
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Native Whisky Silver City Manse NearIng Completion INSIST ON expected purST. CHARLES The Womark Whisky Company intende for the first time to put on the local market corn whi ky man.
ufactured locally by their company About one thousand barrels of the whisky has already been stored away in warehouses and sales are to commence sometime 10 December nexf. None of the produet to be put on the market will be lewe than one old, it is said.
the Company in and manufacturing costs at a minkeeping operating imum the whisky, it is understood, will be mucb cheaper than that imported into Panama, while the quality is not expected to be impaired Due to special efi het verte put forth by Richest in Cream beautita) cottage is now to be seen in Silver City on lot No.
6075 which was given, several years ago to the Cristobal Colon Baptist authorities for the nose of building a small church.
Preparations were made to build tbe obarch and the corner stones were laid, but the scbeme was afterwards waived, and rectntly since the arrival of the present pastor, the Rev.
Williamson, permission was obtained to build a mission boule instead of a place of worship.
The mission bouse was started by contractor Williams during the mortb of May of this year and lo Dow Dearing completloo. It measures 42 by 44 and bas one floor with basement 10 ft. bigb It contains bed rooms, diving and sitting rooms, kitchen, vestibule and modern conveniences, with a verandab to the front of the building. From the rear, the natural scenery in beautiful and the air, refreshing.
The structure speaks creditably for Mr. Williams the COR tractor and builder, and represents the energy and persistence of the pastor and bis people, Notice to Contributor Package No. 2775 your Contribution received and will appear in our Dext issue.
ERE USC study, ST. CHARLES BRAND Dr. Fred Sterling THE NEW YORK DENTIST 182, BOLIVAR STREET COLON, Box 771, CRISTOBAL, TELEPHONE 247 COLON UNSWEETENED PO EVAPORATED MILK ad Ory Episcopal Young People F. BOWEN Society Expects New TAILOR Plano No. M Street San Migue The Episcopa) Young People Panama City Society, a auxiliary of ChristChurch by the 828 are DOW expecting their new piano. Thie Notice to Correspondents.
instrument was ordered from Germany about tbree months ago Contributors and correspondent are asked to send in their contribuIsthmian agent of the firm tions not later than Thursdays to may be bereid week or or two insure publication. This is impers After its arriva. the weekly lit.
tive apd must be adhered to.
erary meetings of tbe society.
The Brand that has stood which takes place en every Wed: nesday night in the Parisb Hall equally interested in the CP at the corner of 3rd and Cash the test of years. and while in the States belped materiallo in making the Club Streets will be opened to tbe recent Bazar to be the success public it was.
PERFECTLY SAFE News Notes NO BACTERIAS Athenaeum Syllabus There has been a decided change in the weather on the Atlantic The Syllabur of the La Boca DRINK IT EVERY DAY side since lutter part of the Athenaeum for the three months past week. The days are now for ending December has been apthe most part bright and pleasant proved and is here published as and there is also a slight iudicaAND of tbo 25tb instant.
tion of the trade winds, October 25 Plano Selection. Master special meeting of the St Lucian Save the labels for Walkes.
United Friendly Society is an Address (10 min) Economics Rounced to take place at the Valuable Premiums Mr DeSouza Court Atlantic Lodge Hall near Debate Resolved That Povery Cristobal Silver Clubhouse, tomoi. produces more Crime than Wealtb TOW evening the 23 inst, at o clock November sharp. All the members are expected to be present as there Paper Life and Works of Thack.
are matters of great importance to eray Mr Wm. Jums.
be dealt with 94. 99 Address (10 tin) Evolution TheCricket lovers are anxiously The President, awaiting the cup match between Soog Mrs Smith, Sussex and Pickwick Violio Solo Miss Jump.
which is to take place on the oval for Thesday next, the 25th inst. Gatun of the former tomorrow.
Recitation. Miss Carie Wesley, Miss White, seconded by Mr. WEALTH Blake will champion the November Educational affirmative, while the negative will Last Sunday morning between Address Democracy. Mr be defended hy Miss Gordon the hours of nine and ten, elevenyear old Edgar Graham, eldest The feature item on the proseconded by Mr, De la Mez.
Boca Pars child of Mr. Ignacio Graham, clerk gram of the La Boca Athenaeum Song Inter. Schools ExaminaMrs. King.
for Tuesday evening next will be Recitation of the Quartermaster Department Master VSmilh.
tion to Occupy Two Days. EDUCATIONAL at Gatun, lost his life by drowning a debate on the subject, REat the Colon Beach where he went Flashes of Sports SOLVED Tbst Poverty produces Address (10 min) Booker Wash.
