
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 1927 THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaWALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Ce.
We do not undertake to return reOn Month jected correspondence.
The Liberty of the Press is Rhe palladium of our rights. JONUIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1927 OUR INSULAR ORGANIZATIONS For the World Best Dressers been LA MASCOTA CARLOS The party BOCAS DEL TORO NOTES (BY OUR CORRESPONDENT)
Bocas del Toro October 11thThe visit of the chief Executive of the Republic of Panams to the province of Bocas del Toro, esen once in a while, is not a customary thing, end 80 President Chari may be ssid to be establish gia precedent In lest than two vears he has made iwo trips to Bocas, and what is remarkable about these visits is that they have been more of business nature than for mere sightseing. On the first occasion, the President visit was in connee with the inauguration of the new city lights; on the present occastor, he has come to identify himself with the several other works eliber base been planned since of improvement that Lis previous visit or have been There is no article of men wear that has the world in progress, both in towi and in Count country, wide reputation of Stetson hats.
His Excellency myst hava wonderfully struck with the tine and improved appear In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue ance of the city thoroughiares wben be landed here yesterday de la Paix. you will see Stetsons on the heads morning which were to 80 when he visited here nearly two ne of fashionable men who know what what years ago, and it is interesting to note that the sanitary con in men headwear.
dition has always been beyond question.
President Chiari was accomWe have the same styles here as are now being Danied on the present trip by Sors. Carlos Lopez, Secretary of worn in the style. centers of the World.
Government and Justice; de Usa. Supreme Court Judge; Tomas G, Duque, first Designate J. Met dez, Sub sgeot of the Nacional Back; Berjamin Qum. lo, President of the Liveral Directorate of Panama; Carlos Quintero; Captain of Port of Colon; Colon; and some eighteen other MULLER gentlemen.
travelled on the SOLE AGENT Ulud uit Co s, sbp Parisuioa and were met on board by 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY several promitent Government ot. cielo a la Jing townsmen, among these being: Sur. Dun Ernesto Escalautt Goveroor; Governor Melendi the Aalde, the Captain of Port, the Captain of Polie; the Circuit Judge members of th: Liberal Directora e for the Province, and Sor. Eduard Toomas. Press agent.
Upon landing at the Gov: mtot pier, a salute of 21 rounds was fired from police Leadquar ters. The Prestdent and Of every description the proceeded to the party Palacio, preceded by party of school chi drenind their teachers, who DONE WITH NEATNESS AND sang the National Anthem of toe Republic on their reaching the Public Park.
DESPATCH Io the palacio, the President and par y were met by several leading citizens, among these AT THE teicg: Messrs Carle Friese, Hans Kandler, Sanches, Ramon Escova, Lloyd, Rose, and others.
The President was bere first welcomed by Senorita Viamill, one of the teachers in the Gosernment school, after wbich an ada ress of welcome was read by Sor. Ramon Escovar, It showed in part, the bigh esteem in wbicb co Progress Of Education His Excellency is na Bud pointed out that be was the only In Jamaica, President who really ever sought the general welfare of vince. In support of this LANOo ment, reference was made to Regular Assortment of The result of the 1927 Papil the several works ot teachers Examination has been ment thai were bepun and being published in the GLEANER of the carried through und the presthird instant. The examinations ent government, and it was the were held in various parishes of ardent wish, therefore, that tbe the island on the 15th of July long tellt want of a proper water. SUCH AS total of 140 took tests supply for the Bocas community in vari pus grades, from prelimi would soon be satisfied.
TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, nary candidates those taking TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, their tirst examination after His Exellency briefly replied SHAMPOO, KAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc. making the eighth grade in and to the point. He said that be elementary nad really touod the province schools to pupil teachers who tried for their and on entering upon bis office abandoned by dis predecessors, third year Certificate.
be tben promised to do his best In Jamaica, as in most of the for Boras del Toro. He thought British West Indian he bad boen carrying out that TA Islands, the annual Papil promise.
