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Our Insular Organizations THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND Modification of New Immigra Negro Lawyer of tion Law Possible and he Domion It West 24W ME name would VOL 16 No. 11 PANAMA, SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1927 PRICE CENTS Smugglers Dump West Indians Victims of Harlem Aliens Nominated for Munici Sacked Like Moal And Injustice pal Court Judge. Thrown Overboard.
British Legation Makes Repre New York Sert. At a confer. Washington, Oet, Drawn by By Grafters and Scoundrels in ence of Republican leaders Pope the lure of prosperity, unnumbered sentations for Amendment. Billups, former Assemblyman, Italians, Gre ka, Chines2 pem. Customs at Santiago Cuba.
and a prominent Attorney, who bers of all races that find it di fi.
Modification may be made in the new immigration law lives at 211 West 135th street, was cult to enter the United States In its issue of October 4th, the LIGHT a newspaper endered as the Rep legally have set out for Aiderica unanimously of Panama, so far as it affects British West Indians. Repre. ublican candidate for Judge of the via the smuggler route. Some of published at Santiago de Cuba says: sentations have been made in this connection to the 7th District Municipal Court. Me them get bere; some vanish forever. To the travelling public whò become victims of this Panama Foreign Minister by the British Legation here. Billop name was written in the Ru nours as to the fate of these injustice and exploitation when leaving, or entering the Specific reference has been made by the Legation to that DA by the of was regularly last have been many and lurid port of Santiago de Cuba.
part of the Law which provides barsh restrictions to West Palho Municipal ebullicdistricts. Nowbice Ha vaew police have en tip: Judicial proceedings have been taken against porters of against Indians who desire to visit their homes from time to time their standard bearer. It is the theemugglers co be based on the customs, who are supported by low minded officials and and return to Panama. The article in the Law which con first time in the bistory of the ind cates that these rumours have grafters are still pending decision by the Court, this case fains such restrictions reads, in part, as follows. rom State of New York that Negro breo true that the alien seekers will soon be heard, their conviction depends on the evi.
the date of the approval of this law, the Foreign Minister has ever been nominated for the after fortune are neatly sacked dences of the people.
will abstain from issuing passports or permits allowing the judgeebip by either of tbe major like so much meal sud dumped overboard ARISE! ARISE. return of aliens residing here, who may desire Jamaicans. Haitians and other workers this is the time Mr Billups who has been Not since the ol: slave ruuning to absent themselves temporarily from the nation!
practicing sttorney in New York days tave human cargoes been so to demonstrate your intelligence as a peuple before territory. British East Indians are also included in the for the past ten years, is a native profitable and so easily disposed of the agents of justice and assist the Legation request similar privileges of leaving and re. of Florida. He came to New in a pinch. The Coust Guard bus Indian Workers Federation financially and intellectually in turning to the aepnblic made in their favour, York, after graduating from the documentary evidence that the blotting out these serpents of injustice at the customs who At present the Law exempts aliens from the afore his way through the New York sideline for the rum runder and have many times left yourselves and families penniless and smuggli a mentioned restrictions, who, before the law went into University School. He is narcotics smuggler.
afterwards cause them to shed tears.
effect, were married to Panamanian women or possessed one of the most successful practi Fnrthermore there is no law to real estate registered in the office of the official Registry, or fingernail and religions cireles. being ty phun sued und cargo, WHAT WE SHOULD KNOW.
and is active in crew when the lawless ship is closeThe Federation is the only organization in the Republic are credited as having resided in the Republic for ten orrat trustee of Bethel and Church, and a former exalted that is opening your eyes and that is why the enemies will more years in the exercise of a prefession or trade, MUST BE JETTIBONED.
advise you not to support the aims and objects. Don be have observed good conduct during their residence. ruler of the Monarch Lodge of Booze and drugs, represent an io: deceived any more by so called representation for the benefrom the British Legation in this connection, it is expected of Nyttlas.
While there has been no official information given out Dew York Grand more of this wis Trew hundred collare for the fit of a few. This is the time when unity and intelligence is Elks, and attorney vestment, but Continued or neue within the near future we will be in a position to definitely workers in the Republic are now called to put the work notify our readers thereof.
throngh in the interest of themselves and families.
