
THE HORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER, 29 1927 PAGE THREE Romance Of Empire Diamonds.
The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS ete. DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING in become pc PG and upon had Growing Field For Enterprise In British Guiana.
London, September 24, 2A exceptionally fine collection of Empire diamonds was showo iu London yesterday by the United Diamond Fields of British Guiana.
Mr. Pires, wbo only ten sears ago went to prospect with a few pounds capital, and who is now one of the biggest diamond merchants in British Guiaca, told a Morning Post representative of the wonderful future for dismonds from the Colony.
started by looking for geld be said, but soon tralised that diamonds were to be obtained with vreater case than in South Airica. At that time, the diamocd trade in Bide Guiana was in its inlaney, but now the production is growing, by rapid strides every year, and soon this will be one of the most important centres for diamond misingia the world.
FEW FEET BELOW GROUND According to Mr. Pires dia monds are found in Britisha Guiana oply a few feet below the surface of the ground, so that expenses are cut down to a minimum. In the winter some 8, 000 carats are sent to England Very month, and the best of the stoces. be declared, are as good as any from the older and famous South African mines.
Diamonds in tbeir ancat state were shown to a Morning Post representative. little beap of stores like tiny seashore pebbles was valued at about 100, 000 Oce of the biggest stones shown yesterday was valued as just over 1000 in British Guiana. Now that it bas reached London safely it tas almost trebied in value.
The Trade Commissioner for British Goiana said that the grat bandicap was lack of rative labour, but that there was untold wealth in the country waiting to be developed for the ultimate benefit of British Trade.
tropical of of forward Deporting Aliens British Empire Pro isbulse seperately planted with mixture of.
ducers Organization. nuts; bananas. citrus and other (rice, ground provisions, cocofruits, etc. accor ling to the needs of the owner. There is no To Start Fruit Industry co operation although Development in THE PLOTS EXCEED INDI: West Indies.
VIDUAL NEEDS The DAILY CHRONICLE, George much waste. If the immediate and in consequence there is town, in its issue of the 15th water front were given up to September published a lengthy private needs and the despatch from their rest cultiLondon correspondent conveying and so ma keted, yams, cassava special Vated on a co operative basis.
the welcome intelligence that and household vegatanlas, plan No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue the British Empire Producers tains, citrus and soft fruits, Organization is about to embark might be sold in the colony at a PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 on a scheme for the development profit and also in the suitable of the fruit industry in the parte cane systematically grown Caribbeau colonies, nies. This should be very beartening news indeed dnced and gradad for export.
for the factories and rice prothe British Guiana bo view of the fact that for some plandat the addition of an scre considerable now Bux of labour, OF THE HIGHEST ORDER been bankering after the estab. Buxconmight lisbment cf of considerable value duciog unit local fruit indus instead of try bave neglected tangle of ineffective the no kitchen garding. What is opportunity to impress true Buxtoa is true of most other Government their u gent desires far TOS Work Done While You Wait farming districts in our in that connection. At the last bele. It is up to individual farm local conference of Associated in ing assariations with the assis.
Farming Societies the subject tance of general conferenze to an important place on set their house in order and TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED for a considerable amount of their attention has been drawn.
the agenda, and again came in stamp out the defects to which discussion. The fact that Gov. More than ernment bad done nothing to must eliminate waste. Ferbape anything else, we Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices give effect to the recommenda it is becaure of the fact that we tious of the Joint Committe of live in a colony blessed with all Ladies Garments carefully handled the suger Planters Association prvilizacy o nature Chamber Commerce and that we are so westefal in our Farmers, eonference was severe habits. The time has arrived ly criticised at the somewhat howevor when we should put REID Manager constrained manner in which a check upon our babits and Prof. Dash discussed the pros. endeavour to convert waste icto pects have been calculated to protit. Progress under present damp the ardour of any body conditions is impossibe.
men less determined to give a trial to such an Industry but even the difticulties which be outlined seemed to have added to their pet, and to day they ex 50:50:53:54:08. are but a few local tiliers of the soos sorriso soi! wbo do not contidently look to an era when Fruit Growing in Britis Guiana would be general and as successful an undertakiog as it is among our distant neighbours in tbe island of Jamaica Under the proposed scheme the genosis of which is to be found in Mr. Pooley r. cent visit to these colonies and his evident enthusiast over their productive capabilities. fruit federtion on lines similar to those which the sugar federation is operated will be inaugurated.
Considerable ground for optimism 1s to be found in the statement that an investigation of the fruit conditions with special reference to bananas and citrus fruits in the West Indies carried out by the general secretary during his visit.
AND THE FRUIT COMMITTEE bas under corsideration the or ganization of supplies from the Caribbean area on a basis wbich would enable those colonies to become jointly a large supplier of the United Kingdom of of tropical fruits. We have in our minds eye tbat sectiou of Mr. Pooley report in he dealt with fruit possi: British Guitda aod which taken in in conjunction with proposed action by the organization seems to augur weil for our future in the fruit trade.
On this question it would te recalled, be said in part that a country so obviously fit for the fruit should pro so little impresses every visitor Oranges from the neigh bouring Dutch colony of Surinam are commons provided on Georgetown tables. For babaDas all the conditions are ripe, if and it is a a great it. from Panana disease can be but there is much bope resistant that thesegging the qualities of type ibe popular Gros Micael will be successful. Splendid word work has been done by the Imperial Culo Agriculture au Trinidad in this direction. Citrus fruits and can be grown the softer essentially tropical fruits the Buxton spice mango is a fruit compared to which the type are mere receptacles for turpentine.
Of course it will be necessary apart from any organization of an inter colonial nature which the may undertake, that local farmers should ora inanner that they would be able to take full advantage of the opportunities offering. In this connection we would commend to local farmers the criticisms Mr, Pooley levelled in respect of The system of cultivation and ares.
which be inspected. This area. 2, 000 acres of the best soil is divided into small holdings varying from one to tive acres each.
spise se SILVER was SPRAY soos Angeles ose 39. Mees KS SSxesSsSsansskeskos majority kariety wbicb bilities in the New York, Oct. Announcity tha. aliens would be deported at tbe rate of 000 a month until a dent is made in the 130. 000 deportable aliens in this country, Gates Rapp. of ibe deporting division of the Immigration Service arrived at Ellis Island yesterday with 163 undesirables Nune of those in his charge, he said, were being deported for anarchy or seditiuus utterances.
The were persons whɔ entered the country fraudenti but among the 50 women in the party some were being deporud Lur wbite slavery or lor entering the conntry unlawfully.
The 168 constitutes the largest group to teach Ellis Island in months Commissioner Benja.
min Day and William Schlaar, head of the Ellis Island deporting division, were kept busy assorting the arrivals for deportation.
We have been hampered in the said Rapp. Appropriations are past by a shortage of funds, LOW availe ble or spetuing up deportations and the word bas gone forth for redoubled activities in tbis work.
bricglog this group across country from Seattle and San Francisc.
aliens here and there from penal and charitable inst:tutions, Klinc, another ofticer, bas been making, a nation wide roucd up from West to Fast for deportation from San Francisco or Seattle.
PILSENER poroduction immunity While was assured that the searcb for picking up alle Jege or IS GOOD DRINK on common FOR EVERYBODY THE IDEAL DRINK SINALCO Always Delicious ganise themselves in suc Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm 30 to 30 Sundays, Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE 588 type of crop in the Buxton


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