
Demerara ents This elegant onie préparation match.
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1:27 PAGE SEVEN BRITISH GUIANA was represented therein by duly 2017 Bub delegated Attorneys; that 414 Bocas Notes the plainutts bave not complied Airman Headgear with the provisions of Order. Continued from Page Rule of the Rules of Court bouse at 0, clock last night.
1900, inasmuch as nowhere in Today President Chlart is Found on Demerara Railway the name stated, or any of the the sald writ of summons was booked to visit several places of Track.
said sub delegated attorneys interest, among these being and the defendant company was Tlegla where the Uoited Fruit The best in the World SUGGESTED CLUE TO MISS the Court; that the service of ont therefore properly before Company are conducting engineering operations with a view to ING PILOT.
the said writ of summons was divert the course of the San San Irregular, the said writ baving River and by BO doing draia the Changullo plains for banana News of the finding of the been served on the 30th August on Mr. Bumphreys, For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The colture, of has been Tomorrow His Excellency and know by Mr Inniss, Sta. one of the said sub delegated tion Superintendent of the Colo attorneys of the defendant com. Only Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos party leave on the UF Oos bout Saramacca for Coion.
nial Transport Department says, pans, that the plaintitts had enot sued the company as being the pherine (Ashton Parson)
The Cricket Field 1t was learnt that between Sep sopresented by any attorney, tember and 10 a platelayer em that it was not competent for ployed by the colonial Trans Service to the said it of The Bocas CC may well feel the Marsball who effected the like resting on its oars, for found the cap baving up to now scored as many on the railway track, at a point summons to alter the endorseGuaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the 18 two points over the best of its west of the Plaisance station, ment on the original writ of summons It was taken charge of by the as to the manner opponents in the cup watches of Republic of Panama.
that have been played, it need station master at Plaisance and service in the way and manner bave no fear of losing the cup forwarded to Mr. Ioniss to be had done and there has his year. except Il luck attends Georgetowo. The cap, which is therefore been a non compliance lits efforts in the one game that mado of water proof cloth with with the provisions of order Rule of the Rules of Court 1900. left to be played.
30 attachment cover the In the cup ixtures played on preparation is highly recommended in and shoulders, was kept by Mrs. PRELIMINARY OBJECTION the One Mile Oval on Sunday last The Attorney General took a Innies, who had no kosult preliminary of what it was, As the with the Perseverancec.
Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoveris ıment Bocas truly bad objection He an easy walk of showing it around, be learnt over. the bomesters at their best that it was the cap ot an aviator. agreed that the application for of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
belog able to muster only 33 runs.
Capt Trace and Mr B Baker, setting aside the writ could not The board registered as tollows: be as Dinot and mechanic respectively on the bad not entered appear1 wicket for 10 runs; 2, 3, 4, for of the Fairy Seaplane were ance to the action.
The entry of It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone 14; for 20; and for 22; communicated with bnt bnt both appearance was a condition pre6, 9, and 10 for 33 stated that, they bad lost hope of cedent to the defendants making and energy to the whole system, The bowling analysis showed their capa. The conjecture 19 any application in action Trotman as taking wickets for bazarded that the cap might be except an that of the missing S Alrman the practice bad grown up of 18 rups Williams for 11 and application in England, Dixon for The ionings occupied Paul Red fern wbo on Thursday setting aside the service of the less than two hours August 25 took ott trom Glyna Isle writ only!
DOSE. One sniall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day, after 147 overs had been Beach at 12 40 alone in Mr. de Freitas in reply sald deilvered.
monoplane the Port of Brungo Bocas replied with 38 runs for wick for Porto Rico 1, 200 miles that in Eorland the practice had wickets and declared at that away, with Rio de Janeiro as grown up of allowing ao applicaVigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by tbus winding the match by bis altimate goal. and has since tion to set aside a writ to be runs and wickets The board been long overdue at bls desti argued along with an application to set aside the service of tbe registered at the fall of each wic.
the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitication.
writ before appearance bad been ket: 1, 4, 9, 17 38 runs. Duifus bad delivered 10 entered.
British Guiana Constiovers without taking any wicket; Woodford argued in supMr.
mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, while Evans bad taken for tution port of the motion to set aside 22; and Helds, for the writ on tbe ground that it printed matter explaning for what diseases it should Tbe Umpires were Messrs Says the Demerara Argosy of replled, and His Honour reserved bad. The Attorney General Foote and Acderson.
the 15th ulto:be used, how it should be used, how it should be apThe present standing of the Ibe Britisb Gulada Constitu bis decision.
competing clubs is as follows: tion Commission met in the Representatives of the contracBocas, points, with one more plied and what doses should be taken.
