
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 19. PAGE SEVEN ST. LUCIA VIGOR TONIC The best in the World Amalgamation Of Offices.
Vs with other ie Ollicer, If as a Victoria Hospital Cut.
and DOW stawould because can all be urkoown the country over Bote in creased Attorney General of Mr.
Demerara Editor comed the visitors and brought thom ashore. They were metal Accuses, the Customs by number of local footballers and given.
bearty welcome.
Continued from page 6)
The visitors were taken to the the rd seditlon may sound Ice House Hotel where arrangewe would lcore opposition of ments had been made fos their wbateseu sort. Barbados is not stay British Guiana and no one has The Grenada players will make hitherto accused us of being their first appearance on Saturunable to govern ovreelves. Be day aga nst a combined team sides in politics, as in most other The programme is as follows: thing, frequently the rebel of Saturday 24th Grenada today is the martyr of tomorrow Combined w when the Agricultural Tuesday 27th Grenada v8 porter writes of sedition, it must be understood that it Thursday 29:b. Grenada 18 means Nedition; or in tbe val St. Mary gate of the island federation which to the elect basa meaning Friday 30th Grer a la vs Coin Barbados, not tourd in the stabulary, dictior ariee. An attempt, declares the irate writer, is being Barbers In Conference to the wedge into our long chersib ed istom of giving psomotion to local men in our chiet official Sunday Closing Order appointments, instead of bring Discussed iog Barbadials into lice colonies by ending us their espih arts for pre moriob? PETITION IN PREPARATION result of Imperial thinking the Colonial Ofice number of city barbers asbas decided to add to the other sew blad at 20 Charlotte Street honours of Sir Herbert Greaves on Tuesday night to consider the distinction of belog the wt at steps should be taken to last of Barbadian Chief Judges overcome the law which makes it there is no apparent reason an offence to open their shops for going lower down the for business on Sundays. They acale and endeavouring to abol discussed the fact that the enish the Solicitor Generalship of torcement of the law would be a this island, and making its du great bardship on them ties mere appendages of the few of their clientele cu fiod Attorney Generalebip to be per time to have their hair dressed formed bs.
on weekdays, To consequence the bulk of their takiogs is celANY THIRD GRADE CLERK lected on Sundays and so rob who way happen to be in line them of that opportunity of eari.
for promotion. This is plain blunt ing a livelibool woult seriously reaction, an attempt to sub upset abeir domestic equilibriuo.
ordinate the few comparatively It was, therefore, unanimonsly independent de artments of our resolved that a petition be forthe of is that the of the Civil Service to an official who warded to the Governor praying a ship bat passes in the night; Hours Ordinance as they effect temporary and an barber sbops be revoked.
quantity; bird of of passage un certain of the wbieb he fles. We with Colony Finances approval that the precedent of oppointing tbe General Clerk to act as Solicitor bas not been followod on January to July, 1927 the present occasion Poyser absence on leave and TOTAL SURPLUS OF 122 855 bope that this is a sign of the determined opposition with which further attemps to rush us back The tiparcial condition of the towards a form o Cown Colony colony is a good one judging administration will meet.
from the Rèceipts and Payments These is humour 28 well as for the seven months ended pa bos in the seric comic face July 31, and the balance sheet being made by the porter to to that date. Toe position can the Colonial Ofice. But in the beest be summarised by stating midst of our troubles we can still that the surplus on January 31, takt opportunity to look at the bas increased de ot be matter. The 676 78. 21. 10 422, 835, 114. 0940 sericus side of Constitution of Barbados is not on on July 31. li It is true that establisbed firmer receipts seow slight. Yollees than that of British but this is entir ly due to the and if it stands ia the fact that the Railway way of the will of the Colonial Office it will bave to go, unless partment. For instance, olonial being treated as a special de the Barbados aod the whole shows that in 1926 the West Indies take a firm stand Railway earnd 106, 809 9: 6d. now and at once. We have during that period. wbila the moral voice of the Uarted course for first seven months in Deither armies por havies, but receipts are credidtd from this West lodies, even though they 1927. Lookiog at the expendo not speak srom a tiogle diture it will, bower, be found.
parliament house, is sufficient to that from January to July, 1926, cry balt to any outrage they may 109 desire to stop; and if they do 23 09 408 43. Id. was expended 16s. 1d. No pot, each in time will have receipts having been credited It tarn.
be assumed that the difference the TRINIDAD sum approximately earned by the Railway during the seven mooths. The receipts for 1927 pot Inclusive of Railway earnings Visiting Footballers. totalled 1, 009, 943. 103. 11d a3 compared 6td. for the corresponding year. 035, 338 Os Arrival Of Grerada Team Customs receipts an increase of 31, 420 14s. 2d, Tak 429 299 34. 9d.
