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7. within Miski Superannuated Employees THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND Two West Indian Women Stabbed to Death Four Thousands West Indnian Labourers for Guba ol Thursday it surpassed wust races: each a a vol 16 No. 13 PANAMA, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1927 PRICE CENTS Panama 24th Anni The Horse Races versary At Juan Franco Last Thursday.
Fittingly Celebrated On Thursday Last. Quite a large crowd patronized the seven races offered by the By Young Panamian on Sunday The twenty fourth Anniversary Panama Independence Day: Panama Joekey Club in honor of President Machado Signs Decree Evening Last.
of the Independence of the Repub 00 lie of Panama was fittingly cele on Thursday last.
In spite of the Authorizing Same.
brated this week.
large turn out, however, bettig Havana, October 24. Despite reports that the present Dustress Leslie, 38, and her 18 year old daughter Dorothy, graves of the leaders of the inde program for the afternoon functioning the entry of undesirable Antillian immigration into Cuba Last Sunday afternoon two unarmed British subjects, Wednesday morning last with the was not briek at the pari mutuni usual annual pilgrimage to the booths Every department of the Club administration is carefully studying the best way to makeboth Jamaicans, were brutally stabbed to death by Pedro pendenca mov in 1903 In Ortega, a 24 year old male Panamanian, who used a stiletto the night all the plazas and public ed to the satisfaction a cof all cool no longer necessary and that measures were going to be. which to do his work. This happened in a building adjoining the buildings were brilliantly illuminat. wtre a great improvent over those adopted barring the same, President Machado yesterday a basic cause of the brutal stabbings which were carried out was most Leautiful to behold. grettable neeurence was that Company to enter 4, 000 Antillian labourers for harvesting simultaneously and followed immediately by the death of day, and in neue Sinode on the stated many of the events were not rug work at its mills in the coming sugar crop.
the mother from abdominal wounds, and that of the that sed all other celebrabe on resulted in ths feauture event, the daughter a few hours later, is directly attributed to a quarrel tions of a similar nature. There in the day By another decree the United Fruit Company is allowed classic be loug standing between the Leslies and the famale mem come timerous diversions to weh ehereby elementing from the list and Post 10, 500 Antillians for cane work st Centrals Preston detracting high Boston.
bars of the Ortega family. Conflicting statements from the as bas been ascertained there has interest and enthusiasm of the It is claimed that the Government has authorized this large opposing sides and disinterested neighbours do not furnish been no untowrad event to mar tured by Mr, Chen haya geld new invasion of Jamacians and Haitians, due to the fact race was capenough substantial facts to enable us to accurately place the celebrations throughout the ing, Cantones, most of the fa desirable immigration to carry out the tiresome and poorly that so far no suitable substitute has been found among the blame on the side which initiated the row that inspired entire festivities, On the the dastardly act. The fact has been fully established, whole however, that there existed a quarrel which eventually was about the greatest amusement cio and Cantones returned the cannot be found at present and therefore despite the wishes The horse races at Juan Franco vourites ran true to form. Valen paid crop harvesing work. Cheaper labour than the Antillian drew both families into the courts of Parama where the planned for the occasion and this largest lump sums to their respect of the Government to limit undesirable immigration as much two principals were found guilty and fined in equal the popular hypodrme, most of paid 18 00 on a ticket.
attracted quite a large crowd to tive supporters in two as possible their entry has been authorized so as not to sums.
big With There is at the present time some tenseness, in the the Republic donated a beautiful entertainment was of a high order correspondent in Havana sounds the following note of warnclassic for which the President of exception of the prrgram make the crisis the sugar industry is facing still more acute.
into night, the aftersoon In forwarding the above clipping to the Gleaner a relationship between West Indians and Panamanians, cup.
more acutely between misguided and misinformed factors There were Athleties at Kennel tire satisfaction, on both sides. There are also some irresponsibles, also worth park in the afternoon and, ing: In Cuba at the present time the Government is the only agency that has work to be done and the Secretary of on both sides, who are not only deliberately looking for dancing at night, which also attrouble but are always armed for fomenting same. There traeted a large crowds. Aquatic Will be Made a Peer.