SPARKLETS Agitation Continues for Garvey Release DON BE FOOLED.
Immigrants entering or leaving the port of Santiago de (BY K)
AMERICAN PAPER SAYS IT IS INEXPLICABLE that Cuba be wise. Do not pay for baggages not han led by THE SAME FAVOUR GRANTED porters at the customs. You are not compelled to allow Let werk when was short on several times during the week, ia your baggages to be handled by them. Take your bagmaterial for this column, and do efforts to augment provisions for cided upon making an appeal to my cupboard, am unable to mus. Writing Editorially the ATLANTA gages yourself on arrival from a foreign port direct to the An organisation such as pro: some of our ppular writers, ter nough energy to discard my INDEPENDENT in a reient issue posed by The Negro World custom and after inspection pay nothing providing your are inadvertently left off the nocturnal cacoon for the Sunday says: command the support of not found with anything that may cause you to pay duty.
of my friend Mr. Charles C, Moul gº to Church. to the ton. the Bard of LA Bocs. am IA; Those High Commis. The import of this article is first, the entire race and a heating with No one can compel you to pay not even the devil in hell. It All that the Negro press should not Violence and lawless demonstra their nerves and why should you pay and afterwards comsioners seem to be driving all cease its agitation for the release Department of Justice. is all a graft and a first class combination among pirates on now glad did; as since the pep out of it, as far 19 Marcus Garvey and secondly, that is no carise of aparchy and radi plain that you have paid. On leaving the port of Santiago been confidently informed by a the of not advocated. There reliable friend that whenever concerned, Having failed Wo an organisation of sympathetic and calism to Charlie takes his band continue staeing those wali pen in he championed. The you are not compelled to pass through the baggage dept.
knows influential citizens and agencies life to for a columna or to de fieryimpass oned textempuran his should be mareballed to assure the suffered ample punishment should ers and scoundrels are always waiting for you. Don write and health of a man who has avoid going there with your biggages: it is there the graftfend bis prestige Or that of our thrillers that from enmmunity or race, the family immediate surroundings and have exertiou of every effectual effort. be saved allow them to frighten you with police of the port, the library which le far and above him wade The situation of Sacco and Vanthat of an ordinary review the zetti and Garvey are analgous miscellaneous lot of chrap books, sciences and arts of ancient Ek pt. that there is a widespread septi consistent and more enthusiastic to do your duty. The Federation requires support and it The INDEPENDENT bepes for porter as well as the police are numbered. It is up to you is, among other thi KS, shot to cause hirn to imagine he sees the went in behalf of the release of outery colours of Red, Black and Green Garvey just as there was for Sacco World demanje serious thought from the Ngro. Press. must come through the masses. Talking and taking foolish pieces for several days.
suggestion of the Negro advices does not remedy this matter: what we need is Be that as it may; as a result of flowing in the brvezes on a hill and Vanzetti. We believe on my five or six months top inspiring a Negro army bav. justice has been upheld in the and organised effort.
disconnection from hose two well oneting its way to victory under lassachusetts case and that the AN APPEAL GARVEY SHOULD BE REand the A. am now Land of Our Fathers any spirit is approve up the magnificent efforts meaning organizations, the church the strains of Ethiopa, Tuou law was vindicated, but we also Mr President of the Republic of Cuba, Secretary of LEASED philos ph cally bent. As a matter notri dampened and am left cold put forth by organisations national Finance, Secretary of Justice, Secretary of Interior, Judges Saye the Richmond Planet ot fact, with excepion of two withio.