Committee Room at the Public tors attempted to re occupy their Buildings at 11 o clock yesterday premises with the machinery morning when they signed and and tools seized on behall of the Almirante, points, with one more presented their report to the Government. They were, howSOLD BY match, Government All the members ever prevented by the police and Railroad (Guabito. points with re present.
representatives of the Governtwo more matches The NEW DAILY CHRONIGLE ment.
JAVIER MORAN Perseverance, down, with one states that Sir Cecil Rodwell, more match.
Goveroor, will take the report Unity, down, with one more of the Commission with him to Englaed. The paper also states match, Passenger Express AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City Home Guard down, wth two that a portion of the Electives more watches.
reasoned statement against the The next cop fixture will be Contioued from page 61 attack on the Constitution 18 now in the hands of the Print mile flight to the West Indies played oft on the Almirante Oval on Friday this week beers and will be ready to be where it will be put into combanded to His Excellency befofe mission as a passenger carriers tween the Home Guard of Lari (Costa Rica) and the his departure for Englaud, The plane has been tested Bocas CC.
Euccessfully this week at Bristol The George Tow it in the air for over an hour.
by Keystone pilots, who have bad Picnicking Sewerage work Equipped with three. Wright On Saturday whirlwind motors, the plane will morcing last three excursion parties left the bave a maximum speed, with a Bocas pier. The first was in 000 pouod load ot 120 miles an Contractors Tools and Mahour. Its wing spread is 73 leet.
connection with the King Hiram chinery Siezed by Temple, of the Ethiopian Order The cabin of the place is WBT who went as far as Dos Government luxuriou ly equipped to seat the second was the Anglic twelve passengers comfortably.
who visited Zap It is fiited with large wicker Demerara newspapers state chairs, each beside a window.
adalla Cay ni one of the princi that several weeks ago in the Arrangements for the comfort pal scenes of activity of the presence of a force of 100 police and convenience of passengers famous pirate Heary Morgan; men representatives of the local are of the latest desigo. Wasbthe third party represented the Marine Buy Club, who made Government of the sister a short trip to one of the nearby took possesion of tools materials room and baggage compartments Fals are included.
which Messrs machinery, etc caye, All parties reprrted faPhoto Albums silver colour blue and Scrap Albums JL Wild and Co. contractors vourably on their return.
for the Demerara Sewerage scheme has been followed in the interior decorations. The exterior work were using in the underis in silver Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Church Service takipp.
Some days before the seizure ween Haiti, San Domingo, The airplane will be flown beThe Baptist Church of this the Government terminated the maica and Porto co, and will Writing Pads. Children Toy Books city beld Harvest Thanksgiving sewerage contract and the Town cut a seven day land and water services on Sunday last. The Council filed a writ against the journey to one and one ball days three services for the day were contractors for the delivery to Accounting Day Books conducted by Rəv, Nottmap them of the materials, tools clergyman In charge and were Oficials of the company, tovery well attended. The offerimplementa and plant in their gether with Frank Caldwell and of custody since the termination Hymn Prayer Books ings were many. In connection Holy bibles with these services a social was held in the Church Hail the as damages. Messra Wild and Co. in the brief ceremonies to morthe contract and for 5150, 000 Rowe, pilots, will take party Following Monday night, moved the court to set aside the row moroing when the ship will Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets writ. The motion came on for be turned over to its owners.
The presidectacd general WEST INDIAN AVIATION bearing brfore Mr. Justice J Douglass in Chambers on the manager of the West Indian Mouth Organs in two sizes Aerial Company, will be passenContinued from page 2)
dowing the time when the West Courcil for the opelicants were on the ship on its first loog voyage.
Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives Indies would be just as well (Me88:8 L Wild and Co. Messrs served as other parts of the J, De Freitas, Empire with air services and be Browne, Woolford.
was boping that the discussion Humphrys and Dr. Nathan Rowe and many other items too numerous to mention on the resolution would be Van Sertima, means of hastening sie ervices Mr. DeFrietas.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON such as were outlined in the memorandum.
Council for the plaintift (the 11th and Bolivar Sts.
Government and Town Council)
Messrs. Hector Josephs COLON, Dr. Arnulfo Arias BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Assistant to the Attorney GenPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Chase National Bank eral and E, Duke instructed Office Hours: a. to 12m, Removed his Clinic to Cenby Messrs, Percy King, Crown p. to pm.
tral Avenue No. 137 half Box 854, Cristobal, Toe grounds upon whicb the 93 Central Avenue Panama City block away from the up toApplica ion was based were tha OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 date. Drug Store named the defendant cumpany was noul jncorporated in the culong but Drvo STORE TELEPHONE 151 Pharmaɔy. Look Them Over Church party The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. by air.
16th ulto.
THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store Attorney General, King Solicitor and Francis Dias.


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