p. 6


NEED WATCH? cam Holy Communion The FULLER which were greu 109 practicable, be ironed 95 110 will COM a 125 leit 124 here Contra Crespo Tomorrow Races SPARKLETS CHURCH SERVICES Seven races are listed on (Continued from page 1) KONGOLENE the Jocky Club program contempt for the apparent inertness for tomorrow afternoon at of the Committee, and a teoderey AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Juan Franco Park. Silver to brush it aside and occupy its will staighten any hair in 15 CHURCH Spray and four other na. place as a truly represeotative minutes without the aid of tive ponies will take the field isthmian West Indian organization Ninete nth Sunday after Trinity On over six furlongs for the first had smelled the rat. the other hand, the Committee hot irons or combs.
and their event. In all, near unto attude then could have been well St: Paul Church, Panama forty horses will run. The interpreted and summed up as FOR SALE AT THE Rev, Nighteogale BD Rec.
last race over a distance of follows: We are here, though have eight furlongs, will bring out temporarily inactive; we PHARMACY been here for many years. work.
Cantones, Abel, Fair Play ing; we are officially recognized by Rector Pereque and San Chee. the British Legation. Now ware 149. Central Avenue Panama and at 10. 15 a Mantios MFR DROP IN AT Atwell. Lay Reader The Program. just going to stand pat and that that; let that misguided The New Drug Store 10 30 a Holy Eucharist FIRST RACE sermon The Raetor group on the other de rave! The Furlongs Purse 125, net result was two opposing rides 5th and Street Colon.
12 pm Holy Baptism Cbiqui 132 the numerically maller potentially pm Chora! Evansong 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Zapo 132 stronger. We are typical for these Silver Spray 93 litle weaknesses.
sermon The Rector All Saints Day.
Candlewood 95 There cught to have been effectYou ll Find Them Tuesday Nov, 1st Jakie 95 ed, first and foremost, a complete Holy Commuuion at 5, 30 a.
SECOND RACE understanaing, if possible, between the organizers of the proposed Moderately Priced. with Procestion at 30 pm. and seremon Fulrorgs Parse 123 Central Organization and the Com BOGLE class of probationers will be Queta 128 mitee. Suco understanding was admitted to membership in St.
Dardanela 90 indispensable for the successful Agnes Guild at this service.
Hope 92 prosecution of the work of the if the cominon good Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 126 ganization, Excuse Me comida soov Cococba 113 was the primary aim; and any any St Alban Church, Paraiso existing circumstances found, NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE THIRD RACE were thought to be iocomCANAL ZONE Furlongs. Porse 175 pátible with the successful carrying out of the work would, as far as BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON Fachendo (A, Nightengale out, 1, Priest ia charge Zalamera towever, after reasonable deliberDolly atjons the Committee had dissentRepairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal8 a. Mating and addrefs Dudoso ed and refused to lend its coopl culating machines, Numbering machines, Mr. Osborne. Catechist, Sir Harry 108 Mr. Austin Declines eration, a Centrat Organization Giz 101 126 Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, p Church School could still bave been establiehed, and, if conducted along sane Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing FOURTH RATE 730 a. m, Choral Evensong and inteliigent lines would in time (Continued from page 1)
and address. Mr. Os borne, Furlongs Parse 125 machines and all other technical machines.
influence the support of the the sides could be made, perhaps Catechist Rasy 108 eotire community. It would Fenomeno 125 then be тeргesentative and in giving you three different men in New parts supplied the place of Challenor. Francis, atico 90 consegnence attract the cooperWorkmanship guaranteed St. Matthias Mission and Birket so that your bowling Honey Dew 126 ation of the Committee and LAS SABANAS and batting would be up against Mayoral 109 eventually automatically absorb Work done by expert up to date methods in each department, the leading Adio pue 90 that body without any disagreea(Rev AF Nightengale. West Indian cricketers.
ble friction Priest in Charge trial will convince you this is no empty talk, The third practice match could FIFTH RACE Now, here is the sitnation: we be West Indian pussibles vs. West pm Church School 61 Faringi Parse 125 need a representative committee, British Wist lodian Indian probables the team to be 730 pm Choral Evensong and Cap Alvarado Committee definitely selected after the third address. Mr. A Richards, Lay West Indian Meelan 124 or a the Ocurrencia 118 Central Organization. And now reader.
only way in which the selectors Araucana 128 the West Indian Committee is could see in action against each Kitty 111 123 defuo ct. apparently. The Central other, the different candidates for Seventh Day Adventist Tribano Organization ambition has waned WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR into rotbingnass What shall we places. It would be no good my attempting to run this Cricket, QSTREET CALIDONIA do Let us all pray.
SIXTH RACE tourpament in January if the ROAD near Isthmian Park Pana6 Farlongs Purse 175 Jamaica representatives or at least ma.