the Public Works Department has issued that not a single exist in every country some such apparent incorrigibles. ports in the harbour in the inorn London, Oct, 26th The West English speaking coloured West Indian must be employed Then there are others who are adding fuel to fire by old Panama. These and a few Ronald McNeil, who succeeds Lord structed.
a marathon race from miostep Gazzetannonces that in any capacity on the great highway that is being conpointing out to West Indians some little things which other minior diversions assisted Cecil as Chancellor of Lancaster, might have been better left alone to die a natural the festivities, Many West Indians are actually dying from starvation will be elevated to the Peerage, in Guba at the present day. The Cubans have quite fordeath without annoyance to anyone save the little minds who created them. As rule, those All roads will lead to Juan spokesman in the House of Lords gotten the part West Indians have played in harvesting who forment and declare war stay in the clear and wax Franco to morrow.
for Foreign Affairs, their sugar crops and in construction work for the benefit of of the island. We are now being called undesirables and rich; it is the innocent and peace. loving citizen who generally suffers in the long run.
yet the effort is being made to induce mo:e of our unfortuMayor of New York Tries to Have Negroes nate people to come here to help them get out their sugar To make it one business to avoid trouble is not, in As our opinion a display of weakness or cowardice of any kind.
It is more in the opposite. Such attitude is, in nearly every Ejected From Cabaret in Rome to my countrymen in the name of our Master, who is above, not to come here, where insults and privations are all that case, an indication of strength, for it is not frequently that await you.
the fellow who is forced into a fight emerges from the Supposed Friend of Negroes of New York battle as loser.
West Indians in Panama are guests of the Panamanians Shows True Colors in Country Where No Photographs for West Indian Employees and as such they should be strong but always on the Segregation Exists.
defensive. They must avoid trouble by their refusal to Living in Panama Who Come Under Panama promote or engage in petty political gossip and common. While Negroes in New Youk City of the visiting Mayor, the mange Law No. 13 of 1926. Continued on page 8)
loudly acclaim the virtues of Tamment politely asked the Brazilians many Hall and the square dealing to leave the hall. They did so.
of Governor Alfred Smith and Parental ResponThe following Memorandum was absent from work will range from Armistice Week As the evening wore along the issued on November 1st from the 15 minutes to less than an hour.
his disciple, James Walker, Wohne Negroes were permitted to return Governor office at Balboa Beights When, employees repairing photos York sibility This week is Arnistice weeks, Italy, showed his true colors on the Walker renewed his protests, and graphs by the Panama Canal departments may regard the time City ever ever had, the latter, in Rome to the cabaret, but immediately be upon their reappearance Mayor regarding the taking of photographs can be spared, heads of and, in compliance with a Resolu race problem by, demanding that failing to have them ejected the Studio for Panama Caual and Pa absent as flicial without loss of Colon, de tion adopted by the National November 4th. 1927 Council of The Protestant Episco fremo citizens of from a cabaret in which he and gust.
pal Church in the United States in the Republic of Panama who are It will facilitate the studio THE EDITOR, America, this this party were being entertained.
day, that is, to of Sir: Permit me space in your ber 6th, is to be remembered in all GRESSO ITALO AMERICANO an below a translation of the dispatch ment in compliance wich Panama ployees as early as practicable and in all copyright despatch to IL PROThe Amsterdam News publishes themselves to the Panama Govero work it departments and divisions canvass their West Indian emvaluable columns, to publish the World Peace be made a subject for in this city at 42 Elm street, car. newspaper here, along with a pho: the churches as a on which Italian daily newspaper published which appeared in the Italian Law No. 13 of 1926: ascertain the names of those re1. In accordance with Fxcutive quiring photographs so that the Whatever we may hope to do special intercession and tion; and with or for our children, we should and that on this donsidera ried information to that effect in its tographic engraving of the report Office Circular of October 11th. information may be available when being fssue of Sept. 13, itself as it appeared in that paper. photographic studios have been the studio is ready to photograph bear in mind that everytbing de the Sunday next after All Saints pends on our attitude concerning gone on into in remembering those who have According to the report, the in The taanslation is as follows: the Church ex cident took place while Major WALKER VISITS CABARET AND master Building, at Balboa supply of card forms 417 established in the District Quarter them their faulty. It is a gono DOW a days to see groups of pectant, we remember all who in Walker was making a tour of PROTESTS THE PRESENCE OF Heights and in the Receiving and Request for Photograph is being the late war, bave given their lives amusement houses and cabarets in and especially girls of very eets, for their country. We therefore the Italian capital on the evening SOME NEGROES.
