p. 8


aining money מומו The KONGOLENE BOGLE PAGE LIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDA) OCTOBER 22, 1927 Tomorrow Races. Flyer Brought Back Progress Of Education CHURCH SERVICES The Panama Jockey Club On Ship And Put IF YOU SEEK (odtieved from page 4)
presentation at Juan Franco In Gu Gustody.
AMERICAN EPISOPAC its progresive educational Park tomorrow afternoon barch CHURCH consists of seven races; and HOW THE PUPIL TEACHERS Ven ve with Surday after Trinity every one is expected to be GERMAN CONSUL CHARGES PABLO CURTIS RAHNER FEARED a thriller from the mere fact WITH OBTAINING 120 BY Tbere were 48 Candidates pr.
that there is not one race unFALSE PRETENCES.
sented for their first year; 135 ft St: Pul Church, Panamı der six furlongs. Fourna.
the rare combination of good looks and Recond year and 218 for third year, tive ponies are booked to On Saturday morning shortly take the field over a mile for unqualified accuracy, let your next or a total of 401. Passed. Ist year Rev. AF Nighteegale D Rac.
63 Holy CompranianThe after the United Fruit Co. 28; second year 73; tbird year 108 the first event and this will steamer Zacapa, wcb arrived total 204. Percentage of pas. Rector watch be from 10. 15 a Mantius MFR be lowed 48. Firet year 58, second year another mile from Cris bad cked at the 54; third sear 57; Total 51, Atwell. Lay Reader race between Marcela, Kitty No. pier, detective Sgt Major FULLER a HOW THE VOLUNTEERS 10. 30 am Holy Eachwist Gill, San Chee and Dhole. Gayle armed with. FEARED armon The Rector Kitty Gill will again take the arrested Pablo Curtis Ruhner, 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Volunteer candidates present 12 pm Holy Baptisen field against Copi, Meelah, passenger of the versel on a charge of ob 120, by ed were as follows; Preliminary pm Church School Chombo Gordo, and Bolshe means of faler pretences, the pro1, 819; first year 1, 487; second 730 pm (hora! Ev nsong viki in the sixth ce over rty of Mr. Josepu Stevens, Geryear 767; third year 608; total sermon The Rector seven furlongs Consul in Kingston 4, 681. Parsed: Preliminary 634 Announcement: The Annual The program is unquestion allegation against the acfirst year 520 second year 351 Harvest Festival Services will be ably an attractive one. Here from the complainant in that received the money third year 234, total 739 Per held on Sooday. November 20th in Kingston, centage of a passes. Preliminary it is; by telling him that he was receiv34; first year 35; second year 46; FIRST RACE ing money from a company abroad tbird year 38, Total 37.
Native Borses which he represented. After get.
St Alban Church, Paraiso THOSE WHO HEAD THEIR Ooe mile Purse 125 ting the money from Mr.
Stevens GRADES, Dardanela 95 be left the colony on Monday laet CANAL ZONE will srtaighten any hair in 15 for Cristobal. lo the meantime 128 lor Qaeta Preliminary candidates. Nightengale Excuse Me 126 Mr. Stevene communicated with minutes without the aid of f1) Richard Forbes, Rotret Priest ia charge Oooocha 102 she company io Bavata which the be 121 Erid modius Hamphot irons or combs.
defendant stated that he was repre Imported Horses 8a Matios and adureis.
Mr. Osborne. Catechi SEOOND RACE senting, and was told that Rahner First year Volunteer: was not connected with them in pm Church School Ose wile Purse 176 any FOR SALE AT THE way. Mr. Stevens reat 11 Muriel Edith Lyneb, Albert 730 Choral Evensong Marcela cablegram to the German Coosilat Towo.
Kiny Gill 111 Cristobal and the defendant and address. Mr. Osborne.
ws PHARMACY (2) William Stanley Murras, Catechist Snbee 95 not permitted to land. He was Watson top.
Dhole 106 Announcement; 149. Central Avenue Panuma and at The Sanual sent back to Jamaica as a deportee Secood rear Volunteer: Natives Panies and on arrival of the vessel on Harvest Festival Services will be 11) Arthur Dr waie.
