry Civil List pension responsible in politics; but this of 20 per mensem from the Colonial Office from apparently does not prevent the Goveroment of Grenada, essays as though it were British Guiana treating it to throw a stone at us.
sball survive even that. The regime of Sir Samuel What was, however engaging Wilson in Trinidad might beve our attention recently, was the been expected to restors tba speculation as to whose tura balance in favour of the West next it would be in the West Indies. But with, bis advent to Indies. Of course there is little the Colonial Office the old, and LUCKY to take from any, exc pt Barbs in many respects now out worr, bados or Jamaica. We are car policy of governing these Islands STRIKE tain nevertheless that the as if they were els eenth cen present attack upon the British oben report Colonial Governors in the West about 45. 000 000 to 50, 000, 000 per people. tbe mental darkof West Coast barrels limited by transporta thered the reaction towards tion facilities.
The paper also Sir states that en further. Blodhon occasiorCrore by Government.
while Venezuela production is at 11P for step the rate of 90, 000, 000 barrele perlly remind us of the returned year, actual production in 1927 Nabob, progenitor of that fost of a! probably not exceed 50, 000 impossible Annamannammannaminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? 000 barrels.
500, 000 barrels per day it adds any wonder that, with officials production of stures, the Anglo Indian, Is it two or three of type to guide our destiw years and of even 1, 000 000 barnies, encroachment such Maracaibo Oil Boom rels per dav within a period of measure of Representative Gov.
probable. Venezuela five years thereafter is not im ernment as we have gained for not ourselves, has been made. bot (onticuedfrom page expected to affect the markets But worse to come; warming ber of people that could be anymore than last year, but with concern the appointment of some in the United Statee this year, to its subject. wbicb seems to absorbed in such work must be limited, though was assured each succeeding year as the fields minor official the governor of that there are plenty of openings transportation facilities improve gives at present are further developed and as that island. havine apparantly no assurances that the it will be an increasing factor to Maracaibo, be proceeded, be seriously considercd.
COLON ama be employed as beretofore, the porter Na rapidly developing place with upwards of 100, 000 people. It is Dealing will social conditions uiuues (after another taunt at of new buildiogs, new docke, the Bishop observed: full British Gniaos. We in Barba Amongst new oil settlements, new pave the colored people an excellent dos have been singularly fortumente, endless machinery, etc all spirit of comradeship. Prevails. nate in governing ourselves withIS NOW LOCATED AT bearing witness the vast Many most be out of work as (out interference on the part of amount of wealth which is soon as they arrive, and out ert Bolontai Office whose attitude continually passing through the work as a result of fluctuations towards the West Indies has town.
in the labour market, but those been, until two years ago, ona 11. 1154 11th STREET. was told that Venezuela praiseworthy way to look after IRISH ABSENTEE LANDbetter off seem to me in a most par with might become second only to Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK America in its production of oil, the lost named find work they those in misfortune and when LORDS.
the Output there being almost entirely from the Gulf of Mara repay the debts which they baye In Sir Herbert Greaves and Sir Where our customers will receive the usual accumulated.
William Chandler, our real It is most striking to note Governors for the last quarter of courtesies The boom took place in 1925 what is being done for the health century, we have bad two Barto 1927 and at the present time and recreation of the employees badians of outstanding merit things are dull, though large developments are expected in CaliboWegbree dos pitosha la Mara: Wbo not only were honoured in equipped latest their. but raised it and at Meningrande. to a pinnacle of honour and envy LOOK FOR THE SIGN Progress has been extraordi. the large camp of narily rapid, the new centres Oil Company (wbich operate more than once proved that not Ruch as those at Cabimas and holdings comprising the most im only can we govern ourselves and BRITISH PHARMACY Lagunillas are believed to be just portant ever controlled by a sin produce from among ourselves ag rich as some of the old ones. gle Company) there are hospitals rulers equal to those sent us, but number of oil producing equally well equipped for the that we lead the way in the prowells are shut down until the white staff and for the coloured cession towards future Responmarket is more favourable. employees.
West Indies sible Government in a United According to the latest figures Other companies which bave And of Venezuelan oil trade appearing pot the good fortune to possess are made that more direct conto in Tropical Sun the English hospitals themselves give gener trol from the Colonial o. fice is newspaper of Maracaibo, from ous privileges to their employees desirable in these islands, were ports of oil where 34, 317, 162 There are plenty of recreations car representative institutions, 1914 to January 1, 1926 the ex who fall ill wbile at work.
an made to barrels. In 1926 the exports for the employees, football, ten: we foresee, and bowever ugly WORKMAN It Pays were 33, 473. 677 barrels. The nie, golf, baseball, billiards and estimated exports for 1927 are so forth. Continued on page 7)
ITS TOASTED plantations bas to any particular sins on the ladies who mistake the apz hy of CIGARETTES ness MADE IN USA Seron James goes within the next on is The British Pharmacy would conto appliances although ADVERTISE IN THE


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