p. 8


o by city of KONGOLENE had been ia.
was also FOR SALE AT THE Dilidad 125 which Intimo Таро 90 ID onds and PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 15, 1927 CHURCH SERVICES METEOR FALLS AND Tomorrow Races Death of Staff Captain Morris IF YOU. SEEK EXPLODES The final entries for tmorrow afternoon racing AMERICAN EPISCOPAL card at Juan Franco Park The West Indian Community CHURCH Vivid Appearance of include about torty horses, generally in Panama and membets Astral Phenomenono of the Salvation Army particularnatives ponies and imported ly must regret the sad news of the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Witnessed in Several thorough bred to take part in death of Staff Captain Morris St. Paul Church, Panama Places seven events. The feature whose distinguished personality item on the program wil be was somar o during the time Rev. Nightengale BD Ree.
in and about the the rare combination of good looks and a Holy Communion The In its issue of the 8th iost, the a seven furlong race Rector he was in charge of the Salvation Jamaica GLEANER publishes the Chombo Gordo Arlequin, Army work in Panama. Bis unqualified accuracy, let your next 10. 15 a Mantius MFR following Cable despatch recording Lenine and Abel, Adio Pue untimely death is here reported Atwell. Lay Reader an unusdal astral phenomena which watch be from 10. 30 a Holy Eucharist has been visible in several of the the Jamaica and five other native ponies as taken from sormon The Rector British West Indian Islands;open the program in a six. GLEANER of the 8th inst:FULLER 12 pm Holy Baptism Castries St. Lucia, Ost An pm Church School furlong contest, wbile Copi, The Gleaner regiets to an 730 m Chora! Evensong unusual phenomenon occured last 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Tribuno, Brlsheviki, Ocur nonuce the death of Staff Captain Morris, an esteemed officer of the sermon The Rector night. About 9 30 there was rencia, Cap Alvorado and Salvation Army who had for some a very bright flash of light, change Kitty Gill are booked to run time been stationed at St Kitts, Tuesday: St. Luke Day. Holy ing from white to blueish green, Bommunion at a.
One and a half minutes later a loud seven furlongs for the The sad event took place on Announcement: The Annual and sharp explosion was beard, news of it was seventh event. Here is the Thursday and Harvest Festival Services will be meteor had apparently exploded received here yesterday program: held on Sunday. November 20 th about twenty miles from here. The Captain Morris had been in a. 10. 30 a, m, p. m, and flash and report were observed in FIRST RACE Kingston and around the Island 17 30 p; m, Furlougs Purse 125 all parts of the isi and.
as an officer in the Army and is!
Adio pue well knowa locally, as he was FROM ST. VINCENT 92 St Alban Church, Paraiso in St born Ann He Mayoral 117 the will srtaighten any hair in 15 ja service for 21 years and out St, Viocent, Oct. most CANAL ZONE Pistol 114 remarkable astral phenomenon wc side of Jamaica he had been sta minutes without the aid of Honey Dew (A. Nightengale observed here last evening about 17 tioned in British Bonduras in Priest ia charge Dieciseis 126 charge of Army work there. He hot irons or combs. 30 Starting from a position Grafico am Holy Communion (Cor in the sky northeast of the wireless in the Leeward Islands porate Communion of the St station SECOND RACE meteor like object flashed and Panama divisions, and was Albeo Friendly Society) Furlongs. Purse 175 across the sky in a northwesterly only recently appointed to the Thanksgiven service (St. direction and disappeared with a Malmirada 92 division PHARMACY Alban e tremendous explosion. The Kitty will The districts in Jamaica at 126 Choral Evensong began its flight like a shooting star object the late Staff Captain and address. Mr. Osborne, and rapidly increased in brillancy Araucana Pair Play Morris were stationed 115 are; 149. Central Avenue Panuma and at Catechist until although a moonlight night, it Black River, Sar la Mar. Blue.
Announcement; The THIRD RACE the whole countryside.
fields, Mandeville, Allunan Town, The New Drug Store annual lit up Harvest Festival Services will be During its course the object furlongs Parse 125 Port Antonio, St Ann Bay and held on Sunday, November 13th resembled cigantic 90 Kingston at 8, a. p. m, aud 7, 30 pm leaving a trail of red spark and rocket and Street Colon.