THIRD RACE Saturday he was taken in custody.
held on Sunday, November 13tia The New Drug Store (2) Alvin Mc Kerze, Ceder fulings. Pars: 125 The defendant will be taken beBill. nome: 93 fore His Houour Mr. Avar Street Colon.
128 in the Kingston RM, Court.
Third year Volunteer: Zino St. Matthias Mission Runo 98 The defendant is the same per 1Ralph Sydney Brooks.
LAS SABANAS Silver Spray 100 son who came bere al out ten days 121 Ivan Verdon Raddock.
Candlewood 98 go calling himself Lieut. Pablo First Year Pup: Teacb rs. Rev AF Nighteogale. Chiqui 127 Curtis and representing himself as (1) id Sylvia Bernard, Bj nPriest in barge Imported Horses Chief Pilot of the Havans Miami wearie.
730 am Arly Communion Aero Marine Navigation Co. and FOUR TO BASE 12) Doris Maud Brown, Port 15 a Holy Baptism stating that he was here on behaif Furlonga. Parse 175 Mari, Dm Churrb School of his Company to establish Dadoso Second Year Pupil Teachers: 730 pm Choral Evensong and 128 brancb in Kingston to link up with Bandera address Mr. A Richards, Lay 102 the Havana Miami Service of the (1) Doris May Blake Nege.
Mad Sredbeil So company Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 121 Gertrude Lettmap. Sber Reader.
La Chiquilla 92 ield.
Revoltosa 103 Third Yar Pupil arbe s: Peter by the Sea, la deca La Nena 117 Clubhuse Executive NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE (1) Pu cel Lawson. Cba lSir Harry 90 ton.
Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity Valencia 107 BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON Native Ponies 121 Beatrice Louise Husses Holy Communiou a The Vults.
Visits Club FIFTH RACE Rector 67 Firings Purse 123 Repairer of all makes of Typew. iters Cal.
Holy Baptism 39 a. mn Boner Dew 119 Business Secretary, culating machines, Numbering machines, Matins and address 11. a. mLady Lucy 90 Mr. N. XCarthy Lay Reader.
Decl eis 120 Hattaway, of the Bureau of Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, Smugglers Dump Church School, 30.
117 Clubs and Playgrounds, paid Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing Aliens 104 a visit to the Women Life Choral Evensong and serion, Poto 30, m. The Rector Jakie machines and all other technical machines.
126 Problem Club of La Boca at Piradilo 90 their business meeting held (Continued from page 1) MULCARF. Reetor Imported Horses at the La Boca Clubhouse on SIXIB RACE New parts supplied Workmanship guaranteed hazardous passage from, perhaps Thursday afternoon last. Mr.
Cuba and overboard be goes. Fulrongs Parse 175 St. Barnabas Empire, Hattaway was pleased with Chombo Gordo 126 Work done by expert up to date methods He submits to being put in the the work which is ing carMatins and ad Iress llanbag when he is told that he can Mr. E Johnson, Lay Rza ler.
Rol viki 119 Neelah 112 ried on by the women of the thus evade any possible search, Church School 30 m.
128 community He addressed trial will convince you this is no empty talk.
Copi Once tied, be can niske DO Nerist 90 the Club briefly on Play, ance if the ship runs into an enJ. MULCARE. Rector, Innopied Horses barrasing position, although there pointing out the virtue of SEVENTH RACE is a story told of a Chinese band St Bartholom. ew Las play between children and that murdered the crew that plan6 Furloops Parse 175 their parents. He sald most ned to murder them, and made off scadas Zalamera 102 90 parents eat, and drink with with the ship.
Coburg Matins and address, 11 122 their children, ATAUORDS WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR sleep with Mr. Brathwaite, Ly Rader Naturally the ex ent of the prac.
196 them but never thought of Caloa tice of murdering aliens cannot be Church School 30, Evening Pray aad address 30 Dally 108 playing with them. Mr. Hatestimated, but Assistant Secretary Malmirada 113 taway was lo full accord!
of Labour Hostánd admitted to Mr. Brathwait with the Constitution of the day tast he has had lots of MULCARE, Rector stories that aliens have been Club as read to him by the No hot irons or special combs required dumped into the sea to die or have Club Secretary, Miss been killed first and then thrown St Simon s, Gambea Requiem Mass Ethelyn Thomas, and assured overboard But there has never the Club that bis services bren SOLD IN DRUG STORES Matins 10. 45, a.