Tapagra 70 per cent of them could make 115 Advertising the Modern Vale cia the trip as these are the cricketers Sabbath (Saturdas) 945 Littie Rose 115 Way No hot irons or special combs required which are strangers to us in this Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. GenMeidler eral Worship Spanish 126 part of the world.
Class; Mad Stenbeil 90 Coburg 119 (FROM THE NATION SOLD IN DRUG STORES Dr. Arnulfo Arias meeting 30 pm. Junior and 30 m, Society, SEVENTH RACE Lucky Strike cigaretrei are, as One mile Purse 250 we all know, toasted. Many of Senior Staudard of attainment PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cantones us have also read, in the adverClass, p. Vaspere.
110 Abel 126 tisements, that 6, 000 doctors reRemoved his Clinic to CenFair Play 95 commend them, Voless this paratral Avenue No. 137 balf Pereque 92 graph discourages Lord Thomas Notice to Correspondents.
block away from the up toSu Chee 90 and Loran, advertising agents for we may soon learn that dentists also urge their was. At date Drug Store Contributors and correspondents named are asked to send in their contribuany rate, some thousands of denU. Pharmaɔy.
tions not later than Thursdays to The Panama Lottery of Councillors tists bave received from this firm insure publication. This is impera.
ol puplic relations a tive apd must be adhered to.
carion of one hundred Lucky strikss free of charge. With Why throw away your old, but no NATIONAL PHARMACY (Continued from page 1) them wcot a letter stating that doubt interesting, books when you Santa Ana Plaza cashed in the Colon Lottery a good many dentists are recomREMEMBER!
office for small sums.
Central Avenue mondlog Lucky Strikes, a ready It is understood that the narre card, as follows; stamped envelopa, and a question can have them neatly bound at SINALCO Everybody get the right counterfeiting was Enriches the blood effected In your judgement (where medicine and treatment.
through the theft of some of proper care is taken of the teeth, THE WORKMAN the specially manufactured loc uding scicotific cleaning at Jottery paper from the Star regular intervals) does smoking ted to innibit the progress of Herald Company who prints dotal decay?
93 CENTRAL AVENUE the lottery tickets for the Do you think (from scientific deGovernment. It would appear duction or from your own experis Opposite Cecilia Theatre that types used in the print ence with Lucky Strike cigarettes)
of the numbers on the forged that the toasting process used in the Star Herald Company, barshness and cigarettes serves to remove all cansequently to Among the accused arrested make them nod irritating to the Effects of Hurricane Which Passed in connection with the fraud sensitive mucuous membrane of. AND and theft is Eloy Pincay, the mouth and gums?
Ecuadoeap, in the employ of Name. Continued from Page 1)
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 The block on the Frankfield section of the Railway on the Star Herald Company Street.
stereotyping department, The letter adds: Tuesday was cleared sufficiently to allow the service to be Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages We certaio ly have no putpose to resumed on Thursday. On Wednesday morning waters of any testimonials and our the Rio Cobre receded from a depth of 204 inches to 184 as The Chauffeurs And vour assurance that your identity recorded on the guage of the Public Service Co Summary of Contents: will be preserved in confidence by dam, but during the afternoon it was rising again. The History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 yearsj ns, and that your name will not Tramway Company however mantained its passenger and (Continued from page 1)
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, at any time be published, lighting service in Kingston and St Andrew throughout the Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, sta es that these men are being mity doubtless many anony bad weather, drawing on the intimidated by members of the signed on the dotted line and dentists GOLD STREET STATION Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Union who ibreated them with smoked their hundred Luckies for its supply.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual violence.
The local chaffeur Union with serene assurance that they Montego Bay got its full share of the blow on Wednes.
Players through its President Mr. Leopol were thereby inhipiting dental if day evening, when it is estimated that fully, 25 per cent of Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and do Cordero, on the other side not moral decay, We submit it as the crops were blown down.
intimidated his intention of taking a sample of madern sclentfie Around the coast one or two sailing vessels were Interesting legal proceeings against Mr. Peradvertisinfi methods, for wrecked and badly battered by the high seas.
charging that bis men Harker Hall, and Above Rocks reported on Wednes.
Price 50cts.
aie threatened with violenze by membert of the Union.
day, a 2, 000 damage to cultivations, whilst Lluidas Vale, Thusstands the situation beH Panother small area reported that fully 6, 000 trees were Secure yours now there will be a great rush tween the two contending parties and the public is waiting with The delicious rich, thick, down at Top Hill. The general survey is that the island for them, bated breath the outcome of it fruity got a fair share of the Atlantic disturbance, and it is to be all, hoped that we will be spared another such visitation for a SINALCO. Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN good time to come.
Panama The roads were well scoured and churned up in Makes meals appetizing.
Advertise in the NORRMAN it will most bring you good results.
of the parishes.
Book Binding!
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History State. City.
publish eons


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