
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tlon. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reOne Month 25 jected correspondence.
fered tee Commit to LA MASCOTA put ma to pos: River, There seem to be clear and ample indications of some relief in the reply of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Panama to the representations made to him by the Honourable William Oxley, Charge Affaires here, in behalf of the British West Indians who are classed as undesirable aliens in the Panamanian immigration Law of 1926.
After some amount of reluctance which arose out of a general indignation caused by the very unpleasant surprise when the Law designated them as undesirables and restricted their heretofore well merited free movements in leaving and returning to the Republic, West Indians have since been complying fully with its provisions.
Owing to the fact that Minister, Major Braithwaite Wallis, had indicated his dissatisfaction of certain features of the Law in the making, and had actually registered same with the Chief Executive of the Republic, a general feeling existed among well thioking West Indians that, in the event the Law was put into effect substantially as drafted, diplomatic representations on their behalf would consequently follow. The British representative in Panama have no power to ask for a staying of the Law simply because it restricts British West Indian immigration to Panama, and this fact is almost generally known: but it is fully expected that if the Law unduly discriminates against West Indians, and especially if such discrimination is unsupported by International Law or if it conflicts with or is opposed to the very pleasant diplomatic relationship and friendliness existing between the Republic of Panama and Great Britain, he will not hesitate in carrying out his duty in representing the people. It has now been brought out clearly that the Legation had not allowed the matter to drop after the British Minister energetic initial move. In his absence the Honourable Oxley, Charge Affaires, is carrying on. The result is the following self explanatory reply, in part, from the Panama Minister of Foreign Affaires to the British representative representations, which was a a few days ago given to the Press. The British Legation can rest assured that the representations contained in its memorandum of September 22, 1927, will be taken into account by this Department in preparing the projected modifications. It is obvious, however, that no very great changes can be made in the Law at the present time. The certificates of residence which the Law requires, refer only to heads of families, and thɔse certifinates will Serve for the head of the family, his wife and children and consequently the taxes imposed will only affect the head of the family.
In view of this favourable reply, we are convinced that the Government of Panama is preparing to modify the Law and that the representations made by the British Legation will be taken into account in considering the modifications British West Indians here may almost rest assured that, having now seen the hardships imposed on them, plus the injustice which the imposition of the hardships constitutes, the Panama Assembly will not hesitate to substantially modify the Law at its next sitting, in favour of West Indians to whom the Republic owes a moral debt that can not be easily wiped out. The recent South Quay flood was discussed by the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday.
At a meeting of the merchants who bad suffered damage from the recent flood it was resolvrd that Mr Ribeiro shonld write For the World Best Dressers the Chamber of Commerce askIng the Chamber to approach the Government in a manner as.
strong as possible to take such steps necessary to There is no article of men wear that has the world. avoid overtowing of the Dragon River. The total damage sufwide reputation of Stetson hats.
was assessed at about 5, 250 the merchants 5, 000 and the Trinidad Government In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue Railway 250 The President told members that the considered the the letter and it de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads was decided to appoint a deputa.
tion to of fashionable men who know what what call upon the Atcing Governor. The deputation com in men headwear.
prised Messrs Cory Davies Ribeiro, Bushe and him.
self. While sympathetic, Bis Excellency was unable at that We have the same styles here as are now being particular time to make any definite expression of policy of worn in the style centers of the World.
the Government or what the Government intended do because tbe matter was under consideration. As a matter of fact that morning there has Council when the matter was been a meeting of the Executive discussed.
die The CARLOS MULLER Depntation matters as concevely possible His Excellency pointing out SOLE AGENT things, that as far back as among other 25th May last a petition signed 87 CENTRAL, AVENUE PANAMA CITY by merchants of South Quay bad been forwarded to the Colonial Secretary Warning the Government of the sibility of an overflow and damage arising from the Dry His Excellency had given him permission to sty that the mat.
ter was receiving the gravest consideration, but he pointed out that he thought inasmuch as any work done in the Dry River, whether on a large or smali Of every description scale, could not guarantee in any exceptional weather. that there not be a recurrence of the he would suggest that the DONE WITH NEATNESS AND merchants should try to protect themselves to some extent.
The be DESPATCH Director of Public Works was present and there were two methods mentioned which be would throw out for what they AT THE were worth, it that for the protection of was syerested able goods a raised wooden platform should be constructed ou2 of reach of flood waters. The other suggestions was that small concrete coping or wall should be built before the door way of stores to keep out the waters. It was pointed eut that such a wall would necessitate Bocas del Toro Notes the nse of a wooden skid wbich would obstruct the pavement but the Director of Public Works said The Weather that that could be overcome by Bcas del Toro Octo9er 24. doorway so that the end of the building a little wall inside the The short but severe spell cf dry skid would reach farther than Regular Assortment of weather was broken on Wedneso ay afternoon by the five show the actual way of the store.
ers of rain that baye since been The suggestions were worthy falling.
of scrutiny.
Coincident with the rain and Mr. Mendes remarked that. SUCH AS wind on Wednesday night was Mr, Lucien had a wall built the destruction of several birds in front of his store but the TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAN, SALVE, belonging to a specie unknown flood water was so high that is TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, bere Apparently, they were went over and he had the greatSHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
their way over the At est trouble to get rid of it.
making the lantic when they were overtaken The President commented that by the strong easterly gales that perbaps the wall was not bigh tben blew and carried them to enough.
their death.
Damages by rain and wind have occurred in the Talamanca NATIONAL PHARMACY 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Va ley, Costa Rica, where in Santa Ana Plaza some sections banana plants Panama City have been destroyed, and in Central Avenue otberg, rivers have overiləwed Everybody get the right their banks, thus causing flood medicine and treatment.
ed railroid tracks.
JOB. PRINTING flood. het 100 of perish WORKMAN PRINTERY Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Snapshots The Workman Printery (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
One of the conspicious faults with Negroes who are ambitious and have had some success is that they hate to see another Negro succeed beyond them. Of course, there are exceptions, but it is a rule. Too many Negroes want to stay way out in front. If they see another member of the race catching up or about to pass, they become restless and begin knocking instead of boosting. They want to always lead but never follow. LOUISVILLE LEADER.
930 SINALCO 99 There is today an insistent call for a higher moral standard. When we look back at what our people have come through, and at what a poor example they have had, we cannot but admire their struggle toward the light. CHRISTIAN RECORDER Of all the races of people, the Negro boasts most about his great progress and wealth. When the truth of the matter is known, he is no doubt doing less in that direction than any other, when we consider the splendid opportunity he has had and still has. The race is not taking hold of all its opportunities for advancement along economic and other lines. PORTLAND ADVOCATE.
WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes The Clean Up Campaign As many as six disease agents were sbipped off to Panama by the municipal government on Wedneecay last. It is hoped that not only may other members of this fraternity be hunted by the police and segregated but aiso may the icoculated, who, by using the same publio sanitary conveniences as (Cortinued on page 5, On sale at all First Class Clubs, Cabarets and Soda Fountains, Panama City Distributor.
Exclusive Representative.


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