
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1927 BARBADOS SOS. SK:sielosesse యణ THE WOODMEN OF UNION, FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION shop Bentley At Barbados Join Today. It Protects You While You Live and Your Family After You Are Dead Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies The Port of Spain GAZETTE of the 20th ulto, says: Dr. Bantlay the new Bishop of Barbados, will according to Barbados contemporary, be called upon at an early stage in bis episcopate to settle one of those unfortunate difficulties arisies every now and again through the appointment of Anglo Catholic clergymen to the wrong parishes during the episcopate of bis predezessor Bishop Berkeley.
it is said is petition gratures among the congregacirculated for tion of St. Philip the LessBuscobel, in which the Bishop to restrain the Rev.
of the district, from the practice of oertain Gran Angl Catholic ceremonies intro duced in the services or to remove him from the district.
While there are many parishes in which such practices are not objected to. Borcobel it is pointed out is not one.
beise FOURTEEN COON REASONS It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately people 50, 000 monthly It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 19. The Endowment Money is used only for chce.
sick and death claims. It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home 4, Its educational features appeal to all Race Office lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claims It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House than any other concern of its kind rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all members, 8951; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 Half course an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, is asked Read, vicar THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (17) different states and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organization has its own building which is four stories high and covers a whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
It gives employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty. 20. 050. 000) million dollars.
InteEngland to DR, KENDALL, Supreme President JNO. WEBB Supreme Custodian Hot Springs, Arkansas Post Office Box 559 For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country So ecoss SkessXSXSSSS JAMAICA Revenue Over Sixty Thousand Pounds Governor Approves 20, 000 Water Main ABOVE 1926 FIGURES Scheme For Kingston Customs 55, 000 Ahead And Rum Duties 5, 000 More Than In Similar Period of Last Year.
Three letters of importance have just been received by tbe BIG BANANA EXPORTS Kingston and St. Andrew Corpcration from His Excellency the Governor, says the GLEANER.
The GLEANER understands The first is in respect to the that the Revenue from Import lasing of the 15 ir ch trunk main duties for the present year from the Constant Spring Re continues to keep up exceeding servoir to Cavaliers. With the well, whil: our export of bansnas completion of the Hermitage Dam far is in the region of two and the impounding of five bun: miilion stens in excess of last dred million gallons of water year.
householders in the Corporate According Area have been clamouring for to information representative an increased water supply. The Gathered by a of Gleaner yesterday, the the areas that are not at present September last en import duties up to the 21 of a mounted to supplied with water or which bave got a poor suprly. Until 490. 547.
the 15 inch trunk main is laid During the corresponding down, however, no new supplies period in 1926 the import duties can be put in or the existing amounted to 135, 400 which ones supplied. Accordingly pro shows an inerease this year of: posals were submitted to His fully 55 117 on last year cola Excellency the Governor for the lections, layinz of the main which will The Rum duties, as previously cost about 20, 000. Sir Edward announced, bave also been keep Stubbs bas caused a communica. ing up extremely well and are tion to be sent to the Corpora fully 000 in excess of last tion in which be approves of the year coll ction.
proposals and lo due course the The export of bananas bas been Board of Management will make steadily increasing and up to the arrangements for the purchase 17th of September, according of the pipes. Tenders, of course, to official returos, the number will be asked for.
of stems exported from the 1st CHLORINATION SCHEME. of January amounted to 15 477The second letter from the 118 as against 13, 817, 271 for the Government has reference to same perida last year, The ship the experiments which the Cor meats are still keeping well up to mark and both last week and poration have decided to carry this week the number is well out in chlorinating the vater up to the average and there is no supply at Constant Spring. The res idea is to import a plant from should not reach the high tigure me reason why the total shipments used in connection stems this with the experiment; and His of wenty million Excellency bas new given bis year.
approval to the expenditure If the chlorination process should prove a success then it will mea, a co veiderable saving in the fil TRINIDAD traion of the Wat. at Constant Spring.
in the third communication WEST INDIAN AVIAretary, the Council is informed that tbe Government do not TION.
appro the proposal to take away the bank of the Asylum which projects on the Wladward Notes By Air Ministry Road Resolution some time wbien it FAVOURABLE FIELD the bank was a source of danger FOR AIR TRANSPOR was pointed out that besides being unslightly so cut down. It was hoped that the Council request Inaugural Routes Recom.
would have been acceded to: but mended.
the Public Works Department are not in favour of the proposal.
lency on The Shopping Io a letter to the Trinidad Week Chamber of Commerce on the question of West Iudian air trans.