At the regular montbly meeting Shorthand Certificates Re with his father and some other more Crime than Wealth. The ington. Mr Westerman, of the Colon Teachers Association youngsters from Gatun for ceived affirmative of the question will Recitation. Master Bayne, held on Saturday last, the 15th As is the case with mo CRICKET be championed by aod supported by Mikey King November 15. Junior Ni bt)
inst. it was discovered that due recent drownings at at the bathing Leanor November 22, the fact that the number of Pitman shortband Certificates beach at Jump and L, Čryus while none of the candidates this year had exceeded of theory were recently received other bathers seemed to know just Jump will argue for the negative Piano Selection. Master Bayne The local Cricket team under sopported by Wesley and song Miss Jump.
that be by the following studente: Artbur what under what circum. the caplaincey of B. Ellis, will A. De Souza, Preceding Address (10 min) Rudyard Kipand necessary to hold a two days inter. Dale, Paul Smellie, Sidney Joht stances young Grabam went under meet a combination of player o the debate toere will be a tenschoole examination instead of one more and Ablace Forte et le cosmina bo he was elected by come belle det from the Ancon Corral on the minute ad iress on ling. Mr Wesley.
but day was formerly expectedtion took at about 11 o clock when La Bocs after Round Table Discussions Subject the the Cristobal Colon Baptist cided to leave the water and pre noon. F. Forbes will captain thout avay be provided. Accordingly Church on July 20th of the present pure for home.
best Resolved. That the Love of the 4th and 1tb standards will be year, and the certificates were search was instituted and the body good and fine exhibition of An immediate the corral team. Both teams are Clubhouse Secretary And Money Leads to more Criine than Anger.
examined on Thursday, the 27th distributed on Sunday evening was found floating at one o clock. cricket is being looked forward Wife Expected inst. and the 5th and 6tb on the last the 16tb inst. by the Rev. large cut was found on the to.
November 29.
following day. Williamson, A, who was youngster bead, which led to the Piano Duet. Mistes G Jump It is interesting to note that appointed local secretary of the belief that he might bave struck Mr. Neely, Secretary of Debate Resolved That a Lawyer Senior Arosemena Inspector of Examination by the department in his head ou a rock in taking a dive the La Boca Clubhouse, and Mrs is Justified in Tryiog to Srcure ibe FOOTBALL and was rendered helpless under Neely are ex rected to arrive ncquittal of his Client. When be private schools for this city has Bath, England.
The students were trained by water kindly consented to be the examihere from the United States on knows him to be guilty.
ner lo Spanish, which for the past Mr, Walpert Bernard of Silver Young Graham was a bright The La Bica Foot Ball team is Wednesday next. Mrs. Neely December three years has been included in City, who ie to be congratulated bope in the Graham family, and again in ful fighting trim and is bad left bere over two years ago the subjects for examiuation. on the good work he is doing in was greatly respected and admired open to play any team, according for their bome in the States and Recitation Miss Etiline Thomas ibis direction. CAL by the eatire coloured community to Mr. Ellis, manager of Secretary Neely went up recently Chorus By Junior Members at Gatun the Team, which is ondergoing on three month vacation.
Literary Activities strenuous practices several times Paper on Life and Works of It is understood that the La Mr Lorenzo Johason Baptist Men Mecting presented a rather pleasing speca week, Boca Athenaeum and the Sucessful Despite the threatening weather December 13 tacle.
Women Life Problem Club, of which prevented a large number Mr Cunninham the which Mr. and Mrs. Neely are Song Mr. MC Bayne from attending The evening with speaker for the evening speaking ATENNIS members, are pre prior to Short Address The Good and Longfellow at the Alliance LierThe mea meeting at the from Philippians 3, 13 14 For give them a lively reception, Welfare of the Athenaeum ary and Debating Society on Cristobal Colon. Baptist Church getting those things which are beTennis has revived again, and As Secretary of the Clubhouse Mr Bynoe.
Tuesday night last. Mady made on Sunday night last the 16tb inst hind.
it possible to be present, and the was well attended by women as for the prize of the high calling of seen on evenings chasing the ested in the La Boca Athenaeum. December 20 (Junior Night e Driprese toward the mark members of the local team are Mr. Neely is very much inter. Recitation. Master Clyde Lashley program was keenly enjoyed.
well as mea! The center of the God in Christ Jesus. used as his balls. On Wednesday last He once served as its president An interesting debate, Resolved eburch was served for the latter theme, The purpose of life and Downes of the Mecbanical Divi and beld other offices besides December 27 that city bred persons have bet while the seats on both sides forcefully exported bis bearers to alon suffered defeat at the bards that of Treasurer wbich be bolds Nomination and Election of Offi ter chances than the country bred were woscupiece beyan en former bee ambitions in the things which of W, Elis, 4. promising by virtue of his position as Club cers, Excbange of Season Greet a novel arrangement and Dre season is looked forward to. lhouse Secretary. Mrs. Neely Is ings.
CANAL ZONE NOTES POVERTY VERSUS La. for a swim most of the Bella Vista, to het of previoue years it would be staat time ave AVISION


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