It may be mentioned that the St. Matthias Mission the head bad the appearance of Chichi 123 deceased officer was the only Ja.
an electric are light, the outer Cocoeba 130 Dardanela 113 maican who was ever appointed LAS SABANAS edge having a a greenish blue halo, to such a high post in the Sva.
ba (Rev F Nightegale)
Some idea of the head may be FOURTH RACE tion Army Priest in Charge obtained by the fact that to an Furlongs. Purse 125 When he went to England some pm Church School observer it appeared as large as Carzyna 114 time ago, he made a great impresJ. BOGLE 730 pm Choral Evensong and the moon sion upon officers at the Army Zalmera 109 address Mr. A Richards, Lay The flight lasted about six seeHeadquarters, as be was upsparing Sap Cbee 126 Reader.
the report was not 10 his efforts for the benefit of the Gravedad Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 116 heard until five minutes after the Dolly young people, 123 extinguishing of the light. Te FIFTH RACE The staff captain who was 52 years of age, leaves a wife au NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE Peter by the Sea, La Boca sky was cloudless at the time and the light was observed in all Farlongs Purse 175 Dudoso Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity parts of the island. Toe report children, two of whom are officers 126 BOX 619, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON Revoltosa was of a howitzer like nature no in the Jamaica Division. Captain 103 Walter Morris is at the Division Morning Pray, 11 am Mr. oude da shock being detected.
La Nena 119 Philip Clarke al Headquarters a Secretary to La Chiqila 110 Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
Church School, 00, FROM TRINIDAD Sir Harry Mejor Barrell, while Captain Kite 105 Morris is on the staff at Lin tead.
Choral Evensong and sermon, Valencia Port of Spain, Trinidad, Oet culating machines, Numbering machines, 116 30, Preacher the Rev. Last night at about 30 o Jock SIXTH RACE memorial service will be held Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, A, Drake a large meteor flished across the in the Central Hall to morrow MULCARE. Rector sky travelling from a north7 Falrongs Parse 250 night commencing at o clock Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing Chombo Gordo westerly to an easterly direction It will be conducted by Brigadier machines and all other technical machines.
Arlequin from a whitisb bell as large a4 130 Charles Smith, the General Lepine Seventh Day Adventist an are light. It turned to a 90 Abel 105 Secretary and the Staff Captain Jacobs STREET SEVENTH RACE New parts supplied CALIDONIA vivid bluish green and lasted ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana several seconds. No report was Farlongs Purse 175 We have no hesi aney in stating ma.
Copi 121 that the entire West Indian com Work done by expert up to date methods It was a most benu ifal though Tribuno.
98 munity on the ishinus regret the Sabbath (Saturdar) 45 a mawe inspiring pleomena, being Bol beviki Sabbatb School; 11. 15 a. n the largest ine teor seen here for 126 death of Capai. ruis.
Occurrencia eral Worship Spanish many years. trial will convince you th is no empty talk.
111 elass; Cap Alvarado 122 LOOKS LIKLCANAL 91 неанилинсантиинстиннином писанияние. 30 ciety, PHOTOGRAPHS TO (Continued, from page 1)
meeting 30 pm. Junior and Senior Staudard of attainment Harvest Thanksgiving at le required to place all silver Class, p. spere.
St Peter emplu yees in Canal quarters, and are as follows: CALL IN (Continued from page 1)
Topic for Sunday AT niget Oet. 16 Whether employee is married 1927: connection win their identification The annual harvest Thanks or single.
Who are the Angels?
giving Servires will be held at Whether he is now occupying As soon as arrangements now St Peter By The Sea La Boca Canal quarters or not.
under way are completed, West on sitesini be four in number whether in family or bachelor Nov, 13th 1927 The If Sparklets Indian employees of the Canal and will Railroad and any members of erHoly Communion at 30, Puarters or barracks. Continued from page 1)
ployees families for whom such Matins and Holy Communion at Please send to tre Foreman 1045, a. Special Musical Pro.
time to recuperate and be fresh to be furnish the photozraphis may be required wil necessary photo kram at p. and Choral of eae gang the lit for his Take up their respective yocation graphs at 25 cents Evensong and sermon at 39, kang, along with a copy of this No. 93, Central Avenue the following day.
per person. Due notice will be given later as to the in. The names of the special memorandum to explain what is wanted Tue Foremad is to se Now, in the midst of all these place at which these photographs preachers will be announced later.
cure the facts from each of his high hopes and other things, will be taken.
employees and indicate them GOOD SELECTION OF by call to mind that there is something Feast of St. Luke The marking in the proper col MelLVAINE peculiar NEW BIBLES with this money counter, umns opposi e Executive Secretary, McBayne, in connection with his the name of the Evangilist employee. The lists are then to be excursions. The fellow bas a de.
a returned to the Rollkeeper.
