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Immigration Law May be Modified THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND Effects of Huricane Which Passed Near Jamaica period in stood at VOL 16 No. 12 PANAMA, SATURDAY OCTOBER 29, 1927 PRICE CENTS Marcus Garvey Sends His Panama Corporation The Panama Lottery Issues First Report Loses 5, 000 By Kindest Regards To May 31st 1927. Forged Tickets The London MORNING Post states that The news have been in the To All His People In Panama By Lion which was formed in Apr air for the past two weeks Body of Young Man Who Was 1926, with an authorized capital of but it only leaked out a few Secretary Neely of La Boca 2, 000, 000, to acquire mining days ago that the GovernWashed off Taxicab in Rio concessions in Panama, has now ment of Panaam has lost Clubhouse.
iseued its first report, covering the more than 5, 000. 00 through Cobre Recovered.
to May 31, 1927.
naturally devoted to a summary forged lottery tickets. About of the results of Give my kindest regards to all my people in Panama.
On Monday last a bulletin was issued that there was a carried operations half a dozen men are said to es the as be fraud. disturbance to the west of Jamaica moving eastward, and Tenera of the Universal Negro Improvement Association Burels contenente pero to edit apore The first pheze mie de andrawing considerabaly below the average. During the course of the words. Sirene commuicated number 9979 which and African Communities League, to all members of his race which have been issued at frequent in the Republic of Panama. The message was given in intervals, and have indicated en of Suuday, October 9, was day other messages were issued, giving the course the disturbance was taking it was mov the direction of person by the indomitable leader, to Neely, Secretary couraging values, both on exten the one forged.
sive alluvial areas and in exten: western Cuba, and at ip. came news that it was headed of the Canal Zone Clubhouse for coloured people, in La An American, it is underBoca, at a dual reception given him and his wife on Thnrs sions of the old Spanish mines. At day the 27th, in the Clubhouse auditorium, by two well proved so satisfactory that on the pieces of tickets for Remance the results bave stood, won the entire fifteen away from us and there was no cause for alarm.
this Monday afternoon and evening however brought known and equally well recognized uplift organizations, advice of the Consulting Engineer drawing and cashed but one heavy rains, lightning and thunder storms over Kingston the La Boca Athenaeum and ine Women Life Problem the Board have decided to acquire piece on and morning of the and the island in general, and throughout the night and Club of La Boca. The reception included a good bye that property under their option, it will be operated by separate ninth, due to the fact that early Tuesday morning the roaring of thunder and lightning from the two organizations to Acting Secretary companies. The accounts of the the banks are not opened on flashes created some apprehension.
Williams and wife. Mr Neely, has been Secretary of the company as at May 31 last show Sundays to receive deposits.
Tuesday brought raging gales in the country parishes, La Boca Clubhouse for a number of years and Mr. Williams that British Government securities it was when he presented and thousands of banana trees were blown down, particu.
had been acting for him while he was on a three months to the amount of 316, 484 were the other fourteen pieces on larly in St. Mary and St. Ann. The Railway line between held on that and negation in the counted relatie met het secretary ses sous les spending ora bakal me following Monday morn: morning, and beteget feid becamemberi ked belowe Tuesday they took community acting at 9, and his wife have won admiration and respect, not only guipement Songs, this ien fer callečtion of his foun: River and other telegraphisch communication between Black 982while teen thousand that Sav from the two organizations mentioned, but from the entire Underwriting Commission stood at the lottery clerks found out OUT OF COMMISSION community. Mr. Williams is to be transferred permanently 25, 000 and Preliminary Expenses that something had at 57. 077. These gone on Monday night. There was a derailment on the Chapelto the Silver Clubhouse at Red Tank In his tour of about fourteen States of the Union, Mr. ital, while the cash resources should or three tickets which had Bog Walk was put out of commission on Tuesday, the Rio not large in proportion to the cap wrong that there were two ton line, whilst the Jamaica Public Service Co plant at Neely visited President General Garvey in the Federal be ample to ensure a continuance preceded the American to Cobie overflowing its banks to a considerable extent Prison at Atlanta, Georgia. Mr Neely reports that the of ee ive prospecting, especially in the office, and for which whilst the river rose fully 18ft, at the dam, and during the organizer of the world biggest Negro movement is view of the intention to 1, 000 each was paid. intense lightning two transformer were lost. The Flat apparently in very good health and looking forward for bis properties, and the progress of this Several forged tickets separate companies to work proved were Bridge and surrounding roads were under water, and a taxidischarge in November of next year, in case the numerous large scale prospecting, veature also reported to have been cab in trying to get across the river bed on Tuesday suok petitions for his release do not effect same before that time. will be watched with good deal of from view, or was probably washed down, the occupants (Continued on page 8)
It was a truly warm reception given to the returning interest.