PROGRAMME OF FOUR Income Licenses. Excise, etc. 18, 921 MATCHES and Land The Grenada footballers who two tirst mentioned increases 103. 90. 5, 243, will play serles of matches are a very good index of the real party and combined side, or similarly with regard to expec against the Colleges, Constabur position of the colony financer. o guests of the Amateur tbe Football Association, arrived on omaller for the above mentioned Wednesday in the Trinidad Line reason. For the first seven steamer, months of 1926 it was 919, 725 The visiting combination com and this year 835, 769 78. Odd.
prise. Messrs. Ashby Thompson Constabulary, Public Works. Manager. Coard, Francis. Education and Treasury sbewed Phillip, Ogilvie, Fields, increased expenditure Bver. Kerr, de Coteau Charges on account of Public (Vice Captain. Gibbs, Debt, Health, and Agriculture Charles, Emmanuel, Be were the items she wing de deau and Berkeley.
creased expenditure along with Mr. Slinger, President of the Railway.
the Grenada Football Association team on boliday. and might play Dr. Fred Sterling. Otway, the Captain of the team is due to THE NEW YORK DENTIST tive tomorrow in the Canadian Sxirmisber.
1182, BOLIVAR STREET reception delegation of the Fontball Association consisting COLON, of Messrs. Leotaud, President Box 771, CRISTOBAL, E. Hiids. Hotcheon und Arrinell went on board, wel TELEPHONE 247 COLON 11 In a recent issue the Voice says eaitorially: The appointment o! the Hon. Salmon14 Attorney General in cor jonction with his For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The duties as Registrar and Sherit, is the first of a series of amalga Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phosmations which have been advocated by others beside ourselves for a long time. At pherine (Ashton Parson)
Inspector of of Police is also actide actlog As Horbour Master and the Inspector of Schools is acting as Treasurer and Pustmaster while his duties are being performed Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the by Rev. Cole, but whether the Ofices of Barbour Master and Inspector of Police and of Republic of Panama.
Post Master and eventually be Treasurer amalgamated is vet a matter of speculation ber amalgamations that bave This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in been suggested are those of First and Chiet Revenue Chief Medical Officer and ResiDebility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment dent Surgeon, Victoria Hospital.
The tter we understand is of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. Expected to materialise soon, it Dr.
late of the le promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone tioned in Cyprus, accepts the dual post. Such an appointment and energy to the whole system, be popular for Me, Cuff is very skilful surgeon. Tbe named of Dr. Stanley Branch is Iso belog mentioned in this connection Cool tion and his appointment DOSE. One snia Wine Glass before each meal or times a day. would be equally popular It is to the credit of the head of the Government that these amalgamations are beiug tried, Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by It cannot be expected that the all the Colony budget made up up by increased the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legiti taxation. We are already overtaxed. Yet, in In spite of spite of being mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, tbus very heavily taxed community the Committee that bas been appointed to review the printed matter explaning for what diseases it should offer recommendations for tand. xes might, we under be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap bere neare of the opinion that of the Government service ought to plied and what doses should be taken.
be carefully reviewed also and reeommendations made for retrenchments and tbe reduction SOLD BY of expenditure wherever it is possible.
On the other band we are conJAVIER MORAN vinced that a more careful and stricter collection of the existing taxes would result in a substantial increase in tbe Revenue. It AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City is well kuown to some that many articles are smuggled through o the Customs by passengers arriving into the Colony. We are convinced that if the Oficials apnounced and started crusade of intention tbe ced the CD toe of the baggage 90 SE SOS03 040400 of all classes. the results st Weing the end of a month or two would be startling. As in some of the larger colonies, rank or station sbould DO: exempt anyone bazkage from rigorous apdicare ful scrutiny. The smuggling of a dozen poor oes would al not equal that of one rich man. It came as a starting revelation to ma us and it will be to many others.
tbat out oi a pop population of The following just arrived and are being inbabitants only 279 pay income the only 13, 179. It is most patent total of wbieb amounts offered at prices to suit everybody. to many that there is wbolesale evation on this tax. Not only those wbo do not pay in accordPhoto Albums Scrap Albums ance to their incomes but also of those who evade it altogether.
Again, we recommend a stricter Vellum Pocket Books on forcement of the laws relative Stenographers Note Books to Income Tax and more careful scrutiny of baggags at the Customs.
Writing Pads Children Toy Books Accounting Day Books Dr. Nathan Rowe PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles 11th and Bolivar Sts.
Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chase National Bank Office Hours: a. to 12m Mouth Organs in two sizes pm. to pm. Box 854, Cristobal, Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 54 and many other items too numerous to mention NOTICE The WORKMAN can be bad at the La Boca Restaurant and at THE WORKMAN House No. 971, Ja najca Prade La Boca.
Stationery and Souvenir Store Notice to Correspondents.
Contributors and correspondents 93 Central Avenue. Panama City are asked to send in their contribu.
tions not later than Thursdays to insure publication. This is imperative and must be adhered to.
from 248 SET בס aby falling off closest scrutiny is now of Look Them Over no 53, 000 as agaiust 56, 738 more of 532 669 83. 0d. is DO with showed 93. 28d.
Sales and Royalties bo, The diture while


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