
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1927 PAGE FIVE Notice of Removal The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
with began Has been Removed from Calidonia Road To the Company new Building at No. 12 HIGINIO DURAN STREET San Miguel 7 7 7and Th9 THE ATTENTION the com fanily history Friendly Societies and Secret Orders a in these places of the propie homes, and ebes of poverty in arising out.
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS erime in Bocas king, This side on the ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES SINALCO Larger Silver City Put your servel to work School La Boca Pars every day Now on Regular Session. Wealth Produces more Following the completion of the Crime Debate Proves additional rooms on the Silver City THE BUSINESS OF time, quoted a Porrister a few scbool, the shift system which was days ago. However, up to now in vogue during the summer The La Boca Athenaeuin had a there have been no eventualities to record. few members of the months ceased, and regular session gala program on Tuesday evening voteless element do disturb the was resumed on Wedoesday the last, the feature item being the quiet of the city at times 19th inst.
announced debute, There are now 800 children atResolve.
their viva Porras, but no one. That Poverty Pro: notices them. The Chiarists, tending, and a staff of 17 teachers duces more Crime than Wealth seeminuly sure of victory, are by roll as compared with 550 children and the debate was proceeded by 11 teachers before the shift system call of and extremely quiet by members quotations Here and there about tbe a summary of important local and.
streets or in the public park The members of the staff of foreign news of the current and may de seen groups of men in tearhers as it stands at present are past week by Mrs Florence Smith, earnest conversation: they are as follows: Messrs Joboston, a ten minute address on Econowith covered mouth, and their politics, but they talk (principal) Parker, mies by Mr. Willinm De Sousa Morgan, E Smith, Ellis, and a piano selection by Master Monchen thoughts Granville or opicions on the F, Batehelor, a Parker, present political situation remain A. Daley, P, Smallie, President Sewell presided with them; wbiie the Porrister have issued a pamphlet or two, Babb, Bennett. ever the debate and appointed Mr.
Philips, The the Chiarists have as yet comMiss Warreo Miss Bingham. leaders King for the Affirmittee nothing to the press The school is now the largest on mative Jump for the Negru the Canal Zone, and the appear for augument and five minutes tive, were given 15 minutes each ance of the children during reces each for rebuttal, teu minutes The Weather is beautiful. teachers, it is each is were alotted each understood, are working hard to supporters make this school a model one, and The Affirmative open the Two of the warmest days we debate have had here for a long time with the cooperation of the parents by first defining Poverty.
Se os 25499 were yesterday and to day, and guardians, it is hoped that this Crime. He then lost approxi.
During the past week of dry will be accomplished in ted notes but ultilized the balance weather, the towns folks were Time.
again put to the inconvenience of The enlargement of this school of his time by refering his audilong distances in search of water is indeed a commendable effort on ne to the jails, penitentiries the part of the authorities to solve restricted district. of prostitution One baking concern, Mr. Dan lunatic asyluns, through Keld bad to buy water at the problem of education amoog and jo no What the personal and. OF 10 cts kerosens West Indian children, and it is maintaining stricken homes, spending for this commodity thes highly appreciated by the alone 1, 00 per diem. Fortutaunity.
found nately, a tine slower lasting till ty. The effects of might, fell this afternoon. It is now earnestly hoped that plans The Symphony Orchestra the crimes therefrom, were vividly brought for supplying the city with water Tickets are selling for the Sym overthrow of monarchy in Russia After linking up IS DIRECTED TO GOOD SUPPLY OF may soon be in execution, the phony Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on the and the subsequently murders as Tho Cricket Field 15th. prox, and it is not too much well as the present attitude of a of British labourers to prophesy that its visit will he a certain group The cup fixture between the success. The Symphony Orchestra who are agita ing to replace nuo Bocas and the Home Guard Club has created a tender spot in the archial government by republican, hearts of the Atlantic side resi: with that should have been played at poverty; the Affirmativa Almirante on Friday last was dents, and XII who heard it on its described poverty as state which produces revious visit will be glad to enjoy itself. a called off by the latter, and the C, may probably enter ocas it again. The same is true of Mrs. the most desplicable villians and incorrigible criminals, This Do more enjoyments for the remainder of the season as its Miss Doris Rodney and her was very able supported by Miss record up to now compared with brother Martin are children of the Leanor Jump and Mr L Cyrus Suitable for Lodge Business that of the others has alreray who elaborated Atlantic Side of whom we are are caused by want, the apportan crimes that made it the winner of the cup proud, and without exception year.
everyone will be gl. to The cup match at Almirante them for a night and to hear them. evil passions excited by proverty.
welcome tjes denied for cultivating virtue by means AT THEon Sunday last between the Railroad Club of Guabito and the In forceful aguments the Almirante ended in CRICKET Negative laid poverty front door of wealth. The leader victory for the the home team.