making their escape, save one young man who was washed couple. They highly merited it, for they are not only off the running board and lost his life. his body being book members but have always taken particular interest recovered yesterday morning, SPARKLETS in carrying out the work allotted to them by these organiFrom every town of importance in the island came sations, both of which are among the permanent activities (BY K)
news of the heavy blow, accompanied by thunder and of the Clubhouse. By virtue of his position as Secretary, Some months lightning, and this continued well on to Tuesday morning, ago, following Mr. Neely is Treasurer of the Athenaeum. He also served closely upon a period of inactiv sions when and where representa: The Atlantic Fruit Co. estimated their loss at over in other official capacities, including that of President for ity when there was need for a sable, the services of the Commit 7000, 000 trees, but whilst others have suffered some loss, tion of one term. The program on Thursday night composed little propaganda to boost mainly of two addresses of welcome for Mr. and Mrs. formal demonstration of Isthmian tee bave always been regarded as the consoling feature is that bananas had already been cut West Indian loyalty to His Most satisfactory Neely, read and handed to them by Sewell, President Excellent Majesty George by voluntary but valuable rervices from a good number of the trees, whilst in other cases the.
Women Life Problem Club, respectively; and two other Kingdom of Great Britian and British Legation and, as a matter (Continued on: page 8)
addresses from the same sources indicating both organiza Ireland, and of all the British of right the Legation regarded tion appreciation for the splendid cooperation given them Dominions beyond the Seas, the Committee as the official Defender of the by the Acting Secretary and his wife. momento accom Emperor of India and of Paith representative ol Isthmian British MR. AUSTIN DECLINES GAPTAINCY OF TEAM West Indiaus.
panied the address to the latter couple.
Lord, the British West Indian As the best Jazz Orchestra in Panama, furnished dance music. West Indian gentlemen, shot up a on behalf of the reception of The Isthmian Syncopators. Johnny Woods, Director, Committee. composed of a few however, and setting aside the Mr. Austin Declines by sending to England of the very prominent can be obtained British arrangements the Committee made West Indies Madame Olga King sang m in Love with You. accom dies Captaincy of from the present spark Sindicating that the bukeshad Duchesse de peiork, it bas programme for panied on the piano by Miss Jump. and piano selections Committee was still not registered a single score on Team the tour is a very ambitious one, in fact nearly paid too ambitious were rendered by Miss Uriel Edghill and Miss Leanor Jump. Since that memorable day with behalf of West Indians, indiviegendesewey, President of the La Boca Athenaeum, the Duke and colective o Never Age and Physical Condition or. for British super dreadnaught siderable Now know your position but presided. Renown. and the Baden not that of any of the other seven Powell bees to be tolerant. It is without under the circumstances, we Will Not Enable Him to names put forward by the Jamai.
Death of Miss Grant! The Chauffeurs and Boy Scouts as feature attractione, haubt that the members of the Take Full Quota of ca Cricket Council, but what Mr. Persons, of us looking on gorgeous dresses Committee have done years of would like to know, is there any Mactches of be jewelled ladies, eveningenious work, sometimes at a possibility of these fellows, or any suits of distinguished of time and money, and it of them being able to come to The death occurred on Wadoes.