ау positive evidence Holy Communion, 11 30 a On Saturday the 8th inst, a although muen is boped for from the new Cuban tip since that is Church School in high mar of reguem nid at are at all times at its dispo the St. Vincent de Paul church. sal.
land is a centre for the smuggling MULCARE Rector itated at the corner of street On the program were two of aliens.
for the posed the soul of Mrs Euphamie Dudley or St Lucia vocal solos by Mrs.
Seventh Day Adventist British are those who died Walters and Miss Gertrude West Indians Victims of her Bennett; Miss Unica Simmons Su (Continued from ge 1! Srnac Sparklets CALIDNIA played a selection on the The church was to its at the customs.
ROAD cear Is baisn Park Passo piano.
The West Indian Workers Ferderation expacity and many portaok of the have put sufficient light on the matter to enable you to take (Continued from page 1)
Spiritual Banquet. After service Mr Hattaway was present. drastic steps ia defence of your people, who become vic the teaching of the Sabbuth Schoo. 11. 15. Gene Sabbath (Saturdar) 943 the family and friends went to seed with a boquet of roses by uims of this injustice and robbery.
without a similar grade of learning eral Worship Spasida to their surprise Mrs Olga King.
qualifies him for the housekee Class: was most brautiful That night prayers were said TO THE PEOPLE.
Bat armed with a liberal supply of practical education the Church and fom nine o clock antil twelve o clock. The persons leading them Notice to correspondents.
The Courts of Santiago de Cuba are willing to receive the T. rank mighty bigh meetine 30 pm. Janior ed wem Madau Allan Blake and an honest evidences of those who have been illegally as vastitutions of common well Senior Standard of attaincent higher learning Mr. Franeas Wilsowho fraped Class, p. spert.
io French and English, and Sino Contributors and correspondents charged for baskets grips, trunks, beds, etc. when leaving Elens Oring. The Renwone asked to read in their contribu or entering the port. The portors of the customs intend to The WORKMAN can be had Blessing was sung by Nr. Stewart insure poblication. This is impera consent of the people not by forcing them to pay. Comat the La Boca Restaurant sad st and W. Charles tive and must he adherd 10. municate immediately with the Federation as early as Houge No. 971, Jamaica Prado The bereaved family through possible giving date that you have paid without your con. Continued fromage 1)
La Boca, one of the surviving sons, Mr.
sent and it will be to our credit as well as yours if you will the gatest pesure on both Antonio Dudley wish to thank all those who aristet them from FLOWERS be an evidence in the case the day of trial. Don be ends of the Isthmus; Madame the beginning of their mother misled by the enemies and their friends that your baggages Adela Walker Headley, whose Small illness to the nineth night. He can be detained to prevent your departure; this is an infrac singing has been for many years DENTIST she wide to extend his appre Abogado. Attorney at Law tion of Cuban laws. No person or persons can make their giving bied satisfaction on this ciation to sympathisers MASONIC TEMPLE end and Mr, A. Davis tenor OFFICE No. B sr owa levy, it has to be done through the courts, and this is late of the Kingston, Jamaica Office Hours: 8, am to 2pm RO BOX NO. PANAMA CITY not a question that the judges will decide a case of this Glee Club 30 pm to 30 TELEPHONE No. un nature in their favour when a dozen or more people protest Really, the Atlantie side will Sundays Special Appointment from not paying for it is ng law, the exploitation is not only of the cream of West Indian voRent Revipt Books in Spanish he very high Masonic Temple uith St, and English Sold at the Worl. Practicing before all the courts of caaried on among immigrants alone, but also those who e Hists and instrumentalisterne lente PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL re not acquianted with this game.
PRONE: OFFICE 1664 the Republie since April 1914 evening of the 15th of next month RESIDENCE 588 Kitty 30 Contra Crespo days 109 brone Anno Avenue was packed theN Rare which Deum that Panama Symphon bin Office


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