
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1927 JAMAICA Waw. NewFruit Co. In The Local Market. LUCKY STRIKE Cuyamel Whi Load Its First Vessel Next Week For The New York Market.
CONCERN IS HERE 10 STAY No Cases For The Manchester Circuit Court Judge Presented Wiih Pair of White Gloves The Mandeville correspondent to the Gleaner writing on the 13th inst says: The Mancbester Circuit Court opened to day before His Honor Mr. Justice Clarke. With him on the bench was His Honour Mr. Burrowes, Acting for the parish. There were also present Messrs Reid, Clerk of the Courts, xley. Deputy Clerk of the Courts) Inspector Geo. Toole Sergt Major Lawwith a guard of Honour of IT TOASTED FRONTERA COMPANY IS THE OTHER RECENT ARRIV.
AAAA reace, 20 men.
Smoke LUCKY STRIKE You ll enjoy them from the first to the last puff.
Dr Years.
After the reading of the riot act Mr. Reld extended a cordial welcome to His Honour to the narisb. He also informed His Honour that there was no case listed for trial which he attributed to the vigilance of the Police. He mentioned tbat there was a general decline of serious offences in the parish within the past seven His Honour thanked Mr. Reid for the welcome and congratulateed the parish on the absence of serious crimes, wbich be felt was not due wboliy to the vigilance of the police, but to the prosperity of the people, and the efficent way the work of the Resident Magistrate Court was carried out: The usual memento a pair of we Honour, who further said that in was handed to His Tuture be would that jurors were notified cot to attend the Circuit Court when there was no case listed for trial. He felt that they were greatly inconvenienced to day as a result of this oversight.
After the Jail delivery S taken, the court rose.
Witamiinit WWWWW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Soys the Jamaica Mail of the 15th inst. On Tuesday this journal stated that the Cuyame!
Fruit Co, of which Mr.
Zemurray is President, would commence operations in the local market with at least one steamer for tbe American market.
It can be stated that towards the end of next week the concern will load its first ship the Alberia, in Jamaica for New York.
This journal has very good reason to state that the Cusamel Co. has come to Jamica to stay.
It will at a very farly date add to the service it has decided to start between this island and the States.
Mr. Barham, who is looking after the buy. of bananas for the Cuyamel Co. is also the local representative of an American concero, which entered the Jamaica market a fortnight ago. The last named concern will load the steamer Vicar early next week for New Orleans.
Both companies will it is learnt purchase between 60. 000 and 80, 000 buncbes of bananas next week.
LUCKY STRIKE white glo gloves see It toasted Your throat Protection aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa To Petition For Re.
lease of Marcus Garvey Public Ceremony.
MADE IN USA wwwwwww short time ago and terested a 18 The the The British Pharmacy every the island in The second On the face of information The MAIL says it has been officially informed that His given to the GLEANER on SaturExcellency the Governor proway by the President of the poses. at the opening of the Kirstin Diviaion of the Univer: Autumn Session of the Legislasal Negro Improvement AssociaLUCKY tive Council at p. on the ton it anpears that the Garvey 25th inst. to present, on behalt STRIKE Release Week brginning Sunday of His October 30, to Sunday, November jesty the King, to Mr.
ITS TOASTED 6, will be well Powter, Director of the Jamai.
and suppopred Government Railway and Mrs.
will be a success so far ca as the Bourne the Insignia and mectir gs are concernel.
relatvie Grant of Dignity apperCIGARETTES The idea Wos taining to their appointments as the AssocieCommander and Officer, respection is now about to ts ke it up.
tively of the Civil Division of the During the week speakers will Most Excellent Order of the air their views in support of the British Empire.
release of Marcus Garsey the President General of the Association, who is serving a sentence Poppy Day 1927 io tbe Atlanta Prison, Association intends to The same paper båerves that OMOMARAT MAMAMINIONIN RANDOMARINAAMINIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooomne borde a series of meetings at on Armistice Day, as in previous various centres in the city the years, Poppies wil be sold in aid most important of these will be of Lord Haig British gion alone the Budgest estimates bave te expected that several well held at Ward Theatre, when it Appeal Fund. The Victoria been exceeded by 183. 000, viz. known gentlemen will speak.
of Jamaica bas once more Dedertaken the organization of Import Daties. 113, 00 An open air meeting will be this sale on November 11th and Stamp Duties 50, 000 held at the Victoria Park gate it invites Co operation of Rom Dnties. 20, 000 on the eve of the campaign person in week, and the speakers will be raising an even larger sum of Total. 183. 000 Erlingo) and wiss Gunter.
Messrs Wbite Clifford money than last year, Charles Johnson The Victoria League Executive COLON bas nominated certbin members It might be mentioned that it beld meeting will be form of the League to a special is the tirst time in the history of instant when the Hon. Altaon Sunday the committee wbich is making all the colony when the preliminary arrangements.
customs mort DaCosta.
duties collected bave been in the the chief be Through the kind perin ission of speaker Mr. Lindsay Downer. Manager vicinity of nearly a million ster ers will be a Mr. Chas. Jchnec)
Other speak IS NOW LOCATED AT ing. Considerable Atlantic Fruit a tenH Drietta of the Davis in ton and tral depot, for the district union On whilst the budget estimates in be heid at Liberty Hall and in trade, and Monday night, a meeting will of Poppies will be opened at No. King Street, the premists of 11. 1154 11th respect to import duties has beer STREET 113, 000, this is only foliowiog jersons bave connection with this the the Co.
Saberi but goods for tbe asked to speak; the Rev. AlderThis depot will be open daily (Sundays excepted) on and after Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Christmas received and by the middle of Penso. It has not yet been detrade are now belr8 man McLaughlin and Alderman Monday October 21th, between January when stocks are re cided as to where the meeting on 10 and 12 a. and all beads of Where our customers will receive the usual plenished, it is expected that the Duesday night will be beid.
districts are requested to call last mentioned, figure will be there during those times for ube courtesies considerably increased.
AT THE WARD THEATRE Poppies they bave requisitioned.
On account of the flourishing at the Ward Theatre on the follThe big meetiog will be held state of the Exchequet, the owing Wednesday night. Novem.
Government have been aole to per when it is expected that Countrys Finances In Rosy Condition LOOK FOR THE SIGN wthiout having to immediately Dr. Oswald Ancerson has been certain undertakings the petition will be presented.
raise loans for the purpose. aske These include the street recon asked to preside and the gentleCustoms Duties Collected struction in Kickston; the relay. Wilson, Rev s, Jones, Bon, asked to speak are Rev Almost a Million Sterling.
ing of the Railway track and Wint Rev. Gordon Somers, works in Road Policy Improvement K, connection with the and the Hon. Smitb, The GLEANER of the 13th inst Scbeme.
says: In his address to the egisWith the finances being in such by the Local President of the The petition will be prepared lative Council which meets on the rosy condition certain propos: Association, Mr. Chas Johnson 25th instant, Excellency the als in connection Governor will be able to make a development of the island will be Simpson.
with the with the legal assistance of Mr.
submitted at the Spring Session Very pleasing announcement concerning the finances of the of the Legislative Council.
On Thursday, Friday and Sat colony. There is no question urday nights meetings will be about it the revenue of the held at points in the city to be Advertise in the WORKMAN it will selected. It is expechd that as colony is in most fursbior WORKMAN It Pays bring you good results.
condition, and on three items (Continued on page 1)
night, s0th E, will development bas taken place to meeting been finance BRITISH PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE


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