Almirante secured 106 runs for Sussex May Win Competition for this side Mr. Jump, contended nine wickets; the visitors were that wealth creates poverty, in According to cup fixtures there that about 40 runs behind this, when ther last man, it is underare two cricket matches to be captalists are directly responsible almost all played tomorrow: Sussex C, vs. for the ses sexo oso assessosxasssssssssssss stood, failed to take the bat wben Pickwicks C, on the Sussex oval He said that weal. creates the that produce poverty.
and West End vs. Westmore tenement byildings which in turn land at Mount Hope, Narrow Escape BOCAS DEL TORO. produce evil en These as well as all other finaliy the majority of criminals.
environments and matches now pending are (Continued from page 4)
GOOD POSITION entire construction of Little Miss Bernice Brown poned matches through the cootinued inclemency of the weather, wealth was directly and indirectly argumeat of this side innocent, and decent people are narrowly missed death through FOR REAL WORKER.
liable to disseminate diseases, be her accidentally swallowing a lif this condition does not responsible for the conditions that handled in exactly the same common pin on Sunday of last tine before it will be possible to create the by Messrs change it may be a considerable The Negative week. It appears that while her dispose of them.
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men mother was attending to ber dress William DeSouza and As things are at present Sussex ley who pointed out the many and women, in which an exeellent income can be made even Newspaperman Marooned to getting her ready for Sunday with matebes more to play is wealthy men who committed the to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in School, she put the pin in her. wicked mouth when soon aftor it slipped business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply Mr, Rankine, local repre. dowo her throat. matches on hand takes the second crimes, some of which were knowa our household necessity to our customers every country in sentative of the Panama STAR place. West End with Mrs. Brown took the matter matches and others unknown.
HERALD and other papers, had the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 before them are occupying third very calmls ard immediately place.
The Negative in rebuttal did a very trying time during the years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasnot fornish additional argument, latter part of last week when for save the child a dose of castor ing local demands and repeat orders, make it nece sary to The affirmative in rebuttal three days he was marooned in oil; and the next day this was appoint more local representatives in many localities in the the dense woodland on the Pan followed by a dose of that the question was Epsom Salts, and on the morning of News Notes amanian side of the Sixaola Riv Wednesday, a dose of senna was responsible for the conditions United States. No special experience or capital required. It er, in the Elena section.
that may produce criminals, as is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny not represent the Mr. Rankine had been over water By the Members of the Cristobal Colon but which produces More crimes bronght out by the Negative. largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send on the Costa Rican side of the afternoon of that day the pin Baptist Church are preparing to pova us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau river to transact business and was discharged, the blackened will send you full particulars, doo appearance of the bead indicatWhen we arpoint an agent was returning, on Wednesday ing that it was swallowed, point held taeir ananal Harvest Thanks poverty or wealth; that God is morning from that territory, in: upwards.
Riving services on Sunday the 13th toponsible for creating the world He we furnish free samples for Trial Tests is the bomes in the time is antici produces crime: por can the Canal tending to cro to cross the river at a locality of the agent.
site the Elena opposite Zone Government be said to be Miss Brown is the last of In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in producing crimes because it bullds Station where he would entrain three ehildren of Mr.
which you saw this advertisement, for Almirante boatman, Brown, a former catechist of the The Cristobal Girl Reserves are quarters for employees who comhowever, landed his Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, C, paasenger Mary Anglican Church ot holding a balloween party tonight. mit crimes.
on a peninsula in the river in this city, and now of the San Their will be games and refreshThe Negative won with 29 votes (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street of the usual landing place. Blas Mission, and Mrs ments. All concerned are enthusi: the Affirmative received 28, Mary and Brown. Just a there on that wild Mr astic and an enjoyable time is in tract. haunted by some of the Brown. after sbort store for them.
most dangerous animals, did Mr. bere, left for his sphere of NATIONAL PHARMACY Rankine for three days, without labour and shocking news it It is understood that numerous Santa Ana Plaza CALL IN AT food and water, and in pouring would have been to him had not requests have been made for a rain for the greater part of the events taken such a happy turn.
Central Avenue of Queen Esther time, Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been Dream which was staged at the The Drug Store for Rich bis way out; and he succeeded and in these parts for many Ceistobal Silver Clubhouse in doing this only after he bad goats now: Mr Brewo is a native Thursday night the 20th inst. This and Poor. explored a a peninsula of fairly of St. Cather! ne. Jamaica and drama really exceeded the expectalarge size and had discovernd Mrs Brown native of Clarendon the isthmus!
parish of that island.
tions of those who saw it, and it Mr. Rankine reached town on is the consensus of opinion that it Dr. Hubert Edwards Saturday evening looking very can stand repetition.
ilean in feautures, of course after Sanitation No. 93, Central Avenue such hard experiences but talkPHYSICIAN SURGEON ing in the spirit of a man who Dr. Fred Sterling takes life as it comes bard or Specicl Studies in Diseases of GOOD SELECTION OF The Municipal Government soft.
THE NEW YORK DENTIST has been rounding up some of Women and Children: NEW BIBLES Politics the undesirable elements of this 182, BOLIVAR STREET BOLIVAR ST.
FRONT MASONIC CD city and will, it is understood CLON, ship them off to Panama for Bocas del Toro, October 17. treatment as the local medical TEMPLE Colon Hymn Prayer Books Box 771, CRISTOBAL, Both sides are strong, and so it authority refuses to handle their PHONE 409 will be a very, bot election this, cases.
TELEPHONE 247 COLON a a at Workman Stationery Store called upon post. In fact the was that aad manger.
was ably Wes sait not what was administered.
prox. a pated, point about Tae weer St: stead of week before.
vacation repetition on The Workman BOOK STORE


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