port, the West Icdian Committee The GLEANER understands forwarded the following notes that a few days ago a deputa supplied by the Air Minister:tion from the Jamaica Chamber FAVOURABLE Conditions for of Commerce waited on His Excellency the Governor with OPERATION.
regard to Empire Shopping Week which will start on the favourable field for air transport, The West Indies form a very 28. November Consisting as they do of group It is learnt that the Governor of Islands extending over roughis very much interested in the ly 1, 800 miles and seperated by movement and has promised to considerable distaoces, the West Bive it bis full support. The va Indies are in a position to derive rious cow mitees which have the maximum benefit from the been appointed to arra, ge the rapid transport facilities afforddetails of the Shopping Weekjare ed by air services, while from a busily engaged in the tasks al. technical point of view the operalotted them tin of a going aircraft would present small dificulty.
INVESTIGATION BY AIR MINISTRY COMMITTEE Washed Away when In order to investigate the Crossing a River. question a Committee has been set up lo tbe Air Ministry to consider what opportunities The Craigbead Correspondent exist for the operation of civil writing in the GLEANER on Sept air transport in the neighborhood of the West Indies. At says: the moment the report of the very sad accident occured Committee has not reached final here today. An elderly woman, form, though the general conclu Mrs McLean commonly know stops reached are clearA service from Allsides in Company with vice throughout the West Indies to be impracticable her daughter Martha just after at the present stage ow ng to the a very beavy shower of rain.
necessity of a large subsidy.
The They had to cross tne Hector Coma ittee, therefore, considers River which at the time was that local services should first be considerably swoller.
It is established on those sections stated that on reaching the which offer the best chanca of brink of the river she slipped on early commercial success, and a stone which gave way, and she when their value has been felle into the river and was demonstrated the scope of operawished away. In falling she tions sbould be gradually extendcaught hold of ber daughter bus ed until th y embrace the whole the area otherwise they both might have ROUTEB SUGGESTED. been drowaed. Toe body of the unfortunate wo anap has not yet The Committee considers that been reeve:td.
the following services offer the in ATTENTION!
ago should te bours House Rent Receipt Books bist prospects in the early future(a) service in British Guiana (b) service from British Guiana to Trinidad. c) coastal service from Trinidad to Curacao and Maracaibo. d) service from Trinidad to Barbados (a) The conditions prevailing in British Galana are peculiarly favourable for air transport from Georgetowo into the rlor, where their is a floating population of 180, 000 80, 000 persons employed in connection with the diamord and gold mining industries. Comm aication along 100 the rivers are slow and precaPrice: rious, accidents involving loss of life and frieght are frequent in the rapids and whirlpools, and damage to frieght through exposure in a serious risk.
while during times of flood ibere is the possiblity of dis.
aster through an interruption of river tratfic causing a stoppage of food supplies to the men at the workings. The river of journey wbicb at present occupies from two to tbree woeks, could be accomplished in 11 bours. b) Malls from the United Kingdom to British Gulana are forwarded to Trinidad, where they await local sailings; and are delayed for a period varying a from a fow to as much as a week. Return malla for Eng: similarly delayed, and crossing letters may tous lie together in Tritidad for several days. These disabilities apply also to the passenger service.
The route of 350 miles from Trinidad to Gzurgetowo could be flown in hours and the cost of establisbing an air service wculd be considerably less than that of improving the steamship facilities (c) Oxing to the oil boom in Venezuela there has been considerable increase in traffic on the route between the oil districts at Maracaibo and Curacao and Trinidad, and in opinion of the the Commitee a service on this route would form pract cal extension of the route from Georgetown to Trinidad. d) There is a considerable tratfic between Trinidad and Barbados, and a fast air service supplement the existing seamship service on would in all probability attract the rates were reasonable. The journey could be fwn in two hours.
Such a service could readily be made to fit in as an extension of service (b) and might well form a stepping stone to farther extensions to the islands of tbe Wiodward and Leeward groups.
After the reading of the notes at yesterday meeting of the Chamber, the President, Mr. tt, commented that there was a resolution in the name of the Trinidad Chamber to be considered at the Congress of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce in South Africa with regard to aviation in this part of the world. The were to doubt available to the Trinidad Delegates before they left for South Africa. They would agree it was a most Interesting proposition and the notes would help the delegates.
He looked up this as foresha(Continued on page 7)
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books to this route provided Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies is reorgnised CAN BE HAD AT The Workman botes Stationery Store


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