specimens of the elite, aud a is likely that they have grow. AN OFFER FROM BARBADOS Barbados for a One of tha most absorbing tious spread out at the palatiis day plast of Miss Masie Grant tired. It is is not likely that, should if guaranteed their literas most protracted illness topics during the week has been British Legation on the Exposition British royalty again ests to pade Jamaica Should Send. Eight Jamaica, cost of their board while entire from which caused untold suffering for be question between chaffeurs Grounds, the British West Indian our way, the committee will be Cricketers to That Island a period of deariy two years. It and Mr. Charles Persons anent Committee again retired ipto resuscitated to effect another in Barbados, and allowances at the will be remembered that Miss the Tourist trade whieb the positive seclusion and up to the parade of loyalty, only to Grant in the he day of life as at. Ichaffeurs claim is monopolized by present is almost totally forgotten. dwindle away with the last sain to Take Part In Trial Matches. same rate 19 would be allowed dimimembers whea touring in England?
tending social function at the Persons for whom Bridgetown, Barbarlos, Oct. 21.
they are eom. The Committee is virtually nished notes of Professor Nibbs. The Advocate today You see with the Elders and residence oi Rev. Surgeon pelled to work for inadequate defunct apparently!
eiden Wesleyan Minister of the remuneration. Repeated requests The West Indian reception Band!
a letter from Mr. H, B, Austin about sixteen days in Barbados Fyffes present service, we have Colon Church. Quite a number to Mr. Pessons for better reman had existed for a number of years. pick up momentum. Committee Diverting from my course to to Mr. Kidney, Honorary which would allow us three real tests were leaning on the eration having failed, they.
At the in Secretary of the West pood trial matches, was Assuming pitating them to the pavement have decided to call a strike cu existence it did splendid work in present Panaminn immigration the captainey of the cricket tour that below. Several were injured in November 2nd the day when it is it is collaboration with the British Lew with its clauses restricting next year, giving as his reason that piber seven could too, that the teil among whom was Mis expected that a big tourist ship Legation here in helping to col West Grant, who received elha broken with acluren Bamber of passengers British West Indians whose racen raad inte tesistence as mmigration, a few of although am as a result of give us eight places, and we could lect and compile data on behalf of our ambitions men tried to rail general examinatinn organically allocate three Barbadians to make pine. that med. will arrive at Balbza West In sound, it can not be expected, look up your side. This side could be claim the attention of the local dian Ceutral Organization, to ing at my age and physical condiopposed alminister, by a complete West ical skill 13 Mr. Persons on the one hand Trinidad, Demerara and her suffering with exceptional lain helpless all this time, best of Stares that he has dealt fairly Ph of Great Britain, constitute representative West tion, that shall be able to take a Indian Team selected from men never published. Indian Committee. Under existing full quota of the matches arranged Barbados.
leitude, and it is said that far from with the eba feurs on all occasions for the enlightenment of the abnormal circumstances, plus intol for the cricket iour of next y ear.
arrangement, assuming that for being dejected over her unfortu has given themke do limited or end community, several very importanterance on the part of some of the SUGGESTION FROM BARBADOS.
nate condition, she was the cheer of certaiu accessories for their ears satisfactorily have been disposed of initiators, the efforts met Below is an extract from a letter you were given Challenor, Francis jest member of the housebold, He is not worrying about the by the intelligent efforts of the cifically to the Central Organiza: Nunes by Mr. Year would be in the opposing team as to all concerned inevitable failure. Referring spe of the 7th inst, addressed to Mr. and Birket, John and Griffith which helped eutly to buoy up proposed strike as he has sufficient Committee. This has left indelli tion. it could be easily detected wood of Barbados the of that the other members of the bome, for the left banded place, viz. Now am going to The WORKMAN joins with the to take care of the big tonrist ship the hearts of many grateful West not cooducive to a successful issue. suggestion and an offer: As a mem 16 at match a re arrangement of make a Neblett and Jones.
Affer the wh. ch is expscted on the 2nd, and Indians. Then, too, on prominent There was more ber the Board of Cont:ol, can community io tendering condoContinued on page 8) British Holidays and on otber occalence to the bereaved family. Continued on page 8)
Ouly see success to the 1928 tour (continued on page 8)
most lent.
one, series of trial publishes the of the on, Would could she has By this.
or less some WAMOW


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