
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1927 HO Trend tonight. S TOASTEDS teoroint mananananananananananananananananananana Superb! for LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes are made from a blend of the finest Burley and Turkish tobaccos and toasted to perfectionask for the better cigarette.
tion an wwii iii wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww LUCKY STRIKE Do cruiser VIDEOS bho Dancer Strangled International England Revenue Motor Car By Scarf.
Show Increase.
London, Sept. 30. An increase One End Became Entangled of 6, 200, 000 over the same per Lo Spokes of Wheel on 60 iod last year is indicated in the revenue retorn for the first Miles an Hour Clip.
balt year of the current fiscal year in statement issued for DRAWN FROM THE VEHICLE LUCKY Mr. Churchill in framing this But She Was Dead Before This (STRIKE year budget estimated an increase of almost 30, 000, 000 Occured; Life That Was duriog the full year. In the Beset By Tragedy light of bis estimate the balt year return may seem disapParis, Sept. 15. Particularly pointing.
tragic circumstances attended The financial arrangements the death of Mme. Isadora Duo.
bowever wbereby the Chancellor can, tbe renowned dancer, who proposed to augment this year was killed in an extraordinary revenues by collecting certain motor car accident at Nice last classes of income tax in night.
annual payment instead of two оре Mme. Duncan had been stayhell year a payments will not operate unul the second halt of ing for some time at ber villa on the Riviera. Recently sbe ar the year.
Taklog this into conranged to buy a seater racing sideration to day figures are motor car, and it was by this car Intrepreted as justifying the tbat she was killed.
Chaocellor prediction of balanced budget.
She had been dining with a The expenditure for the half woman friend wben she sudden.
ly decided to try the racing car.
year shows a small increase but Do not do so to night. pleaded this comes under the bead of the her friend. have a promonisinking fund on the national debt for which that something dreadful Increase WAS allowed. There has been a saving may bappen!
of 4, 000, 000 in ordinary expelThe dancer, bowever, dismig.
Bed her friend warning with a laugh, and ordered tbe car to be brought from the garage.
Wonder Warships She climbed into the back seat and as the car gatbered speed Built By Germany sbe tossed ber Grecian scarf over ber left eboulder.
The scart, which was very long, London, Sept. 26. That Gerfluttered io tbe wind for a few wany, despite the efforts of the minutes until suddenly it became framers of the Versailles Treaty, entangled in the spokes of the baa succeeded in building warlett rear wheel.
ships which in proportion to topBefore Mme. Duncan could nage are easily the most formiutter a sound the scarf was It toasted dable fighting craft in the world, drawn tigbtly round ber neck.
is the statement made by the She struggled to release herself yell informed naval corresponand vainly tried to warn the Your throat Protection dent of the Daily News.
driver, but the scarf tightened He gives facte and figures and the dancer was strangled designed to demonstrate that while the car sped along at 60 the latest German miles an hour.
Konigsburg aod Karlsrube, So completely did the scarf launched last year could overbecome entangled with the wheel whelm cruisers of much larger thit Mme. Duncan was dragged size and are better than anyout of the car by it and ber body thing of their proportions in the was burled on to the road.
British and American fleets.
Doctors believe tbat she was The Germans themselves call dead from strangulation before these cruisers wunderschi wony she was drawn from the vehicle.
dersbips. Their hulls are built When the driver felt the shock of special steel combinlog lighthe stopped and found the body on Dess with great strength and ibe road.
LUCKY electric welding used instead of TRAGIC CAREER.
rivets, lessens their weight, At tes STRIKE high speeds Isadora Duncan who set the driven by geared turbine of world talking of ber eccentrici65, 000 sbatt borse ties in tbe world of art politics und on high pressure steam from nix Orse power working and love, bad particularly oil burning tragic career, An Idealist, she power their speed is at least 39 boilers. At full conventions and knots but when the ships are ad Vocated a return to the style cruising they will ruo on Diesel of life practised by the ancient motors and carry enough oil to Greeks.
travel 000 milen.