Teachers Examination good streets, an improved public which Panama City formally determines park, good lights, and a good the educational status of buo cemetery, acd he bad given dreds of the island young men these. And now be had cone and women, is always a memor back to cas, as Ruler of tbs able event, and the results which Republic, to comply with a duty; are published in the Jamaica tbat duty was to give them GAZETTE, copies of which are water. He had also come back WHITENS THE SKIN furnished to all the government bere as a friend to shake hands seb pols from the office of the with friends, and that he would Director of Education where the do. He pledged his continued Creme Blanc Mirette papers are examined, are effort towards mak! ng the city to by of Wheerlandis oled people, including most attractive and comfortable Marvelous Cream the candidates directly concerned places in the Republic.
their families, friends ard well Both addresses were punctuaPrevents and removes freckles, moth patches, wishers. their teachers, class. ted with applause.
sun tan, and other skin blemishes mates and ministere; in fact, the His Excellency was the guest entire island looks for ward each year to this report which tells of of honour at a reception given SOLD IN DRUG STORES by Governor Escalante at bis sss (Continued on page Continued on page 7, JOB. PRINTING Within recent months there have been strong intermittent press discussions as to the wisdom of West Indians from the various islands, domiciled in the Republic of Panama, organizing themselves into insular groups. An overwhelmning majority of the participants in these dis.
cussions, not only strongly disfavours but discourages in heated language, and rightly so the apparently unnecessary divisions. While, as a West Indian journal, the Workman does not endorse any move which tends to unnecessarily divide our people into groups distinctive of their respective island a division which must have some tendency to contribute indirectly, if not directly, to weakening the common links which bind them together it, nevertheless, believes that in this particular case, when the entire question has been throughly analysed and finally diagnosed, there may be found someway by which a satisfactory compromise can be reached It would be an entirely different situation. if the islanders were only planning to organize. But that is not the case; they are already organized, and very much active. The Antiguan Progressive Society, the pioneer, has been in existence for a number of years and is reported to e making splendid progress in matters peculiar and vital to Antiguans. The Barbados Benevolent and Provident Society, the last to be organized, and but a few months old, is credited with many active members.
We are commenting on this question at the present time, as it gives promise to become one of the major problems which the West Indian community might have to solve sooner or later. At present the situation is not serious nor is it dangerous, but constant irritation and destructive criticism might, in course of time, make it so.
The question of instarity and discussion in connection there with are nothing new among Isthmian West Indians. At the present time, however, outside of some small streaks of narrowness and insular prejudices which, unfortunately, had sunken and found convenient lodging and nursing in the minds and reflect their presence on the foreheads of a few of the incorrigibly ignorant, insular feeling among the islanders has become more imaginary than real. After a gradual automatic intermingling and effective intermixing of West Indians in the Isthmian melting pot. insularity as it refers to narrowness, prejudice, illiberali y of opinion, exclusiveness and the like, is almost a thing of the past. it has been buried and almost forgotten; it is the remnant which is left lurking in the breasts of those who are constantly harping on it and crediting almo all our short comings to its existence.
There is no gain saying the fact, that Isthmian West In.
dians are over organized, yet disgracefully un organized along progressive lines. Without these insular organizations, they town and control enough friendly, benevolent and fraternal societies to take adequate care of their sick and bury their dead. Any tendency, therefore, to organize above that mark should be bent towards the community social and economic improvement. But in the meantime, here are some bold facts which cannot be set aside in this particular case: Several hundreds of our people have linked up with these insular groups, and among them are some of the community foremost leaders of thought who are now actively supporting other communal activities and cooperating splendidly in a few of the community best efforts.
Apart from the collection of funds to care for the sick and bury the dead, we do not know, for sure, what the main objects of these insular organizations are; but from the fact that some of our leading men have linked up with them, we are disposed to be tolerant, yet critical, and not condemn them outright without trial.
Fundamentally, the intelligent Barbadian is not opposed in any way to Jamaicans and the welfare of Jamaicans. This is equally true with the intelligent Jamaican in his relation to Barbadians, and a similiar relation exists among all the other average West Indians here. But it is also true that each islander bas his peculiarities: and there are little interests in common with Jamaicans which are diametrically opposed tofthose of Barbadians. Antiguans and others, Therefore, taking it by and large, we do not believe that these insular groups have bound themselves together for the prosecution of any isolated program detrimental to the common welfare of the community. We do not believe that the fundamental desire of the respective groups is to foster any narrowness of idea opposed to the best interests of the community as a whole; but we believe that as a means to protect and furthur their respective interest, which conclusion they have arrived at after years of practical experience, they have formed insular groups to serve their peculiar ends without prejudice to the general interests of Isthmian West Indians.
VnWOKŇARN PRINTERY Take Notice this proveHo Ro Co Famous Products last.
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