defence of the In view of the release of of Santiago de Cuba, Editors of newspapes, Representatives Inasmuch as find it inconvenicodemoed prisoners So long as Warren McCray former Gop of foreign Governments, especially the Jamaica Secretary Army in Jamaica, have ent to attend the Christian church, and the for Immigration, take note of the injustice and exploitation never been formerly linked force Atlanta Peri entiary on parole with the former orga ization and and the I This for some of purpose is the motivate licence ernor of Indiana, Porroer (Continued or page 8)
for the past fix or more year: Donths failed to attract me with of aby ganisation to free those the same having been approved law backslider from the out its thrills of by gone davs, I, who have defied the of the by Attorney General Serg nt the nevertheless, still hold both as and, we believe in giving a hearing failure to accord the same lavour Worker Plight In Panama Symphony latter for reasons over which have no control Nevertheless, decessary institutions for the dif to to their plens, in the interest of to Marcus Garvey of at New York fusion Orchestra healthy thoughts good the cause of justice liberty and is inexplicable. The former was continue to find solicitude in the for the focal Cuba.
young and plastic mind. soleranee. It is one thing to uphold Liven a ten for and one and to gain inspira ion the new order of things the the law and apply it with out pre using the mails to detrend and the higher hopes from thepherChristi u religion unseasoned with judice and another to con ider the latter is with reference to the church. On Sound practical education, holds worth and achievements of one sentence upon the same charge, At Cristobal on Fifteenth a five years Spanish Labourer Finds November the Seventh Day. after ewr ing at least one fifth of the area of one down ou the páuper roll, and who blundered into a legal techin All Doors Shut Against Him McCray began serving his sencality. Continued on page 8)
Panatia City and towns contigu us The Panama Symphony OrchesWe believe the two policies när years an four months of his time fuego no comercios! writes under our brst sirgeten och dina wa liger tence 1, 1921 and Havana, Seps, 14. The Cien tra and a group consisting of monious and take the view that is his expired. Mireus Garvey bag the one and online The Spanish Olga King, Mme Adela was like consistent with our legal institu served hilf of his time and all Labourer as follows: Mr the clemency The law bas been up: Fallen uɔɔn deaf ears both at the Kingston Jamaica.
The Spanish labourer now in young competent pianist, Miss colo de bien bombernerioduna. Baptement of Justice and at the cubacted to its position the excelente cererea mea e da Doris Rodney, will duplicate that convicted by a competent.
Thus we are fully in accord with Garvey friends have made too House. be that, Attracted by the of at Excelsior Theatre before Kingston Division of the is arranging a Release and as broader in dieser scope with in striving to help him and not calamities of poverty, he came Clubhouse on the 15th of next The Jamaica MAIL of the 15th inst. states that the ao organization, as fully equipped much of on outisde demonstration baking money here and of freeing aud hie family of the packed house on the 11th of last month, in the Cristobal Silver Week campaign on behalf of Marcus Garvey, beginning Sacco. Vanzetti defense committee. enough of silent effort to secure full of hope and anxious to work month, Sunday, October 30, to Sunday November 6, 1927 Garvey release opgaisation his release.
here, only to find all doors shut to The Panama Symphony Orcheswill be will be would be most effective in the Be that as it may, it seems to now he has to wander hongry and of all West Indian classical in.
peniten the Hon. Calvin Coolidge, President of the Peartment mafionarios interest to that something elsendt be dow desperate without recipientes from nomentaliste his demands for mployment. And tra is the foremost combination. wide the Pacific fraying for the release of Mr. Garvey.
among the country finest colrelease of this. is a several meetings will be held at Liberty Hall, 76 King oured citizens.
champion of African freedom in the consulate and the legation most agreeable With but the chief coured intelligent and he wa biding points in the cits; conclusion that has been reached Street, and many instao, es, be threw discre his courtry, which are not legally when it was decided that this femeure at the occasion will be a Monster Mass Meeting at lemercould be elected that time, many of his friends are doing the care situation.
featurard Theatre, when some very influentantenelemare organisation is to be preferred to should be released and ths aerion. Certainly Atlantic side in company with will give addresses. Several well known, Garvey The Cuban Government cannot Madame Olga King whose preson the Concert stage is. co operating to make lease Week a success, and the time agitation etanating from rhe fact beyond the shadow of a the number of unemployed amount always looked forward to with campaign promises to be a huge success.
to thousands. contioued on page 8)
As am to tions are Well known insignificant moderos de introngh ancient and reflection weeks Motion pre ba ion with the 8912 have been a ce given Release Week For Garvey Planned at on this such limited soarres,

    Sacco y VanzettiViolenceWorkers Federation

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