Sbe was born in San FrarThelr arcament, extraordinary cisco 47 years ago, but was of botb in power and distribution Scottish descent. Her success consists of 6 inch Krupp guns.
On European stages was 80 firing 101 pound shells at an great that she might have mamma mananananananananananananananananananananamNME extreme range, on high angle amassed an immense fortune, mounting of 20, 000 yards. The but sbe died comparatively poor.
guns are boused triple turrets Two children of Duncan lost their lives in tragic loaded each turret being as fashion in 1913. The dancer had drived to ber bome in Aued gun. At each broadside teuil, leaving the children a (Continued from page 3) inch projectiles dre discbarged boy of and a girl of . for a tive. Formations which lie on fire vine salvocs can be fired and owing to their rapid rate of moment in the motor car outside her house. The car sudthe surface north of the cleavage every minute. Six gans can be denly started to move down the lie deep under the surface to the brought to bear on.
pursuer, incline and plunged into the south of it, while formations and mines can Seine.
be dropped Both of the children which normally are well burled through stern were drowned before their diswere found lying on top of rock Although 6, 000 ton ships, the trasted mother eyes. Letters formations which are normally Koniaberg and Karlsrube have published at the time showed on the sorface.
broadside six six lochers on aine six inch guns that she had a presentiment of He attributes this northwards the tragedy For some years slide to the cooling and sbrinking British cruisers 2, 000 tons larger.
afterwards Mme. Duncan did IS NOW LOCATED AT of the the earth surface. They are faster tban even the New York, London, Paris, Dew 10, 000 ton British cruisers, not appear as a dancer, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, and other so that they could not only overHUSBAND SUICIDE.
large cities of the world lie far whelm cruisers of much larger After the war Mme. Duncan 11. 1154 11th STREET enough of the line of earth size bot run away from almost bought that Soviet Russia movements to be out of danger of everything else.
would beiter understand her destruction by shocks. thougb Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK they tban old fasbioned Europe, may feel slight earthand she went to Moscow, but TO quakes.
Passenger Express soon returned disillusioned.
Where our customers will receive the usual In 1922 she married a Russlan Poet Serge Yessenin, aged courtesies Dr. Hubert Edwards Airplane Between Jamaica 22. who three years later.
And Haiti.
strang)d bimself in an botel at Moscow after weiting a poem PIYSICIAN JSURGEON The following appeared in the in bis blood.
Jocs discos LOOK FOR THE SIGN Spe ell Studies in Diseases of Mme, Duncan was rescued Philadelphia Public Ledger of from the sea at Nice early this September 29th:dal Women and Children: 350 huge three motored pameryear by an Englishman Capt. PaBOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC ger express airplane, which will terson. Sbe denied the sugbe used in the West Indies, will gestion then made that she had TEMPLE COLON intend to commit suicide.
0000 be formally launched and turned ott PHONE 409 over to its owners a 80 a. RUSSIAN SUBJECT, to morrow at the Bristol plant of Keystone Aircraft Corporation, Nice Sept. 15 At the loquest Advertise in the WORKMAN» it will builders of the plane.
tbis morning on the body of bring you good results.
Mme. Isadora Duncan a Verdiet Alter the ceremony it will be of Accidental Death was reflown to Roosevelt Field, turned.
Russian Consul from Marseilles pany, the West Indian Aerial by pilots for the operating conIn spite of this, however, the ground Ibe that Mme. Company, of San Domingo. Next Police refused to allow Duncan was a Russian Subject. Tuesday it will begin its 000relatives to touch or to see WORKMAN It Pays Soviet, passport having been the body unul the arrival of the found among ber belongings. Continued on page 7)
the vessels are ITS TOASTED CIGARETTES opposed all MADE IN USA Zidi Mme.
three guns in Changes of the Earths though they were a three barrel The British Pharmacy COLON batch.


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