Books Hymn Prayer Wednesday next is the Feast cided weakness, in that he pays Ittle or no attention to the growth ATTORNEY DE SOUZA of St. Luke the Evangili There St. Barnaba Empire of his monetary collections for will be a celebration of the Holy these trips. On such persona te too glad to turn the sum of money Continued from page he Communion at 7, a At 30. Closing Services.
pictures bims. in the Paymast. m, there will be Choral Evener Office at Balboa Heights over to Mr, De Souza if the latter Beng aod address, Members and friends of the Mulcare, handling bfty dollar bills with would deposit with him a small above named Church are hereby consumate ease, with the result amount a few hundred dollars as Rector cordially invited to the services a that for lack of space, some of his an act of gooi faith for the sale, tomorrow as these may patrons would heap curses on his delivery of the money to the Doe last services in the bnilding FOR REAL WORKER.
this head when be un tor.
act Mr. De Small which the Congregation has successful, after Daving faced all Sonza would be using for the last six years. The over God country barebeaded pensed.
suitably recomDENTIST building in question is the huoting down additional transport, Mr DeSouza explained that he We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men Het tation, ty of the Panama Camathe coolen If MASONIC TEMPLE he has not yet out had no money wth him but agreed was loaned by the aod romen, in which an exeellent income from side. earnings, grown thrt weakness, there is no to meet linth Mexican and In Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm Military Department for reli even to PART TIME workers can be made. During onr 35 30 to 30 IT)
reason why there should not be terpreter Pan DeLesseps Park early located in La Boca one more the following morning to elinen years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who purposes. There are yet Sundays, Special Appointment quite a luige nnmier of Episcopali. supply our bousehol. necessity to our customers in every counwidow and thirteen fatberless the deal. The parties of the first Masonic Temple ilth St, ans residing at Golden Green and children after the trip.
part, however try in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL to show up as Empire to whom the Rev JT Before have achieved Financial Independence. Increaswinding up, gentle arranged, and the lawyer failed 30 years Muleare has been ministering for Phone: Office 1664 reader, have to reluctantly bis ambition to appear before the RESIDENCE 538 years. These loyal people esp ing local demands and repeat orders, make. necessary to announce that President Clifford bar of justice as star witness in cially those who are not employ appoint more local representatives in many localities in the Sewell of the La Boca Atbe what would certsiuly be an interees of the Panama Canal or the United States. No special experience or capital required. naeum has appointed me to to esting little case.
Panama Railroad are in the grip FLOWERS Straight foward, digoitied business. Wny not represent the defend the afirmative of the of a delema and are to be commiserated in view of the rapid depo largest and best known honse of its kind in the world. Send fllowing question to le debated by members of his society on the us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau pulation of the village.
Abogado. Attorney at Law of the 28 of this month: tactfully selected the better sido At there will he Ma will send you full particular When we appoint an agent Resobed. That POVERTY PRO os really one sided question. OFFICE: No. 44 sr tins followed by a Choral celebra we furnish free ramples for Trid Tests in the homes of your MORE CRIME THAN would like to win again; and so BOX, NO. 36 PANAMA CITY of the Holy Communion with locality, etc.
WEALLH. This will be my sec if you happen to ruo acto:any sermon.
ond appearance on the stage in material which, in your opinien, TELEPHONE No. 1317 At p there will be a special Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, debate, lo my debut, about would be of use in helping my side three years ago, supported the to complete victory shoot it Practicing before all the courts of service for church Schocl Children. MULCARE (Attention Clerk No. 1438 (You) Street leader of the aflirmative who won in to me; receipt will be acknowthe Republic since April 1914 Priest in Charge easily; but on that occasion had ledged in due course of time, 96 Workmanship guaranteed αΙΣΗΜΕΙΟ Kitty Gill The Workman BOOK STORE Here is a Good Position be the he happens been ment and failed 10 45 DUCES tion


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