ages, roaming about the opposite ng Agency Storehouse sent to all departments and divi and in the parks or Central Avenue Broadway extend a very cordial invitation of September 10, During the course to the Rome, Sept. 12. The Mayo? are now Her at Cristobal, aod sious so that they may be filled geueral public to the services of the evening he and his party of New York. Honorable James photographing of West Indian em gitti bag horemployer timekeapers, giving Walker, may check and passages and corridors. disturbing to those to be held on Fridaynes: Braggaglia, among the patrons of having visited various localities of graphs in connection with their will serve to identity employees departmentThis card the neighbourhood, creating scan: the 11th inst. Armistice Day. The which at the time were several the capital, accompanied by several registration under Panama Law dals everywhere presenting themselves at the studio most offensive obscene language gested by the presidiog Bisbop of Hymns, Prayers and Lessons sag. Negroes.
friends, he went noted No. 13 of 1926.
where it will be retained for use imaginable. These strayed girls ses When Major Walker entered the Caberet Braggaglia. Studios will be open from in effecting delivery of the finished can even be seen parking in front por Church will be used tomor place and saw them seated quietly and Friday. Among the spectators present 00 to 12. 00 a. and from 00 photograph. Additional blank of the very Churches during service at tables in the place, be immedi in the ball of the cabaret, the Hon. to 5:00 pm, so that the work may cards may be obtained from the with their scandals and con Commoncing at o clock next ately lodged a pratest against their James Walker noted some Negroes be carried on during the lunch studios upon request. with versations of a loose tenor. dis Friday, there will be choral pre nce there and demanded tbat He immediately manifested his period and after 4o dloeis as an When completed, the three tracting the faithful from their celebration of the Holy Commu they be asked to leave.
desire the Negroes he dis accommodation for a limited oum photopraphs for each employee devotions. This is indeed intoler nion, with address, and at p. This the management besitated missed.
He was told that able what has become of the there will be shortened Choral to do, and attempted to explain to there is no existing race prejudice, spared from their duties during Rollkeeper for delivery accompaoin not be ber of employees who can will be sent to the Department parents or guardians of these little Evensong, with address.
the Democratic mayor that in and that the Negroee were Brazil. regular working hours Employees ied by a statement on which they MULCARE.
Italy there is no such thing as race ian citizens. On the Honourable should not go to the studio funcil will be listed by check number and.
born in such bomes become as they Rector. prejudice, but Walker continued Walker continued insistence, the instructed to do so by th ir fore wan advance in age bis protestations. He was ti told Neeroes were gentiy asked to leave men, as the studio well maintain a tion af 23 cts against eachem for payroll deduce murderers.
and thieves.
What: At the above pamed Missions that the Negroes io question were the establishment. The Negroes schedule for photographing em ployee cencerned.
example can these children follow services Church School and Coa Baazilian citizens of high standing after a while were allowed to re plopees as far as practicable by from their so called mobers? The firmation class meeting will be in the community, but this did turn, and the Honourable Mayor gangs, and will notify the various When the facilities of the stahome, must admit, is absolutely he at the usnal time by the Lay not appease his wrath and he pro Walker, notiong their eappearance, departments and divisions in turn din permit, photographs will also responsible for the moral, intellec Readers.
tested their prescace in the same renewed his protest and abandoned when their employees should be taken of West Indian employees tual and religious training of these MULCARE, room with him, the cabaret. The episode was present themselves at the studio. Continued on page 8)
Priest in Charge. Later, in deference to the wishes (continued on page 8) It is estimated that the time (Continued on page 8)
Novem common ready through the to to the a that Italy ber ctn children Stroet prehine? What. of other branches of the Govern


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